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Old 19 January 2005, 11:02 AM
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Originally Posted by ChristianR

impressive, any idea on what his regime was?

Re: the Blade guy - Dont know in detail, although i know he had a British Olympic athlete as his personal trainer, think it was something campbel, who is regarded as one of the top nutrishinists in the world & he trained 5 hours a day, 6 days a week.

What i did find interesting though is he was allowed a 'day off' where he could eat whatever he liked. reckon i'd need that.....

He's physique (sp?) is what i'd ideally like, but i know for a fact i havent got the time or motivation to get even close to it. A few health magazines refused to interview him about the trainning as they said it was impossible to get how he did without drugs in that amount of time..

All those saying my goal is impossible, remember, i'm only trying to beat someone else who is starting to train the same time as me, not going up against Peter Andre or whatever!

Appreciate the advice Milo, will see what i can do, few questions though...

1) You say the diet should consist of about 30% fats, this seems very high?? is there a reason for that???

2) Is walking a much better way to lose weight then?? Thought the harder you exercise, the more calories you burn??

not doubting you, just curious...

3) And how would you take in these healthier fats???

4) how do you know all this?

5) are you built like you should be knowing all this?

6) the blade bloke used a subsitute called Creatine (sp) , whats in that??

7) well done on the song, Drop The Pressure, its quality...

Old 19 January 2005, 11:32 AM
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Creatine is a protien drink IIRC designed to help improve muscle build. basically its a glorified product. you could make it at half the cost with a few things from asda and a blender. sure thats right.

still think you wont have a 6 pack in 2 months without some SERIOUS effort
Old 19 January 2005, 11:36 AM
Little Miss WRX
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Originally Posted by davegtt
I think your getting these type of responses cause it sounds a near enough impossible task to be honest, from my little flab on my stomach I very much doubt sit ups ever night of the week and a good diet will turn it around in just 3 months..... I might be wrong but if I thought I could get a 6 pack in 3 months then Id have a go too but to be honest, I think your looking at alot of effort over alot longer period
I echo those comments, I am doing 100 crunches in the morning, 100 at night plus "side" crunches.
I am not getting any definition at all.
Old 19 January 2005, 11:41 AM
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It's all about diet. Not just a good diet, but one similar to a BodyBuilders cutting diet.

You CANNOT SPOT REDUCE FAT. You could do 1000 situps day-in, day-out but if you don't eat properly and reduce your OVERALL bodyfat you won't get the definition.

Blokes generally carry any excess fat around their stomachs. It'll drop off everywhere else long before it starts disappearing off their stomachs.

Old 19 January 2005, 12:11 PM
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to give you an idea how BORING it all is......the bloke from Blade3 has since lost most of his size because he cant be arsed to work out all day which is what he was doing in prep for the film.

if a movie star with lots of freetime cant be bothered its easy to see why joe bloggs cant get off the sofa!
Old 19 January 2005, 01:07 PM
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Originally Posted by Little Miss WRX
I echo those comments, I am doing 100 crunches in the morning, 100 at night plus "side" crunches.
I am not getting any definition at all.
well.. no, you wouldn't doing that. in fact, doing that kind of schedule of crunches, you're probably making your ab muscles smaller, not larger.

definition is about diet, not crunches.
Old 19 January 2005, 01:17 PM
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Originally Posted by wez_sti
Appreciate the advice Milo, will see what i can do, few questions though...

1) You say the diet should consist of about 30% fats, this seems very high?? is there a reason for that???

2) Is walking a much better way to lose weight then?? Thought the harder you exercise, the more calories you burn??

not doubting you, just curious...

3) And how would you take in these healthier fats???

4) how do you know all this?

5) are you built like you should be knowing all this?

6) the blade bloke used a subsitute called Creatine (sp) , whats in that??

7) well done on the song, Drop The Pressure, its quality...

