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Old 23 May 2003, 11:14 PM
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Yer cos if you remember agent smith killed the 2nd guy getting lifted out by an operator. And then Agent Smith got lifted out.


[Edited by P1Fanatic - 5/23/2003 11:18:22 PM]
Old 23 May 2003, 11:15 PM
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Oh yeah - and the lobby shootout scene will never be bettered IMHO. Perhaps Im just to hard to impress film wise these days. Everything seems to dissapoint. Apart from the Clone Wars (Episode 2).

Old 23 May 2003, 11:19 PM
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Anyone sit thru the six minutes of credits to see the trailer for Revolutions? Thought not. I was the only one left in the cinema and even the staff didn't know there was a bit on the end.

Apart from the opening sequence and the arrival at Zion (seeing the load-lifters ripped off from Aliens) the first half of the film is quite boring. When we see the Oracle it starts to improve a little but the brawl with a hundred agents was totally unneccesary, especially as he flew away at the end (why not do that earlier in the fight?). The brawl went on so long you could start to see the fake Neo being used. Good effects up to this point though.

Then it goes stupid with the French bloke and only improves once they get the Keymaker. Neo's fight with the weapons is good and the car chase is worth the six pound ticket price. It then goes up it's own **** with the Architect telling us that Zion is part of the program and then Neo finds his extraordinary abilities are available outside the Matrix too (it's all one big program!). And the finish? Dun Dun Derrrr sound track as they reveal the Zion traitor (who I believe is the Zion interpretation of Smith).

Agree the car chase rocks and Neo's solution was worth an audience cheer but didn't get one

The manuscript for the conversation with the Architect is online because so many people don't get it. ****, I don't think I understand all that's going on. My interpretation was...

Original Matrix was too perfect and people's mistrust crashed the system. They worked and worked at to a point where they could have 99% of the humans convinced they were living a real life and harness the energy from their brains (I reckon there are fields of humans in the real, real world but it may be different to what we've seen). The other 1% they had to control in some way so they introduced the idea that the Matrix is false (which it is) and the whole Zion city and the existence of The One. This is a scrolling part of the Matrix program which restarts itself everytime The One completes his task by meeting the Architect and stepping thru the door to the left. However, this time the Matrix isn't working again as The One doesn't want to complete his mission (Trinity has fallen in love with him after being told by the Oracle that she would. The Oracle program is rebelling.)
Neo returns to the Matrix Zion where his powers are the same as in the Matrix. However, another new bug in the system is Smith getting into one of the Zion characters.

All a massive mind f*ck really. It's good that so many people are talking about it and that is only good news for the film. In fact the best thing about this film is that it's got my brain thinking for a change I'm looking forward to Revolutions and hope that it allows Reloaded to be held with higher regard. Kind of like what happened with Back To The Future 2 which wasn't like when it was first released.
Old 24 May 2003, 03:03 AM
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going to see it on sunday with the missus

[Edited by Mr.Manchester - 5/24/2003 3:04:27 AM]
Old 24 May 2003, 03:42 AM
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Jodster - got to agree with the bit about the architect - it was just 10 mins worth of babble and a totally long way of spelling out a fairly simple message. Youve done a good job of summising what he meant in laymans terms.

My lot stayed behind at the end and sat through the longest credits listing ever to see a crummy 2-3 min preview to the matrix revolutions. Saying that Id probably do the same again - about 30 people in our screen also stayed so quite a few peeps had heard about it (this was thurs night).

Old 24 May 2003, 10:00 PM
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saw it last night; awesome effects, but couldn't get involved with any of the characters and struggled to follow the plot - tend to agree with Jodster's synopsis; there's a bug in the program that can't be resolved (I can identify with that ), so they let it run and every few hundred years, restore the system state (ie destroy Zion).
Old 24 May 2003, 10:16 PM
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Saw some of it tonight on VCD or CVD or whatever you call'em..... now in No hurry to get to the cinema to see it....
Old 24 May 2003, 10:23 PM
paul w
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your all al load of sad muppets and suckers ,have nt been to the pics for 17 years ,its all a load of crap

you must be really sad and need to get a grip
Old 24 May 2003, 10:31 PM
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Post above...I said I wouldn't be in any hurry to go to the cinema...but then what do you do for recreation ?
Old 24 May 2003, 10:34 PM
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Paul....ever read a book, told a story, been read a story? Listened to jokes ? Its called suspending reality for a while , escapism, relaxation....try it , you might possibly enjoy it, sounds like you need to chill out a little . X
Old 25 May 2003, 12:23 PM
Brendan Hughes
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Beautiful filming, Trinity is stunning, fight scenes are stunning (if pointless - as you say, he can fly - and bloody hell, putting his fist out while flying like superman takes some audacity, why not twiddle his kiss curl at the same time?), but the dialogue is really getting so far up its own profound butt it's ridiculous. I don't know if the Architect's speech is supposed to get geeks masturbating with excitement, but I think it will just confuse most people, or worse, **** them off.

