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Mouser 29 June 2015 02:11 PM

Originally Posted by Turbohot (Post 11703792)
defaming China/Chinese race

The real reason this thread was started.

Geo-tagging - stalkers love 'em!

f1_fan 29 June 2015 02:25 PM

Originally Posted by Mouser (Post 11703877)
The real reason this thread was started.

Geo-tagging - stalkers love 'em!

:confused: I just don't like cruelty, if that makes me an a55hole in the eyes of SN's regular posters that says more about them than it does about me.

Turbohot 29 June 2015 02:28 PM

Originally Posted by f1_fan (Post 11703847)
I'm not stereotyping anyone.


I am saying China as a nation has a crap human rights and animal rights record....
Then use these bolded words in your opening posts, rather than taking a mickey of the whole nation by saying "what a lovely nation!" sort of thing; the nation populated with good as well as bad Chinsese folks; just like elsewhere.

....which is a fact and we all conveniently ignore it just as you are doing here which is also a fact.
No one is ignoring the fact, which is a fact, but this is also a fact that you have a serious grudge against China and Chinese people and you keep making it apparent here by showing their flaws. You give the reason for that as China's crap human right record on this thread. But when you slag Chinese restaurants off for being unfriendly on some other thread, that's nothing to do with human rights in China, is it? Also, when you tell a member here on London thread that given his ancestry and its flaws, he shouldn't be calling you a 'Londoner', what happens there, eh??

Nowhere am I saying every Chinese person thinks and behaves like that so your accusations are unfounded!
No, but calling the whole nation "What a lovely nation" in sarcasm, which is populated by Chinese, who do you blame for others taking your stance as a stereotypical one?

You know, I recognise you as a person with your strong stance against racism, sexism and homophobia, and I admire that! But with this constant attack on Chinese ways of behaving and Chinese whatever, you display yourself contrary to that persona. Now call me a fool and talk about you not being 'literally' prejudiced etc., I don't care.

Turbohot 29 June 2015 02:34 PM

Originally Posted by f1_fan (Post 11703884)
:confused: I just don't like cruelty, if that makes me an a55hole in the eyes of SN's regular posters that says more about them than it does about me.

Yes, if that's the way you want to look at it, to feel good.

Fact is that many don't like cruelty here. Not even the sort you offer i.e. attacking China, Chinese people or their ways at random. You're a good man by heart, not some a55ehole. So, why do that??

f1_fan 29 June 2015 02:37 PM

Originally Posted by Turbohot (Post 11703887)

Then use these bolded words in your opening posts, rather than taking a mickey of the whole nation by saying "what a lovely nation!" sort of thing; the nation populated with good as well as bad Chinsese folks; just like elsewhere.

No one is ignoring the fact, which is a fact, but this is also a fact that you have a serious grudge against China and Chinese people and you keep making it apparent here by showing their flaws. You give the reason for that as China's crap human right record on this thread. But when you slag Chinese restaurants off for being unfriendly on some other thread, that's nothing to do with human rights in China, is it? Also, when you tell a member here on London thread that given his ancestry and its flaws, he shouldn't be calling you a 'Londoner', what happens there, eh??

No, but calling the whole nation "What a lovely nation" in sarcasm, which is populated by Chinese, who do you blame for others taking your stance as a stereotypical one?

You know, I recognise you as a person with your strong stance against racism, sexism and homophobia, and I admire that! But with this constant attack on Chinese ways of behaving and Chinese whatever, you display yourself contrary to that persona. Now call me a fool and talk about you not being 'literally' prejudiced etc., I don't care.

No I have a serious grudge against the Chinese authorities and those who choose to support their flawed ideologies which does include a number of Chinese people.

If you can't deal with that and want to call me a racist have at it. I don't give a **** any more!

As for bringing up jonc and his barbs he got back what he gave and he can seriously go and **** himself. I have no time for him not because he is Chinese but because he stands for everything I despise!

Turbohot 29 June 2015 02:55 PM

Originally Posted by f1_fan (Post 11703895)
No I have a serious grudge against the Chinese authorities..


