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Another Police "Cop Out"

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Old 23 June 2008, 01:24 PM
The Zohan
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Originally Posted by r32
I'm afraid that the general public dont have a very good view of the Police. Perhaps something should be done to prompt better understanding.

Sadly most of my contacts with them havent filled me with much confidence either.
The Police Police this country with the consent of the population.

A majority of said population have seen things change for the worse. They have seen the motorist become one of the main focusses of the police whilst more serious crime and real criminals seem to have the upper hand.
Antisocial crime has been ignored along wth the causes (not all down to the Police by any means) however this leads to more setrious problems - Gary Newbond being a prime example and this is not an isolated incident.

The NL gov't has made a hash of it and it seem the senior police have just let the politicians (self servinmg pig with thier snout turely wedged in the trough, to the dertiment of society) tell them what to do and who to do it to and are loosing public consent and faith in the police along with respect and trust.- God knows why - you would have to be stupid or just not care to let NL do some of the farsical things that they have.

Few senior cops sem to be waking up and smelling the coffee.

The police on the ground have had to put up with it as well, whilst there are always some bad eggs i wonder how many good cops have left or just had enough and do the miniumum, swamped under unnecessary paperwork

It is simple, catch punish and rehabilitate criminals ans those who choose to commit crime, not just motorists.

Nip crime and criminals in the bud - antisocial behavoiur, the gangs of youths causing problems - stop them making life hell for others.
Old 23 June 2008, 01:25 PM
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Originally Posted by ScoobyWon't
They don't let just anyone in.
Not so sure after that murdered Special who's husband ran a call girl service and she used to use her badge to collect debts?

Old 23 June 2008, 01:29 PM
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Friend of the family was raped (he was convicted) by a cop however i do not believe all coppers are rapists, i am sure the police are good at spotting these however some will always get through.
Old 23 June 2008, 01:30 PM
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Originally Posted by GC8WRX
So why are all the younger cops tw@s of the highest order?

I had a coper of no more than 22 tell me to "stop ******* swearing, or id be nicked!"

How does that work? absolute w@nkers the lot of them, and its allways the unpopular kids thast turn into coppers from hell, are they making up for the desperatley sh1te teenage life spent as a virgin, by making life difficult for anyone who is normal and spent teenage years ******** fit birds and getting pissed?

They all have a massive chip on their shoulder!

And what about the bald vectra driver on road wars, on the way to a job he was swearing like a trooper, using d1ckhhead and ******* more than once each, all recorded on camera, but while sorting the incident out, he nicked one of the criminals mates for swearing twice. Double standards or what, and that shows that 99% of coppers think they themselves are above the law!
Some truth in what you say, but there is a massive difference between swearing as banter and swearing in a heated situation. Especially if that particular copper (who actually HAS plenty of common sense and a decent attitude) is trying to nail some tw@t that stole your Scooby! D
Old 23 June 2008, 01:44 PM
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Thumbs down

A mate of mine who is VERY "establishment", and would be in the group of the population who would be expected to support the police in almost everything they do, recently had this to say:

"Most members of the public's only contact with the police now is via so-called motoring offences. The motorist is vilified and treated as a cash cow. How then, can the police expect ANYTHING except animosity from the public?"

Old 23 June 2008, 06:03 PM
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I have now done 8 years in the police, and i think i have written one ticket out for a traffic offence. Its the same with most of us on our shift. We deal with crime - its traffic who deal with the motoring side of things not response; and we must outnumber traffic by 15-1 easy.

My general tac with traffic is words of advice, unless its drink drive, disqual drive or nicked
Old 23 June 2008, 06:10 PM
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Originally Posted by kingofturds
I was told by the operator that 999 was for emergencies only and to ring the non emergency number as I was potentially preventing real crimes being reported.
Sorry but I have to agree with the police in this case...someone could have been speeding FFS!
Old 23 June 2008, 07:28 PM
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Originally Posted by Felix.
I have now done 8 years in the police, and i think i have written one ticket out for a traffic offence. Its the same with most of us on our shift. We deal with crime - its traffic who deal with the motoring side of things not response; and we must outnumber traffic by 15-1 easy.

My general tac with traffic is words of advice, unless its drink drive, disqual drive or nicked
That's definitely what I remember Felix in the good old days & great to hear it. How does such a sensible attitude stand up in the face of the political culture of petty statistical recording these days? Especially if the board reference the amount of tickets issued during your sergeants exam?!

What do you think of the 4 chief cons standing up for less stats and more common sense recently?

Old 25 June 2008, 09:44 AM
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Originally Posted by Abdabz
So, from what I have read, 2 blokes "hiding" in a bush ask two girls if they are on their own. Girls run off. Police are called and dont do a lot....
Dad goes off to "do in" the 2 blokes "hiding" in a bush...

