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Finally - Cameron attacks 'state multiculturalism'

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Old 05 February 2011, 04:28 PM
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Originally Posted by The Dogs B******s
I can't believe the PM has grown some *****
Don't worry, they won't last
Old 05 February 2011, 04:34 PM
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Originally Posted by hutton_d
Come on, you yourself said that "many" of our problems today can be traced back to Maggies time. So how come we're not allowed to blame Labour when it's Ok to blame someone who was last PM 20 years ago!?

Typical leftie response that. 'We must move on, can't live in the past' whilst blaming those non-lefties from the past anyway. Or 'we should go with the consensus' when they're not in the majority, but when they are then we must 'do as we say for the good of the country'. (cf Obama in the US now he hasn't a majority in both houses any more!).

The problems I have refered to as regards Maggie are a dismantling of the social fabric of the UK, the effects of which are still being felt today and will for all future generations. What she did was far worse than anything the Labour party subsequently did although they fanned the flames of an already well established fire.

As usual you start throwing the lefty moniker about. Do you actually read any posts on here or is your need to speak rather than listen that overwhelming? Many times I have stated that Labour were not good for this country and contributed greatly to how the world recession has affected us.

What I am now talking about is what the latest government's cuts and economic policies are doing to the economy in the short term. As I have just said it is too much too soon and has shattered the confidence of a fragile recovery. That is down to them and them alone hence why I have singled the out. Simples as they say
Old 05 February 2011, 04:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Paul Habgood
Rather than break this down into individual quotes let me say at by and large I agree with what you say

Yes i did figure certain people would post inappropriate comments or side track the thread and i have done my best to keep it on track. I regularly RTM stuff i feel is inappropriate and let the mods decide - IMHO they do a good and fair job of it. I try not to rise to the bait of some by ignoring their posts as i said it only gives them a bit of credibility and a soapbox to do so. It is also up to others (you included (in the nicest possible way) to also police the thread by using the RTM function.

I posted this thread after some thought about the consequences, but thought it worthy of airing as it is a key speech by our PM (love him or hate him) about to be given to other heads of state. I also do not think i should have to not post something i see as important just because a few fools will make stupid comments - this comes back to the RTM function and all of us using it as required

My stance is that i do not prejudge anyone by their colour or by their religion but by their actions and motives.
Paul, I completely agree with this post. No reservations at all.

My ire has been vented I feel, and given sensible comments like this one from you, I am placated.

Old 05 February 2011, 04:40 PM
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Originally Posted by f1_fan

It was too much too soon, but I know there is no telling you as according to you everything bad probably including the recent cyclone to hit Queensland is down to Labour
Nothing to do with Labour you old leftie, a cyclone is an area of closed, circular fluid motion rotating in the same direction as the Earth. This is usually characterized by inward spiraling winds that rotate counter clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere of the Earth.

Old 05 February 2011, 04:57 PM
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Originally Posted by hutton_d
Didn't say I was. But that's the impression lots of people have. They hear 'Muslim suicide bomber .... Muslim shot and killed two ... Muslim pilots 9/11' etc etc so it's no wonder people get the "wrong impression". And the news shows pictures of "Muslims" holding up placards on British streets saying 'Death to unbelievers' (or whatever). Drip drip drip .....
As for the "media I subscribe to", if it's Muslims doing the majority of terrorist attacks then why should I subscribe to media that doesn't report that?

Dave, if you feel that the news media are there to inform you, as opposed to making sales, that is the nub of the problem. I am not responsible for what they feel sells newspapers. Why do you think that is all they seem to go on about?

I am sorry that we seem to only be answering each others' questions with questions (ie not really going anywhere) but I do feel you have gone completely off topic here.

In answer to your question, I heard stats the other week that the majority of terrorist incidents are not from Muslim terror groups, but cannot quote the source as it was on the radio. Perhaps you can look up some concrete figures? That way there will be less conjecture.

Old 05 February 2011, 05:24 PM
tony de wonderful
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Originally Posted by AsifScoob
Do we have to have ANOTHER thread on this subject? Jesus!

Why can't we have a sensible discussion on Multiculturalism instead of the usual idiotic comments from people?

THAT'S why it goes wrong every time!
You could lead by example?
Old 05 February 2011, 05:28 PM
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Originally Posted by Paul Habgood
Asif. To make my position perfectly clear
I am not a moderator nor have the power top stop people posting or alter their posts.
I will however if this gets out of hand either delete the thread myself or report it to get something done but i will not stop posting just because some people do not like what i post or they then go on to turn in into a xyz bashing thread. I made my position clear from the start and also pointed out my own experiences in a Muslim country when someone posted how churches, etc where not tolerated in such countries.

It is not up to me to 'justify' my post(s) by defending anyone although i will correct and comment on what i know to be incorrect/wrong/misleading.
The idiots, extremists and ill educated on all sides (we all know who they are) make themselves clear by their words and they should be ignored thus not giving them credibility and opportunity to continue and troll and cause problems.

