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Old 15 May 2002, 12:16 PM
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Spoke to someone at work (ethnic min(maj!)ority) and he said that if you were offered free housing,free healthcare etc wouldn't you take it. He's right to a degree its about time we stopped all these benefits for these ***** and then they wouldn't want to come here. Put adverts in the papers of the Middle east and tell them WE DONT ******* WANT YOU. I beleive a council in the north did this a while ago? Every time any one says anything like this they get called a racist. NO I ain't racist, Im patriotic and I believe that if you think that the majority aren't spongers how about they live with YOU.

Tony B can **** OFF until he makes a damned good decision for once in his career. In fact maybe if he resigned and put BLunkett in charge we'd be getting somewhere. 1 of the few labour politicians that is more conerned about the everyday people as opposed to the scum.


Old 15 May 2002, 12:55 PM
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It's strange that people (outside this bbs) think it's funny that my home may possibly be worthless now thanks to our wonderful government. Above all I blame Blunkett as he it home secretary. I don't think he would like it if they built one of these camps near his home and the Asylum seekers started tormenting his dog. Non of the cabinet have got any ***** anyway they never do anything without President Blairs say so.

Hopefully this will never get passed the planning application as they will see the idea as completely stupid.

Old 15 May 2002, 01:30 PM
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All three of the sites are also in Conservative seats, now that’s a strange coincidence if ever I've seen one.

Just had a look at the form on the government site one person is accusing Blair of being a pathological liar and mentally unstable after watching him last night on the TV.

Old 16 May 2002, 12:09 AM
Harry Potter
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I worked at Rochester Imigration detention centre for a year.
It is a prison, it is not nice!
Unruly asylum seekers get sent there and rot for years whilst the appeals process drags on making the lawyers rich and the tax payers pay for the lawyers.

There is no preferential treatment for asylum seakers other than trying to get interpreters as it is a waste of time without.

I have recently seen an Albanian woman raped by a Serb policeman, on both occasions the out patient administrator forgot to book a translator.

Woman was in tears both times and I phoned her "friend" (illegal courier) to apolgise to the woman and rebook her.....since found out she is a Moslem and needs to speak to a woman about rehousing not a Psychiatrist about being tearful/depressed

Immigrants running the blockade sell themnselves into effective slavery to gangs of asylum smugglers, they come here as a land of oportunity (fall back position of crap hostels and food vouchers!)

I thought I was tough and immune to sob stories but the immigration service is unbelievable, I don't know where the idea they are a soft touch comes from?!

Smelling hunger strikers after 40 days puts a perspective on this that you will not appreciate!

Dumping them in rural settings is mad, stick them in urban areas where they can blend in and have some affinity.

Tell the French to stop taking the ****!

In germany they are welcome to stay but do not get benefits...........or food vouchers........"quick get to UK".

There is no test for "real v bogus asylum seeker".

My plan is to convert the Isle of Sheppy into a processing plant as it is near the Channel ports.

Normal for Sheppy might raise its gene pool

Oh and there are several prisons on the island as well
Old 16 May 2002, 02:24 AM
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I've just read this whole thread.

Everyone agrees there is a problem (and it's been brewing since the fall of the Communist Block). Nobody can suggest a solution.

Perhaps the answer is to make the countries were they came from somewhere worth living in. This means more than just deporting people.

How did those contries get in such a mess in the first place? We live in a global village and we all share at least some responsibility. Maybe that's where we (ALL prosperous western Europeans) should focus our effort.

Old 16 May 2002, 04:06 AM
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That's the problem there countries are full of corruption and they all want to leave, well they will not all fit here, so what do you do, run there countries for them ?. We dont seem to be that loved by a lot of these nations so I cannot see them letting us do that, yet they still want to come here. If it is in there nature to be less there country is F@cked up " i have statistics" surely in the long term this will only make our nation more unstable.
It is the people that make a good standared of living and we may be living on a sinking ship, who knows. FFS you can't even say NITTY GRITTY, More and more people are being pushed to extreme parties "Holland - France" because of PC policies. If you do not do what the people want these parties will have a massive following and then it will get really ugly instead of being handled sensibly at the begining. I read recently that it was being put forward to make either spanish or mexican "cannot recall" the first langauge for florida !
Give it time
I'm up for a tax increase if they start a new airline DEPORTAIR
for any a/s caught breaking the law
Oh 4 the post on the previous page i class British as someone born here. If you were not and dont contribute to society possitively you go back to where you came from, I think going back to 1066 is a bit childish and doesn't make any point. There may be scroungers who were born here but at least they have relatives somewhere who have done there bit.