So, what if the 2 blokes had followed their "leading" question with "go home you shouldnt be here without adult supervision" rather than them making some kind of lewd advance?

What on earth were the police supposed to do? Get the helicopter up? Send in an armed patrol with dogs? Even if they had sent a PCS to the frog pond and they had found the two men, what could be said? They have as much right to be there as the kids did and speaking to kids is not a criminal offence.

I totally support the kids decision to take flight and to tell their dad. I totally understand that a dad seeing his scared child will want to defend her and wont think straight in the heat of the moment because daddys little girl is upset.

But, in the cold light of day, if the police went about stopping every stranger that simply spoke to a kid in a public place then we really would have problems...

If the two fellas are there tonight and the thread starter and his team of men see them, what happens if they provide a perfectly valid reason for being there? We would have even more problems if vigilantes go around beating up strangers who talk to kids

I hope the girls are not too scared by what happened and I hope their parents reaction to the whole incident hasnt made it even more frightening than it was. But neither the police, nor the blokes by the pond have done anything wrong here.
Girls are ok thanks as are my wife and myself.

If these blokes were doing nothing wrong why would they hide in the bushes and whisper????
Old 25 June 2008, 09:48 AM
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Originally Posted by ash002004
hiding in a bush talkin to young girls, who the hell does that apart from scum of the earth that unfortunately get off on things like that? if i for some reason was in a bush somewhere near a pond and two young girls were playing i sure as hell wouldnt ask them if they were on their own, i wouldnt even speak to them! i can see everyones point as there is two sides to the story, we just only know one side. but u gotta admit they do sound suspect. as for police, personally iv found them more useless than good

without going into too much detail, my partner has a little boy, and his dad basically went off the rails a long time ago, and past two years he has been to the house, poured petrol through the letterbox and threatening to drop a lit match through, countless times got hold of my partner and kicked the ***t out of her, smashed windows, abuse constant, kicking her front door in. all this happened before i started seeing her beginning of this year. thankfully so far he has only been here twice but conviniently both times when i wasnt here. but every time he has turned up in the middle of the night the police have been called. now the house is basically one straight road from the police station, and they still take 2 HOURS to get here, and when one turns up its jus one poxy support officer on their own. its disgusting. yet last week when a local house was broken into, a chopper and 5 cop cars were up and down the street, and funnily enough the same nights ive heard he's been baning on the door when im out, and iv come back to drive about with a car ful of mates looking for him, police have been called, no word from them for an hour, yet on my return to the estate two t5's pulled me over for having an illegal front number plate and fine me, i fear one day hell go that step further when im not there and one of them will b dead, either him as she's defending herself, or her, most probably the latter. hes a nasty piece of work, sectioned too many times and police release him all the time, one time he even had her hostage in her house with a knife to her throat, managed to get away from him and lock herself in her room, where she called the police, the woman on the phone said that the situation didnt seem that heated and that shed dispatch an officer to "have a gander", that officer didnt turn up for an hour. in the end when they finally came and noticed everyone outside worried, they cordoned off the whole street and got an armed unit in. he could of done anything in that hour to her, their bloody useless.

dont get me wrong, some police are ok, a few traffic ones iv spoken to and the ones ull see in town when theres a fight, are ok. but when it comes to u needing them, i wouldnt even bother, diy it

p.s excuse my typing, switched from laptop back 2 pc and im crap at typing still, lol

Spot on.

However we had a phonecall back 3 days later saying to contact the housing association that were with to alert them to send out a newsletter

What a joke!!

Have been down twice since nothing doing yet.
Old 25 June 2008, 11:39 AM
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Originally Posted by Diesel
Some truth in what you say, but there is a massive difference between swearing as banter and swearing in a heated situation. Especially if that particular copper (who actually HAS plenty of common sense and a decent attitude) is trying to nail some tw@t that stole your Scooby! D
THat bald copper is a ******, He was filmed saying to someones face "Shut up now, or you will be ******* nicked" He then proceeded to handcuff him and put them in the back of his **** black vectra, leave the door open, then stand five feet away and say in a loud voice " what a ********" and his mate said ******* moron loudly as well.

Then in the next scene they are dealing with a woman who called one of them a ****, so he nicked her for "section five of the public order act" ( the tw@s favourite phrase).

How can a copper swear his head off one minute, then get on his high horse about a woman swearing two minutes later!

He thinks the law doesnt apply to him, that makes him a w@nker!

He also deliberately provokes young people in nice cars to get a reaction out of them so he can nick them for swearing!

As he is swearing in public, on camera, i have seriously thought about sending a written letter of complaint demanding he is prosecuted for section five of the public order act and see how he likes it, the pr1ck!

And to finish, which tool made swearing an arrestable offence anyway?

Mary whitehouse is dead and its not 1950, everyone swears!
Old 25 June 2008, 12:28 PM
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Originally Posted by Wmscooby
I have just come off the phone to the police regarding threatening nee pedophile behaviour towards my daughter and her friend.

