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Old 16 July 2004, 09:52 AM
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JDM - Surely the media have a responsibility to report objectively. Most people do not have the time or inclination to research facts properly, they HAVE to use mediums such as newspapers for information.

It's doubtful whether that will ever be the case as they need to sell papers and sensationalism sells.
Old 16 July 2004, 11:30 AM
the moose
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Originally Posted by MattW
Most people.....HAVE to use mediums.
I've never felt the need to consult Doris Stokes, but whatever floats your boat, I s'pose.
Old 16 July 2004, 11:38 AM
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Originally Posted by JDM
I don't believe that the races are treated differently. All you've done is recount a very local story which in no way goes to prove that the races are treated unequally. Even if it did you are only talking about a very, very local case.

You do have a point though in saying that if people believe something like that then that will stregthen the BNP's case. People should perhaps try not to trust the media as much (equally applied to the BBC last night).
The stories alcazar related may be local, but they are indicative of what's happening nationwide. As long as the government continues to insist that inter-racial trouble between different distortions of the muslim faith are brushed under the carpet the BNP will continue to build a foothold amongst the whites in those areas. The trouble will continue to increase until those in power realise that whites don't have the monopoly on racism!
Old 16 July 2004, 11:40 AM
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PS If labour win the next election, I give it three years before Rupert Murdoch is in charge of a state owned news agency!
Old 16 July 2004, 11:54 AM
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So instead of smoke and mirrors,and friendly smilies,why don't you all say whether you agree with him or not?
I agree with him and the founder of the BNPs speech. Every word he spoke reflects my opinions, bar the bit about the Islamic religion because do be honest I do not know much about that.

I also found the founder of the BNPs speech very moving and I whole heartedly agree with the sentiments.

However I do not agree with the hooliganism approach of some the activists.

In my eyes Nick Griffin has done nothing wrong by portreying his views, and I feel it wrong that he should even be liable to be imprisoned for them. Acting on them in a violent matter is a different story.

I also found the under cover programme to be very biased and purposefully trying to portrey the BNP in a bad light. They failed to show any of the successes the BNP has made for local residents. Yet the BBC will not face and could not face any penalties for inciting hatrid in a political party.

In my eyes the BBC have just commited the same crime as they are trying to say the BNP are.
Old 16 July 2004, 12:16 PM
the moose
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Originally Posted by farmer1
I agree with him and the founder of the BNPs speech. Every word he spoke reflects my opinions, bar the bit about the Islamic religion because do be honest I do not know much about that.

I also found the founder of the BNPs speech very moving and I whole heartedly agree with the sentiments.

However I do not agree with the hooliganism approach of some the activists.

In my eyes Nick Griffin has done nothing wrong by portreying his views, and I feel it wrong that he should even be liable to be imprisoned for them. Acting on them in a violent matter is a different story.

I also found the under cover programme to be very biased and purposefully trying to portrey the BNP in a bad light. They failed to show any of the successes the BNP has made for local residents. Yet the BBC will not face and could not face any penalties for inciting hatrid in a political party.

In my eyes the BBC have just commited the same crime as they are trying to say the BNP are.

I saw the Newsnight interview last night. NG was not censored, edited, nor in any way restricted in what he said. He could, perhaps, argue that the documentary was slanted to a particular point of view, but he really has no such defence with regard to the interview last night.

He was actually doing quite well at the start. After all, the BBC have tried to smear the BNP (though unsurprisingly, that's not too difficult), and he pointed out that extremists were being expelled, as any political leader would do. So far, so normal; the questions then turned to his own beliefs and the wheels came off.

His contention was that Islam has been spread as a result of rape. When challenged, he conceded that this was not the only reason it had spread, but insisted that he was factually correct on the rape allegation. Moreover, that this was part of the reason for the current growth of Islam, meaning (my understanding of his words) that there must therefore be a large number of white Anglo-Saxon women being raped in England on a systematic, organised basis. I challenge anyone to tell me that they really, honestly, believe that this is in any way true.

