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Appetite suppressants?

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Old 03 January 2009, 08:05 PM
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It was more at Nat21 who said:

"EPHEDRINE - Everything else is a waste of time and money. "

Ridiculous statement! You don't have to spend a fortune on healthy food either, it's just the knowledge of what to eat and when, that makes all the difference.

Put simply, Serotonin controls your appetite, you need carbs to produce Serotonin, but carbs don't create Serotonin, protein does. So you have to know when to eat carbs, when to eat protein and when to combine the two.

As an example, a carb snack an hour before a lunch containing only protein, followed by a 3 hour gap then another carb snack, will boost Serotonin levels enormously. There's much more to it then that, but that's a good place to start. The book explains it all.
Old 03 January 2009, 08:05 PM
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Water, and fibre. But lots of water, as has been said.
Old 03 January 2009, 08:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Paul3446
It's unbelievable how many people think that you have to take drugs to curb your appetite!

The body creates a totally natural chemical to suppress appetite, you just have to know what foods to eat and when to eat them, in order to increase this chemical.

It's only because diets are so poor now, that this chemical is lacking in our bodies, this is one of the reasons for obesity being on the increase. If you buy the book I refer to in post #11, it will all become obvious.
Why post this without explaining further?
Old 03 January 2009, 08:06 PM
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See post #31.
Old 03 January 2009, 08:07 PM
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Both posted at 20:05...
Old 03 January 2009, 08:14 PM
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It's a lot of info to explain on a forum, but a typical day might be.

Breakfast: Cereal (Fruit and Fibre, Muesli, Ready Brek), a piece of fruit and some Protein (Yoghurt)
Scrambled egg on toast and a piece of fruit, if you can be bothered to cook.

1 hour before lunch: Low GI carb such as 2 or 3 Oat cakes, Cheesy ones are tastier! Plus a handful of sesame seeds.

Lunch: Protein only meal eg: Egg, fish, salad, turkey, cheese etc.

3 hours after lunch: another carb snack, eg: Oat cakes/cereal bar etc.

Dinner: Mainly carbs with some protein and plenty of veg: eg: Pasta based, or rice based meal.

Maybe another carb snack in the evening to see you through the night.
Old 03 January 2009, 08:18 PM
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Originally Posted by Paul3446
It's a lot of info to explain on a forum, but a typical day might be.

Breakfast: Cereal (Fruit and Fibre, Muesli, Ready Brek), a piece of fruit and some Protein (Yoghurt)
Scrambled egg on toast and a piece of fruit, if you can be bothered to cook.

1 hour before lunch: Low GI carb such as 2 or 3 Oat cakes, Cheesy ones are tastier! Plus a handful of sesame seeds.

Lunch: Protein only meal eg: Egg, fish, salad, turkey, cheese etc.

3 hours after lunch: another carb snack, eg: Oat cakes/cereal bar etc.

Dinner: Mainly carbs with some protein and plenty of veg: eg: Pasta based, or rice based meal.

Maybe another carb snack in the evening to see you through the night.

i would try to stop eating the carbs after about 6pm. i now prefer the bigger lunch and the lighter dinner
Old 03 January 2009, 08:22 PM
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But it's all about the production of Serotonin, the main part of this diet is the lunchtime boost this gives you. It's important to eat types of food in a certain order.

If you don't, then you don't receive the benefits.
Old 03 January 2009, 08:24 PM
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I would prefer to die fat than eat all that...

What a miserable existance..

Seriously though... are stax still available,there great for weight loss and appetite supression.
Old 03 January 2009, 08:26 PM
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Originally Posted by wayne9t9
Read lots on here about diet and exercise, especially this time of year. My biggest problem when trying to lose weight is trying to ignore those appetite cravings, especially in the evening. Anyone got any tips or tricks to help get past those bad habits.
I train a lot so have several "on-training" and "off-training" diets but I found the best diet is the one your body is already used to.

You just need to schedule your intake and spread it out more, here is my secret formula (I spent about 6+ years getting this down to a tee):

1. Write down your average food intake per day, forget calorie counting and that nonsense, just write down the stats e.g "Breakfast: cerial, 2 eggs, fruit, Luch: Sandwich..." etc.

