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New M3 or S4?

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Old 31 October 2003, 11:29 AM
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"M3 convertible is sh*te "

LOL... Really? Can you explain exactly what you mean by this? Have you driven one?

"M3 Coupe - fun and a classy motor no doubt but on Top Gear the handling looked sh*te compared to the S4"

Funny, all the comparisons I read say the M3 handles better than the S4. It has an 6-cyl engine above/behind the front axle, the S4 has a V-8 infront. It does (and is confirmed in all tests) understeer.

Can you explain what you mean by this sweeping statement too?

Old 31 October 2003, 12:43 PM
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Yep - at Brands Hatch with a pro instructor. It was our Financial Directors car and he let us throw it round. The instructor slated it and showed it's flaws and bascially pissed my boss off a treat. He proved just how sloppy the set-up could be, he told me its due to the extra weight and loss of rigidity due to the soft top. Basically told me the Coupe was awesome but the Con let the M3 experience down. I'm not gonna argue with him and to be honest he proved it with the drive.

M3's are tarts cars, they are not for people who want a REAL driving experience, they are for people who think they are getting the REAL deal plus wanna look cool etc. I know for a fact I could own an M3 round the bends in my Bugeye, did just that the other night when some idiot gave it some in the wet around town, on the straights we were together but he totally bottled the roundabouts after nearly losing the back on the first one!!!

Saw the Audi and M3 Coupe on Top Gear and although similar in the dry the Audi made the Beemer look stoopid in the rain.

Hence in my opinion IF you want a decent drive you need to go for the Audi, if you want to pose then it needs to be the beemer.
Old 31 October 2003, 01:08 PM
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I went for a pro-drive around Milbrook. The guy said the coupe is a bit more rigid, but that the difference is only prceivable at the very limit.

Most people's experiences do seem to confirm this. It is also not really surprising that a cab variant is marginally less rigid than the coupe.

I remember that drive (I was ofcourse a passenger)... 4 up in an M3 cab, roof down, sideways around most corners, then hit the (actual) speed limiter at 168mph around the oval. (NB limited to 155 in 6th, 168 in 5th)...

Didn't feel like a crap car to me, nor a tart's car. But then again, I'm sure you know better with your vast experience.

I have since traked the car many times, and it really is a lot of fun. But I'm sure you will tell me that I just THINK I'm having fun - you know better of course.

Infact I liked it so much I drove the coupe and cab back to back, and purchased the cab.

When the S4 came out I considered p-exing. But then I drove one.

By the way:

"but he totally bottled the roundabouts after nearly losing the back on the first one!!! "

You can take a roundabout in the wet, foot planted and you will not lose it as the DSC cuts the power under acceleration (and also brakes if required). If it was not under power, then the M3 has better balance and grip (c/f traction) than MOST scoobs.

One last question, seeing as you appear to know what a real driving experience is...

How can a car with a V8 hung out over the front axle out perform one with a 6-cyl pushed much further back... surely it just understeers a hell of a lot. And infact IT DOES!

As for your comment about the wet... Autocar drove a M3 and S4 on a wet track.. guess what, the M3 was quicker by more in the wet!

[Edited by Skittles - 10/31/2003 1:17:50 PM]
Old 31 October 2003, 01:55 PM
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OK now you answer some of my questions!

Did you see the part about this just being MY opinion?

Do you have conclusive proof on the handling characteristics of both motors? If not can you at least agree that the performance of these two cars will be a matter of opinion??

People perceive things differently depending on how they are exposed to the subject matter, agreed? IF so you'll surely understand that its not too strange for me to say S4 and for you to say M3 ?

If you want my honest opinion - I think the dude should get a Scoobs Sti8 with PPP and stop being an exec tart

Old 31 October 2003, 02:00 PM
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Oh and...

How can a car with a V8 hung out over the front axle out perform one with a 6-cyl pushed much further back... surely it just understeers a hell of a lot. And infact IT DOES!

Not sure but my little 2 litre front mounted boxer seems to be able to do just that !!!!!
Old 31 October 2003, 02:12 PM
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"Did you see the part about this just being MY opinion?"
Yes, but sweeping statements are put there for prople to bite. I am asking what your opinions are based upon.

"Do you have conclusive proof on the handling characteristics of both motors? If not can you at least agree that the performance of these two cars will be a matter of opinion??"
I certainly do on both accounts. The first is MY experience, which lets face it, is all that should matter to me. Incedentally, my experience has been consistent with most of the press experience.

