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Worst Manoeuvre Ever

Old 09 February 2000, 08:58 PM
Steve Gee
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Hi All
Just got in from work, and have just witnessed one of the most appaulling drivers ever!
On dual-carriageway A45 from Wellingborough to Rushden, Northants, I was accelerating having just joined the carriageway. I pass a couple of cars, I'm doing 80-85, nothing stupid, not much traffic around. I'm in the Porsche today, wife wanted the scooby. Anyway then I come up on a Mondeo, still doing around 80. It is then that I notice that there is a car in front of the Mondeo, and that he wants to overtake, but the guy in front is having none of it. (It's a BMW!) We are in the outside lane and the inside lane is totally clear! I decided to back off to avoid being caught up in any problems.
After a while the Mondeo's had enough and decides to pull in, I thought he was going to have a go at under-taking and he started to, but I guess he thought better of it. The BMW is now not doing a constant speed so I end up behind him with the Mondeo beside me. There is still no way the BMW is going to let anyone past. I refrain from flashing him and back off. He then decelerates too! Does he want me up his backside?!?!? The Rushden/Bedford A6 turn off is a third of a mile away, he hits the brakes, then accelerates, still in the outside lane. We pass the first marker. ( You know what's coming don't you?) We pass the second marker. We pass the third marker. We are now no more than 10 yards from the turn-off. He hits the brakes and swoops across the inside lane and up the slip road cutting a car up that was already on the slip road. I have to admit I was totally amazed, I know my mouth was wide open, and the Mondeo driver, now behind me, must have seen it too.
Sorry to admit this, the red mist hit me, I floored the Porsche, got off at the next junction, doubled back on myself and joined the road he got off onto. I wanted to catch him to get his reg. & I caught him in Rushden with one car in front of me. Once I got his reg. I was happy.
It was a dark coloured (I'm colour blind!) BMW 318i, reg R***WLK and it head off on the A6 towards Bedford. (I wont give full reg.)
Beware of this idiot. It was appauling, one of the worst manoeuvres I have ever seen. This guy should NOT be behind the wheel of a car, full stop, but he wasn't speeding Mr Prescott.
I'll be looking for you whoever you are, and sometime our paths may cross, and I have a feeling you knew exactly what you were doing. What goes around, comes around!
Rant over, now Mr Calm!
ps Couldn't tell if he had his fog-lights on or not!
Old 09 February 2000, 09:03 PM
Ian Cook
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Hmmm, i wish i could say i have never seen anything like that 600 miles a week on our wonderful motorways in rush hour are an education
Old 09 February 2000, 09:58 PM
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I'm afraid you are not alone in the stupid driver experiences. I see quite a bit on the motorways doing up to 1000 miles a week. Now I admit I'm not always perfect and I do make mistakes, but that's different to some of these people who do the most dangerous things deliberately obviously without realising how close they are to a very serious accident.

Last week I had my worst experience on the motorway ever and it left me seriously shaken. I was travelling along the M62 from Liverpool at about 11:30pm and with there being very little traffic around was batting along at a reasonable rate (not silly, but not slow) in the inside lane. In the distance I spotted a white car in the middle lane moving very slowly with nothing on the inside lane so after banishing the idea of just undertaking him (with hindsight the best option) I moved to the outside lane to overtake (indicating as I did so). When I was about 100 yards from him without warning he pulled into the outside lane in front of me. I would estimate that he was doing between 40mph and 50mph which meant with my speed that impact was imminent and braking was not an option. I decided to move to the middle lane to avoid hitting him and it was then that I realised he might just panic and pull back - right again. Impact was now much closer so I pulled in to the inside lane, but still he kept coming at which point I realised - he knew exactly what he was doing and was actually trying to stop me passing. Still I did not have time to think about that and I carried on on to the hard shoulder and passed him with stones and all sorts pinging off the bottom of the car (the hard shoulder is not designed for high speed cruising). I must have missed the back of him by a couple of feet at most and as I pulled out in front of him he was flashing his lights in anger at me. I could not believe it - still can't even now.

It all happened so quickly that I never even got his number. I was so scared that I actually started physically shaking. Then anger took over, but by then he was well behind me which is probably just as well.

I've seen some stupid things, but that one definitely takes the biscuit.


Old 09 February 2000, 11:11 PM
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Sounds about par for the course with a lot of idiots out there these days

Steve G

Having done an "SIDC/Essex Police Driver Improvement Course" it came about that it was (in Mr Grimes's eyes at the very least) not at all unreasonable to give idiot in front a few seconds blast of head lights to let them know that you were there (& to hope he shifts). If previously speed abiding plank was unaware, he should well be after that. If said plank continued to travel in o/side lane (within speed limit), Mr G (for one) would not consider it an offence to undertake the plank, providing it was done in a safe manner with all due care & attention, not exceeding the posted speed limit. It apparently is not an offence to undertake per se, providing caveats above are adhered to. It would seem that the law may be more flexible than it would appear in the Highway Code & most people would rather lurk, behind plank, hoping they move in than undertake. Should you undertake, you must be more alert than should you not & poss be prepared for a proportion of contributory negligence being applied in the case of an accident/insurance claim (in fact the same common sense/conditions apply as in motorcycles undertaking, chopping lanes & going to the head of the queue).

