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Anybody tried the Atkins Diet on here?

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Old 06 April 2003, 08:40 AM
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I have to say, I don't understand you, Saxo Boy. I mean, when we met at the Aussie place last year, there's no way you needed to go on a diet. IIRC, you were thinner than me!!! So why are you trying to lose weight anyway?

BTW, I'm 6ft, weight 12st10 or thereabouts, and have lost 2lbs in the last four weeks despite the fact I'm eating more sweets, crisps and other rubbish than I have in the previous 6 months. It's all down to burning it up, as ChrisB says...

BTW, anyone see the documentary on the Hoodia plant last week? Very interesting...

[Edited by MarkO - 6/4/2003 8:42:14 AM]
Old 06 April 2003, 02:21 PM
sexy wrx69
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thats what i do. just eat fresh food, no processed foods, eat only low carb fruits and veg, and cut out rice, pasta, bread, etc and i feel great most of the time.
Just got to get into this exercise thingy

[Edited by sexy wrx69 - 6/4/2003 2:35:25 PM]
Old 06 April 2003, 02:54 PM
sexy wrx69
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Bravo...also no milk, limited cheese, limited vegetables, basically you can drink water, or herbal teas - no fruit teas because of the sugar and carbs in the fruit.

youre also supposed to limit your bacon intake. you cannot eat anything cured, or anything that might be basted in some type of sauce - as most sauces contain sugar.

oh and i dont think smoking is looked at favourably, becuase the induction week is mainly to get rid of all your toxins in your body....thats why you tend to feel like crap for the first few days.

i also would stress that the atkins diet is an expensive diet to be on. its not a great one to do if you are skint cause you wont be able to vary your diet as well as if you had loads to spend on food. Therefore you will tend to get bored of eating the same things day in day out.

If i never see another egg again it will be too soon!!!!!

[Edited by sexy wrx69 - 6/4/2003 2:56:43 PM]
Old 06 April 2003, 03:13 PM
sexy wrx69
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Post cereal either bravo. oh or coffee. no caffine allowed. you can have as much water as you like tho


i had eggs every morning for 2 weeks...and it killed me!!!

[Edited by sexy wrx69 - 6/4/2003 3:14:27 PM]
Old 06 April 2003, 03:35 PM
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this is the site- usefull info and the link at the top takes you shopping for chocs........but its pricey, about £167 for a toffe bar.

[Edited by Tiggs - 6/4/2003 3:36:02 PM]
Old 06 April 2003, 03:42 PM
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Bravo, ive got the atkins book at home!

It says no more than 22g of carbohydrate A DAY. To give you a rough idea there is about 60g carb in one apple. no sugar, that includes some bacon (read the label) no sausages (sugar in the skin), black coffee is ok if u have cream in it i think, u have to check the carb/sugar in the cream though.
If you stick to it, i'll die of shock

Oh yeah and the bowl of cereal will wreck the whole thing, so if you wanna do it seriously its protein all the way!

[Edited by what_is_thematrix - 6/4/2003 3:49:20 PM]
Old 06 April 2003, 04:26 PM
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saxo boy- get on that website i posted and order their chocky stuff.

as an aside i remember a radio interview with a Dr ages ago- it was a weight phone in and some bloke called to say he gone from 25stone to 14stone in 6 months by drinking water and eating a cabbage a day (or something) anyway, DJ said "ohhhh, how bad, quick DR tell him he's daft and that a bad way to diet blah, blah, blah"

Dr said, well as he didnt die and is now the right weight it seems it was a very good diet! such up the DJ....who was prob a coke snorting fat **** anyway!

lol- edit to reflect that dj snorted coke and not co*ks!

[Edited by Tiggs - 6/4/2003 4:35:51 PM]
Old 02 June 2003, 12:41 PM
Mark Miwurdz
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If so, I'd be interested to know how you got on. Reading through some stuff on the web, it sounds too good to be true.

Old 02 June 2003, 12:46 PM
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Yes, I lasted 3 days. Threw up and had terrible headaches!!

Alot of people I know have done it and it does work. Alot of people get the headaches and nausea in the first 2 weeks but it subsides.

I couldn't stick to it because I enjoy my carbs too much. Pasta, rice, bread, alcohol, fruit and alot of veg are totally out of the question on that diet so I wouldn't have enjoyed it as 'a way of life'.

I admire the people who can stick to it but I have reservations about eating so much protein and fat and having very little in the way of fresh veg.

