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Ghostly experiences anyone?

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Old 17 March 2002, 09:43 AM
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About 1am, I put a bottle on the bedside table. It was a light plastic bottle, so as I let go it rocked gently from side to side.

I then went into the bathroom for about 5 minutes, when I came out I could see into the bedroom from across the landing. The bottle was rocking from side to side, almost to the point of toppling over, as though someone had just knocked it. After a second or so it settled down.

My first thought was that I had been one of the cats, but when I went downstairs, both cats and wife had been downstairs all the time.

I tried to recreate the rocking bottle, by walking on different bits of floor, thinking it may have been a lose floorboard (unlikely, I was probably 12 feet away when I first saw it rocking). I then thought that I may have created a draught when I opened the bathroom door. No matter how quickly I opened the door though, there was no way to create a pressure wave sufficient to set the bottle rocking.

I'm pretty sceptical about these things, so I've come up with this explanation, but I can't quite convince myself:

1. I was very tired, and have a bad cold.
2. As I turned my back on the bottle and walked across the landing, I could probably hear it rocking.
3. Some how, my mind associated this sound of the rocking bottle with walking across the landing.
4. On my return trip I hallucinated seeing the bottle rocking again.

And before you ask, I hadn't touched a drop of alcohol.

Makes you think.....

Old 19 March 2002, 09:11 AM
Jolly Green Monster 2
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Keep them coming!

I have woken up at 3am and it is totally dark and I hear something creaping along the corridor... then I hear the bedroom door creak open... it was not closed just pushed to, but I hear it swing open slowly creaking... then a floor board nearer the bed creaks... I am cacking myself and then something heavy lands on me in the bed... arrrrrgggghhhhh.... I jump up and switch on the side light to see the CAT sat there on the bed

Edited to correct the word cat....


[Edited by Jolly Green Monster 2 - 3/19/2002 12:32:20 PM]
Old 19 March 2002, 12:31 PM
Jolly Green Monster 2
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My cat... not car....... double doh!

Old 19 March 2002, 01:18 PM
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Red face

I used to see a ghost as a kid in the doorway of my room. It was a perfect outline of a man, but I couldn't make out his face, and he just used to stand there looking at me. I would be very scared and hide under the covers. One day I told my mum. Rather than tell me not to be silly, she asked me questions, and when I described the man, I'd given a perfect decsription of my uncle, who had passed away before I was born. I'd never met him, and didn't realise the bedroom I slept in used to be his!!

To calm me down, mum told me to talk to him, and said he was probably just bein protective of us. After a while, I got used to it, and after a few more years, he seemed to disappear. Now, I get similar things with my grandfather. ALthough I don't live in the same house, I know he is with me and often things will happen when I'm feeling low or upset and they simply can't be explained.

Not all ghosts are bad, and if this one was, it would have done something to upset you by now. If your son is scared, then that's perfectly normal. Talk to him and find out what exactly he's scared of. Has he seen the ghost or felt it in his room. A good clairvoyant can help with these things too. Let me know how you get on.

Old 19 March 2002, 01:44 PM
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This is a good one - and totally true...

I bought a house after renting it for a couple of years for a good price, reason ? Well turns out that a previous tenant had blown his head off with a shotgun in the front room six months before we got it.. Half way thru the contract talks I discovered this and used it to get about 10K off the price (owner wanted a quick sale)..

Anyway, we decieded to have the front room ceiling re-artexed as the spread pattern from the shotgun(which you could only see from one angle) was beginning to upset the wife. So we get in a good friend who's a builder and also has this ability to see dead people (I jest not - he saw the sixth sense and understood the fears of the little boy as he'd gone thru it himself).

So he's artexing away for the day when the conversion comes round to his ability to see ex-people when he pops up the juicy morsel that he can see the guy who topped himself.. After choking on my cuppa I start to doubt him as I think he's winding me up.. So to catch him out I get the next door neighbour round who knew the topped guy really well and got my builder mate to described the "person" he could see.

Guess what, descibed him perfectly to the neighbour - hair,eyes, statue, style of clothering, behaviour the lot.. Not only was I ****ting it so was the neighbour..

The builder didn't come from the area and didnt work in the area, he'd only come over my way as a favour to me so there was no way he could of known what this bloke looked liked or dressed like..

Funnily thou as the builder got further into the job he remarked that the "person" was becomming more difficult to see - as if he was vanishing - and he did when the job was done.. My mate said that he'd gone now and that we'd not have him hanging around again as he tie to this side had been removed..

What freaked me the most was that this "person" had been kicking around for sometime before I had the ceiling done - and I shalln't tell you what I used to get upto in there with the wife - and to think we had a spectator.....