Its called freedom of speech
The evidence is that in general the Islamic world is intolerant of other religions and creeds, despite their being some examples of tolerance, and when their is tolerance it is discretionary with the minorities only having rights in so far as the Islamic orthodoxy permits them.
Old 05 February 2011, 05:28 PM
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Originally Posted by tony de wonderful
You could lead by example?
Ah there you are. Been out anywhere today?
Old 05 February 2011, 05:33 PM
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Originally Posted by tony de wonderful
You could lead by example?
Coming from you Tony...

However, I wouldn't be leading would I? I would be trying to redress the imbalance created by others, as I see it, on this thread.

Do you not wonder why I do not start threads like this?

Let's leave it there Tone, I have been Spanish Inquisitioned on this thread sufficiently and unjustifiably IMO, but have made my point.

I have work to do now (that I need to get on with!) and need to be in the pub by 8pm. I hope you have a good evening. May I suggest that you go out? Altrincham is supposed to be a nice place?

Old 05 February 2011, 05:35 PM
tony de wonderful
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Originally Posted by AsifScoob
Let me ask you, are you seriously equating the actions of a handful, yes a handful, of nutcases around the whole planet, to being indicative of what 1.5 billion people think?
That is all straw.

Let me ask you if you think say the 'home grown' suicide bombers in the UK are not a manifestation of a dysfunctional social and political factors within the Islamic community. For every bombers their are many sympathizers and many more who are 'Islamists' and want Sharia law. I don't believe it is just the result of 'randomness' as you seem to want to imply. Please don't see this as an attack.
Old 05 February 2011, 05:42 PM
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Personally I think they are just steering everyones attention from how the economy is being screwed into the ground with all the cuts and it is having the opposite effect the goverment were hoping for and they are being told this by everyone but are not listening just like every politician that has ever been in power.

As a bus driver the bus companies have just seen 20% in cuts which was the fuel duty they paid but the goverment are not willing to let them cut any part of the service, eg kids and oap's still get free travel and half price for anyone who says they cant lift there arms or finds it difficult to put one foot infront of the other. To save this money they have been recruiting drivers on £8.50 an hour ( I currently get £12.70) we all know where this is leading the company will activley look to get rid of us "Higher Paid" drivers to recruit the drivers on the lower rate to claw back the cuts and make even more money for the share holders.

Is this fair?????
Old 05 February 2011, 05:43 PM
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Originally Posted by tony de wonderful
That is all straw.

Let me ask you if you think say the 'home grown' suicide bombers in the UK are not a manifestation of a dysfunctional social and political factors within the Islamic community. For every bombers their are many sympathizers and many more who are 'Islamists' and want Sharia law. I don't believe it is just the result of 'randomness' as you seem to want to imply. Please don't see this as an attack.
No Tony, dont ask me anything!

Pop down to the mosque in Longsight and have a chat with them. They will give you all the answers mate, probably convert you, be careful!

If you are not attacking me why the straw comment? It is a perfectly reasonable statement/question. Instead of accusing me of things why not provide a sensible counter?

Sorry but Fred West was a pretty dysfunctional element within the white, English, community in this country. Please explain his actions as you are 'obviously' the same as him?

And before you say anything, or before I am accused of being horrible to you, I have answered all of these questions before. You however, NEVER answered a single question about that which you chose to defend.


Old 05 February 2011, 05:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Mikej857
Personally I think they are just steering everyones attention from how the economy is being screwed into the ground with all the cuts and it is having the opposite effect the goverment were hoping for and they are being told this by everyone but are not listening just like every politician that has ever been in power.
Exactly the point I made earlier in the thread. Couldn't agree with you more.

If he is so bothered let's see some action rather than just waffle!
Old 05 February 2011, 05:49 PM
tony de wonderful
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Originally Posted by AsifScoob
No Tony, dont ask me anything!

Pop down to the mosque in Longsight and have a chat with them. They will give you all the answers mate, probably convert you, be careful!

If you are not attacking me why the straw comment? It is a perfectly reasonable statement/question. Instead of accusing me of things why not provide a sensible counter?

Sorry but Fred West was a pretty dysfunctional element within the white, English, community in this country. Please explain his actions as you are 'obviously' the same as him?

And before you say anything, or before I am accused of being horrible to you, I have answered all of these questions before. You however, NEVER answered a single question about that which you chose to defend.


Fred West's crime were not political. It's political violence we are talking about with Terrorism, you cannot ignore the motivation and political cause and the political cause is Islam (or at least one version of it).
Old 05 February 2011, 05:58 PM
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Originally Posted by AsifScoob

Given sufficient time, and immigration, the host country WILL change. As society and humans evolve and develop.