Funnily enough, someone was spreading very similar ideas in the 1930's, demonising a race in the name of religion, insisting that they had large families to push out the white folk. But I'm sure that rather charming vegetarian Austrian painter was a lovely chap really, and, after all, the trains ran on time.

If people don't now see the BNP for the scum they are, then I can only suggest either joining C18 or BWP (don't even pretend to have a veneer of respectability) or a quick trip to Dollond & Aitchison to get the prescription checked.
Old 16 July 2004, 12:31 PM
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If people don't now see the BNP for the scum they are
I see certain people within the BNP for the scum they are, however I do not see the BNP on the whole as scum. I see many Representatives, Members and Supporters of the BNP as people who are willing to stand up for what they believe in(by this I do not refer to violence), Britain.
Old 16 July 2004, 12:45 PM
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As one who has viewed that poor Korean chap having his head hacked off by men in balaclavas chanting 'God is great' I can sort of understand why Nick Griffin calls it a vicious religion. It surely seems fair comment in the context of these extremists' particular reaction to a foreign occupation...

However, whilst there is a general feeling of opression and bullying by USA by people who also happen to be muslims (not an exclusive muslim sentiment IO assure you) the majority of them express it via vocal distaste and in non violent manner.

To condemm 1.3 billion people because of the actions of a few nutters and extremists would be like similarly condeming the whole Catholic world because of the IRA's reaction to a foreign occupation.

I always try and look past 'religion' to the root of the antagonmism. Religion is often just a convenient label and often irrelevant to the conflict.

It's MEN that twist the Qu'ran and turn Islamic values bad. Having said that THEY (the good, non power crazed ones) should also try to sort it out (employ PR!!!). Thy need to to avoid ALL muislims being pigeonholed as anti-west vicious terrorists by small minded bigots (WARNING: lots about!!!)...

Old 16 July 2004, 12:46 PM
the moose
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Originally Posted by farmer1
I see certain people within the BNP for the scum they are, however I do not see the BNP on the whole as scum. I see many Representatives, Members and Supporters of the BNP as people who are willing to stand up for what they believe in(by this I do not refer to violence), Britain.
What, the head of a political party seriously thinks that there's organised rape of godd, honest white girls by those nasty, evil, Muslims. You know, those ones who are brown-skinned, originate (ethnically, at least) from, say, Pakistan?

Him? Racist and deluded? Get away, the man's speaking perfect sense.

Farmer, you're entitled to your views, but don't expect other than contempt from most people for them.
Old 16 July 2004, 01:22 PM
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There's nothing wrong with wanting what's best for Britain, but unfortunately the BNP view has little to do with benefitting Britain.

I'm all for limiting immigrants (no matter where they are from, I do not discriminate) because an influx of huge proprtions puts too much of a strain on country. But I believe that a steady and controlled (and that's the contentious and difficult bit) stream of immigrants is a good thing.

The UK has no real indigenous population, it has always been a mix whether through invasion of migration/immigration. To have the 'Little Englander' attitude is utterly pointless, the notion simply doesn't exist.

Nick Griffin and his thugs hide behind 'for Britain', but all they really want is get rid of everyone who is not white Anglo-saxon Christian (sound familiar, ja?).

So when people say 'I'm not a racist, but I support the BNP because it is for Britain', it's utter bollox, because they simply are not doing what is best for us.

Old 16 July 2004, 01:24 PM
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Griffin, Tyndall & Co. and their supporters are people who scapegoat others for the screwups and failures in their own lives. Griffin does nothing more than pedal lies.
You can add Hamza & Co. to the list.
Old 16 July 2004, 01:37 PM
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Thing is from my point of view, I've never had good encounters with Asians so I don't particularly like them.

Hanging around in groups in Oxford intimidating people and trying to steel from your pockets and beating the crap out of you if you stop them - thats my experience of them hence my feelings towards them.