1. because your body needs an intake of fats. both to promote burning of your bodyfat, and for fuel. fats are a precursor to endogenous testosterone production, and as a result, low-fat diets cause a drop in testosterone levels, which in-turn leads to catabolism. this isnt desirable. get it out of your head that "fats make you fat".. because they dont. excess calories make you fat. your body needs the right macronutrient levels, including fats, in order to live. many bodybuilders, in a pre-contest diet, will chose to go down the ketogenic route, in which they're getting as much as 80% of their calories from fats, and the rest from protein. now, getting the right kind of fats is the important thing.

2. yes, the harder you exercise the more calories you burn... BUT, you burn calories in two ways - from fats and from carbs (glycogen). the harder you exercise, the higher percentage of calories are burnt from glycogen. this isn't desirable for fat loss, as you could end up in a catabolic state. to ensure you burn maximum fat and preserve muscle, you want very low intensity cardio. this will also stimulate your metabolism.

3. via oily fish, a certain amount (but not too much) animal fats, and PLENTY of omega-3 fats (usually from healthy oils - like flaxseed, cod liver, extra virgin olive oil etc).

4. lol

5. lol

6. creatine is a supplement that we've discussed a lot on here. do a search. it's a beneficial supplement (one of the few), and well worth having.

7. lol

also, dont believe everything you read about how actors trained. the trainers of these people have absolutely no incentive to tell you how they're really training their clients, as this would lose them business. if anything, they may well do what arnie used to do - and publicize a completely different routine from what they're doing that just won't work.
Old 19 January 2005, 02:29 PM
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The plot thickens !
I followed a program a few years back that didn't invole any cardio at all , just weight training three times a week and a 1600 calorie a day diet , this reduced to 1400 on week three then 1200 on week five , with an extra set every two weeks , and while it did work ( i went down to a 32 inch waist from a 36 ) i was completly drained at the end of it (six weeks )

there is that much confusing information now , its very hard to "sort the wheat from the chaf "

all i want ( and i think most lads n lasses on here ) is a very easy guide to lose about a stone or a bit more , something where it says monday eat this, do this , and so on , that way you know you are not wasting your time , you see results pretty fast and keep the motivation up
i mean i have a good mountain bike sat doing nothing , a member of a good local gym , loads of good walks in the country near me ,

but i cant get the motivation up to go and do it , because i have done it all before and nothing seems to really work , because i think we (I) get confused in what needs to be done and what needs to be eaten and how much of it !
I think its all about in having the confidence in a routine / program where you can really stick to it , get results fast , then you get the motivation to carry on

Hope this has made some sense
Old 19 January 2005, 03:01 PM
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I lost a stone over 5-days with food poisoning last year. I looked well toned, but thin as a rake and felt like ****. I wouldn't recommend that quick fix to anyone

You could starve yourself for a month and lose a LOT of weight, but I wouldn't recommend that either.

Forget listening to some actors training regime. 5-hours a day and 6 days per week would just lead to overtraining and injuries. I'd like to know exactly what he did for those 5-hours each day and how he managed to keep his energy levels high enough to get all the benefits. Those kind of figures get banded about by the PR guys all the time. I could say I train for 4hrs each day. I'm actually only exercising for half that time and it's two seperate training sessions. The rest of the time is warming-up, stretching, cooling down, waiting to use equipment at the gym, having a shower, etc...

The easiest way to maintain your weight is to be as active as possible. Do as many sports or activities as you enjoy. You don't need to "train" like some Olympic athlete, a nice easy bike ride with your family on a Sunday is plenty. Take your dog for a walk everyday, walk to the shops, etc.. They key is doing stuff regularly and just eating sensibly. Cut out all the junk food and sugary cr@p and you're most of the way there.

If you eat a normal diet and just sit at a desk all day, then go home and sit in a pub or vegatate in front of the telly then you'll struggle to maintain your weight.

Getting results fast is no long term solution. It's too drastic a step and once you see some results, you get easily bored or fed-up with some strict diet and give up. It says more about peoples attitude than anything else. Everyone wants some "magic pill" thesedays. They key is to keep active and not let it get to the stage where it will take months to see any results. This is why there are so many yo-yo diets around.

Your 12-stone Mr Average probably only needs 1500 cals (assuming they're good calories) to maintain his weight. So you could simply cut these back, eat smaller regular meals and do some light activity every day and you'd be fine.