2. Mark off the things on that list that are unhealthy, perceived to be unhealhy or could be replaced with slightly better food items

3. Your list has some items missing now, fill in the items with healthier/better items

Now thats your list done, you want to spread it out a bit so here is what I do:


Contrary to belief, nothing wrong with a greasy breakfast, especially in this weather. It's fuel, even a bit of bad fat is good for you as your body can burn it up.

More importantly, it prepares you for the rest of the day - the main reason being that if you miss out on snacks or like me, get stuck in a meeting, the breakfast provides enough fuel for your body to cope with not eating.


Very important, what you are trying to do is pace your intake until the next 'big' meal e.g. lunch so what you want to do here is keep some small snack food items near you like Apples, Oranges, Cerial Bars, A Chocolate (yes the sugar boost is good idea).

When you start to get hungry, snack on some fruits, if your craving gets stronger, have a cerial bar and sip water, don't drink loads, just sip the stuff. If you feel lathargic (tired/lack of focus), have half a choc bar.

Don't have coffee/Tea at this time, not until after lunch - you will get a much better "wake-me-up-please" boost from eating fruit (Apples mostly) than you will from taking in Caffine.

The caffine will give you too high a boost and this will leave you even more tired later on (especially when your body has to digest your lunch).

The key thing here is to maintain a level of "not quite full, not quite hungry" state.

What this does is to force your body to eat into reserves, your fat reserves which is a welcome thing and allows you to maintain enough energy and focus to keep you going through the morning but the important thing is to not eat too much, just snack enough to take the craving away.


By the time you hit lunch, you should have allowed at least 30+ minutes of time where you haven't eaten, this will ensure you are just hungry enough to consume your lunch without feeling bloated but alert enough that you are not too hungry (a point where you actually go past the craving and don't want to take food in).

Have a complex carb lunch, something like a sandwich, salad where you are taking in Protien and various forms of Carbs to fill you up and take away the craving completely (you want to get to the point where you feel full but could eat a little more... don't eat more lol).

Jacket Potatoes are my favourite, especially in this weather, good mix of carbs, fibre (from the salad) and Protien from the meat (I try to stick to fish or chicken during the week).

You need the energy to get you through the long afternoon.


Again, same thing, get through the fruits and if you need sugar, get it from your coffee or tea. I recommend taking at least two cups of coffee during the afternoon period up until 5/6 pm as the caffine promotes an increase in metabolism when your body is busy digesting the lunch off.

If you are training, have protien shake or eat something that will provide you the food your muscles need but just enough so that you are still slightly hungry (e.g. 30 minutes after eating you start to feel like having a snack).

Tea/Late Afternoon meal:

Now if you are training like me, then what you want to do is have your last meal at least 45 minutes prior to training so that your body has start to fully digest your food intake earlier in the day. This ensures you have the energy (carbs/sugar) and protien to sustain you through training so you have the focus to finish your session and not feel tired halfway (when you train too early or train with not enough food).

Sip water and/or an energy drink during training (I like to drink Red Kick, mix of caffine and Nitrogen boosters that give you a good pump during training but also increase your metabolism for a short period so you are hungry enough for your last meal).


Right so if your training, you will finish your session and depending on what you are doing:

1. Want to immediately ingest Protien (half the required amount, half 30 minutes later) for mass gain and muscle composition

2. Ingest a carb drink if your doing more anarobic training (running, stamina based training etc)

3. Not eat for 30 minutes if your trying to cut up and/or lose weight and then eat a healthy meal (carb/protien based with little fat)

*Yes no.3 is a good way to lose excess body mass and fat, it forces your body to tap into your fat reserves)*

You want to wait at least 40 minutes after your final meal before sleeping otherwise you will not get the benefits from your food intake, instead your body is too busy digesting your food to be detoxing your blood, repairing tissues and feeding your muscles.


The above is what I do have done for the past 6+ years of my training (10+ years body building and martial arts). When I want to gain mass, I increase my protien intake, eat immediately after training and take in healthy carbs.

When I want to cut down body fat I wait 30 minutes after training to let my body eat it's own body fat and then have my meal and I take in about 3+ cups of coffee a day which all helps to maintain my a fast metabolism.