I would say that in my experience of early morning commuting, it would seem that a) people were more lane conscious & b) more relaxed (don't often see agressive & tailgating driving). Prehaps its the M11 & people are more civilised on this stretch of m'way.
Old 09 February 2000, 11:36 PM
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tiggers, sorry to hear about your bad experience. Seems like the driver of the white car was one of those w@nkers that consider it their <I>duty</I> to slow down drivers who are going too fast . The stories on this thread, and others, show that these people are all too common. They are the real menace on the road and should be reported to the police at every opportunity.
Old 10 February 2000, 12:09 AM
Andy Banks
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Could that be me and my passenger?
Old 10 February 2000, 05:32 AM
Andy Banks
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That makes me annoyed just reading your post!

If you report these prats to the police, can they do anything? Assuming there and no witnesses, it's your word against his. The same has happened to me and I took down a number but never got round to reporting it :-(

Although even if the police couldnt prosecute, a visit to his door by pc plod may just do the job.


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Old 10 February 2000, 11:12 AM
Ian Cook
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Unfortunately the Police cant do anything unless they have reports from 2 different people
Old 10 February 2000, 12:14 PM
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It's a shame because such individuals give a bad name to others with the same marque of car, and BMW drivers seem to have the worst of it when I'm sure most of them are quite sensible drivers.
Old 10 February 2000, 04:58 PM
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I too had a frightening experience two nights ago on my way home. Dual carriageway, not much traffic, I was doing about 65 in outside lane when I come up behind a 328i, nothing on the inside lane, and of course he refused to pull over, deciding instead to completely floor it and try to drop me.

Now, usually I would let him go, but I have this thing about BMWs (like everyone else on here I think) so I booted it and stayed on his ****. At about 90ish he literally slams the brakes on ridiculously hard, I slam mine on a split second later and almost run into him (my brakes need sorting VERY soon!).

I was so enraged, I tried to follow him but he ended up 4 or 5 cars in front so I gave up. It's at times like this that I wish we could buy vapourisers with a laser-sight that automatically locks onto BMWs driven by w****rs such as this guy.

He clearly had a problem that someone dared to have a faster car than him, guys like this need their brain examining (and their manhood, though no doubt a magnifying glass would be required for that).

I say we blind all BMWs with our PIAAs and Cibies from the rear, and when they swerve, blast through the gap. Only joking of course...

Yours still fuming

Old 10 February 2000, 05:45 PM
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The worst driving I ever saw was so bad that I did report the driver to the police. he was driving a police car and was found not to be on a 999 call. Although they decided not to prosecute as they thought there was not enough evidence, they did demote him and he lost pay and had to start again taking his driving courses.
So sometimes it is worth reporting whatever you see as been below the standards of a normal competitant driver.

Old 10 February 2000, 05:56 PM
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Let them all go......they're not worth it, and it certainly isn't worth going after them unless you've witnessed something dangerous and need the reg no.
What exactly do you achieve by chasing people? They're not likely to pull over and apologise, and it can only lead to accidents or physical confrontations.
Then we're going down to their level.
I know it's hard in the cars we drive, and temptation is all to easy to succumb to, but let's keep the Scooby name clean, we have nothing to prove......( cue fanfares and flags flapping in the wind!!!! )


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Old 10 February 2000, 06:16 PM
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Hi All,

As Stef says, keep CALM !! It really isn't worth it.

Now driving a GT4 (old, old shape, no hood scoop), nobody can really tell what it is when I come up behind them. So luckily I don't often get the "He has a fast car I will block him" T*ssers. But when I do, I just drop back and keep slipping into the middle lane smoothly and indicate at all times. They soon get the message.

Or if they don't, put on some Bob Marley, light a *** (yeah, I know) and chill.

I must admit I have seen the BMW vs Scooby thing many times. Especially on the M4 in the evenings when I come back from Bracknell (Westbound).

BMW in outside lane doing 75 - 80. Traffic fairly heavy but with good gaps in the middle lane. Scooby comes quietly (ish) up behind said BMW and waits well back. BMW gets to a slot and doesn't pull in. Generally the BMW speeds up and then slows once there is no danger of being able to pull in. Scooby guy just has to sit there and wait. See it again and again and most occasions the Scooby guy (or gal) lets them get on with it.

Do occasionaly see the odd Scooby do a big inside overtake when there is a line of BMWs in the third lane with nothing in the first or second lanes.