... and those who choose to support their flawed ideologies which does include a number of Chinese people.
That's correct. But then there're a number of nice Chinese people like the writer of that article, and many more like her who don't support flawed ideologies of Chinese authorities. Proof is in the pudding, such people are mentioned in that article.

If you can't deal with that and want to call me a racist have at it. I don't give a **** any more!
Whatever, but I'm never going to call you a racist. I never did. I know that you aren't a racist. Just put your words properly in your posts. Slag Chinese authorities off, if you have a problem with them. But please don't stereotype Chinese folks as a whole, that will do. If not, up to you.

As for bringing up jonc and his barbs he got back what he gave and he can seriously go and **** himself. I have no time for him not because he is Chinese but because he stands for everything I despise!
That's understandable, so I don't think you should bring his ancestry into anything, really. People can be despised for many varied reasons regardless of their race, and I get that.

Anyway, it's all up to you. Free cvntry.

PS: Sorry for the crude joke at the end, I was being sarcastic. :D

JTaylor 29 June 2015 03:10 PM

A Chinese bloke's standing outside a shop and a man walks past and asks what type of shop it is. "It's a crows' shop" replies the Chinese bloke. "Don't you mean a clothes shop", responds the man. The Chinese bloke says "no, it's a crows' shop, come in, take a rook."

Turbohot 29 June 2015 03:47 PM

Originally Posted by JTaylor (Post 11703918)
A Chinese bloke's standing outside a shop and a man walks past and asks what type of shop it is. "It's a crows' shop" replies the Chinese bloke. "Don't you mean a clothes shop", responds the man. The Chinese bloke says "no, it's a crows' shop, come in, take a rook."

That's a self-SIAL, Jimbo. :rolleyes:

You told this joke a while ago, to start your thread called My Chinese Neighbour, I think. You acted as the man and you put the Chinese man as your neighbour in that. Now I know it was a C&P. :mad: :D

Turbohot 29 June 2015 03:49 PM

Here we go, here it is:


JTaylor 29 June 2015 04:04 PM


Funny gag, though. :lol1:

Turbohot 29 June 2015 04:23 PM

Originally Posted by JTaylor (Post 11703939)

Funny gag, though. :lol1:

ROR, man. Has Katy Perry heard it? She must be doubling on her stage with many RORs. :lol1:

hodgy0_2 29 June 2015 04:39 PM

Originally Posted by JTaylor (Post 11703737)
Humans, particularly westerners, have a relationship with the dog that has evolved in a unique way so that people benefit tremendously from dogs that guide, guard, assist people with disabilities, help catch criminals and sniff out harmful substances. They also provide companionship and to many are part of the family. The idea that this is equivalent too or comparable with our relationship with a chicken or a fish is absurd. We do not have guide cods for the blind or sniffer cocks.

you can say the same for horses ( I would argue even more so)

they are pretty mainstream food in France

an we boil nags down (once they have become uneconomic) for glue

ditchmyster 29 June 2015 05:00 PM

Originally Posted by JTaylor (Post 11703810)
Sorry about your carp, but I'm unsure how this is relevant.

Yes, the pig example is a good one. My ex (a life-long vegetarian) used to keep pigs. Intelligent creatures. I've seen them led to slaughter and they appear to be anticipating their impending destruction. Nonetheless, the vast majority of westerners do not keep pigs as pets or workers. Pigs are not ingrained in our subconscious in the same way dogs are, although the film Babe went some way towards restoring the balance. There's a reason telly has not commissioned a programme called One man and his pot bellied pig.

If you had to kill either an earthworm or an orca whale, what would you choose and why?

I wouldn't kill either as I only kill for food these days, and seeing as I don't eat whale or worms there's no point. As a hunter I have killed many rabbits, wood pigeons, Pheasants, ducks, geese, I have also killed a pig and a couple of goats, all found their way to the table or dog bowl, also killed my fair share of flying rats, tree rats and sewer rats over the years but that was by way of pest control but never ate those, due to the diseases they carry.