Apparently A Racist

if you defend your race these days
Old 16 May 2002, 07:33 AM
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Feelings run high on this sort of debate, but I'll chuck in my 2p, and no doubt be shot down in flames for it ....

I think we should be ENCOURAGING some of the immigrants, but basing it on different criteria, in that you could claim political asylum if that really is the case, or you could apply for economic asylum (if that's the correct phrase).

Political asylum seekers would get treated as they currently are but would be limited to a certain number (perhaps 50,000 per annum, though that's a complete stab in the dark). Once the quota had been filled, then sorry, no more until next year.

Economic migrants would have to pass an English test and would not be eligible for state benefits until they'd worked for a certain length of time. If they worked and paid taxes for (say) 5 years, they'd then be eligible for British citizenship.

Those who oppose immigration don't realise how many talented people there are in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe etc who could add to the economic well-being of the country. Given that the South-East is short of skilled staff, and trying to persuade people from Scotland or wherever doesn't seem to be working, we need something to change.

I've got 50 people working for me, minimum £17k per year, and trying to find reasonable staff is a nightmare. I took on an Afghanistani asylum seeker (part-qualified accountant)on September 14th last year, and have never regretted it. This was a guy who knew he had been given a chance and worked like hell to prove how good he was, unlike many native-born staff (of whatever ethnicity) who seem to think they deserve everything on a plate. I've also got Australians, Kiwis, a Nigerian, a French Guyanese, two Zimbabweans, and a South African working for me, and there's no problem with any of them. Bottom line is not where they come from, but can they do the work?

Don't forget that Europe (yes, we're part of it) has a seriously declining birth rate, and we have to do something to boost our ageing population. If our own population isn't going to bring sufficent wage-earners into being, we've got to import, same as you do with any other scarce/valuable resource. The trick to it is to take the very best - the doctors, nurses, teachers, architects etc.

Finally, to those who make disparaging comments about immigrants - most of these people are from countries who don't have massive divorce rates, for whom family is important, where a child knows both of its parents, and where there are no state benefits so you have to work for what you get. A significant proportion of the middle-class Asians in the UK are here as a direct result of Idi Amin throwing them out of Uganda in the early 1970's. Most of these families are now into their 3rd generation in the UK, and a lot have become seriously wealthy by being industrious. Almost all place huge emphasis on education and strive to send their kids to university so that they can continue to better the family. A model we could all follow, no?


One eighth French, half-Scot, part-Lancastrian, and 100% Geordie
Old 16 May 2002, 09:03 AM
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Most of these families are now into their 3rd generation in the UK, and a lot have become seriously wealthy by being industrious. Almost all place huge emphasis on education and strive to send their kids to university so that they can continue to better the family. A model we could all follow, no?
Does this count for our local well known drug dealer of Eastern European origin with new BMW M3 and registration M3 PAK


[Edited by Dream Weaver - 5/16/2002 9:04:25 AM]
Old 16 May 2002, 09:18 AM
Chris T
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Some good points here - but one I would like to raise. It is the UK government itself which is creating part of this problem. If someone comes here economic migrant or politcal refugee - they are assessed for citzenship - great. However if they lose the first case they can appeal. the appeal process currently takes over six months - during which time the migrant has NO work permit and cannot take a job even if they could find one.

Why can't the government create a one year working visa so that the UK can get these people from a expense into an income
AND remove much of the resentment from the uk population about spongers & scroungers.

I have worked in Ilford & Romford, as a recruitment consultant - I currently CANNOT by law send non UK workers into permanent jobs even if they are on a ancestary visa. we are cutting out some of the talent available to UK companies and this is wrong.
Old 16 May 2002, 10:14 AM
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First off, Tiggs the Normans did come here for free housing.

They came over here and stole everything from the indiginous native society.

Their ancestors are still in charge and still stealing.

Secondly. Oldham.

A friend of ours had a problem with her 4 year old's English pronunciation not being up to scratch for their age. Sorry no resources no facilities blah blah blah skint council/NHS etc. (She works for the NHS).

