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Old 19 July 2002, 09:59 PM
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OK guys, I need the combined wisdom of Scoobynet to help me solve a problem...

A neighbour of ours has a cat that is very aggressive. It has already cost us over £300 in vet bills getting our own cats treated after they had been attacked by it. One morning, last October, I heard it attacking our cat again and I tried to intervene but it went for me instead and caused me injuries requiring 16 stitches to my hand and an overnight stay in hospital on an antibiotic drip.

I confronted the owner who said they would not have it destroyed, but would put it on a sedative to curb it’s aggressive behaviour. I also mail-shotted about 40 houses in our street to ask if they had had problems with it. 10 people came forward complaining of bites and severe scratches including the mother of a 3-year old boy who the cat had attacked without provocation.

The police are unable to help, as there is no law that covers cats in the same way that the dangerous dogs act allows aggressive dogs to be destroyed. The environment health agency doesn’t want to know and could only suggest that I pursue a civil case.

So, I confronted the owner again and told them that if there were any more attacks I would take legal action. Well guess what, I have recently heard that the cat scratched and bit a nine year old girl when she tried to protect her kitten from it.

So what is the best way to start a case considering I cannot afford to spend a fortune on this action? Should I go to a solicitor, phone a no-win-no-fee company or something else?



Old 19 July 2002, 10:02 PM
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Poison, or shoot the wretch with an air rifle. Make sure the owner isn't looking when you pull the trigger though.
Old 19 July 2002, 10:46 PM
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Has anyone tried talking to the cat.
Maybe it has had a disturbed childhood.
Meybe it has been traumatised by Scooby owners soaking it with water when all the poor kitty was trying too do was get warm on the bonnet.
Old 19 July 2002, 11:05 PM
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I know a v. good design for a "raccoon trap", cheap to make if you've any diy skills. Then you put the cage and prisoner in your boot, transport it abt 30 km away, pref across a river or two, and let it go. Perfectly humane (Raccoon lovers will tell you that raccoons can't be trained as they are nearly wild, so set them free, then they really are wild!), and solves the problem.
Old 19 July 2002, 11:12 PM
Norman D. Landing
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All joking apart here mate cos it sounds like a serious problem, run the ****** over with your scoob, alternatively feed it a fish laced with rat poison, seriously, the owners cant possibly enjoy keeping such a cat !!!

Buy some decent steel toecapped boots and lauch it over your house ?

Throw 'cod 'n' chips' into the nearest main road near you ?

Air rifle sounds like a plan ?

You must be a cat lover to keep them yourself so you probably wouldnt entertain my previous suggestions, so how about lureing it towards your house with some really nice sensitive type looking mousey toys, then entice it inside with some '9/10 cat lovers prefer it' type food, then once it comes inside (presuming it hasnt chewed your arm off in the process) cuddle it lovingly for 10 minutes and THROW THE ****** DOWN THE WASTE DISPOSAL !!!

mmmmmmmmmm beeeeer !

[Edited by Norman D. Landing - 7/19/2002 11:14:19 PM]
Old 19 July 2002, 11:17 PM
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Go talk to your vet and ask for advice. Maybe they have an idea how to control it.

I know you can't really train cats but there were those programs about problem pets and animal behaviourists. The animal expert basically 'trained' out agression or other bad habits for the animal.

Would need the owner to coperatre, in fact, they should be the ones to do it. Ask your vet.


Old 19 July 2002, 11:30 PM
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I know it sounds cold hearted () but I'd kill it.

We have a cat round by ours that is vicious made even worse by the fact that it's not scared of anything. It'll attack everything from our neighbours little kitten to my dog, a golden retriever the size of a st bernard (sp?)

Once or twice I've actually had to kick it away from attacking my mum. I'm seriously considering shooting it with my air rifle.

Old 20 July 2002, 12:06 AM
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I hate to see threads like this 'cos the kill all animals brigade come out in force !