Also, you get very consipated on it!! Not nice!!!!
Old 02 June 2003, 12:47 PM
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Worked for me! Unhealthy as hell though, but only did it for two weeks and lost my winter insulation (a stone or so probably, don't weight myself)
Old 02 June 2003, 12:48 PM
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Thumbs down

It works. Simple as that. It's a good idea if you're significantly overweight (i.e., 3st or more overweight) - the idea being that the health benefits of losing the weight far outweigh the problems that could be caused by the diet itself.

However, I'd be very wary of it - it's been linked to liver and kidney problems, diahorrea, and other side-effects and disorders.

Personally, if you're a bit chubby, I'd recommend cutting out the cakes, pies and fast food, and then taking up a sport like mountain-biking, running, swimming etc.
Old 02 June 2003, 12:56 PM
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I'd heard some nasty things but the tonight programme last week was about atkins saying how now they have found evidence it can be good for you, lower cholestrol in the tests. Personally any diet that forbids alcohol sounds too unhealthy to follow anyway.

Didnt help old Dr A., he's dead now, sitting there thinking just old age, turns out he just had a bad fall and that was it!

Old 02 June 2003, 12:57 PM
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done it, you will not lose wieght quicker doing anything else. anyone that wastes their time linking it to ANY serious illness had better make sure their house is in order first!

if you do it you will find every ******** under the sun suddenly turn up and inform you its bad for you.....while they smoke/drink/overeat/use a mobile/drive a car/watch to much telly/ otherwords there are plenty of worse things to worry about thank losing some fat!

Old 02 June 2003, 01:00 PM
sexy wrx69
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yep i did it. lasted 2 weeks and felt like crap for most of the time. My sisters been on it for a while and lost **** loads of weight.
you just have to be able to cope with the endless amounts of fat you have to eat.
i gave up cause eating fatty foods just makes me want to vomit.

most of the time i had headaches and felt nauseas and tired.

its good if you want to lose a lot of weight in a short amount of time...but in the long run...its not ideal. as soon as you finish and start eating normally again..the weight will come back with reinforcements.

best just to eat healthily and exercise. at least that way its a change for life.
Old 02 June 2003, 01:00 PM
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I started it last tuesday, weighed myself on the monday before and was 15st 1lb.

Day 1: drank 3 coffees with milk and sugar so didn't stick to it properly

Day 2: stuck to it easily.

Day 3: stuck to it easily,felt pretty good, I normally have a sugar crash in the afternoon, felt fine today

Day 4/5/6: went on my stag weekend, didn't stick to it at all. Weighed myself before I went, I was 14st 8lb

Day 7: started again, weighed myself: 14st 10lb
Old 02 June 2003, 01:03 PM
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as soon as you finish and start eating normally again..the weight will come back with reinforcements.
The thing is, you're not supposed to go back to eating "normally" it was eating "normally" that got you fat in the first place. My plan is to shed 2 stone over the next 2 months (easy with Atkins diet) and stabilise my weight with a healthy diet and exercise once at my target weight.

Im going to Hawaii and don't want to be the fat white blob on the beach.
Old 02 June 2003, 01:16 PM
sexy wrx69
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fairy snuff.

like i said...its a good quick fix to a weight problem.

good luck!

Old 02 June 2003, 01:25 PM
LG John
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I’ve been on Atkins for 3 weeks now and it is very effective. I don’t know what I weighed before but my abs are beginning to show through again and before hand they were well hidden by a large beer gut!

First of all you have to understand why you feel bad in the first few days/week. Its simple: your body is running on glucose that is generated from burning carbs (often in the form of sugar). When you stop eating carbs – which you pretty much do during the 2 week induction – your glucose supply runs out within about two days. For me I was fine in the first 48 hours and then I got totally nailed for 24 hours!!! I was so tired I can’t describe and had a sore head, etc but I stuck with it. During this 24 hours (can be longer) your body switches to burning fat as its source of fuel and once this happens you’ll feel fine (well, most people do, including me). In fact, many people report feeling better than ever once the switch has been made

I then ran for 3 weeks in the induction stage and whist I did crave foods and my friends tortured me (deliberately I might add!!!) it was fairly easy to do. Moreover, the appetite suppression effect of Atkins is phenomenal!!! One day I decided to experiment and see when I’d feel hungry! I got up had no food and went to work, I played footy for an hour at lunch and then had 1 cheese string. I then got home at 5 and had a 2-hour beast session in the gym and finally I gave in and had a small meal at 10 at night. I might add that I ate because I felt I should and not because I was hungry I should also add that at no point during all that exercise did I feel light-headed, weak, etc. My body was getting everything it needed from the fat stores despite no food that day and lots of exercise (demand) – quite impressive