Likewise someone training everyday may need twice the amount of calories to fuel their activities yet still keep their weight down.

So, the upshot is if you want to do something simple and easy then cut all the cr@p out your diet - sugar is the NUMBER ONE problem with all processed foods today. Start cooking your own meals instead of eating the pre-cooked ****. Ignore all the marketing hype about low-fat. Yeah it's low fat, but's its full of carbs made up of sugar, so you'll still get fat.

It ain't rocket science. People don't do enough physical work, they eat too much and eat all the wrong things.
Old 19 January 2005, 03:25 PM
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Wink My Tupence worth...

I have to agree with all thats being said about diet, I was going to the gym for most of last year, weights and cardio and although I noticed a change in muscle definition and lost probably 6lbs I wouldnt say it was no where near what I expected from the amount of effort I was putting in.....however For the last 2 weeks I have changed my diet (thanks Milo!)...although I wouldnt say totally for the best but I eat more regulary and alot more protein and the right types of carbs and cut out alcohol (well almost)...and already I have lost 2lb and I can notice it from round my waist and I really feel my muscle mass has grown amazingly considering the short time ago I changed the diet.........

So i would say just changing diet perhaps not to the extremes where your whole life changes, but just change your brekky, have porridge or eggs, eat at least 2 chicken breasts a day and some pasta....and then go from there....the more changes you make to your diet from here in the right direction can only speed up the changes you want in your apperance and health.

Hope this helps
Old 19 January 2005, 03:50 PM
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What do you do for a living Milo - you should be a personal trainer
Old 19 January 2005, 04:01 PM
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Stuff like white bread, potatos, white pasta are a nightmare for weight loss.

Porridge oats is a great carb as it's slow burning and gives you a steady release of energy. Personally I hate the stuff, but I'm trying to force myself to eat it with some fruit to give it some taste.
Old 19 January 2005, 04:08 PM
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Originally Posted by ozzy
Stuff like white bread, potatos, white pasta are a nightmare for weight loss.

Porridge oats is a great carb as it's slow burning and gives you a steady release of energy. Personally I hate the stuff, but I'm trying to force myself to eat it with some fruit to give it some taste.

Wife makes homemade flapjack , which is made from porridge oats and honey
I eat quite a lot of it
Old 19 January 2005, 04:34 PM
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Originally Posted by ozzy
Stuff like white bread, potatos, white pasta are a nightmare for weight loss.

Porridge oats is a great carb as it's slow burning and gives you a steady release of energy. Personally I hate the stuff, but I'm trying to force myself to eat it with some fruit to give it some taste.
I love a bowl of porridge for breaky at this time of year.

Not sure the spoonfull of golden syrup keeps it that healthy though It's also very nice with sultanas.
Old 19 January 2005, 04:39 PM
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I don't feel like a proper Scot not liking porridge. Don't even like Whiskey come to think of it.

God, they'd throw me out the country for such blasphemy

I've heard it's nice with Raspberries so I'm gonna try it again. Do you guys make it with water, milk or a combo?
Old 19 January 2005, 04:56 PM
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Fresh goats milk !!

I get it from that farm behind you

Or is it the slaughterhouse

Old 19 January 2005, 06:34 PM
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Originally Posted by rik1471
What do you do for a living Milo - you should be a personal trainer
Agreed! . Nice to see someone helping out so much.
Old 20 January 2005, 05:46 PM
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right, tried weetabix for the first time in about 5 years today, and they are actually quite nice. Now as a mere mortal the nutritional info on the back suggest they are just the sort of thing i'm looking for?

would 2 bix' and semi skimmed milk be as healthy as they sound?? (no extra sugar obviously!)
Old 20 January 2005, 05:54 PM
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Originally Posted by sti-04!!
Fresh goats milk !!

I get it from that farm behind you

Or is it the slaughterhouse

PMSL, that's not goat's milk m8 it's from a Bull You know what these villages are like round here

It tasted a bit alright with Raspberries. Still think it's a bit like eating wallpaper paste though - porridge that is
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