"People perceive things differently depending on how they are exposed to the subject matter, agreed? IF so you'll surely understand that its not too strange for me to say S4 and for you to say M3 ?"
Not at all, and you may have seen one of my previous posts saying I am thinking of part-exing for a RS6, which I am driving this weekend.

I think the S4 is a great car, and I really respect it. I just prefer an M3 due to my priorities at this point in time, the same way I understand why people prefer an S4 over an M3.

The part where we disagree is your sweeping statements about the cab being a c*ap car, a tarts car... I was curious to know on what basis you make this statement. Put plainly, its just provactive.

The real cracker was that all people who but an M3 are delluded... they think they are getting the REAL driving experience, but they are not. LOL. If you want a "REAL" driving experience, but a Super 7. Its just an arrogant statement.

Old 31 October 2003, 02:44 PM
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You want can have it...

M3 drivers are a bunch of exec tart car driving arrogant w* want to believe your car is the bomb but its not, its an over priced bit a bling mate !!

Bling Bling..

You can take a roundabout in the wet, foot planted and you will not lose it as the DSC cuts the power under acceleration (and also brakes if required). If it was not under power, then the M3 has better balance and grip (c/f traction) than MOST scoobs.

Hmmm - really, lets have a look at what your Autocar mag says about the beemer in the wet..

Learn to work your way through the inconsistencies of the steering and you can carry so much more speed into corners, knowing that the S4 has plenty of adhesion, that it's easy to use all the power. In contrast the M3 is twitchy, awkward, demanding concentration and noticeably SLOWER??

Keep giving it the large in your bling mobile, keep it real. Peace!

[Edited by iDLe* - 10/31/2003 2:48:00 PM]
Old 31 October 2003, 02:48 PM
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Oh dear, oh dear. Why do you have such a chip on your shoulder?

Not that its like you to make bold statements not backed up by fact...

Run along, check the lap times, then come back.. Perhaps you can save me having to post the times and do it yourself?
Old 31 October 2003, 02:58 PM
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We talking about bold statements that one cannot back up.....

You can take a roundabout in the wet, foot planted and you will not lose it as the DSC cuts the power under acceleration (and also brakes if required). If it was not under power, then the M3 has better balance and grip (c/f traction) than MOST scoobs.

Hmmm - really, lets have a look at what your Autocar mag says about the beemer in the wet..

Learn to work your way through the inconsistencies of the steering and you can carry so much more speed into corners, knowing that the S4 has plenty of adhesion, that it's easy to use all the power. In contrast the M3 is twitchy, awkward, demanding concentration and noticeably SLOWER??


Beemer drivers make me laugh

Basically your cart has the bling factor but it don't make it the better car. I'd say it would be perfect to have both the M3 and the S4, that way you could use the M3 for the sunny days with the roof down and the Audi the rest of the last time I looked we live in the UK which is wet all the freakin time meaning your M3 is useless bit of bling!

PS - Do you have a scoobs, owned one or driven one?

Old 31 October 2003, 03:08 PM
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Idle - did I miss something or do you just keep saying the same thing?

Anyway, let me help you out, I suppose asking you to actually answer my last questions seems like a big ask.

M3 - 47.32s
S4 - 48.01

M3 - 53.94
S4 - 55.91


Oh yes - I know you are real familar with these M3s n' all, but the above is with the the DSC (and I suspect CBC) OFF, hence the tail out. Simple really. My comment refers to DSC ON.

[Edited by Skittles - 10/31/2003 3:14:22 PM]
Old 31 October 2003, 03:40 PM
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Yes you missed something hence me reposted the comments from the article you cited as a valid source of info on this?

M3 Coupe yes, M3 Cab with these times.....NO NO NO !

Have a Scoob, had a Scoob or even driven one?
Old 31 October 2003, 03:41 PM
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Who cares DSC OBC the car yourself and what will happen!?!?
Old 31 October 2003, 04:01 PM
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We seem to be talking about different sweeping statements you have made. I do apologise, please bear with me as there are a lot.

Here we go:

"Saw the Audi and M3 Coupe on Top Gear and although similar in the dry the Audi made the Beemer look stoopid in the rain.

Hence in my opinion IF you want a decent drive you need to go for the Audi, if you want to pose then it needs to be the beemer."

Need I say more?