Meanwhile in the same place she sees rooms of "less fortunates" from the ethnic "minority" attending tutors for folks who's first language is not English, to be taught how to speak English. FoC.

The local paper carries articles from ethnic minority leaders(?) shouting for amnesty for "their" people who rioted in the town last year. (Causing large amounts of criminal damage to the propery of people they don't know.)

Meanwhile there is howling for the authorities to jail white "racists" who support the BNP and who advocate criminal damage to the property of people they don't know.

Do you wonder people vote BNP?

They don't want what the BNP stand for root and branch, but they are sick to death of being ignored and ridiculed for being "racists". These issues need to be addressed by the main stream parties, they cannot go on ignoring them and labelling anyone who broaches the subject as racists.

Face the facts. There is only one reason why all the "asylum" seekers race through every other country to get to Britain. They think they will be given money for sitting on their ***** and free houses, schools,healthcare etc. Seeing the state of where they come from, who wouldn't?

They are the victims of the people who trade on these lies, and would be better off being encouraged to stay in their own countries. We need to root out the traffickers in their native lands who are telling them lies.
Old 16 May 2002, 07:38 PM
Harry Potter
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I have met hundreds of Asylum seekers, they come here for the opportunity and the "fall back position" of the welfare state = food vouchers and hard to let accomodation.

But primarily it is for opportunity!

My hospital is like the United Nations!
Of 20 juniour Psychiatrists only 1 is Uk born and bred.

Without foreign Drs the NHS would not function.
Old 16 May 2002, 07:54 PM
scooby nutter
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Just read a article in a big newspaper saying something like 75%of asylum seekers are Single Men in their 20's!!!
Shouldnt it be the women and children who come here first???
Why are the Guys leaving their families over in the War torn areas??

Why do these people not just stay in France?Its because the UK is a soft touch,the ZOG goverment do Fuc& all for the People that live here and were born here.We all get ripped off left right and center,and what do the govement do with all this cash?
1:build centers for immigrant scum and phony asylum seekers
2ut up more Speed cameras

All the people who were born in the uk are scared to voice our opinions because we get branded "Racist".
Look how the BNP disrupted the building of a center near Liverpool they canvassed hundreds of homes and they succeeded in stopping the building getting the go-ahead.

Vote BNP
Old 16 May 2002, 09:24 PM
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The last thing we need in this country is more single mothers sponging off the state.

Stick them all in a crate and ship them home.
Old 16 May 2002, 09:25 PM
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Harry : Evidently your not understanding the point!

Your right there are a lot of non english Dr's working in the NHS. And I for one do not care if Im seen by a white/asian/green Dr as long as he is uterly professional and gives me the best advice/care I need.

BUT and its a huge **** off BUT

99% of the Asylum seekers are not Drs. there not even qualified anythings. They are only here for the freebies. This is why no one likes them. If they were contributing to society no one would bat an eyelid. Bu the fact is their NOT.

Digreeing slightly : I am sick of reading in the papers that the swing to the right is a BAD thing. Its only A BAD THING if you're foriegn scum who would leave this country in an instance if there was nothing for free. Its political corectness gone mad.

VOTE British National Party. Before its too late!!!!
Old 16 May 2002, 09:46 PM
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It can be hard for a home owner in England to understand what some of these people are fleeing from.

There is village in Kosova called Loxha (near the Serb border, just outside Pec) where all the houses were totally destroyed. Try to imagine how you would feel if everyone in your village/street had had their home totally ruined and family killed. Many want to stay to rebuild the community but others want to start a new life away from the hatred.

Some refugees have returned to Kosova because they would rather face the conditions than the situation in the UK.

However, I saw one very frighted Serbian woman who fled the country and who could not return for fear of reprisals.

There are two sides to every story and unfortunately there are no simple solutions.
Old 16 May 2002, 09:59 PM
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You can't spell properley and your English grammar is diabolical.

Funny that, considering your pathetic views about being English and "from here" etcetera.

You are clearly a man with a lot of deep-seated, long term frustration and anger, and find asylum seekers or anyone different a good target to vent it on.

Did you have an abusive childhood? Something unpleasant must have happened to you somewhere along the line.

