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unclebuck 15 July 2004 10:55 PM

So... Nick Griffin
Just saw the Newsnight interview.

I say fair play to him for coming off the fence. I might not agree with everything he says, but at least I know what he stands for!!


unclebuck 15 July 2004 11:00 PM

I wonder what Suhail thinks.....


Mick 15 July 2004 11:04 PM

I don't know why having opinions on a religion is 'racist'!

As in this case there are muslims of all colours...


Oscar99 15 July 2004 11:38 PM

mick, unfortunately that distinction is lost on these meat heads

Steve vRS 15 July 2004 11:39 PM

I think that having an opinion on a religion is OK and to be encouraged, as long as it is an educated opinion, not just from reading the Daily Mail. What makes it racist is when it is implied that the religion you are talking about is particular to a race. He was referring to Islam as being an Asian religion and I doubt he knows anything about the religion, just that it is an Asian religion.


King RA 15 July 2004 11:55 PM

Well it's hardly an Anglo Saxon religion now is it?

Franko 16 July 2004 12:04 AM

Did you watch the BBC program of the reporter who joined the BNP undercover?
In the program it shows members of the BNP making racist remarks... mostly against pakistanis.
The leader of the BNP was talking complete rubish about the teachings of the quran, he even reckons islam is spread through raping women.

Aaquil 16 July 2004 12:15 AM

Well Islaam is not an Asian religion...most of the so called Islaam you see from Asians is culture not Islaam and that is originated from Hindu culture.

Aaquil 16 July 2004 12:16 AM

Do you know the ruling for rapist in Islaam...execution. Islaam spread by rape I think NOT.

Franko 16 July 2004 12:17 AM

Agree with you on that Aaquil,

edited to say "and your first post" (you posted the 2nd one too quick for me :D )

Steve vRS 16 July 2004 12:18 AM

Originally Posted by Aaquil
Well Islaam is not an Asian religion...most of the so called Islaam you see from Asians is culture not Islaam and that is originated from Hindu culture.

That was my point. Islam shares a lot with Judism and Christianity. It's all about which messiah they believe in.


Aaquil 16 July 2004 12:23 AM

You have two of the worst people attributed to Islaam...People who oppress anyone and everyone and use the word 'Islaam' when it is actually their own stupid backward culture and then you have devils like Bin Laadin who's belief is to rebel and kill Muslims who don't believe what he believes and to overthrown and rebel against Muslim rulers in their lands because they believe that they are not ruling by PURE Islaam and oppressing people. We believe in Islaam that the ruler is a reflection of the people (he rules over) are generally good the ruler will be just and good and vice versa.

dba 16 July 2004 12:24 AM

Nick Griffin admits he is a racist,that isn't in doubt.He believes that we should not have mixed communities,he believes this will destroy British culture.So I don't care whether you pedantically want to sit on a fence and discuss whether his 'religious' views aren't racist or not,its just irrelevant,what is relevant is whether you agree with him.You either do or you don't,hiding behind semantics is to devalue such an important issue.
So instead of smoke and mirrors,and friendly smilies,why don't you all say whether you agree with him or not?

I don't.

Aaquil 16 July 2004 12:27 AM

The teaching of the Quraan (even though most Muslims do not establish it) gave women so many rights and honour. In Islaam we are told to honour our mother the most just for what she went through in pregnancy, childbirth and upbringing. She has 3 times the rights of the father. We honour, protect and respect Muslim and non Muslim women. Only the foolish, ignorant, donkey does not. If it was not for the Lord of the Heavens and the Earth then our women where would we be?!!!

Aaquil 16 July 2004 12:28 AM

Ignorance and evil breeds hatred and harm where ever it comes from.

dba 16 July 2004 12:31 AM

Ignorance and evil breeds hatred and harm where ever it comes from.
yep,which is why it seems pointless discussing whether his views on religion aren't racist,his comments still breed hatred,regardless of whatever its called

unclebuck 16 July 2004 12:33 AM

Originally Posted by Aaquil
You have two of the worst people attributed to Islaam...People who oppress anyone and everyone and use the word 'Islaam' when it is actually their own stupid backward culture and then you have devils like Bin Laadin who's belief is to rebel and kill Muslims who don't believe what he believes and to overthrown and rebel against Muslim rulers in their lands because they believe that they are not ruling by PURE Islaam and oppressing people. We believe in Islaam that the ruler is a reflection of the people (he rules over) are generally good the ruler will be just and good and vice versa.

My advice? Stop bitching..... Get a life!!

:) UB = old hippy ;)

Aaquil 16 July 2004 12:41 AM

I have a very good life thank you very much...probably better than your existence where you start a thread that could have been a perfectly good discussion and let people set the record straight then go and add an inmature comment like that. You don't even know me from Adam. I don't bitch I just like to explain some Islamic issues to people who may be ignorant of them like yourself. Just in case you are wondering I will not be looking at this thread again because your response will probably be equally childish.


unclebuck 16 July 2004 01:13 AM

Originally Posted by Aaquil
I have a very good life thank you very much...probably better than your existence where you start a thread that could have been a perfectly good discussion and let people set the record straight then go and add an inmature comment like that. You don't even know me from Adam. I don't bitch I just like to explain some Islamic issues to people who may be ignorant of them like yourself. Just in case you are wondering I will not be looking at this thread again because your response will probably be equally childish.


