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Old 08 January 2002, 06:00 AM
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Wazzup guys! If I had a warm ***** sitting on my engine every night I would be well chuffed!

Oh well, goes to show... you cant please everyone all the time
Old 08 January 2002, 09:10 AM
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You can get automatic devices that work of PIR and a hose, might p1ss off the postman tho'
Old 08 January 2002, 09:31 AM
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You are a sick fukc giving out sick info. Hope your kid eats sweets tainted with bleach. Perhaps we should discuss other ways to introduce poison to kiddies via sweets? After all whats the difference between that and what you have said?

Where are the moderators? Make a negative comment about a company and the thread gets locked. Give out ways to maim/kill/torture animals and nothings said. Sort it out.

I dont care if its "only a joke". Some equally sick bastad will probably try that. Why is it that countless other "joke" threads have been deleted by the moderators (WHERE ARE YOU?) because "children might view it", or "its inappropriate". Pathetic.

Wont surprise me if my post gets deleted

Rant Over
Old 08 January 2002, 09:54 AM
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You could always put some glue on the bonnet (the type that won't damage the bonnet work).

Once cat is firmly in place LOL! Take it for a brisk spin up round the 6000/7000rpm mark and while the cats on the bonnet wind the window down and shout at everyone who you pass 'Look I've got a jag!'

Bring car to a halt, remove cat and watch it stagger off into the distance with you knowing it won't sit on your bonnet again after that experience.

Old 08 January 2002, 11:08 AM
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Get out more you *****.
Old 08 January 2002, 11:15 AM
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Does anyone know how I can stop my car getting dirty? I clean it every week and by the end of the next week its dirty again - its really pissing me off....

Are you really that concerned about a cat leaving footprints on your bonnet. Are you really that obsessed with your car that it bothers you to this degree....? get a life.

Old 08 January 2002, 11:32 AM
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It's not the neighbours that sit on the bonnets or crap on the lawn. A lot of the cats in question are stray or feral and as such are pests.

Strange that cats and squirrels as pests arouse such defenders but who would defend rats or cockroaches?

Double standards or what?
It looks nice and fluffy- its OK.
Looks nasty - it can die.

Good job we don't run our criminal justice system along such primitive, impressionistic, infantile lines.
Old 08 January 2002, 11:36 AM
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I hope you are not threatening violence, or is the lesson you have in mind something more scholarly?

If the former, I will draw my solicitor's attention to this thread, and the police.
Old 08 January 2002, 11:37 AM
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Not advocating harming the annoying little things at all.

I have several cats that sh*t all over my back garden. Lovely for when visting nieces and nephews come to play. Have tried pellets but the cats seem to get used to each brand and eventually come back

I would love to speak to the owners, but live on an estate - how one earth am I supposed to knwo where the cats live ?. No Cat owners appear to have popped round to ask me if Its oK if their pets use my garden as litter tray. What are they going to do ? Ask their cat nicely not to **** in my garden ?. Dogs are not allowed to roam free unattended why are cats given that privilege ?

I get genuinely confused at the blindness of some cat owners as to why other people have a problem. Cat owners choose to have cats - everyone else gets no choice and are not allowed to complain.

Old 08 January 2002, 11:41 AM
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Super soaker or a bucket of water worked fine for my car. Stopped mine and the neighbours cats sitting on it !!

Chill out dudes, agreed cats scratching our pride and joy is a pain and can be costly, but its not as if the animal does it on purpose. Animals dont deserve to be harmed by humans in any way, but thats not to say a shot of a super soaker between the ears wont do the trick. Harmless other than the initial shock.

Old 08 January 2002, 11:47 AM
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You are pathetic you sick pervert. Stop crying about police and solicitors, you pathetic sadist. Hope you get your just deserts and someone poisons you or a family member in the same manner that you are advocating. YOU need to get out more, sicko. go fukc yourself
Old 08 January 2002, 11:52 AM
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Let's not turn this into a fierce and personal debate.