Doubt you will get too much help

Old 20 July 2002, 12:22 AM
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you gotta bear in mind that cats can also suffer the same type of chemical imbalance in the brain just like humans. in humans it causes schizophrenia/depression etc. with cats they can suffer the same types of symptoms.
me and my better half were on holiday in rhodes about a month back and while sat in a bar a stray cat came up purring around. me girlfriend being the caring trusting girl she is was cuddling and stroking the thing and making all the right 'ahh', 'kitty kitty kitty' ****e noises like they do when suddenly the thing takes a bite on her tit. christ it was so funny i nearly had diahorrea. the cat didn't think so when it found itself spinning through thro the air into a wall.
i think it lived and hey who knows the bang on the head may have released those much needed chemicals the little ****** needed.
Old 20 July 2002, 12:56 AM
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oh ffs!

"I hate to see threads like this 'cos the kill all animals brigade come out in force ! "

Its just a damn CAT ffs! Dont you people READ the posts?? it attacked a THREE YEAR OLD BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE these bleeding hearts do-gooders. Let all murderers out early, cos they didnt mean it. After all, they didnt harm any poor defenceless fawns, did they....

Ive got a 2 yr old boy, and there is a cat that ****s in our garden. When I see which one it is (there is a choice of two) I'll kill the ******. Straight away. No messing, my boy's health is at stake. **** your "animals", its my boy.

KILL IT. As soon as possible. If it was a dog, like you say, the LAW would have killed it. Thats what humans do you know, they kill lesser animals. Just like cats kill birds in a very nasty way, and mice too. No bleeding hearts about rodents though, are there....?

Old 20 July 2002, 03:46 AM
Am I sick or just mad!
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Are you sure it is not the beast of Bodmin?

As it was reported that a few thick people brought big cats as pets thinking that they was so cute and would always be so cute untill one day they started losing the odd finger here and there.

Try contacting that Aussie Crocodile hunter
as he could probably do with a change of scenery, and might get lucky his first time out chasing big bad tiddles! lol
Failing that just kick the ball of fur into next week
Old 20 July 2002, 03:58 AM
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Get the RSPCA involved
They will see the owners and get something done especially if
it's attacking people.
If they do nothing see above sugestions
Old 20 July 2002, 09:22 AM
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mm we had a similar cat. we took it to be put down - it was evil incarnate. (we now have two non vicious cats).

only good thing it ever did was get caught eating a steak on the kitchen worktop of some old bag around the corner.

you could always don the wleding gloves - ram it into a basket and take it to the vets for destruction - leaving a false name etc etc etc. personally i think a good shoeing and a lump of would could save you 15 quid.

norm - stop drinking and stick to the special ciggies - alcohol has made you all violent
Old 20 July 2002, 09:52 AM
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Thanks for your input, I guessed most of the suggestions would involve killing it and I would only agree to that if it was done humanely by a vet.

Smokee - the RSPCA and CPL both said that since the cat is not suffering it is not their problem.

IWatkins - we happen to use the same vet as the owner and he said that the sedatives should control the behaviour as long as they are regularly given... which I don't think they are.

What I really want is to take legal action as I had promised to do after it savaged my hand.

Old 20 July 2002, 09:52 AM
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I'll give you a loan of my mad red devil dog. He'll rip it to shreds. See they are of use sometimes
Seriously m8, as suggested get the RSPCA involved as if it is attacking kids it is in serious need of treatment ie putting down.
If they can do nothing about it then approach the owners again and tell them all the people who have been attacked are going to sue unless they get rid of it.
And finally if that does not work, get a hold of a gun. Poison won't work - its too indiscriminate.
Must be a right b*st*rd.
Old 20 July 2002, 10:18 AM
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You need to calm down, if your going to kill a Cat for ****ing in your garden are you going kill a motorist for spraying CO over your boy !!!!!!!!!!!
Old 20 July 2002, 10:26 AM
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you need to read the post - who mentioned crapping? this cat is vicious and needs to be destroyed - humanely or not.