Water is important but you want to pace yourself otherwise you get bloated and end up in the scenario where one day you feel fine and eat well and then next day you pick through your lunch as you have lost the mood to eat.

All these fad diets are bollox imo, your diet should be based on what you like eating and what your body is used to eating.

Changing your food intake because you read somewhere xyz food item gives you more/less of something just puts pressure on your body and it rejects the food and the benefits.

Food also greatly affects your mood, state of mind and your overall appearance - healthy food does make you feel healthy, gives you a slight state of euphoria (fruits especially) and your complexion changes for the better.

I eat healthy during the week (meat is only fish and chicken) and then at the weekend cheat with red meat, fry ups etc as everything in moderation is good for your body because it uses every part of that food.

When you start to gain weight or lose weight unintentionally it's because you have upset the balance, your body is taking too much of one thing and doesn't know what to do with it or not enough of another which can lead to other problems like diabetes.

I spent a long time working the above out for myself and realised you can take whatever suppliements, steroids and other enchancements but they are no substitute for the raw energy and power food gives you.

I weight about 13.2 stones at the moment yet I can out pace and out lift folks who are 3 stones heavier than me because I given my body a steady diet of the right food so my development is more peremanent.

All good long term as well as we get older and things slow down a bit we need to be prepared.

Sorry for the essay, just wanted to share my experience and opinions.
Old 03 January 2009, 08:35 PM
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Originally Posted by finalzero
I train a lot so have several "on-training" and "off-training" diets but I found the best diet is the one your body is already used to.

You just need to schedule your intake and spread it out more, here is my secret formula (I spent about 6+ years getting this down to a tee):

1. Write down your average food intake per day, forget calorie counting and that nonsense, just write down the stats e.g "Breakfast: cerial, 2 eggs, fruit, Luch: Sandwich..." etc.

2. Mark off the things on that list that are unhealthy, perceived to be unhealhy or could be replaced with slightly better food items

3. Your list has some items missing now, fill in the items with healthier/better items

Now thats your list done, you want to spread it out a bit so here is what I do:


Contrary to belief, nothing wrong with a greasy breakfast, especially in this weather. It's fuel, even a bit of bad fat is good for you as your body can burn it up.

More importantly, it prepares you for the rest of the day - the main reason being that if you miss out on snacks or like me, get stuck in a meeting, the breakfast provides enough fuel for your body to cope with not eating.


Very important, what you are trying to do is pace your intake until the next 'big' meal e.g. lunch so what you want to do here is keep some small snack food items near you like Apples, Oranges, Cerial Bars, A Chocolate (yes the sugar boost is good idea).

When you start to get hungry, snack on some fruits, if your craving gets stronger, have a cerial bar and sip water, don't drink loads, just sip the stuff. If you feel lathargic (tired/lack of focus), have half a choc bar.

Don't have coffee/Tea at this time, not until after lunch - you will get a much better "wake-me-up-please" boost from eating fruit (Apples mostly) than you will from taking in Caffine.

The caffine will give you too high a boost and this will leave you even more tired later on (especially when your body has to digest your lunch).

The key thing here is to maintain a level of "not quite full, not quite hungry" state.

What this does is to force your body to eat into reserves, your fat reserves which is a welcome thing and allows you to maintain enough energy and focus to keep you going through the morning but the important thing is to not eat too much, just snack enough to take the craving away.


By the time you hit lunch, you should have allowed at least 30+ minutes of time where you haven't eaten, this will ensure you are just hungry enough to consume your lunch without feeling bloated but alert enough that you are not too hungry (a point where you actually go past the craving and don't want to take food in).

Have a complex carb lunch, something like a sandwich, salad where you are taking in Protien and various forms of Carbs to fill you up and take away the craving completely (you want to get to the point where you feel full but could eat a little more... don't eat more lol).

Jacket Potatoes are my favourite, especially in this weather, good mix of carbs, fibre (from the salad) and Protien from the meat (I try to stick to fish or chicken during the week).

You need the energy to get you through the long afternoon.


Again, same thing, get through the fruits and if you need sugar, get it from your coffee or tea. I recommend taking at least two cups of coffee during the afternoon period up until 5/6 pm as the caffine promotes an increase in metabolism when your body is busy digesting the lunch off.