My daughter who is very small for her 11 years of age and her 9 year old friend were catching frogs in a near by pond about 150 yrds from where we currently live ( were moving in 4 weeks time ). Whilst doing so 2 blokes in their mid to late 20's were hiding in the bushes about 15ft away!!! One of them whispered "Are you on youre own ?" to my daughter and her mate. Thankfully they ran off and came straight in to tell me.

So being the dad that i am, i go to investigate what exactly has gone on having walked the area for about 30 mins armed with a nice Jumbo Driver, sadly i cannot find the people in question.

When i arrive back my wife says the police have said that its not deamed as threatening behaviour so they will pass it on to the beat officer for future reference!!!!!!!!


My daughter is now not allowed further than outside the house and me and a couple of mates are going for a walk by the pond tomorrow night!!!

Strangely when i mentioned i had been down with a gof club looking for them the police never batted an eyelid

What a country we live in!!!

I know i should behave more humanely but i really do give up with police and this country now
ironically, you only have to point a camera in public to be arrested for being a terrorist / peodo at the moment, the some officers are now being personally prosecuted for this. there often seems to be major gaps in training - those on the ground don't understand the guidance their bosses are writing / signing up to.
Still, that happens in any big organisation
Old 26 June 2008, 10:25 AM
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Originally Posted by GC8WRX
THat bald copper is a ******, He was filmed saying to someones face "Shut up now, or you will be ******* nicked" He then proceeded to handcuff him and put them in the back of his **** black vectra, leave the door open, then stand five feet away and say in a loud voice " what a ********" and his mate said ******* moron loudly as well.

Then in the next scene they are dealing with a woman who called one of them a ****, so he nicked her for "section five of the public order act" ( the tw@s favourite phrase).

How can a copper swear his head off one minute, then get on his high horse about a woman swearing two minutes later!

He thinks the law doesnt apply to him, that makes him a w@nker!

He also deliberately provokes young people in nice cars to get a reaction out of them so he can nick them for swearing!

As he is swearing in public, on camera, i have seriously thought about sending a written letter of complaint demanding he is prosecuted for section five of the public order act and see how he likes it, the pr1ck!

And to finish, which tool made swearing an arrestable offence anyway?

Mary whitehouse is dead and its not 1950, everyone swears!
Well it annoys me far less than you - maybe you have a soft spot for poor scumbags? However you do have a point - it is hypocritical and hardly leads by example.

Maybe I'm old fashioned, but if I was a copper you wouldn't catch me swearing on camera as it hardly gives the right impression or makes you look above the scumbags you deal with. It also seriously irritates me the way they call said scumbags 'mate' all the time. '********' really does seem more appropriate!

Felix you are noticeable by your lack of response to my simple question above. Keeping head well below the trenches?

Old 26 June 2008, 01:31 PM
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It annoys me cos the feds round here talk to you like peice of ****, and if you do it back to them you are instantly nicked!

In was talking to one last weekend about a fight intown, and i looked like the assailant, fair enough, so he was asking me questions. My first answer was " No idea what your on about mate", he then retorted with "dont call me mate, im not your mate, i could nick you if i wanted", so i said damn right your not my mate, i hate people like you! He then called me a ********, and said im like 99% of young people he meets, a ******!

If my missus wasnt stood next to me looking bemused at the whole situation, i would have given him a right earfull, and i couldnt care less if he nicked me, i would have made a complaint in writing to his superiors, and persued it till he was very sorry!

My point is coppers should lead by example, but they ALL think the law doesnt apply to them!

If i see that copper out of uniform, He WILL be saying sorry very quickly!
Old 26 June 2008, 04:14 PM
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Originally Posted by GC8WRX
If i see that copper out of uniform, He WILL be saying sorry very quickly!
lol i agree mate. for us lot its natural for us to say "mate" in a sentence.... and iv said it to police before, some police even say it to me, i dont complain! but the ones that are tw@s that do moan when i say mate....oh my god, grow up! they must think im there to pull his trousers down for him and proceed with the wiping of his s**tty **** and then kiss it, dont think so. they can be so downright rude and their attitude is disgusting
Old 26 June 2008, 04:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Wmscooby
Girls are ok thanks as are my wife and myself.

If these blokes were doing nothing wrong why would they hide in the bushes and whisper????
Are you sure that's what they did? There hasn't been any chinese whispers effect between what actually happened, what your kids said to you, and what you've put on here?

Maybe your kids were up to something they shouldn't have been, got told off, and came in with a story in order to get a reaction out of you?

For all you actually know you may have ended up taking your jumbo driver to a couple of completely harmless lads who were having a illicit spliff in the bushes, if they were even there at all.

Not every bush, corner and alleyway is filled with rampaging predators, much as the media would like to have us believe.
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