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David Lock 20 October 2011 09:39 AM

EU referendum vote
So Commons may vote on Monday as: -

1) Stay in

2) Renegotiate

3? Get out

Say if "Stay in" gets 40% and 2) and 3) get 30% each what is actual result? "Stay in" gets more votes but clearly the majority don't want us to stay and do nothing?

My guess is that "Renegotiate" will be the winner but Cameron will take no notice.


RA Dunk 20 October 2011 09:42 AM

Seriously just WTF have we benefited even being in it?

Leslie 20 October 2011 10:11 AM

I thought they were debating whether to allow the people to have a referendum which is by far the right way since this country belongs to us all, not just the politicians.

We know of course that the vast majority of politicians are looking to their own future and thus will always favour remaining in Europe and will almost certainly go along with federalisation, ie the destruction of our country and our democratic rights.


ReallyReallyGoodMeat 20 October 2011 10:26 AM

No way should we have a referendum. Most people in this country don't know their arse from their elbow.

David Lock 20 October 2011 11:09 AM

Originally Posted by ReallyReallyGoodMeat (Post 10291296)
No way should we have a referendum. Most people in this country don't know their arse from their elbow.

I tend to agree but that is a bit of a dangerous argument to follow. After all MPs are there to represent their constituents and the Tories did give an undertaking to have a referendum in their Manifesto.

Similar to the capital punishment question - it would always be rejected by the House but most people think it would be a good idea (I don't as it happens).


hutton_d 20 October 2011 11:17 AM

It was going to be on Thursday but was brought forward 'cos Wee Willy won't be there on Thursday! Other reasons "could" be that a) Call Me Dave wants less time for momentum to build up for a 'get us out of the EU' vote and b) weren't there going to be mass demos on the Thursday and, heaven forbid, that MPs could be influenced into voting how their constituents want them to vote .....

As for manifesto "committments" didn't someone take the last Liebor government to court over this and it was ruled that manifestos are not binding, merely 'wishes' or somesuch tosh?

Oh, and they reckon Call Me Dave has called a 3 line whip on his MPs to vote against a referendum. Says it all about how much "they" think of the electorate. And the reason they're not all hanging from lampposts is ...???


f1_fan 20 October 2011 11:17 AM

Any referendum like any ballot paper in an election should have 5 questions pertinent to the subject being voted on. Get any of those wrong and your vote is binned.

At the last election something like 35% of people polled in one of these polls didn't know who David Cameron was and 20% didn't know who Brown was..... lucky ba5tards ;)

David Lock 20 October 2011 12:02 PM

Originally Posted by f1_fan (Post 10291343)
Any referendum like any ballot paper in an election should have 5 questions pertinent to the subject being voted on. Get any of those wrong and your vote is binned.

At the last election something like 35% of people polled in one of these polls didn't know who David Cameron was and 20% didn't know who Brown was..... lucky ba5tards ;)

And no one had any idea of who Clegg was :lol1:


f1_fan 20 October 2011 12:21 PM

Originally Posted by David Lock (Post 10291393)
And no one had any idea of who Clegg was :lol1:


Who? ;)

DCI Gene Hunt 20 October 2011 12:22 PM

.... renegotiate :D

richs2891 20 October 2011 12:41 PM

If Renegotiate = play the EU game like every other country does, ie like that bit - not following that bit, then yes it renegotiate time with the UK been the winner in the game and not bent over backwards by the EU, Otherwise I think its time to get out


what would scooby do 20 October 2011 12:48 PM

Option 5 - Invade Russia !!

Bring it on

Leslie 20 October 2011 01:16 PM

Originally Posted by ReallyReallyGoodMeat (Post 10291296)
No way should we have a referendum. Most people in this country don't know their arse from their elbow.

That is a very offensive and also a very superior attitude to take.

This is our country, it does not belong to the politicians nor have they got the right to give it away to even more corrupt leaders in order to improve their own situation on the World stage.

We as the people have a perfect right to be able to say yes or no to a situation which affects the continuing existence of our own country and the independence to run our own affairs. With the parlous position of the Euro at the moment, how can one possible trust them to improve our lot?
Their own accounts have not been passed by the auditors for over 15 years!

You are underestimating the intelligence of the people in general and we all know what we really want when it comes to retaining our own country. It really is not that difficult to work out.

You would do better to keep your unpleasant and innaccurate insults to yourself until you yourself can say you actually understand the situation.


Dr Hu 20 October 2011 01:31 PM

I dont see how Cameron 'imposing a three line whip' is in any way seen as democratic...

he's basically saying if you vote against your career is over....
Hobsons choice.....and they say we live in a democratic society:rolleyes:

email your MP at

Out all the way for me :D

eelz 20 October 2011 01:35 PM

send in Nigel Farage.

andy97 20 October 2011 05:23 PM

Originally Posted by Leslie (Post 10291485)
That is a very offensive and also a very superior attitude to take.

This is our country, it does not belong to the politicians nor have they got the right to give it away to even more corrupt leaders in order to improve their own situation on the World stage.

We as the people have a perfect right to be able to say yes or no to a situation which affects the continuing existence of our own country and the independence to run our own affairs. With the parlous position of the Euro at the moment, how can one possible trust them to improve our lot?
Their own accounts have not been passed by the auditors for over 15 years!

You are underestimating the intelligence of the people in general and we all know what we really want when it comes to retaining our own country. It really is not that difficult to work out.