Mind you coming back from Bracknell after a long day, so do I. But I always have a hire car and we all know they are the fastest, best handling cars on the road. :-)


Ian Watkins
Old 10 February 2000, 06:31 PM
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A friend of mine has four large white boards in his car with various slogans on them, he does a lot of motorway driving and finds these help quite a bit in pointing out mistakes to other drivers. he`s a bit sad really a real life mr. angry, its quite funny being in a car with him when he starts brandishing these signs.
Old 10 February 2000, 07:20 PM
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Guys, guys gotta agree with Stef.

You've already proved you've got more sense than them by the car you drive.We don't want Scoob drivers getting stereotyped like BMW/Volvo types do we !! (unless it's as drivers who don't lose it when someone else drives like a di***ead) Argh ! You've got me doing it now ! Gotta go take a pill.

If you really can't chill then get into Gadget shop for one of the little boxes that makes sound effects of machine guns/lasers/missiles etc.

Take it easy , John
Old 11 February 2000, 09:51 AM
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Laguna drivers are just as bad. I was on the M20 last night, and I had the cruise set to about 85 (I have a MKIIIT Soop), and this car behind was trying to get into my boot. I was overtaking traffic quite quickly, and I had to get somewhere, so I didn't move over. As I was passing a slot, the traffic slowed up suddenly, so I decided to let him past. Problem was, as I tried to move into the middle lane, he was already there, next to me, undertaking. He then proceeded to undertake the two cars in front of me, nearly hitting one as he tried to get into the middle lane. I'm sorry to say I saw red, and procceded to floor it behind him, main-beam him, go past him, and cut him up viciously. I don't normally react, and I wouldn't have this time, but for the fact that in trying to prove himself to me, he had nearly smashed into somebody completely innocent. I see this soft of **** all the time from Laguna drivers though. Nearly as bad as beemers and Vectras.
Old 11 February 2000, 09:19 PM
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He's now gonna tell all his cronies that Supra drivers go mental when he overtakes them.
Rise above them mate .
Old 11 February 2000, 11:29 PM
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On the way to Elise/Turbo event at Knockhill today....

About to climb steep curving 2-lane M-way hill between Perth and Glenfarg (at busy times guaranteed to see Mr.69mph pull out to overtake Mrs.68mph) when, with bugger all traffic ahead or behind, I'm unlucky enough to stumble on a 68/69 mph situation about to unfold. Mr.69mph is starting to drift, no indication.
I give him a "firm but fair" flash and, awaken, he dives back inside.
I drive past, content, with not a smirk or finger!
So he's out behind me now with full beams "Scorchio!!". Thankfully the hill and bend saw him off.

"Be aware, I'm here" use of headlights (or horn) = "Hey, I'm a child molester"..!?
Old 12 February 2000, 10:50 AM
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In your original post you finish with "what goes around comes around"

Hope you mean give reg to police, not a dose of same for him.
Standard of driving you report means he's just as likely to lose it and collide with you or worse, 3rd party.

Don't ever deliberately lower your driving standards for retaliation, you only let yourself down and half the time the idiot doesn't even realise why you have done it.


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Old 12 February 2000, 12:53 PM
Steve Gee
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I kinda agree with Stef, about letting them get on with it, but that's OK when they're endangering their own lives, but what about other peoples?
There was a particularly nasty accident in Wellingborough this morning. Four cars involved. One of these was overtaking on a blind bend and hit the other three. The guy that caused this was driving whilst disqualified and was driving a BMW 5-series.
Can this really be coincidence? He also tried to run from the scene but the Police caught him and he's in custody.
How do I know all this? A young girl at work was in one of the cars involved. She was taken to hospital with head and leg injuries. Her father, who was driving, had to cut from the wreck is still in hospital.
This is not on!! Hope he gets dealt with properly.
ps Get well Lisa
Old 13 February 2000, 01:48 AM
Steve Gee
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I agree Doc.
I refuse to lower myself to their standards.
What I mean by "what goes around, comes around" is that everything gets levelled out in the end. Do unto others and all that.
Old 14 February 2000, 08:07 AM
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Just to refresh this thread, particularly the 'what goes around, comes around' part of it, I was cut up severely by a blue P-reg Impreza Turbo between J3-J4 of the M40 today, travelling East at around 6.40 am.

A couple of comments to the driver:

1 Use your indicators next time. They can be clear/smoked/standard, but most importantly, they should be SWITCHED ON.

2 Ditto the mirrors. Heated/colour coded - doesn't bother me. Not used at all - now that DOES get me angry.

3 Can I have my car's nose back please?? You pulled out when I was almost alongside you. It was nice to know that the ABS works, but I'd prefer to test it some time other than in the outside lane, and not when I'm doing 85mph.

4 We all make mistakes and have off days. Good thing I wasn't having one at the same time as you though, eh?

5 The worst thing is that if you're reading this, you're probably unaware that it was you. I can't believe you saw me then pulled out, so I can only assume you never even knew where I was in relation to you.

Grumpy Nick
Old 14 February 2000, 08:09 AM
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My previous post referred to travelling East on the M40.I was actually travelling West.

Never trust me with a compass!!

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