Old 20 July 2002, 11:25 AM
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My reply was to Raze, who refers to a cat that "****s" in his garden........
Old 20 July 2002, 11:38 AM
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You can get lion **** or urine from a zoo.The scent wards off cats as they recognise it as being from an 'ard ****.
Apart from getting a nasty dog,I can't really see any other way of keeping it away because they seem to be very stubborn/stupid and kep coming back.
Old 20 July 2002, 01:08 PM
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It is quite obvious that this cat is never going to change.

What you need to do is firstly buy a soft cat toy and when the cat is nearby bang the toy cat against a brick wall, the cat wiull see this and hopefully **** itself thinking thats whats gonna happen to it in the near future - its also important to look at the deranged cat and growl at it.

If this does not work do the following;

Buy a remote control car and drive it at the cat.
Buy a medieval catapult and fire the thing over a dual carriageway - his only option back home will be along the road it flew over.
Ring the cats neck and place it under the cats owners back wheels, when they reveerse over the cat they won't have anyone to blame but themselves.
Make a straight jacket for the cat
Buy a dog - preferably Lassie
Seeing as though you own a scooby a cat will easily fit up the exhaust, make sure to aim the exhaust at your garage door, theres nout like the sound of a dump valve and a cat hitting sheet metal - no i've not tried it myself.

Erm apart from that get a restraining order on the cat so it can't come within 5 miles of your home, get it tagged so if it enters the restricted zone it blows up.
Old 20 July 2002, 01:18 PM
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God I hate cats ,they crap on my lawn so my kids either tread it in or worse still catch a blindness disease, and they are responsible for the massive decline in garden songbirds over the last decade.

What do people see in them, they are so cold and aloof, and have no loyalty. Dogs are so obvously better pets all round.
Old 20 July 2002, 04:41 PM
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Quite agree mate

Old 20 July 2002, 06:24 PM
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Funnily enough, I haven't seen a single one of the "raccoons" I've deported from our area since removing them.....................
Old 20 July 2002, 07:03 PM
Si James
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I hate cats. Give it a ride on your car, tied to the intercooler.

Should be like a biscuit after a few miles.
Old 20 July 2002, 07:11 PM
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My girlfriend loves them,I HATE them.They smell,leave fur everywhere,kill things and drop them on your doorstep,rub against your legs,bury their **** in your garden,dig their claws in after they jump on your lap,think they have free run of your property,walk on your car,make funny noises when in season,scratch furniture,exist.
I've been told it's either a cat or kids.

I've bought a rabid devil dog and had the snip
Old 20 July 2002, 08:31 PM
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why pick on cats, why dont we kill all the old people and shoppers who dent our cars in car parks
Old 20 July 2002, 08:40 PM
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Solution - Borrow your neighbour's savage mongrel, tether him and use him to protect your car in the local supermarket. To my knowledge that would involve at least 7 (yes seven) visits to the local ER.
Old 20 July 2002, 10:22 PM
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I knew this thread would degenerate into I hate Cats dogs are much better yadda yadda yadda

Cat Poo apparently doesn't carry Toxicara (the disease that causes blindness) But can carry Polio which is dangerous to pregnant women. At least cats bury it and don't leave it on the pavement for a young child to fall in and go blind.

The police have to get involved if this animal is causing actual bodily harm to people.

I don't known how people can pick on cats so much, how many cats have mauled children to death ?
Old 20 July 2002, 11:28 PM
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I don't know m8
Ask about in India or Africa. Bet its quite a few there
Old 20 July 2002, 11:49 PM
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Here we ******* go again with all the cat haters just as typical as it normally is full of **** and so on.

What about all the other thing that are bad for you and your little cotton wool coverd sprogs!! what about the kids at school attacking your sprogs you wouldn't go in for an all out killing spree? or all the bad chemicals that they take in.

God there must be other things to worry about like dying of cancer or a car crash caused by some wan*er thats had one to many for the road!

Lighten up for ***** sake

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