I don't think that anyone that eats meat has the right to moralise over what type of meat others eat or animals they kill, endangered species excluded.

Personally I wouldn't kill something like a tiger or any other endangered animal unless my life depended on it, and I sure as hell wouldn't want to find myself in such a situation on land or sea, even if I had the weapon to get the job done.

Mouser 29 June 2015 06:20 PM

Originally Posted by f1_fan (Post 11703884)
:confused: I just don't like cruelty

What normal person would? Does that include verbal cruelty/abuse? :confused:

Originally Posted by ditchmyster (Post 11703971)
also killed my fair share of flying rats, tree rats and sewer rats over the years

Allegedly they all taste like chicken. :)

JTaylor 29 June 2015 08:45 PM

Originally Posted by hodgy0_2 (Post 11703959)
you can say the same for horses ( I would argue even more so)

they are pretty mainstream food in France

an we boil nags down (once they have become uneconomic) for glue

I object to that, too, and for the same reasons. Although I can understand why a farmer would want to let his horses be recycled once they'd reached the end of their working life. It makes me sad, but I get it.

JTaylor 29 June 2015 08:49 PM

Originally Posted by ditchmyster (Post 11703971)
I wouldn't kill either as I only kill for food these days, and seeing as I don't eat whale or worms there's no point. As a hunter I have killed many rabbits, wood pigeons, Pheasants, ducks, geese, I have also killed a pig and a couple of goats, all found their way to the table or dog bowl, also killed my fair share of flying rats, tree rats and sewer rats over the years but that was by way of pest control but never ate those, due to the diseases they carry.

I don't think that anyone that eats meat has the right to moralise over what type of meat others eat or animals they kill, endangered species excluded.

Personally I wouldn't kill something like a tiger or any other endangered animal unless my life depended on it, and I sure as hell wouldn't want to find myself in such a situation on land or sea, even if I had the weapon to get the job done.

Of course they do. Why not eat a human?

Markus 29 June 2015 09:23 PM

Originally Posted by SJ_Skyline (Post 11703773)
Indeed. Many years back whilst visiting Canada I enjoyed eating beaver. :)

There are so, so many rude comebacks I could make to that comment :D

Turbohot 29 June 2015 09:39 PM

Originally Posted by JTaylor (Post 11704099)
Of course they do. Why not eat a human?

Shall we start with illegal immigrants, and then so on? ;) :D

Torquemada 30 June 2015 04:13 AM

A mate, whom I used to work with, once killed, cooked and served up his kids pet rabbits one Sunday when all his local butchers were closed. Feckit, it was meat, his kids had been educated on life/death/food etc. (sorry but I laughed hard when he told me about this)

The cruelty side of the dog eating stuff is a bit sh1t but this is not confined to any one country, every country has stuff that is hidden from the gen public re nasty animal treatment blah blah blah - take a look at the global scale of grinding up live unwanted chicks from the egg industry, seems to happen everywhere. Not nice.

I'm a hungry carnivore, steaks are amazing, I ain't no tree hugger but for sure you can't just label one country that much worse than others when we all have our own failings in each of our "mine is better than yours" countries....

ditchmyster 30 June 2015 05:30 AM

Originally Posted by JTaylor (Post 11704099)
Of course they do. Why not eat a human?

So what gives you the right to moralise over other peoples eating habits? There are laws against killing humans, so that's at least one good reason, but I'm sure somewhere in this world there are those that do.

pimmo2000 30 June 2015 06:40 AM

Originally Posted by pimmo2000 (Post 11703662)
I guess it's subjective

So to summarise the thread and quote myself :D

JTaylor 30 June 2015 07:02 AM

Originally Posted by ditchmyster (Post 11704243)
So what gives you the right to moralise over other peoples eating habits?

There are no laws against it. In fact earlier you excluded endangered species from the list of animals that you'd happily kill; that's moralising.

You also ducked a hypothetical question: the choice of killing an earthworm or an orca whale. The point I wanted to make was that the latter is so much further along the sentience quotient scale that one would have to engage in all manner of moral contortions in order to claim the two have equal billing. A chimpanzee is blatantly more sentient than a dog and a dog is more sentient than chicken and a chicken is more sentient than a fly. People swat flies all the time because they're annoying.