Old 19 March 2002, 01:57 PM
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and I shalln't tell you what I used to get upto in there with the wife - and to think we had a spectator.....
You could have charged him a fee...

Old 19 March 2002, 01:59 PM
Jolly Green Monster 2
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No wonder he was hanging around

Old 19 March 2002, 11:43 PM
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Did "He" realy make the damage on the ceiling??? Or did you both get carried away.
Old 20 March 2002, 12:34 AM
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{please excuse my grammar}
Here is mine.

My parents purchased a big country house In france, a few years ago now.
We had sky tv there, and I stayed up really late one night "which was rare ." I was watching point break at the time, I remember.
shows you how long ago it was lol .
anyway I was in the lounge laying by the fire. i had to keep putting wood on It to keep warm as there was no central heating there at the time. It was a large detached house in the middle of knowhere with 12 bedrooms + game rooms etc.
there were no other fires burning & there was no other heating on at the time. and there were 2 other people in the house on the top floor. ( my parents ). the noise i heard came from the kitchen .which was opposite the room that i was in.
it was very loud ! and it sounded like a large table being dragged across a stone floor.
The kitchen had a stone floor and a very large bench table was in the middle of it.
funny thing is it would take atleast 2 people to push it along the floor. "This was a very old and heavy solid wooden table !"
anyway ... i heard this and looked towards the kitchen .
you could see any light through the old door when it was closed because it had big gaps all over the place, where the wood contracted & expanded.
i got up and walked over to see what the noise was , as i opened the door i felt a very very cold chill , almost like a freezer fan was blowing ! ! i turned off the tv and pushed the fire guard over the fireplace, grabbed my torch, turned off the light and ran up 3 flights of stairs as fast as i could !. i locked the bedroom door and jumped in bed!
in the morning i went down stairs to have breakfast and the kitchen table was pushed over against one of the walls.
i asked my dad why the table was there and he replied that he had just moved it so he could lay the new carpet down.

i asked him if he had done it last night and he replied "what ??
"do you think im mad?" at this point i told him what had happened and he said the house probably has a ghost as it is over 300 years old!
""I didnt stay up late ever again for the 2 years that i lived in the house.""lol

[Edited by - 3/20/2002 12:53:58 AM]
Old 20 March 2002, 12:55 AM
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Had to edit that cause it said {same kind of thing happened to me once) lol i was actually refering to the first post .
Old 20 March 2002, 01:14 AM
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i dont know if the last one bored you but i have another one to tell.
With regards to ouija boards.
please dont do them !

OUI JA = yes in french and german.
these arent toys. and ive had first hand experience !
dont even go there as jerry would say.
if you want info about them search the web and you will find.
but just beleive me {(you will regret it if you get a bad spirit..})
as for clairvoyants . if anyone is brave anoth
i will give them a number and an address of a woman that has a black cat and they can see for themselfs what awaits them if they are willing to see her.
she lives very close to bluewater and has a house which will put you off straight away !
seriously , anyone want her number?
Old 20 March 2002, 01:21 AM
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copy and paste this page on to your address bar after about a minute see if you can remember all the objects that are on the screen lol make sure you look for 1 minute though.

[Edited by - 3/20/2002 1:24:20 AM]
Old 20 March 2002, 02:16 AM
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if this doesnt put you off ! nothing will.
Most often the spirits whom are contacted through the Ouija are those whom reside on "the lower astral plane". These spirits are often very confused and may have died a violent or sudden death; murder, suicide, etc. Therefore, many violent, negative and potentially dangerous conditions are present to those using the board. Often times several spirits will attempt to come through at the same time but the real danger lies when you ask for physical proof of their existence! You might say, "Well, if you're really a spirit, then put this light out or move that object!" What you have just done is simple, you have "opened a doorway" and allowed them to enter into the physical world and future problems can and often do arise.

here is a story from a well known paper;

A simple Ouija board became a passport to Hell for a family that accidently summoned a demon into their living room. "I thought it might have been the Devil himself," says John Ravens, father of the tormented family. "When it was over, we were all bleeding and had severe burn marks. Our living room was a disaster area."

"It was supposed to be a joke," says Gloria, the girl's mother. "We were going to make believe we were talking with the spirit world."

Little Lynda, her nine-year-old brother Ronald, and their parents gathered around the board for what they thought was going to be an evening of fun at their home in a Toronto, Canada . "We were just playing around with it when suddenly the board that spells out answers began moving by itself," says John. "We were all scared, but then I thought maybe one of the kids was up to tricks. We started asking questions, and this spirit began speaking to us. "Then it asked if it could visit with us. By this time, I was sure someone was playing a joke, and I said yes," he adds.