You would do better to keep your unpleasant and innaccurate insults to yourself until you yourself can say you actually understand the situation.


He is only insulting the conservatives, who are superior. It is the Labour, Liberal supporters who shouldn't be allowed to vote :D

AndyC_772 20 October 2011 05:40 PM

Originally Posted by Leslie (Post 10291485)
You are underestimating the intelligence of the people in general

You're kidding, right?

Here's a little exercise to try: head on over to, pick any news item you like from the home page - anything relating to politics or the state of the economy works best - and have a read of the comments. If as a result, your opinion as to the intelligence of the 'average' person doesn't go down, I'll buy you a pint.

Adrian F 20 October 2011 10:32 PM

I think Ireland proved that they only accept the vote if it is what they want so if by a miracle they cant rig Mondays vote to stop the people voting they will just keep having referendums until they get the vote they want which will be to stay in as it is a gravy train for the political elite.

Maybe some one should start a referendum to say that as we are now in the EU we disband the house of commons, house of Lords as they have no real power and just create an English parliament with the reduced costs. I am sure if the MP's realised we are going to out source their jobs to Europe they might have 2nd thoughts about staying in!

kingofturds 20 October 2011 11:43 PM

how on earth can the peasants be trusted to vote on such matters of importance

Trout 21 October 2011 12:00 AM

Originally Posted by Leslie (Post 10291485)
This is our country, it does not belong to the politicians nor have they got the right to give it away to even more corrupt leaders in order to improve their own situation on the World stage.

Good or bad Les it is a democracy and so the politicians, as elected representatives, have every democratic right to do what they will.

The ONLY thing that would make me want to leave this country would be the return of the death sentence - and some subjects like this, in my mind are better served by Parliament than referendum. Indeed that is the democratic process.

To my mind a referendum is a total failure of the democratic process.

DYK 21 October 2011 08:45 AM

Originally Posted by eelz (Post 10291517)
send in Nigel Farage.

:lol1: ;)

hutton_d 21 October 2011 09:10 AM

Originally Posted by foxarm (Post 10292540)
how on earth can MPs be trusted to vote on such matters of importance

EFA :thumb:

Originally Posted by Trout (Post 10292555)
Good or bad Les it is a democracy and so the politicians, as elected representatives, have every democratic right to do what they will.

The ONLY thing that would make me want to leave this country would be the return of the death sentence - and some subjects like this, in my mind are better served by Parliament than referendum. Indeed that is the democratic process.

To my mind a referendum is a total failure of the democratic process.

So, our elected representatives ignore the will of the majority* of the people and you're fine with that? To me that is the failure with our democratic process!


* - just check back on most surveys on the subject for the last decade.

ReallyReallyGoodMeat 21 October 2011 09:31 AM


Exactly what did we vote these MPs in for, if not to decide on these complex matters on our behalf? The Fallacy of Popularity applies here I think; the most popular answer isn't necessarily the right answer.

X-Factor / Britain's Got Talent gets more viewers than the General Election results or the Leader's Debate shows of the last election, that should tell you something.

Chip 21 October 2011 09:40 AM

Originally Posted by ReallyReallyGoodMeat (Post 10292738)

Exactly what did we vote these MPs in for, if not to decide on these complex matters on our behalf? The Fallacy of Popularity applies here I think; the most popular answer isn't necessarily the right answer.

X-Factor / Britain's Got Talent gets more viewers than the General Election results or the Leader's Debate shows of the last election, that should tell you something.

Maybe we should get the politicians singing on X factor then.;)

ReallyReallyGoodMeat 21 October 2011 09:42 AM

And I still wouldn't watch it!

hutton_d 21 October 2011 10:15 AM

Originally Posted by ReallyReallyGoodMeat (Post 10292738)
... Exactly what did we vote these MPs in for, if not to decide on these complex matters on our behalf? The Fallacy of Popularity applies here I think; the most popular answer isn't necessarily the right answer. ...

We voted them in based on what they said they would do in their manifesto. But, as we all know, that's not worth the paper it's printed on. As for deciding "complex" matters, if the subject is so complex that it can't be put into terms that the majority of people understand, then they shouldn't vote on it!


ReallyReallyGoodMeat 21 October 2011 10:17 AM

You think we the X-Factor-watching public would be more equipped to make the decisions!?

Trout 21 October 2011 10:22 AM

Originally Posted by hutton_d (Post 10292710)
EFA :thumb:

So, our elected representatives ignore the will of the majority* of the people and you're fine with that? To me that is the failure with our democratic process!


* - just check back on most surveys on the subject for the last decade.

It is our democratic process - we elect representatives to take decisions on our behalf.

If you feel that is wrong then what have you actually done about it rather than whine about it - because that will make a real difference I am sure!

Trout 21 October 2011 10:25 AM

Originally Posted by ReallyReallyGoodMeat (Post 10292793)
You think we the X-Factor-watching public would be more equipped to make the decisions!?


There is a lot of evidence to suggest that having the public vote on things you always get the worst answer - the lowest common denominator.

One of the best examples is car design - designs that have been known to have been heavily 'cliniced' are nearly always far less popular than models that have not - and yet they are the designs that were most popular with consumer forums.

The general public have a lot to answer for ;)

JTaylor 21 October 2011 10:29 AM

I'm going to spend today looking to meet people that I feel are competent enough to be given the opportunity to decide Britain's European future. Report later.

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