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Why do the BBC keep putting IDS down?

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Old 09 October 2003, 12:43 AM
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Bravo2zero (Just the bit about the beeb mate! )

I wouldn't say that the beeb are labour supporters.
After all Beeb's Andrew Gilligan started the whole "45min claim" issue, did he not?

Anyone watch the Kenyon report tonight on BBC1 7:30pm?
Lots of hidden camera's going into new PFI hospitials, showing what a pile of ****e they are (labour).

ie, Private company pays for new hospital building, approx £112 mil. They run all the "services", cleaning, heating, lecky etc, Goverment lease property back from them over a period of 25 to 33 YEARS. By which time the goverment has paid at least twice the new build cost.

Top floor of one hospital, corridor tempreture was 37C, apparently ideal temp for bacteria to spread.

Hostpital lifts not working on regurlar basis.

Hospitial waste / rubbish bags (containing all sorts) left in corridoors up to 20hrs.

One new hostpital 420 beds. This replaced two other's which had combined number of beds equaling 500? WTF? Muppets can't even do basic maths. The "Bed Manager" office showed a wall mounted card system, just 3 spare beds and these 3 beds are not proper beds, they are trolley beds!

Anyway, tw@t goverment "brains" have built 12 of these new PFI hostpitals and plan to build another 44.

I'm no accountant, but I feel that my head is screwed on the right way. This is simply a "cheap" way of obtaining new hospitals. You dont pay out lump sum and spread payments over x years. Thing is, at the end of the term, what do we, the tax payer, have to show? **** all. Why (money / house prices permitting) do most normal people buy houses instead of renting? FFS...!

This goverment has got to go. End of the day most politicians are w@nkers and both parties are just as bad as each other.

Any voting I do will be for Torys. Give them a go. If they **** up, vote them out after four years.

Sorry, rambling a bit there, but it does me head in!

One other thing, while I'm at it
House of commons. When I was at school, I stayed on for a year in the sixth form. Our common room was noisy / **** taking / etc, etc. However, it was nothing compared to the House of Commons when there is some debate going on. I actually feel embarrassed to think other countries can see this gathering of un-trained monkeys deciding how to spend our countries Billions generated in revenue.

******* w@nkers.

Oh, IDS, dont think he has got what it takes to be honest. Bit like John Major. Still got my vote though.
Old 09 October 2003, 12:46 AM
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Why do the BBC keep putting IDS down?

The Bald Headed no-hoper should be PUT DOWN!!! - he is everything Unclebuck and Jye are:-

Looks 70
Talks Drivel
Everyone HATES them
and finally ........... has all the charisma of a bowl of dog vomit!

Old 09 October 2003, 01:53 AM
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i think the big problem with the torries, as far as public perception is concerned, is the fact that behind IDS, you have W@nkers like Michael Howard waiting to be chancellor.

No one in their right mind is going to want to have the same bunch of ***** that were in power pre B.liar, back in power, especially the slimey fcukwits like Michael Howard.

Just looking at that guy makes me want to throw up, the memories of him and his lot bring back.

If the tories want to get anywhere, the old ex cabinet members have to be executed so the british public cant see their ugly mugs anymore.
Old 09 October 2003, 06:56 AM
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pslewis has just described himself perfectly.
Is pslewis and IDS the same person?
I think we should be told!
Old 09 October 2003, 07:16 AM
Jamie Watts
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Okay, let's cut to the chase here shall we.

In order for the Conservatives to be electable they need to have a leader who is popular with the general public.

IDS has virtually no popular public appeal.

Put someone like Portillo or Clarke in charge and they might have a chance.
Old 09 October 2003, 10:25 AM
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paulr - be careful going down the theme tune route, some people have short memories

Labours was 'Things can only get better'
nuff said!

Paul.....very apt then.....surely things cant get any worse...
Old 09 October 2003, 10:41 AM
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Jamie has said about the only sensible thing here. Once a charismatic leader is in charge of the Conservative party they'll have a chance. This is so obvious that you wonder how they can manage to miss it, but the fact is that Hague was unelectable, and IDS is the same but even more boring. Oliver Letwin may be thought of as the man with two brains, but he's got the charisma of a carrot.

Portillo, gay or not, would get a lot of votes, as would Steven Norris, though Ken Clarke would probably be seen as being too old.

Old 09 October 2003, 10:50 AM
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Well, IDS's conference address is due to begin at 1100 BST

If you have Real Player you can watch it and make up your own minds.

Old 09 October 2003, 11:02 AM
Defiant STI
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Personally I can't wait to see what happens. Seeing as how the general public opinion seems to be against Labour, and also against any Tory success, does this mean we might actually see a Lib Dem PM? I bloody hope not

I really don't like the Labour government but it's not because of Iraq, or asylum seekers but more to do with the general state of every day living.

The hospitals are terrible. It's a fact. I've witnessed it all first hand when my other half was ill with cancer and all the subsequent follow-ups. I keep hearing that it’s going to take time but surely 6 years is enough to see some kind of difference?