If you are training, have protien shake or eat something that will provide you the food your muscles need but just enough so that you are still slightly hungry (e.g. 30 minutes after eating you start to feel like having a snack).

Tea/Late Afternoon meal:

Now if you are training like me, then what you want to do is have your last meal at least 45 minutes prior to training so that your body has start to fully digest your food intake earlier in the day. This ensures you have the energy (carbs/sugar) and protien to sustain you through training so you have the focus to finish your session and not feel tired halfway (when you train too early or train with not enough food).

Sip water and/or an energy drink during training (I like to drink Red Kick, mix of caffine and Nitrogen boosters that give you a good pump during training but also increase your metabolism for a short period so you are hungry enough for your last meal).


Right so if your training, you will finish your session and depending on what you are doing:

1. Want to immediately ingest Protien (half the required amount, half 30 minutes later) for mass gain and muscle composition

2. Ingest a carb drink if your doing more anarobic training (running, stamina based training etc)

3. Not eat for 30 minutes if your trying to cut up and/or lose weight and then eat a healthy meal (carb/protien based with little fat)

*Yes no.3 is a good way to lose excess body mass and fat, it forces your body to tap into your fat reserves)*

You want to wait at least 40 minutes after your final meal before sleeping otherwise you will not get the benefits from your food intake, instead your body is too busy digesting your food to be detoxing your blood, repairing tissues and feeding your muscles.


The above is what I do have done for the past 6+ years of my training (10+ years body building and martial arts). When I want to gain mass, I increase my protien intake, eat immediately after training and take in healthy carbs.

When I want to cut down body fat I wait 30 minutes after training to let my body eat it's own body fat and then have my meal and I take in about 3+ cups of coffee a day which all helps to maintain my a fast metabolism.

Water is important but you want to pace yourself otherwise you get bloated and end up in the scenario where one day you feel fine and eat well and then next day you pick through your lunch as you have lost the mood to eat.

All these fad diets are bollox imo, your diet should be based on what you like eating and what your body is used to eating.

Changing your food intake because you read somewhere xyz food item gives you more/less of something just puts pressure on your body and it rejects the food and the benefits.

Food also greatly affects your mood, state of mind and your overall appearance - healthy food does make you feel healthy, gives you a slight state of euphoria (fruits especially) and your complexion changes for the better.

I eat healthy during the week (meat is only fish and chicken) and then at the weekend cheat with red meat, fry ups etc as everything in moderation is good for your body because it uses every part of that food.

When you start to gain weight or lose weight unintentionally it's because you have upset the balance, your body is taking too much of one thing and doesn't know what to do with it or not enough of another which can lead to other problems like diabetes.

I spent a long time working the above out for myself and realised you can take whatever suppliements, steroids and other enchancements but they are no substitute for the raw energy and power food gives you.

I weight about 13.2 stones at the moment yet I can out pace and out lift folks who are 3 stones heavier than me because I given my body a steady diet of the right food so my development is more peremanent.

All good long term as well as we get older and things slow down a bit we need to be prepared.

Sorry for the essay, just wanted to share my experience and opinions.
that makes sense to me. really good info.

Old 03 January 2009, 08:37 PM
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FinalZero talks a lot of sense there. I would disagree on the carbs for lunch, but if you are working out then you may need that. My method has a small amount of carbs an hour before lunch and 3 hours afterwards and only protein in between, as the body cannot produce Serotonin from the protein, if it is eaten with carbs. I notice also you mention fish and white meat, which are two of the biggest producers of Serotonin.

Basically the diet (and it's not really a diet) more of a lifestyle, revolves around low GI carbs which release energy slowly, thus keeping you going longer without eating, rather than high GI sugary foods, which give you a quick boost, then leave you hungrier than ever.

This kind of diet will improve all aspects of your life, mental and physical, and it's simple to do. It just needs a bit of forward thinking, my drawer at work always has a healthy snack in!
Old 03 January 2009, 08:40 PM
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Old 03 January 2009, 09:16 PM
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Two or three bits of fruit won't hurt, might be better spaced throughout the day maybe. Try an apple and two oatcakes as a snack, or as I said before sesame seeds are surprisingly nice and they're cheap.
Old 03 January 2009, 10:17 PM
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get your ole dunlop road slappers out and like youre forest gump
Old 03 January 2009, 10:20 PM
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Cheers, really useful!
Old 03 January 2009, 10:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Lord Shrek
Try getting off your as* and going for a walk - beyond the kebab van. Go live Luke. The force is strong in you.