Can I suggest those who have posted antagonistic posts (whether anti-feline or anti-human) go back and edit in the name of love and harmony before the whole thread gets deleted
Old 08 January 2002, 11:57 AM
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humbug - you seem to be operating double standards here. First you advocate violence against cats and now you're standing up for cockroaches - what conclusions am I to draw from that???

The truth is that no living creature deserves anything like the treatment being discussed by some of the contributors to this thread. Sad that some people seem to have more compassion for a lump of metal than anything else...
Old 08 January 2002, 12:45 PM
fast bloke
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I've found that if you go and sit on your neighbours bonnet after ****ting in their garden a couple of times then ask them to stop their cat from coming onto your property, they usually comply. If that doesn't work, grow your nails long and try to gouge a hole in their front door.

p.s. FAO the cat lovers/childern harmers et al. You are a bunch of sick wierdos. Cats are not pets. They would be higher up the food chain than us if they where bigger. The only reason you like cats is that you have no control over your own life, so need to control a predator to make you feel good..

FAO the cat haters - the cat is only doing what is natural. You can't blame it for that. Take it up with the owners.
Old 08 January 2002, 12:56 PM
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deano has a point about the dog thing, in that dogs aint allow to roam free, so why are cats?

what to do? hmm, not a lot. killing little fluffy, or suggesting it, will get you lynched, or locked up, so a more humane way is in order. soaking them in water might be a winner, don't think cats like being wet (no wet ***** jokes please! )
Old 08 January 2002, 01:17 PM
Norman D. Landing
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Before I start, I should say that I do not condone cruelty to animals in any form ,....................but

Quote from SPEN555 :

"You could always put some glue on the bonnet (the type that won't damage the bonnet work).

Once cat is firmly in place LOL! Take it for a brisk spin up round the 6000/7000rpm mark and while the cats on the bonnet wind the window down and shout at everyone who you pass 'Look I've got a jag!'"

Damn that made me laugh

Serious point time, am I right in thinking that cats aren't too keen on bright lights and/or surprises ?

Hows about flash photography when catching the cat in the act ? Not only will the cat learn to stay away from the car but you'll also have a nice little album to show to kitty in later years
Old 08 January 2002, 01:37 PM
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We steward 4 cats, and as they have growm older, they have gotten lazier. They can't be bothered to bury their "solids" but instinct makes them wave one of their paws near the soiled soil (grass).

So once a week (Sat or Sun morning) I shovel any excrement I find Into the wheelie bin. (Always easier when it is frosty!)

In answer to an earlier post, I can therfore say, Yes I have studied feline excreta, and I can tell you that what I am shovelling up is not all from our cats. No doubt neighbours mogs too, BUT DOGS also.

Cats are regarded as feral creatures, dogs as domestic animals. That's not my opinion, that's the law. It's unfortunate, but just cos you can crap dowm a hole and not care where it ends up, doesn't mean all creatures have that luxury. How do you think seaside crabs feel? (Go on I dare you!)

With all animals (and kids) you have two main weapons, reward, aversion and a fanatical devotion to the pope. Sorry three main weapons......

As you can't be around to reward the offending flea bag, you only have aversion or rapid reaction and a fantical devotion to the pope. Sorry four main weapons......

So aversion it is. Gary's wax slippery surface is a good one, but best of all when curled up over a nice warm intrrcooler is the wet sponge from outer space (or hose pipe), but don't let them see where it is coming from, you must stay out of view. Otherwise they treat it a something of a competition!

I put mine in the garage and they kip on the bonnet of the wife's (company car) Golf.

Sorry five main weapons......
Old 08 January 2002, 02:37 PM
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how do crabs feel? umm, probably with those big pincers that they have

sorry, could not resist
Old 08 January 2002, 02:44 PM
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What an interesting read.
At my old house dogs had no access so it was definately the cats that were dumping everywhere. Damn it stinks too...

To stop the little furry felines from sitting on the car I had 4 clear plastic bottles filled with water, one by each wheel. It stopped them using the car as a sofa for quite a while but think they eventually got used to it.