As for the religious parallels, it's cutting a bit too close to the grain for my liking, with Zion, the One, performing miracles, and now resurrecting the dead. Why not just call him Jesus FFS?

I only saw the original Matrix 3 days ago. I missed it in the cinemas and after hearing it was so good I swore I would not watch it for the first time on TV but in a cinema, or on some sort of big screen. That never happened, so I bit the bullet and watched it on my 15" monitor. After 5 years of hype I thought it was worth every accolade, absolutely brilliant. Reloaded, though pretty to look at, tried too hard.
Old 25 May 2003, 03:10 PM
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Just seen it

I liked it.
Not that bother as i am about seeing LOTR Return on the king.
Also T3 looks wicked

Old 25 May 2003, 03:17 PM
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Saw it Fri night, fight scenes got a bit samey, car chase pretty good, architect speech heavy going, Monica Belucci very hot..

Interesting take on what happens to programmes when they're no longer needed tho and the use of the corridors and doors - quite clever in a coder/programmer type of way..

My only hope is that the third will be better, however seeing that they have filmed these two back to back how are the going to take lessons from the second film to improve the third ??
Old 25 May 2003, 09:26 PM
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I saw it Thursday, you gotta understand the film to enjoy it, the plot is thickening and setting up nicely for the third episode.

IMHO the film was awesome for what it is about, its in a category of its own so you cant compare with anything else.................................ermmm well you ever remember a film called "Tron" ? hmmm wonder if that had anything to do with it
Old 26 May 2003, 01:21 AM
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I liked it but the only thing that bothered me a little was the Neo was Waaaaaaaaaaaaaay harder than agents at the end of the first film but he really struggled with them in this film. You could say 'ah but they have been upgraded and are better' but then how did morphus hold his own against them when the inferior first film agents spanked him. Its a bit like star trek DS9: When the defiant was first introduced it was metal hard and ran rings round most other ships. By the end it was no where near as powerful Neo should have been a lot harder than he was which would have reduced the fight scenes significantly as well!
Old 26 May 2003, 10:26 AM
Defiant STI
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Saxo Boy, the Defiant class ship is one of the most powerful Starship's pound for pound but like anything, technology moves on. Why do you think I'm called "Defiant STI"?

Anyhoo, I was most dissapointed by Reloaded. Philosophy, fight scene, philosophy, fight scene etc. They could have cut so much out and made it a better film. They needed a distinct villain rather than so many antagonistic forces and FFS what were they thinking with the bloody RAVE PARTY?!?!

I have one word for you guys EQUILIBRIUM! I bought it on DVD (Region 1) and watched it the day after Reloaded and it far outshone it. It now takes pride of place in my DVD collection!

[Edited by Defiant STI - 5/26/2003 10:27:20 AM]
Old 26 May 2003, 03:07 PM
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SB - about the Defiant, as Defiant STi says, tech moves on, but what you really have to remember is that in most of the battles the defiant was up agains the Jem'Hadar warships which are somewhat more advanced than the Defiant, hell, they could take out a Starship with realative ease. But hey, it's a cool little ship
Old 26 May 2003, 04:05 PM
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They were technologically superior but had nowhere near the Defiants firepower! It pasted about 10 of them when the romulan/cardasian fleet was destroyed. The parallel universe defiant also wasted a Klingon Dreadnought type thing! Agreed, technology moves on but the defiant was never cutting edge, it was a chassis with guns They just changes it abilities as it when is suited them Same with Neo IMO Also, robocop got distinctly less hard and more gay with every passing film

BTW, I once had an ace drunken conversation over who'd win a fight between the defiant and one of them massive wedge shaped ships from star very sad
Old 26 May 2003, 04:08 PM
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oooh, Defiant vs a Star Destroyer, interesting. Hmmm, Would be a very interesting battle, guess it depends how 'hard' a Tie figher is.
Old 26 May 2003, 05:09 PM
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Brendan, well, if you read some of the stuff, Neo = Mr Thomas Anderson, and from what I've read in places, Jesus was also known as Thomas Anderson, can't say myself for sure, tis only what I have seen on imdb. That said there was a good programme on over here about the theology of the matrix, that it's not just about christianity, but buddhisim too.
Old 26 May 2003, 05:13 PM
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Oh. someone want to tell me what Merovingian actually says in french. Being in canuck land a few french types were behind me and laughed very loudly when he was chattering in paris talk
Old 26 May 2003, 10:00 PM
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Sal and I saw it last night - thouroughly enjoyed it. Happily watch it again - good entertainment and stunning special effects. Looking forward to the third one now

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