Me ?? cheeky git ! But i do love turkish food , what having been married to a turk and most of my friends been turks/kurds
but even we dont eat kebabs from vans etc !!

I would take a guess that even at nearly 46 i am in better shape than most here !.
Old 04 January 2009, 08:28 AM
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Originally Posted by 500
bit of whizz helps
im with you dude !

amphetamines certainly help !!
Old 04 January 2009, 09:41 AM
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Originally Posted by finalzero
I train a lot so have several "on-training" and "off-training" diets but I found the best diet is the one your body is already used to.

You just need to schedule your intake and spread it out more, here is my secret formula (I spent about 6+ years getting this down to a tee):

1. Write down your average food intake per day, forget calorie counting and that nonsense, just write down the stats e.g "Breakfast: cerial, 2 eggs, fruit, Luch: Sandwich..." etc.

2. Mark off the things on that list that are unhealthy, perceived to be unhealhy or could be replaced with slightly better food items

3. Your list has some items missing now, fill in the items with healthier/better items

Now thats your list done, you want to spread it out a bit so here is what I do:


Contrary to belief, nothing wrong with a greasy breakfast, especially in this weather. It's fuel, even a bit of bad fat is good for you as your body can burn it up.

More importantly, it prepares you for the rest of the day - the main reason being that if you miss out on snacks or like me, get stuck in a meeting, the breakfast provides enough fuel for your body to cope with not eating.


Very important, what you are trying to do is pace your intake until the next 'big' meal e.g. lunch so what you want to do here is keep some small snack food items near you like Apples, Oranges, Cerial Bars, A Chocolate (yes the sugar boost is good idea).

When you start to get hungry, snack on some fruits, if your craving gets stronger, have a cerial bar and sip water, don't drink loads, just sip the stuff. If you feel lathargic (tired/lack of focus), have half a choc bar.

Don't have coffee/Tea at this time, not until after lunch - you will get a much better "wake-me-up-please" boost from eating fruit (Apples mostly) than you will from taking in Caffine.

The caffine will give you too high a boost and this will leave you even more tired later on (especially when your body has to digest your lunch).

The key thing here is to maintain a level of "not quite full, not quite hungry" state.

What this does is to force your body to eat into reserves, your fat reserves which is a welcome thing and allows you to maintain enough energy and focus to keep you going through the morning but the important thing is to not eat too much, just snack enough to take the craving away.


By the time you hit lunch, you should have allowed at least 30+ minutes of time where you haven't eaten, this will ensure you are just hungry enough to consume your lunch without feeling bloated but alert enough that you are not too hungry (a point where you actually go past the craving and don't want to take food in).

Have a complex carb lunch, something like a sandwich, salad where you are taking in Protien and various forms of Carbs to fill you up and take away the craving completely (you want to get to the point where you feel full but could eat a little more... don't eat more lol).

Jacket Potatoes are my favourite, especially in this weather, good mix of carbs, fibre (from the salad) and Protien from the meat (I try to stick to fish or chicken during the week).

You need the energy to get you through the long afternoon.


Again, same thing, get through the fruits and if you need sugar, get it from your coffee or tea. I recommend taking at least two cups of coffee during the afternoon period up until 5/6 pm as the caffine promotes an increase in metabolism when your body is busy digesting the lunch off.

If you are training, have protien shake or eat something that will provide you the food your muscles need but just enough so that you are still slightly hungry (e.g. 30 minutes after eating you start to feel like having a snack).

Tea/Late Afternoon meal:

Now if you are training like me, then what you want to do is have your last meal at least 45 minutes prior to training so that your body has start to fully digest your food intake earlier in the day. This ensures you have the energy (carbs/sugar) and protien to sustain you through training so you have the focus to finish your session and not feel tired halfway (when you train too early or train with not enough food).

Sip water and/or an energy drink during training (I like to drink Red Kick, mix of caffine and Nitrogen boosters that give you a good pump during training but also increase your metabolism for a short period so you are hungry enough for your last meal).