Afro-caribean (black people I suppose sorry) I don't actually mind -even the ones from back home in Oxford who habitually referred to us as "Little white boys etc.." at least they were amusing even if they were taking the p!ss. My Bro's ex was black and a relative has a long standing BF and a daughter and he is from Nigerea, he's kinda odd but actually sub zero on the cool board.

So I don't think I'm racist and no I don't support the BNP in any way but I do feel that hostility towards certain communities is developed by thier own actions.

You would think a proper political party that purported to be "for Britain" would spend more time campaining about our daft asylum laws and stopping illiegal immigrants rather than moaning about black and asian people. Look at australia, great bunch of people but get on a boat from south east asia thats about to sink and ask for asylum and see how many people tell you to "rack off" as they say.
Old 16 July 2004, 01:50 PM
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groups of white youths can be just as intimidating.

i agree with gsm1 - the BNP, Hamza etc: their just hate peddlers trying to disguise the fact that they can't actually do anything useful.
Old 16 July 2004, 01:55 PM
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1. The crime of forcing another person to submit to sex acts, especially sexual intercourse.
2. The act of seizing and carrying off by force; abduction.
3. Abusive or improper treatment; violation: a rape of justice.

There are other meanings to the word "rape"
Old 16 July 2004, 01:56 PM
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you want to try living in Burnley, then say 'groups of white youths can be just as intimidating.'

not to me they aren't.
Old 16 July 2004, 01:57 PM
the moose
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Originally Posted by MattW

1. The crime of forcing another person to submit to sex acts, especially sexual intercourse.
2. The act of seizing and carrying off by force; abduction.
3. Abusive or improper treatment; violation: a rape of justice.

There are other meanings to the word "rape"
Not in the context used last night. I quite accept that there are other meanings, but NG was specific about what he meant, despite being questioned closely. No wriggle room for him.
Old 16 July 2004, 02:02 PM
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Thing is from my point of view, I've never had good encounters with Asians so I don't particularly like them.
How can you make such stupid generalisations? So you've never met an Asian who hasn't tried to steal from you or beat you up?

I had a mate of mine who had beaten and mugged by some black guys, twice, and he went through a phase of hating black people. But it was just a phase and he has chilled out since.
Old 16 July 2004, 02:02 PM
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Originally Posted by the moose
Not in the context used last night. I quite accept that there are other meanings, but NG was specific about what he meant, despite being questioned closely. No wriggle room for him.
Fair enough, I didn't see the interview.
Old 16 July 2004, 02:03 PM
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Originally Posted by slimtim
you want to try living in Burnley, then say 'groups of white youths can be just as intimidating.'

not to me they aren't.
bit of an assumption there, i think.

i live in E17 - it's not f*ckin hampstead garden suburb, you know.

fwiw the only times i have been attacked, it was by white youths. not saying that other ethnic groups don't do it too - they do. just reporting my own experience.
Old 16 July 2004, 02:48 PM
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Originally Posted by gsm1
How can you make such stupid generalisations? So you've never met an Asian who hasn't tried to steal from you or beat you up?
How is that a stupid generalisation? you only learn from experience and my experience of asians isn't that great so I don't really like them.

Me and some friends got beaten up in one of those Lazer War places. About 8 asian boys came in and tried to steal records from me and my fellow DJs ()
Nobody stopped them becuase they didn't want to get involved and we were outnumbered 2 to 1. Not very pleasant so forgive me if I'm less than tolerant.

And as for intimidating white gangs, I never went around stealing and beating people up for no apparent reason. Lost count of the mates who went to Oxford shopping and came back without trainers and or black eyes etc.
Old 16 July 2004, 03:07 PM
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Originally Posted by ProperCharlie
bit of an assumption there, i think.

i live in E17 - it's not f*ckin hampstead garden suburb, you know.

fwiw the only times i have been attacked, it was by white youths. not saying that other ethnic groups don't do it too - they do. just reporting my own experience.