Ditto the transport system. I used the trains on a daily basis and the state of the service is terrible and now that I’ve been driving for the past 3 years I’m now getting stung left, right and centre. LEAVE THE MOTORISTS ALONE! At least the conservatives say they’ll give us a fair go.

The amount of speed cameras that have increased in my area is laughable. We went from having none to having about 10 in the space of a month and NONE of them are in accident black spots. Yes, a man died after attempting to cross 8 lanes of carriage way but FFS, who in their right mind would do that? Result, a speed camera.

I’m massively in debt thanks to university fees and because my parents aren’t divorced we get stung. I have friends on the same course with divorced parents that have literally £500k in assets and they get grants! Where’s the justice in that? And as for Tony talking about me earning £120k extra in my lifetime, I cant get a bloody job! Jobcenters answer? Nothing, just wait and see, poor economic climate and all that. 40 applications later and still waiting.

I admire Tony’s convictions over Iraq, it needed to be dealt with. I even agreed with Asylum seekers coming to our already over populated country so that they can live as a free person, but what REALLY annoys me is the scum in our society that are milking the system (see Wife Swap!).

They had 6 years to turn it all around and they haven’t made a significant impact on ANYTHING. It may just be my local area but I suspect that we are all in the same boat. Forget charisma and vote with your heads. It’s the policy’s that count and results. I doubt many of you can say that you are better off at the moment than you were during Tory rule.

Deep breathe and rant over!
Old 09 October 2003, 11:14 AM
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They had 6 years to turn it all around and they haven’t made a significant impact on ANYTHING

You're right,they havent made a SIGNIFICANT impact.

But HOW THE HELL WILL THEY when every time they even TALK about tax rises all hell breaks loose.
Old 09 October 2003, 11:15 AM
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Well said m8, and gl with the job hunting anyway.
Old 09 October 2003, 11:23 AM
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This is an easy one to understand:
Budget defecit/UK PLC debt
Tax increases


Tax cuts
Cuts in pulic service spending

Tax has to go up to save the country.

The tories are in it for the rich *******s who have more money than sense to pay for private hospital care, dental plans etc.
Labour is actually trying to sort the country out - its going to take longer than 8 years after 18 years of screwups. I don't care about the past, it is about today and the future. Tax needs to be high to rid the country of debt and defecit and provide a better future for everyone. Not just poor *******, or rich gits - everyone.

Old 09 October 2003, 12:24 PM
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forgive me if I'm wrong..

Portillo only thinks and acts on behalf of Michael Portillo
Howard, erm fuel tax escallator
Clarke, in the wrong party, more left than Blair
Norris, nobber
IDS, just doesn't cut it as leader.

It doesn't matter how good the tory policies are, IF they get in (which they won't) IDS will be backstabbed by the slime he is clearly above.

Labours warchest will be spent on exposing even more slease than at the last election, it seems its all that will be needed because slease or no slease, the backbone of the Tory party are not credit worthy, which is a shame
Old 09 October 2003, 01:00 PM
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Why not forget about the personalities for once and concentrate instead on the policies

After all I think most of agree with IDS's sentiment when he says..

We must destroy this double-dealing, deceitful, incompetent, shallow, inefficient, ineffective, corrupt, mendacious, fraudulent, shameful, lying government, once and for all.
Old 09 October 2003, 02:45 PM
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Sorry, you were referring to the last Tory goverment? The one where a Cabinet Minister ended up in jail, the PM was having an affair, the Dep Chairman goes to jail as well, the Hamilton cash for question issue ... do they not know the meaning of hypocrisy.

Say "taking us to war without justification" and I'll agree with you, but for the Conservatioves to attack Labour on thier probity is just stupid.
Old 09 October 2003, 02:49 PM
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You have to ignore IBS'd personality, he's not got one.

And after the Gillegan affair, how can you accuse the BBC being pro-labour??
Old 09 October 2003, 02:56 PM
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<<<But HOW THE HELL WILL THEY when every time they even TALK about tax rises all hell breaks loose.>>>

PaulR: sorry mate, do you mean the 60 tax rises they've put on since they took power, or some others they are thinking of?

Do you realise, that in each year you work, you now need to work until July 27th, just to pay the tax man?

And just where is it all going? When Europeans pay FAR less tax in total, but enjoy a higher standard of living?

Old 09 October 2003, 03:14 PM
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*shakes head*

Why are people so narrow minded that they think increased taxes are the answer?

It shouldn't be about cutting public spending, it should be about cutting puplic waste

Sort out the billions that are pissed down the countries drain every year and there could be additional public spending on health, education and the like while cutting taxes at the same time.

Its not rocket science, or even clever accounting. Its about getting the basics right. No different to running a successful business.

Politicians, talk about the wrong qualities for the job required.......

Old 09 October 2003, 03:17 PM
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But where is this mythical "Waste" that is referred to??
Old 09 October 2003, 03:19 PM
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Multiple layers of management in the Health Service.

Pointless wars.

Bogus Asylum Seekers detention and processing.

The list is endless.
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