Right so if your training, you will finish your session and depending on what you are doing:

1. Want to immediately ingest Protien (half the required amount, half 30 minutes later) for mass gain and muscle composition

2. Ingest a carb drink if your doing more anarobic training (running, stamina based training etc)

3. Not eat for 30 minutes if your trying to cut up and/or lose weight and then eat a healthy meal (carb/protien based with little fat)

*Yes no.3 is a good way to lose excess body mass and fat, it forces your body to tap into your fat reserves)*

You want to wait at least 40 minutes after your final meal before sleeping otherwise you will not get the benefits from your food intake, instead your body is too busy digesting your food to be detoxing your blood, repairing tissues and feeding your muscles.


The above is what I do have done for the past 6+ years of my training (10+ years body building and martial arts). When I want to gain mass, I increase my protien intake, eat immediately after training and take in healthy carbs.

When I want to cut down body fat I wait 30 minutes after training to let my body eat it's own body fat and then have my meal and I take in about 3+ cups of coffee a day which all helps to maintain my a fast metabolism.

Water is important but you want to pace yourself otherwise you get bloated and end up in the scenario where one day you feel fine and eat well and then next day you pick through your lunch as you have lost the mood to eat.

All these fad diets are bollox imo, your diet should be based on what you like eating and what your body is used to eating.

Changing your food intake because you read somewhere xyz food item gives you more/less of something just puts pressure on your body and it rejects the food and the benefits.

Food also greatly affects your mood, state of mind and your overall appearance - healthy food does make you feel healthy, gives you a slight state of euphoria (fruits especially) and your complexion changes for the better.

I eat healthy during the week (meat is only fish and chicken) and then at the weekend cheat with red meat, fry ups etc as everything in moderation is good for your body because it uses every part of that food.

When you start to gain weight or lose weight unintentionally it's because you have upset the balance, your body is taking too much of one thing and doesn't know what to do with it or not enough of another which can lead to other problems like diabetes.

I spent a long time working the above out for myself and realised you can take whatever suppliements, steroids and other enchancements but they are no substitute for the raw energy and power food gives you.

I weight about 13.2 stones at the moment yet I can out pace and out lift folks who are 3 stones heavier than me because I given my body a steady diet of the right food so my development is more peremanent.

All good long term as well as we get older and things slow down a bit we need to be prepared.

Sorry for the essay, just wanted to share my experience and opinions.
all good info mate , just where all diffrent so one thing may not suit every one but still a good basis to go by , can i ask you said about the suger spike ? say if you have a bar of chocolate you may get a lift but not a massive spike due to the insuline in yourbody limiting how much suger is released ? sorry to ask im just one of them people om never affected by ,redbull ,chocolate i.e cafine ,suger based thing's.
Old 04 January 2009, 11:45 AM
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A bit of info on sugar and insulin etc.

Your body aims to maintain its blood glucose levels within certain levels. If the blood sugar levels rise too high then the Glucose should enter the cells when insulin is produced reducing the glucose levels in the blood. If the blood sugar falls too low then adrenalin is released to stimulate the release of glucose stored as glycogen within your body.

This system works well if the foods we eat are slow to release their glucose, BUT problems occur if the food or drink causes a rapid release – our insulin reaction mechanism has not moved on much since we were cavemen or early farmers – the result may be a rapid rise in blood glucose followed by a dramatic fall – giving rise to symptoms such as mood swings, unexplained anger or tears, increased feelings of stress or anxiety, feeling faint, shaky or sweaty palmed. These symptoms can be quickly relieved by eating rapid release carbohydrates such as cakes, biscuits or sweets or by stimulating the body to release glucose by drinking coffee or tea. The effect is another rapid rise and fall in blood sugar levels followed by the same symptoms 2 hours or so later.

This action over a long period of time causes excess fat to be stored (most commonly around your middle). The reason for this is that to protect you from the damage done by high blood glucose levels the body transforms it into fat. Here is the real catch, if you continue to stimulate high insulin levels; your body is unable to use fat for energy.