That's when the nightmare began. "The demon appeared within seconds," says John. "It flew around the room above us, laughing and swearing at us. "It was surrounded by a ring of fire and the room became so hot, it was like an inferno from Hell !." The family describes the demon as red and black with a scaly burnt looking skin. It also had giant bat like wings. "Then it suddenly swooped down and attacked us," recalls John, horror flickering over his features. "It started biting each of us on the face and arms. "We tried getting up and running for the door, but every time we did, the creature started clawing us. It was so fast, we couldn't escape from the room!."

Lynda and brother Ronald were picked up repeatedly and hurled across the room. As they lay helplessly on the floor, the creature pounded on their chests and heads. "It had hooves that dug into my children's faces and skin, cutting them badly," says Gloria. The attack lasted for more than an hour before the horrifying demon vanished as quickly as it first appeared. The children were screaming and crying as John pulled them out of the house and flew in the car to a nearby hospital, where they were treated for cuts and burns.

still want to do a QUIJA ?
Old 20 March 2002, 02:39 AM
Tom Evans
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A few years ago, when I was about 16/17, me and 4 mates did a ouija board on my front drive at about 2 am. Usual thing of the penny moving, but it was one of my mates (he admitted it).

We then decided to walk a little way to a dark, quiet country lane and try there, as we thought that the drive was not very apt for this sort of thing.

We were standing in a small group when we heard some quick footsteps behind us. We turned and saw a man jogging right past us - very close. When he had passed we commented on what a strange time it was to be jogging and that he didn't acknowledge us. At this time we could still see and hear him, slightly up the road. Then, all of a sudden, the footsteps stopped and the man had disappeared.

At first we thought there was a logical explanation and so went a little way down the road to investigate, but could not see him anywhere. Thing is where we were there was no way he could have gone down another road (there aren't any), or go into the field as there are no gates and no way into the field, due to a very thick hedge. It was around this time when 5 16/17 year olds s*** their collective pants and ran like f*** back to the estate where I live.

Writing this now sends a shiver down my spine as I had never experienced anything like this before and didn't believe in any of this sort of thing.

Old 20 March 2002, 09:01 AM
Jolly Green Monster 2
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Friends were going to see "13 ghosts" at the cinema last night...
I decided not to go... mainly because it looked crap from the trailers I have seen and a review slated it.. but partly because I didn't fancy being **** up after reading all this lot!

Old 28 March 2002, 05:32 PM
Jolly Green Monster 2
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Anymore ghost stories?

It was the day before Easter weekend.......

Have you been to the flat late at night to here the floor boards again yet?

Old 28 March 2002, 11:46 PM
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some of you guys should stop buying lottery tickets and speak to Randi. $1M waiting for you...
Old 08 April 2002, 12:29 PM
Jolly Green Monster 2
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Old 08 April 2002, 01:08 PM
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It was a reference to Randi, an individual whos name *always* pops up in these discussions. Just surprised no one had mentioned him yet, so though I would do the honours.Randi
Old 08 April 2002, 10:56 PM
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Here's an odd one--

A mother of our daughters school friend was packing her house ready to move, she was all alone and the house was locked to the outside world. She emptyed the washing machine went outside to hang it up came back only to discover the washing machine door had been wrenched off its hinges and was covered in a massive cobweb.

Prior to this odd occurance the children's clothes had gone missing only to turn up in the middle of the floor at a later date (something she blamed the children for until the washing machine episode).
Old 09 April 2002, 10:59 AM
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Ah, a classic "friend of a friend" tale...
Old 09 April 2002, 11:04 AM
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Old 09 April 2002, 01:37 PM
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Hmmm...well I personally have had loads of experiences like this.

*When my grandad died, my cousin and I used to go to the barn where he spent an awful lot of time and "talk" to him. We could see him and he would tell us things that we wouldn't have known about on our own.

*Was walking the dog with my mum one night down to the local church and around the cemetery. All the way up the lane to the church we could see a light half way up one of the walls which confused us as we didn't remember a window being there. The dog also wouldn't go to a certain part of the cemetery. The next day when doing the same walk but in the daytime, there was no opening / gap or window there that could possibly have illuminated / reflected light. It was all just stone.

*Worked with someone in a previous job who became pregnant. I could "see" 2 white lights above her head constantly, indicating that she was going to have twins and this was before she knew herself that she was pregnant. She also was a little sad about it as her Dad had died some few years ago and would never get to see the babies. We were talking in the garden at the job and a figure appeared behind her, so I asked her if her Dad had shaggy brown hair, a beard and wore lumberjack type padded shirts and jeans with a rip in the left thigh. Apparently these were the last clothes he wore the day before he died. Going between me, they had quite a conversation and Stace was able to lay to rest the fear that her father was angry at her as she had not been there when he died.