PS - Yes I have driven a Scoob. The WRX and an STi (7). WRX at Milbrook, and the STi as a test drive around the time I was buying the M.

Both great motors, just not my cup of tea... I wanted the toys and interior as well as the looks and performance. That for me means S4/M3.
Old 31 October 2003, 04:31 PM
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Not sure you really made any kind of point there..

I said I saw them both on Top Gear and the Audi was far better than the Beemer in the rain. I think this is true and still do!!!

Then you blabbed about Autocar this and I read the article and it tells me the M3 (COUPE not even the wobblier Cab) was twitchy and a little more than impressive into the wet bends whilst the new A4 was pretty much awesome at full power as far as I can tell!!

Then I went on to make the point that the Beemer is for the Exec who wants to think they have the ultimate street racer when really what they want is the bling posser value, you came back saying you did not want a real drivers car (Scoob) as you liked the toys etc on the beemer....kind of proves my point I think.

You then posted some figures for dry and wet lap times which in all honesty could of been pulled outta your ***, and as I said these were for the Coupe not the Cab and I still find it hard to believe gievn the info I have, experience, Top Gear and the Autocar reviews.

And as I tried to point out during the middle of all this it comes down to want toys and bling, I want a real drive...what good is a drop top when its never sunny!!

I still think that MOST of what I said was true...the rest was a hook for the silly fishy to take...which he did

PS - go to a lamer Beemer board if you don't have, never want a Scoobs!
Old 31 October 2003, 04:42 PM
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Ok now I know.....

If I want to drive like a lunatic on full power round wet bends then I need the S4. Thanks for that advice

Honestly, you would think that every driver out there takes his car on a track or summat. 99.9% of drivers dont, and a rear/front wheel drive car is perfectly fine in the wet. If any driver out there needs 4 wheel drive to be 'safe' in the wet on public roads they they must drive like a complete dork and should not even been on the public road!
Old 31 October 2003, 04:43 PM
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OMG, Light's are on, no one seems to be in. Are you for real? Are you a goldfish with a memory like this?


As for the figures "pulled from my ***"? I thought you saw that Autocar article... How strange, you seem to have made a comment with no factual basis.

It was written by Steve Sutcliffe in the July 9 edition, and called "all weather comparison: Audi S4 vs BMW M3" - quite a big clue.

Try doing a search on here... it was posted about at the time.

"you came back saying you did not want a real drivers car (Scoob) as you liked the toys etc on the beemer"

Actually you asked me if I have driven a Scoob. I think you will find my answer responds to the question I was asked. As the above post implies, not all driving is about mashing it everywhere. Most is actually getting from A to B. I like to do it in comfort, enjoy some Gizmos like Sat Nav, but also want to ability to put my foot down on empty roads and go to tracks. I could have got a Scoob for the fast stuff, or a 318 for the comfy stuff. I prefer to have it in one package. Its cheaper.

So, let me get this straight, you don't like me posting on here because I don't own a Scoob? You may want to check the title of the forum?

Its just a shame there is no minimum IQ requirement to be able to post on here...

[Edited by Skittles - 10/31/2003 4:49:47 PM]
Old 31 October 2003, 04:52 PM
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WTF is a bling?

As for the UK being rainy all the time... I assume you haven't been here during the last 8 months, which have been the driest and sunniest for years.

As for a preference on the 2 cars on offer... I'd probably go for the M3, as it is regarded as one of the best performance cars on the market, has the reputation of M-division behind it, and (in the right colour) looks awesome.

Hmm... now if the choice was between an RS4 and an M3, I'd be tempted to go for the Audi...
Old 31 October 2003, 05:09 PM
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This was posted on the General Section and had to be moved here, talk about getting facts straight!!!

Anyways I stand by my post, I ME JUST ME feel that the S4 is a better car, The RS4 will freakin blow it away!!

I just wanted to understand why you'd be posting on here if you had no intention of owning a Scooby, maybe there is a good reason?

I stand by everything I said in my post - main points below..

1 - I prefer the Audi and believe it to be the better car, given the chance I'd go for the Audi....I don't think that's too much to say as many others make this choice!

2 - M3's are over rated and under perform these days, back when the M badge started they were awesome and made a lot of difference to the performance car industry. Now they are surpassed on a regular basis!

3 - M3 owners are mostly w*nkers, your an M3 owner

Old 31 October 2003, 05:11 PM
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The Autocar article I refer to is this one....