[Edited by sebastian - 5/16/2002 10:00:48 PM]
Old 16 May 2002, 10:08 PM
cement man
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You are 100% correct, thats just how i would have put have just saved me half hour with my one finger typing,good lad!
Old 16 May 2002, 10:11 PM
cement man
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Sorry meant rr-ww.
Old 16 May 2002, 11:24 PM
Harry Potter
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Dear rr~mm the point is that not all bloody foreigners that come to this country are a drain on our resources.

Just to be racially stereotypical.............if hoards of 6 foot Blonde birds with big **** from my Scandinavian gene pool or Chines birds (as I am partial to that as well) decided to invade the UK armed with medical, legal, acountancy qualifications etc I would not complain. Infact I don't think most hard working self sacrificing law abiding Impreza owners would complain either!

Where things go wrong is the fall back position!

In Germany they can stay but don't get benefits so they move on.

They move on because the locals don't give them a chance to earn an honest living.

When they get to this country they are forced to be idle and are subject to Sky broadcasting, they think Coca cola is a rite.

They are not allowed to work, they are easy prey to eastern european and Chinese Snake hand gangs to work illegally, as after all they have to pay off their "people smugglers"...when they get deported knowing their family may all be killed in reprisal

There is a huge difference between intellectualls fleeing/ saying "help" on arrival compared with blockade runners in mid 20s who are definetly here for the crack.

Albanians are very pragmatic they see a spell in Rochester as an occupational hazard!
Old 16 May 2002, 11:39 PM
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They don't have to pay off"people smugglers"they have already paid,who do you think shuts the truck doors or super glues the TIR cord back together.
Old 17 May 2002, 09:03 AM
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single mothers
Am I sponging off the state then? I get benefit because I work which helps me pay for my daughter's nursery. If I didn't get this, I wouldn't have my own house, own car and other luxuries.

Not ALL single mothers are spongers - I earn my living! I suppose the same could be said for asylum seekers - not ALL of them are crooks.... But let's generalise eh?
Old 17 May 2002, 09:27 AM
Chris T
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Agree - the quality of debate in this thread has gone downhill - too much prejudice being brought to a difficult subject.

To re iterate - the government prevent asylum seekings on appeal from working in the uk until there case has been heard. Of necissity these people turn to the black economy to subsist in the uk - hence taxi companies, office cleaners etc basically cash in hand work. Some of these people are educated and trained for other work.

Personally - I would like two things - one a citzenship test - when asylum is granted the individual should have to pass a basic citzenship test inform them of there RIGHTS and DUTIES within the UK.

two - introduction of English langauge education to help intergration.

On the single mothers issue - cannot understand why some people get so steamed up about this - we have the lowest birthrate since 1924 - at only 1.54 per COUPLE - that means we have a declining population for the first time - you figure it out.
Old 17 May 2002, 11:08 AM
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Also, I think we already established that it is mainly young men seeking asylum, not single mothers who are sneeking into this country!
Old 17 May 2002, 11:13 AM
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We could also start a debate about the amount of children people from certain sectors of society have - is there a correlation between poverty and the amount of kids you have?

I have only one and stopping there thanks.....
Old 17 May 2002, 09:24 PM
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Yeah Sebastian Yeah.
TW@T! Instead of picking holes in my views, you resort to personal insults about my life. FYI I have had a moderately good childhood, no major trauma/abuse to speak of. Got mugged (broken nose and eye socket) by 4 afro caribbeans when I was 16 though. Don't hate all black people as a result though. But obviously you beleve that my views are soo extreme, I must be off my head. I hope I never meet you because I can just hear myself laughing in your petty face. My typos are exacly that and my grammar isn't THAT bad.

O yeah and don't accuse me of being narrow minded. I have many friends from Ethnic minorites, god, my best friend is a lesbian. My neighbours are bangladesh restaurant owners. Sh*t so close minded eh?!

As I will say now and continue to say to the day I die. I object to people take liberties with the British/English peoples hospitality and theiving from US!

Harry : Im not sure I understand all your last post. Like me, you have no problem in people working, paying taxes etc but we both appear to dislike bogus Asylum Seekers. Not sure we need to be in conflict over that.

p.s. I have no idea who brought single parents up. It isn't easy raising children at the best of times, so these people need help and support. Money thay is being squandered on Asylum Sites and suspect Solictors fees!

Thanks for reading
Old 17 May 2002, 11:04 PM
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hmm..... i say send `em all back! FULL STOP.Short sighted maybe, but thats my view.

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