You still live in london with much more of a mixed racial background and as such more tolerance to it. Where i was brought up is now 70% asian, things have changed and pretty quickly. If there wasn't a problem the BNP would never have been voted in.

Im not saying i agree with them, but i can see where they are coming from.
Old 16 July 2004, 03:25 PM
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Where does Chavism fit in?
Old 16 July 2004, 03:30 PM
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Originally Posted by MadMark
Where does Chavism fit in?
don't know but if you like :

london overspill towns complete with run down areas, racial tension, riots, lots of concrete in the town centre (knock the flyover down), and many deprived concrete council estates, chavs, sharrons, kevs, criminals, loads of crime, drugs everywhere, vandalised, burned down, and grafited buildings, tramps (who have taken the concept of begging a little bit further eg: chaving), and not forgetting the sad slags with crop tops etc; then BUCKINGHAMSHIRE place for you!

Last edited by slimtim; 16 July 2004 at 03:32 PM.
Old 16 July 2004, 05:18 PM
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Originally Posted by EddScott
How is that a stupid generalisation? you only learn from experience and my experience of asians isn't that great so I don't really like them.

Me and some friends got beaten up in one of those Lazer War places. About 8 asian boys came in and tried to steal records from me and my fellow DJs ()
Nobody stopped them becuase they didn't want to get involved and we were outnumbered 2 to 1. Not very pleasant so forgive me if I'm less than tolerant.

And as for intimidating white gangs, I never went around stealing and beating people up for no apparent reason. Lost count of the mates who went to Oxford shopping and came back without trainers and or black eyes etc.
I know it's not very pleasant being beaten up. But it is still a stupid generalisation. If you're going to treat a person differently because they happen to be Asian because of your experience with a gang, who happened to be Asian, then you've got some serious issues. Would you like to be treated differently by an Asian because they had been attacked by a white gangs? If you had been attacked by a white gang, would you not like white people?

You're disassociating yourself from 'white gangs' but happy to generalise about Asians.
Old 16 July 2004, 05:33 PM
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Originally Posted by slimtim
You still live in london with much more of a mixed racial background and as such more tolerance to it. Where i was brought up is now 70% asian, things have changed and pretty quickly.
fair comment. it is sad to see places become ghettos. where i live is fairly mixed. there are a lot of kurds, turks, asians, blacks and many other ethnic groups, but it's still feels like london rather than calcutta or wherever.
Old 17 July 2004, 09:22 AM
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I agree with Alcazar about the effect of double standards on the treatment of crimes whether committed by native Brits or those from what we call "Ethnic" backgrounds. If the law is broken then the treatment of the guilty should be the same in all cases. No wonder resentment arises from lenient treatment for fear of racist accusations.

As I said in my earlier post, this country is being dragged down by leftie PC attitudes which worsen the situation for all of us. It is time that the authorities took strong and fair actions to sort these problems out in an even handed manner instead of pandering to the Roman sandal wearers.

The support for the BNP which is appearing is generated by these attitudes and that is a step too close to what happened in Germany before WW2. People's basic characters don't change that much with time, we should learn the lessons of history and not allow ourselves to be conned by smooth talkers who use the situation to further themselves. It could so easily all happen again!

Old 17 July 2004, 02:58 PM
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Originally Posted by unclebuck
Just saw the Newsnight interview.

I say fair play to him for coming off the fence. I might not agree with everything he says, but at least I know what he stands for!!


hear hear!!!!!!!!!!11
Old 17 July 2004, 06:25 PM
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do you ever post your own opinions or just a collective set of smilies at everyone elses?
Old 17 July 2004, 06:34 PM
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Originally Posted by dba

do you ever post your own opinions or just a collective set of smilies at everyone elses?
Old 17 July 2004, 07:52 PM
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I see,so might actually be a fascist racist wife beating homophobic chavscum theiving pikey then,but we will never know?

Quick Reply: So... Nick Griffin

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