*Whilst on a course in St Albans once, I was talking to another student and suddenly had an image of a man in my head. I asked her if she knew the name Simon. She just stared at me and asked why. I then described a chap that had something different about his eyes - they weren't "normal" but not in a horrid way and that he had a pain in his right wrist. She then explained that her boyfriend is called Simon, he has different coloured eyes and broke his right wrist 4 days ago.

*Whilst driving in the countryside one night, I saw a figure by the side of the road waving at me to slow down. She was wearing a torn blue shirt - like a country one, with the fringing - and looked in a bit of a state so I assumed that she had been in an accident. I pulled over to ask if she was all right, or if I could do anything but couldn't see her. A bit freaked but nothing serious, I got back in my car and drive round the bend to see a 2 car pile up and the girl who had waved at me to slow down dead in the passenger seat being cut out by the fire brigade. Or at least I asusme she was dead - the ambulance people were concentrating on the others.

*Talking to a friend of mine in his kitchen I suddenly had an image of him with blue tattoos all over his arms. He asked me to draw the design which I did and then he fetched the same design down from his room where he had had a dream about it just 2 nights previous.

*Whilst talking to another friend on the phone I had a sudden image of his room and could describe it down to the very magazine that he had by his door. Including his motorbike helmet on the top of his wardrobe with a shark design on it and I had never been to his house.

*While tidying up a friend's house, she left to collect her children from playgroup. I was in the top bedroom vacuuming and heard the front door bang. I turned off the vacuum and heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Turned round to talk to them and a person-shape walked straight into the bedroom, and through the wall to the bathroom. I asked Kim about this when she DID get back and apparently the bathroom was originally on the other side of the house and the "shape" went into what was then the bedroom.

*My parents were away one week in Spain and I had a dream that I would get hit in the eye with a ball and would need to come home from school. So the next morning I took note of my brother's work telephone number, just in case and went off to school as normal. Sure enough, in gym, we were playing inside and a tennis ball smacked me in the eye which swelled up and I was unable to see. Matron advised me to go home and I duly produced my brother's work number. He had to come and pick me up.

There's loads more but my fingers are getting tired. I've always been able to see things and do things - my younger brother and I used to have entire conversations without speaking and mum only realised when one of us would laugh or burst into tears over something that the other had "said". I even woke up in absolute agony one night with lancing pain in my left arm and shoulder. Thought that I had simply slept on it at an awkward angle but walking about didn't ease it. 45 minutes later, my mum rang (it was 3:00ish in the morning and her first words were "I don't want to worry you but...."! ). My brother had been in a car accident and smashed his left arm and broken his collar bone.
Old 09 April 2002, 01:42 PM
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Do you have any proof of these things? As you can quote so many examples, do you have any instances where you have made a prediction prior to an event, written it down, and then it has come true? Has anyone else witnessed these written predictions (i.e. seen the writing beforehand then witnessed the event when it happened)? How many predictions/premonitions have you had that didn't come true?

Not a dig, just interested in some cold, hard evidence.
Old 09 April 2002, 02:58 PM
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Well, there was the taking down of my brother's number before I went to school and the fact that my mum saw the light with the church as well. TBH I don't advertise the fact that I can do this because I can't if "asked".

There's instances like the time when I lost my purse. There wasn't a great deal of money in it - only about £6 I think, but it was a purse that my dad had got for me in Spain. I looked *everywhere*. School bag, car, bedroom, path to and from lessons, school, name it. I even had my mum look in all the places (apart from school, obviously) and she has "mother-sight"! and nothing. Couldn't find it anywhere. So I sat in my car and said "ok, enough fun - may I have it back please" and went back into the house.

The next morning I got into my car and there was the purse, smack bang in the middle of my passenger seat where we couldn't possibly have missed it.

Uhm...I guess I could let you all read excerpts from my diary where I have written it down and it came true but I've never predicted anything momentous - it's usually just close family and friend type things. The worst one was not being able to see another pregnant friend with the baby. I just couldn't get the image to sit straight in my head and I can't explain it but it's almost like tuning in a tv but as soon as you get a slight picture it skews away. She lost the baby at 7 months. That's not the sort of thing you write down, except in the aforesaid diary.

My instincts are VERY strong, incredibly so and as I am the only person that I trust 100% of the time, I listen to them and the couple of times that I haven't, it's all gone pear-shaped and left me wishing that I had.

So for hard concrete evidence I have very little to show, but then I'm not out to prove anything to anybody.

Quick Reply: Ghostly experiences anyone?

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