As the highest of primates we're rightly conscious of other creatures' consciousness and we make value judgments accordingly. You seem to want to endorse or impose some kind of Marxist principle of equality or relativism that simply doesn't exist in nature or man's relationship with it. Some animals are more equal than others.

There are laws against killing humans, so that's at least one good reason, but I'm sure somewhere in this world there are those that do.
Is it the law rather than your concsience that guides you? Additionally, most (insufficient data to say all) cannibals have been wiped-out; kuru and other disorders have seen to that. It would appear that the evolutionary process has deemed the consumption of human meat by other humans an act punishable by extinction.

ditchmyster 30 June 2015 08:05 AM

Originally Posted by JTaylor (Post 11704262)
There are no laws against it. In fact earlier you excluded endangered species from the list of animals that you'd happily kill; that's moralising.

I don't "happily" kill anything, in fact I find it quite difficult and it gives me no pleasure at all, beyond knowing that the animal was dispatched quickly and efficiently, but I am a firm believer that if you're going to eat meat one should know how to deal with every aspect of the process and be prepared to do so, no matter how disturbing.

You also ducked a hypothetical question: the choice of killing an earthworm or an orca whale. The point I wanted to make was that the latter is so much further along the sentience quotient scale that one would have to engage in all manner of moral contortions in order to claim the two have equal billing. A chimpanzee is blatantly more sentient than a dog and a dog is more sentient than chicken and a chicken is more sentient than a fly. People swat flies all the time because they're annoying.

Buddha would argue to the contrary.

As the highest of primates we're rightly conscious of other creatures' consciousness and we make value judgments accordingly. You seem to want to endorse or impose some kind of Marxist principle of equality or relativism that simply doesn't exist in nature or man's relationship with it. Some animals are more equal than others.

Marx, Einstein and Orwell,interesting combination, I wonder what Machiavelli would say.

Is it the law rather than your concsience that guides you? Additionally, most (insufficient data to say all) cannibals have been wiped-out; kuru and other disorders have seen to that. It would appear that the evolutionary process has deemed the consumption of human meat by other humans an act punishable by extinction.

I'm guided by my own sense of right and wrong, I don't need laws to tell the difference between the two, although I do appreciate that not all of us are blessed with the ability to have thoughts of our own.

As for the extinction of cannibals, I'd say it's more in line with what happened to the Aztecs and Inca's than the "evolutionary process".

Careful James, remember the evolution of man didn't happen, or are you now suggesting that you no longer Adam and Eve the teachings of the Bible. :lol1:

andy97 30 June 2015 08:28 AM

Given the furore over the fact horse and other meat was found in the UK food chain, it's more than likely that we have all eaten dog, cat, witchetty grub :D

No one at the time complained so it must of tasted nice:)

JTaylor 30 June 2015 08:32 AM

Originally Posted by ditchmyster (Post 11704281)
Careful James, remember the evolution of man didn't happen, or are you now suggesting that you no longer Adam and Eve the teachings of the Bible. :lol1:

I'm a theistic evolutionist, Ditchy. Whilst you're looking that up (;)) perhaps you could research the difference between Einsteinian relativity and philosophical relativism. We'll deal with the Bhavacakra another day.

ditchmyster 30 June 2015 08:40 AM

Originally Posted by JTaylor (Post 11704289)
I'm a theistic evolutionist, Ditchy. Whilst you're looking that up (;)) perhaps you could research the difference between Einsteinian relativity and philosophical relativism. We'll deal with the Bhavacakra another day.

It's all relative to me mate, ;) I'll leave the theorising and research to you, I'm too busy leading the way and doing. ;)

JTaylor 30 June 2015 09:21 AM

Originally Posted by ditchmyster (Post 11704297)
It's all relative to me mate, ;) I'll leave the theorising and research to you, I'm too busy leading the way and doing. ;)

Have a good one! :thumb:

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