I cannot think of a single country that hasn't changed in this fashion to some extent.

Willingly though? Or because of procreation?

Some of us don't want the country we know and love changed in certain ways but should foreign populations continue to grow, we will have no choice in the matter.

There is nothing we can do to stop it if it is going to happen but that doesn't mean we have to like it. I don't have to accept any arguments to the contrary, I don't have to reason or meet half way.

This is how I feel.
That is how you feel.
Each entitled to his view. Nothing wrong with that.
Old 05 February 2011, 06:06 PM
tony de wonderful
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Originally Posted by foz200315
Willingly though? Or because of procreation?

Some of us don't want the country we know and love changed in certain ways but should foreign populations continue to grow, we will have no choice in the matter.

There is nothing we can do to stop it if it is going to happen but that doesn't mean we have to like it. I don't have to accept any arguments to the contrary, I don't have to reason or meet half way.

This is how I feel.
That is how you feel.
Each entitled to his view. Nothing wrong with that.
Asif is right that immigration does tend to change the host culture, normally the immigrants are changed too and in turn they change the hosts and you have a cultural mixing going on.

Culture is one thing but the law and nature of the state is another.

It does not follow that the state should incorporate elements of religious law as part of that 'mixing' though.
Old 05 February 2011, 06:16 PM
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Originally Posted by foz200315
There is nothing we can do to stop it
Yes there is, foz. You can challenge, educate, fight your corner and be absolutely prepared to stand your ground in the face of overwhelming opposition, often in the form of moral blackmail and ill-informed slurs. There are people that wish to see you roll over, it makes life easy for them. Don't roll over.

Last edited by JTaylor; 05 February 2011 at 06:18 PM.
Old 05 February 2011, 06:29 PM
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Cameron - you are RIGHT on this!!


You live here on OUR terms - end of!
Old 05 February 2011, 06:51 PM
The Dogs B******s
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Originally Posted by pslewis
Cameron - you are RIGHT on this!!


You live here on OUR terms - end of!
Old 05 February 2011, 06:55 PM
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Old 05 February 2011, 07:08 PM
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Thank goodness for a common sense approach ... too much namby pamby PC nonsense is usually spoken.

Old 05 February 2011, 07:34 PM
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Originally Posted by hutton_d

"Pete talks sense" shocker .....


Originally Posted by Terminator X
Thank goodness for a common sense approach ... too much namby pamby PC nonsense is usually spoken.

Old 05 February 2011, 07:39 PM
tony de wonderful
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Originally Posted by pslewis
Cameron - you are RIGHT on this!!


You live here on OUR terms - end of!
Maybe, but at what point does self-determination become permissible?

Look at Kosova for example.
Old 05 February 2011, 07:53 PM
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Originally Posted by Mikej857
Personally I think they are just steering everyones attention from how the economy is being screwed into the ground with all the cuts and it is having the opposite effect the goverment were hoping for and they are being told this by everyone but are not listening just like every politician that has ever been in power.

As a bus driver the bus companies have just seen 20% in cuts which was the fuel duty they paid but the goverment are not willing to let them cut any part of the service, eg kids and oap's still get free travel and half price for anyone who says they cant lift there arms or finds it difficult to put one foot infront of the other. To save this money they have been recruiting drivers on £8.50 an hour ( I currently get £12.70) we all know where this is leading the company will activley look to get rid of us "Higher Paid" drivers to recruit the drivers on the lower rate to claw back the cuts and make even more money for the share holders.

Is this fair?????

(Call me) Dave's timing is kind of suspicious to say the least. Multiculturalism is failing? No **** Sherlock! It's been failing for feckin' years. However it seems the issue is only carted out when the powers that be need a convenient diversion. We need solid, coherent policies to address the problems, not soundbites. A start would be to stop immigration immediately. Then deport all illegals followed by those that flout our laws. There you go (call me) Dave, I've set the ball rolling.
Old 05 February 2011, 07:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Einstein RA
(Call me) Dave's timing is kind of suspicious to say the least. Multiculturalism is failing? No **** Sherlock! It's been failing for feckin' years. However it seems the issue is only carted out when the powers that be need a convenient diversion. We need solid, coherent policies to address the problems, not soundbites. A start would be to stop immigration immediately. Then deport all illegals followed by those that flout our laws. There you go (call me) Dave, I've set the ball rolling.
Were you making the same accusations when Baroness Sayeeda Warsi made her recent speech accusing the British middle-classes of Islamophobia and denying the existence of Islamism?
Old 05 February 2011, 08:01 PM
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Originally Posted by tony de wonderful
Were you making the same accusations when Baroness Sayeeda Warsi made her recent speech accusing the British middle-classes of Islamophobia and denying the existence of Islamism?
Absolutely. I call a spade a spade. As for that Warsi lass, she is still a stuck up opinionated cow same as she was when I was at college with her.

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