Old 31 October 2003, 05:17 PM
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We have an argument between someone who OWNS and M3 Cabriolet and someone who took the word of someone who has had a brief run in one.

Skittles, mate, my money's on you

Had my first run in an M3 Coupe not long ago. Much, much more complete car than any Scoob I've ever been in. But then it should be, its a lot more money.

Never had a go in an S4, but will assume its a nice piece of kit. Only problem is, I've never been or driven ANY Audi that has been a real balanced "drivers" car, except for an UR Quattro 20v, and even that had had the suspension done.

Competent & fast, yes, but understeer and a "dead" front end prevaled. Unfortunate result of where the engines are, and there is no way around it.

Even Autocar were surprised that the M3 was quicker in the wet.

The BTCC and super touring Audis were unbeatable, but then they had their engines in a more sensible place.


Old 31 October 2003, 05:18 PM
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Oh, and if the M3 is so bad, how come the residuals are so much better

Old 31 October 2003, 05:36 PM
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"This was posted on the General Section"
Yes, but I click on the "other marques" brightly coloured buttin to come here. So whats your point?

"I just wanted to understand why you'd be posting on here if you had no intention of owning a Scooby, maybe there is a good reason?"
Can you please tell me where it says you have to own a scooby to post on scoobynet?

Incedentally, have you actually read that article you have kindly provided a link to? Have you read the conclusion? The recommendation? I think you will find it makes you a bit silly.
This is actually not the one I was talking about. I have provided you the details should you wish to read it and actually know what you are talking about

Diablo: cheers mate.
Old 31 October 2003, 06:21 PM
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Ok - firstly to Diablo - I drobve maybe 20-30 circuits of Brands Hatch in one, plus 20 more with my boss driving plus even more with the pro...maybe somewhere near to 80 laps in day !?!?!?

Taking the word of someone who knows someone who... WTF?

Secondly and how many times can I say MY opinion..the articles we both refer to are not the Holy Bible of the S4 VS M3 and therefore are just more opinions, but it does clearly state that the M3 was pretty **** in the rain compared to the Audi!??!

Diablo - never said the Subaru was a better car, just that mine eats M3's and handles better, even for a 3rd of the beemer money.

and lastly you must be a very sad little man to be posting as much as you do on a site that is AIMED at Scoob owners, offcourse you CAN post here but WHY?!!?

Lastly - I still stand by my statements and I'd still rather have the Audi over the M3, now as you are a typical M3 owner you'll no doubt think I must be mad, for surely you have the best car in the universe!! Get a grip!

Old 31 October 2003, 06:27 PM
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Re: Autocar S4 vs M3 shock result!
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Some other opinions.....they must be dumb too I guess, why don't you get over there and post some on their board too, you obviously got some spare time over there !!

It was a marginal victory though Rob.

They admitted that in the wet, the S4 was much better and around town is probably easier to live with because you don't have to rev the nuts off it to get it moving.

All in all, for Autocar, I think it was praise indeed. I look forward to reading some reviews from less BMW-biased publications.

Oh, and gimme 4wd over rwd any day for practical (and safer) driving.

[Edited by iDLe* - 10/31/2003 6:42:39 PM]
Old 31 October 2003, 06:37 PM
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Audi S4- We'd pick it over an M3

Another one - this is from an Autospies reporter, who used to test drive and dev M Power Beemers fr 12 years

Off to the pub!
Old 01 November 2003, 12:25 AM
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I still haven't heard the definition for a "bling".

Nevermind. How anyone can say that the latest M3 is not up to scratch with previous offerings is beyond me, as all the motoring press are hard pressed to find anything wrong with the current M3 at all.

With all the technology behind the current M3, with the class of its chassis, the money behind it, (not to mention the engine in it) I'd be very reluctant to say any Scoob would be so far ahead of it through the "twisties".

Yes this is a Subaru forum (and yes, I have a Turbo Impreza), but if a decent driver was in an M3, even in the wet, it'd be still a fecking hard task to keep up with them, in a standard/lightly modded Scoob.

I like Audis. Always have since the Quattro and the RS2, but I have to admit, they seem to suffer from vague steering, and lack the driver appeal of other similarly priced cars. Hats off the M3, and to previous generations of it, as it is a superb car, in terms of performance, reliability and handling.