Can't say I have tried any of the other 'methods' listed here except chucking a pint of water over it once but that didn't seem to stop it.
Old 08 January 2002, 04:36 PM
Norman D. Landing
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Whether it's an urban myth or not I'm not quite sure but you could try the old visit to the zoo and ask for some Lion pi$$ to soak your driveway with.

Might hum a bit though

Old 08 January 2002, 05:17 PM
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Fast Bloke
I consider myself a cat lover - not a sick wierdo. You assume far too much with your rather ignorant generalisations. I used to find your posts entertaining, but this one leaves me very very disappointed. Sounds to me like you're the one with the problem if you view domestic cats with such a sense of inferiority.

The only sick wierdos here are those that would rather harm a living creature than clean their precious f**king cars a little more often.

Old 08 January 2002, 08:41 PM
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Sorry to chuck my few Euro cents worth in here, but there seems to be some major over-reacting here. This is quite possible the most offensive thread I have ever seen on scoobynet.

"hope your kids and wife dies in an accident in your scoob"

"Hope your kid eats sweets tainted with bleach"

Paul Habgood (moderator!!)
If you shoot or injure the cat(s) i will hunt you down and do the same you

I'm sorry, but far too OTT for me.
I would echo Mr. Footlong's sentiments about keeping animal activists off the board, but would probably get dubbed as an animal killing **** for doing so.

What is the world coming to when such childish, emotional resonses are considered acceptable?

Peace to you all

Old 08 January 2002, 08:54 PM
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OK time to kill this thread methinks.......
When I came out with the animal activist remark, I was trying to imply that people shouldn't be quite so free with airing their particular views sometimes when they are so offensive to others, especially people that they don't even know....
Personally, if didn't believe in animal rights then I wouldn't what I could in my own little way and donate monthly to the RSPCA. Sorry, just stating a fact.


Old 08 January 2002, 08:58 PM
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Are you really that concerned about a cat leaving footprints on your bonnet. Are you really that obsessed with your car that it bothers you to this degree....? get a life.

Andrew, i've been looking for one everywhere do you know where i can find one Seen's as your soo in the know?Muppet.
Old 08 January 2002, 09:06 PM
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Close it mate, i've had more than enougth info.

Did turn a little silly.
Old 08 January 2002, 09:41 PM
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Ok serious post.

I'm not a big cat fan, frankly find them repulsive, dogs different kettle of fish. Maybe it's because I was brought up in Wrexham

From the RSPB you can buy an anti cat device, which is for bird lovers(just like me ) Last time I got one it was £50, battery operated and works a treat. The cat is taught not to come into your garden because it does n't like the high pitched noise it emits. Inaudible to dogs and humans.

Suggest you buy one, stick it under the car, next to the garage etc etc The cat'll soon learn.
Old 08 January 2002, 10:54 PM
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Thumbs up

MattW's right of course, I've got one and it works a treat. It is audible to cats (and myself as I'm superhuman as you know)and probably dogs as well, they don't like it and go away. £50 seemed a lot of dosh but water didn't work or the pepper/granuals or anything else that's been suggested already, so I bought one.

The devices use a PP3 battery for power and detect movement by infra red. They send out a signal (white noise @ 25kHz ish)which is uncomfortable to them and makes them go away. Sorted.

I would normally finish with a bit of satire or dark humour but I don't think it would be wise to experiment here....

PS I'll try Muppet instead, they'll understand me.
Old 08 January 2002, 11:10 PM
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cryptwalk - I never said I had a life....I just think if you've got pawprints on your bonnet then you should clean them off....

Probably is time to close the thread though.
Old 08 January 2002, 11:22 PM
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I have cleaned them off, read my post. Time and time again! after a while it does your head in that doesnt really matter if your mad into your car or not.

I started this thread just to ask for info, that i have got but with the added disadvantage of silly comments being made by many.

Humour is something some people could do with getting on here.
Old 09 January 2002, 12:15 AM
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