If the problem goes unchecked for a long period of time a secondary metabolic change begins. The cells actually become less sensitive to insulin – as a result high blood glucose levels remain along side high insulin levels. The effect is that the excess glucose has time to begin damaging the body, and the body cannot use fat for energy for extended periods of time. In my experience people who suffer from this condition often begin the day not feeling hungry and will eat little or nothing at all until much later in the day, but once the hunger mechanism kicks in they find their appetite hard to control and often are found standing at the cupboard or fridge door looking for carbohydrates to munch on. By the time you reach this stage your calorie intake may not be significantly different from you slimmer friend, but everything you eat seems to turn to fat.
Old 04 January 2009, 03:02 PM
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As I am about to start a diet tomorrow this thread has been very informative .I say diet because I need to lose weight ,but ideally i mean change my eating habits and lifestyle .

Thanks for all the info .
Old 04 January 2009, 03:55 PM
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all i know i for FACT !!! lol is never miss meal and dont starve your self you get into the league of muscle wastage and load of other things that are bad for you , eat little often and make sure its healthy, thanks for the blood/suger infor mate .
Old 04 January 2009, 03:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Paul3446
begin the day not feeling hungry and will eat little or nothing at all until much later in the day, but once the hunger mechanism kicks in they find their appetite hard to control and often are found standing at the cupboard or fridge door looking for carbohydrates to munch on. By the time you reach this stage your calorie intake may not be significantly different from you slimmer friend, but everything you eat seems to turn to fat.
Definitely sounds like me, hence the original request for something to curb the evening cravings. Lots of good advice above so I spent last night with healthy snacks and water. I did the amphetamine/ciggies diet when I was younger and yea it worked but I gained it all back over the years. So i`m gonna try and make it a lifestyle change and improve my daytime eating habits and get out of the evening bad habits..
Old 04 January 2009, 04:03 PM
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Originally Posted by ScoobyWon't

Avoid boredom as that often leads to snacking.

Still a great way to get rid of the bulk, however there are cheaper options.

Not forgetting a good level of exercise
Water is great for deciding if you are really hungry or not.
Old 04 January 2009, 05:30 PM
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Remember breakfast is the most important meal of the day, even if you aren't hungry!
Old 04 January 2009, 06:45 PM
Simon K
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Some good info here. Obviously the best way to loose weight is a change of life style, and eating correctly, like the chaps above have said / written about.

But, we're all adults, how you live your life and what you eat is your busy, as is its up to you to research whether pills are good for you, or not. But, for me, I followed the quick and easy route and took EPH extreme pills. Mixture of elphedrine, caffee etc etc ( stackers ). I used to take 2 pills at 7am in the morning, and 2 at 1pm.

I was never hungry, but fed my body at certain times knowing that it needs food, but keeping a very low Carb diet, high protein.

I also did a ton of cardo, so at 4:30am, I did 30 mins of my crosstrainer (pre fuelled workout ), then showered, off to work for 7am. At 9:30am, i hit the works gym for 30 mins for some weights. Home for 7pm, go for a 25mins jog. You might want to read up on heart rate zones, and the difference between cardiovascular and weight burning training zones, and about `cutting ` and `bulking`. This information will give you a good idea how your body works, and reacts to food, training , carbs, protiens, fats, etc etc.

Lost 3 stone in about 4 months. Now the amout of cardo would of made me loose weight anyway, but the pills helped by giving me more engery, and restricting my desire for food. Eventually you have to ween yourself off the pills, and tackle your eating habits, but its a great start, was for me.

Amazing buzz you get from these pills, sometimes in meetings I couldnt stop talking, or I'd get f'ing furious at little things :-) I took the pills for months, and got a little addicted to it, more for the amout of engery it gives you, but hated the road rage I would get. Took me a while to get off them but hey ho.

Again, its up to you if you take them or not, and Im not getting into arguements about the rights and wrongs. I would certainly research what you take, as I did. Search for bodybuilding forums as these are the best for advice.

Anyway, worked for me. Best of luck


Last edited by Simon K; 04 January 2009 at 06:48 PM.
Old 05 January 2009, 12:33 PM
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Basic Fat Burning Soup 7 Day Diet - Recipe - TasteBook

wont help with appetite suppression but you can eat as much as you want so could help you

or ephedrine or a stack
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