The fact that the M3 is relatively cheap, means that certain types get to drive it, and it is (unfortunately) viewed in a bad way. But to class it as a t*ssers' car would be a little unfair, as I'm sure you'd feel agrieved (sp?) at someone stating all Impreza drivers were baseball-hat wearing ex-Nova boys.

But, after all is said and done, it's about personal choice, and if you want the Beemer, get it. If not, get the Audi. Neither of them are exactly nails!!
Old 01 November 2003, 01:53 AM
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Idle, three (groups of) questions:

1. "but it does clearly state that the M3 was pretty **** in the rain compared to the Audi!??!"

I must be missing hidden text. Did you check the conclusion,or perhaps even the recommendation for both your article, or mine? Previously, I was 'producing figures from my a$$', now its just a 'reporter bias'. Whatever next.

2. More importantly, if people disagree with you, you just say they should not be posting on here... WTF...

why? You even start calling them w*ankers.... whats the need for this?

3. Whats "bling"?

Closng comment; "I drobve maybe 20-30 circuits of Brands Hatch in one,"

Nice guy, your finance director - let you drive in his car for an hour to two, around a track!!!! The car did 80 Laps in total!!!

If this is the case, you still think all M3 drivers are w*ankers????

[Edited by Skittles - 11/1/2003 2:17:25 AM]
Old 01 November 2003, 12:24 PM
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How can you not know what Bling Bling is ??

Idle, three (groups of) questions:

1. "but it does clearly state that the M3 was pretty **** in the rain compared to the Audi!??!"

I must be missing hidden text. Did you check the conclusion,or perhaps even the recommendation for both your article, or mine? Previously, I was 'producing figures from my a$$', now its just a 'reporter bias'. Whatever next.

Autocar seem to be bias towards beemer, I've heard this many times and thats why I'm quoted the article, as another chap posted its praise indeed from AutoBeemer!

2. More importantly, if people disagree with you, you just say they should not be posting on here... WTF...

Did I say you can't post here?? O did I ask WHY you post here!!!!!! And then I went on to take the **** as you obviously have too much time, you must post on Beemer sites, Scoobs, what else !!!

why? You even start calling them w*ankers.... whats the need for this?

Most Beemer drivers are - its true! THe kind of **** like when a **** in a beemer pulls out of the junction in front of me without being offered, then just gives me evils like its his right ot do so....the "I do have a beemer" look!!

3. Whats "bling"?

Posser, show off, bit of bling bling, gold tooth, diamonds, basically showing off money in a laughable manner.

Closng comment; "I drobve maybe 20-30 circuits of Brands Hatch in one,"

Nice guy, your finance director - let you drive in his car for an hour to two, around a track!!!! The car did 80 Laps in total!!!

If this is the case, you still think all M3 drivers are w*ankers????

Not really bit of c*nt really, he drove it with me and the instructor, the pro was taking the **** out of the car and my bosses driving so he let the instructor drive to prove how good it was!?!?!? He drove it and slated it saying the Coupe would of been the better choice and suggested some better more suitable track cars (As my boss was banging on about do track days in it) - basically taking the **** outta driving a bling mobile around brands!!! Boss totally pissed off so he MAKES me drive the car so I can at least side with him on how amazed I was with it etc, shame I was not impressed and beat his/mine best Beemer time in a shaggeed out Lotus Elise !!! I won the race day in that car and got 95% percent for tha day, chuffed until i drove home with the boss who acted like a ***** the whole way home, moaning about the pro not knowing ****, going on about how class his beemer was etc....pretty funny but I had a headache.

Old 01 November 2003, 12:29 PM
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The fact that the M3 is relatively cheap, means that certain types get to drive it, and it is (unfortunately) viewed in a bad way. But to class it as a t*ssers' car would be a little unfair, as I'm sure you'd feel agrieved (sp?) at someone stating all Impreza drivers were baseball-hat wearing ex-Nova boys

To answer this one - The Scoobs is the ugliest car I've owned, honeslty think it looks pretty poor, I have a bugeye to be fair but I like them more than the classic. Now I call my car "The Kev Mobile" its a freakin WR Blue WRX with a scoop on the front, massive fogs and rally stylee seats, its pretty max power but I can take that as I got the car to drive not to pose in, I've had posser cars in the past and they did not impress, so to answer you Q I'd agree with anyone taking the **** outta my cars styling.....don't even get me started on WRC stickers and roof vent type mods !!!!!
Old 02 November 2003, 12:12 AM
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