LOL - chill out mate :D... let me guess your age...


unclebuck 16 July 2004 01:25 AM


Aaquil - over to you.....


the moose 16 July 2004 06:42 AM

Originally Posted by dba
Nick Griffin admits he is a racist,that isn't in doubt.He believes that we should not have mixed communities,he believes this will destroy British culture.So I don't care whether you pedantically want to sit on a fence and discuss whether his 'religious' views aren't racist or not,its just irrelevant,what is relevant is whether you agree with him.You either do or you don't,hiding behind semantics is to devalue such an important issue.
So instead of smoke and mirrors,and friendly smilies,why don't you all say whether you agree with him or not?

I don't.

Well said.

He's scum, and those who vote for him are either racist or (if they maintain, as some do, that the BNP is not a racist party) very stupid.

Leslie 16 July 2004 08:08 AM

The Islamic religion is no worse than any of the other mainline religions. Like the other religions, it basically encourages its followers to live a good life. The problem lies with the evil people who use it for their own purposes conning believers that they have to carry out atrocities to protect the religion. The same sort of thing that was done in the name of Christian religions and Judaism in past history and even in modern times.

The BNP is a far right party and is full of the same sort of followers who are prepared to act in the same way as the monsters mentioned above and the KKK and similar organisations. Whatever political animals like Griffin say to con the general public, we should not forget the basic tenets of his organisation and the actions they are prepared to take to further their ambitions. They are even worse that the far left loonies who are pressing their PC rubbish on us and are thus dragging this country down.

I have already said that this country cannot stand further large scale immigration because we are grossly overcrowded as it is. This is nothing to do with racism because I believe that what is important is a man's character and not where he comes from. The BNP does not look at the matter in this way, they adopt the same stance as previous megalomaniacs in history, ie that those who are not of white stock are "untermensch".

I agree with dba and the moose.


CrisPDuk 16 July 2004 08:21 AM

Nick Griffin managed in one interview, to expose all the lies and half truths that his party have been spouting about not being a right wing racist party, and show them up as the ignorant yobs they truly are.

However, IMO there is no difference in content between the anti-Muslim rubbish that he is spouting, and the anti-Jewish filth spouted Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi. Therefore, as a democracy whose laws are founded on the basis of freedom of speech, It does tend to reek of double standards when one is feted by the powers that be, whilst the other is vilified.

JDM 16 July 2004 08:25 AM

I usually stay out of this kind of post but I see that the BNP supporters on here are unusually quiet at the moment. I hope it's because they are having second thoughts about their choice of political party.
The comments made by Nick Griffin were as expected from a racist so hardly shocking stuff, to me at least. It did at least expose the sickening double standards employed by the BNP and their foul tactics in propaganda.

alcazar 16 July 2004 08:57 AM

Double standards? Hmmmmmmm, a bit like those employed by Humberside police then, who practise POSITIVE disccrimination .

Two examples: the recently posted evidence that they have entered into an agreement with the Hull daily Mail NOT to print anything about the illegal, and anti-social activities of a group of 500 Kosovan male asylum seekers living in Hull.

And the actions of the police in Scunny, when they had to send armed officers to an armed stand off between Bengladeshis and Kurds in the town centre over whether the kurds had any right to chat up Bengladeshi girls. The police dealt with that one by inviting community leaders to tea and arrests for weapons, breech of the peace, etc.

I wonder what would happen if one of my white teenage lads took up arms against Kurds or any other race, in order to stop them talking to white girls? Would I be invited to tea and biscuits?

I think NOT:mad:, and it's this sort of discrimination I can't get my head round!


JDM 16 July 2004 09:02 AM

Double standards exist across the board, I fail to see what relevance that tale you recount here has to the BNP. Sounds very tit for tat to me, that kind of schoolyard logic has no place here.

alcazar 16 July 2004 09:14 AM

Originally Posted by JDM
Double standards exist across the board, I fail to see what relevance that tale you recount here has to the BNP. Sounds very tit for tat to me, that kind of schoolyard logic has no place here.

Nonsense. What it shows is that the BNP ARE going to get support for their crazy policies, so long as one race is treated differently to others.

If they can point to the sorts of things I've recounted, they can attract those who are on the edge by saying that whites are being put down.:(:

There has to be EQUALITY, or don't you understand the term?:)


suprabeast 16 July 2004 09:25 AM

my opinion is that to have a balanced society, you need the parties like the BNP to be the complete oposite as the far lefties.

That way (in theory) the democracy always comprimises somewhere in the middle giving a balanced society.... otherwise if all we had was a party in the middle and a party on the left, then the whole country swings towards the left. Cos there is no alternative...

...kind of hard to explain but i know what i mean!!

Frosty The Snowman 16 July 2004 09:46 AM

My view is that religion should always be a personal choice and not be backed by laws set down by governments. In this I think the French, cheese eating surrender monkeys that they are :) , are correct to keep religion out of courts, government and schools.

If you believe that you should never cut your hair, not work on Sundays, or keep yourself covered up in public then thats fine, just don't ask other people to do the same. All religions have their own various rules to which people will follow to the letter or barely consider depending on their own views.

Beliefs are a personal choice not something to be forced upon anyone.

I could never bring myself to vote for the BNP as I think they are, and will always be, a front for extreme racists.


JDM 16 July 2004 09:49 AM

I don't believe that the races are treated differently. All you've done is recount a very local story which in no way goes to prove that the races are treated unequally. Even if it did you are only talking about a very, very local case.

You do have a point though in saying that if people believe something like that then that will stregthen the BNP's case. People should perhaps try not to trust the media as much (equally applied to the BBC last night).

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