I’ve just been away for a weekend where I chucked Atkins out the window for a few days, I drank lots of booze, had pizza, sweets, etc and to be honest it didn’t do a lot for me. I kind of expected the return to sugar to be more enjoyable but in the large it made me feel pretty crap about myself. Back on Atkins this morning, as I’ve got more fat that I want to burn and I feel fine

In conclusion, I’d highly recommend you get the book and read it all to understand the science behind what is about to happen to your body. Give it ago and then stick with the first week (which can be a very difficult adjustment for your body). Stick to the diet and you’ll be amazed at the results and how easy it is to do. The only advice I’ll give you is don’t tell people you are on it as you’ll get nothing but, ‘you don’t want to do that’ lines and it’s a real pain – everyone shoots it down without any knowledge of how/why it works. The results speak volumes for me: I feel better, I look better, I’m faster on the footy pitch, I’m faster and more agile and acrobatic at kuk sool and I can sometime forget I’m even on the diet! Better yet, I’ve only ever done induction, which is the hardest and strictest phase

P.S. It can be used as a quick fix but also as a sustained way and also a healthy way of eating. Remember, in the later stages you introduce a lot of good carb (fruit and veg) into your diet again so you get all you need
P.P.S Ask anyone that knows me: nobody likes pasta more than me I've managed it so....
Old 02 June 2003, 01:27 PM
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You can eat as much meat, veggies and fat as you like. But noone's forcing you to eat loads of fat and protein. Eat lots of salad / veggies instead and you'll feel much better and do yourself less damage
Old 02 June 2003, 01:30 PM
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sorry, but anything that cuts out a food group from a diet has to be bad in the long run. Just eat in moderation and go to the gym more! (That last bit is hard though )
Old 02 June 2003, 01:40 PM
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Yip I’ve done it and you lose loads of weight. You don’t have to eat lots of saturated fat try chicken, fresh or tined tuna, loads of veg and lean meat, eggs and peanuts (good fats). Go to the gym a few times a week, walk or run as well and you lose even more. I’ve had no problems with headaches and find it easy to stick to.
Old 02 June 2003, 01:41 PM
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Have you read the book scooby babe? Do you know what Carb actually is?? Cutting carb out your diet isn't a problem at all provided you're getting the energy you body needs from another source, in this case fat. The reason everyone thinks Atkins is bad is because you can't have a lot of vitamin and mineral rich foods in the first two weeks because they also happen to be too high in carb content. There are ways around this and moreover, once you move through the stages of the diet you start to reintroduce these foods (fruits, etc) as your carb allowance goes up. By the time you're on the maintainance stage of Atkins you will almost certainly be eating far better than the vast majority of the population and also the way you used to eat. In the first two weeks its difficult to get the required vits/mins but Atkins acknoledges this and stresses that induction is NOT 'Atkins' - its just a shock to switch your body's food processing mechanisms.

I can't stress how important it is to read the book and apply a critical mind to it before assessing the diet. For gods sake don't listed to what the papers, etc have been saying
Old 02 June 2003, 01:43 PM
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I’d highly recommend you get the book
Which one? Aren't there loads of them? Which one do you recommend? Not that I am interested in trying the diet, I might add.
Old 02 June 2003, 01:43 PM
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I'm in the eat less and burn more faction.

I was a champion pie eating 18.5 stone back in September 2001

I joined a gym and made some small changes to my diet. I have one sarnie at lunch instead of two. I replaced a cake with an apple and banana.

In an average week I visit the gym three to four times. A good visit will see me do around one hour of CV work.

No "fad" diets, cabbage soup or likewise. I still put away pizza, curries, kebabs and beer. Saturday night I had 12 bottles of Carlsberg, 4 cans of Tetley's and 2 Smirnoff ice, not to mention a whole wedge of food off the BBQ.

Oh yes, I'm 15 stone now and much fitter than I've ever been before
Old 02 June 2003, 01:53 PM
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People focus on the Induction phase and think thats what the whole diet is about; it isn't, you slowly up your carbs to a level where you can maintain your weight, if you exercise it's a higher level than if you're sedentary, which makes perfect sense. It also isn't about eating fatty foods, just eating the right kind of fat (just because butter is allowed doesn't mean you have to eat a pound of it a day).

I'm sick of Babybel cheese though, it's been my "snack of choice" so far
Old 02 June 2003, 01:56 PM
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Interesting feedback - thanks everyone. I'll let you know how things proceed.

Old 02 June 2003, 01:57 PM
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Diet thread and Luke and TurboKitty turn up !!!!!!!!
Old 02 June 2003, 01:59 PM
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What a shocker. Now who'd have guessed that'd happen?

Still, I haven't started a fight on this one, (yet).

Quick Reply: Anybody tried the Atkins Diet on here?

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