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mattski 09 January 2001 10:43 AM


here is an interesting article on radar detectors, laser jammers and the like...

Chris J 09 January 2001 04:28 PM

might want to check out this as well

boomer 09 January 2001 07:12 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:<HR>Originally posted by Chris J:
<B>might want to check out this as well

steve McCulloch 09 January 2001 07:30 PM

Would strongly recommend the Snooper SLD 920 Jammer - a product that actually does Jam the 'Basta*ds' laser guns - One up on me this time!

boomer 09 January 2001 08:24 PM


if the government/police-state gets it's way, your SLD920 will mean a GBP60 fixed-penalty fine plus three points (or GBP1000 plus 6 points in court!).


sunilp 10 January 2001 07:58 PM

Well done Steve, publicly admitting to use of such a device can get you in a lot of sh1t, given your occupational status, you might also find it doesnt stop at a ticket and some points.

Paul Frank 11 January 2001 12:50 AM


don't worry about Steve - he gets a volume discount anyway !


steve McCulloch 11 January 2001 09:47 PM


It is not illegal to own one of these. It is also technically not illegal to use one!

So shut it

It is not an ACA institute offence to be done re driving convictions!

In any case just cos I say it - it does not mean they can actually prove I have one on my car!

GaryC 12 January 2001 09:02 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:<HR>Originally posted by steve McCulloch:

It is not illegal to own one of these. It is also technically not illegal to use one!

Are you sure Steve?? Radar and laser DETECTORS are legal (since 27th Jan 97), but AFAIK Laser JAMMERS are illegal as they 'interfere' with police communications?

Danny Fisher 12 January 2001 09:20 AM

And we don't want to upset the ecilop's communications now do we!!!!


Paul M 12 January 2001 09:26 AM

As I understand, the police try to prosecute radar detectors under a 1950's law about interception or interfereing with a radio message not intended for interceptee (believe it or not), detectors where deemed legal be cause they did not interfere with and the Judges, rightly said that a car could not actually recieve a message sent by the radar gun therefore no case....
Jammers actively interfere, proven, thats there criteria of operation...QED Illegal!

sunilp 12 January 2001 07:52 PM

Steve, you are so unbeleivably ignorant


2) IF YOU THINK ICAEW WONT TAKE ACTION THEN THINK AGAIN - dont you know the story of a trainee who was barred for life because he didnt buy a rail ticket!

Stuart H 12 January 2001 08:35 PM

As he referred to my colleagues & I as *******s I really don't want to agree with Mr. McCULLOUGH, however from a legal standpoint I have to. There is no law against their ownership, nor is there a law against transmitting light. They will be made illegal under the amendments to the Construction & Use Regulations.

However, if you are caught in the possession of one you will be reported on suspicion of perverting the course of justice. It is <B>really</B> obvious when the laser devices are being jammed.

The radar detectors were thought to be contrary to section 5(b)(i) of the Wireless & Telegraphy Act 1949 as amended by section 3 of the Post office Act 1969. These two pieces of legislation deal with the interception of wireless transmissions with intent to gain information as to the content. However the Queens Bench Divisional Court decided that a radar transmission did not constitute a 'transmission' for the purpose of the act.

Radar jammers are illegal, if you are caught in possession of one you are likely to be arrested for endangering aircraft or some similar charge.

boomer 12 January 2001 08:43 PM

I think that RADIO jammers _are_ illegal - down to the wireless and crystal-set/cats-whiskers act of 1726 or something

Laser jammers are a different kettle of salmon, because they emit (or detect) LIGHT, which is kinda fundemental to being a human. The W&T act probably doesn't apply to laser jamming (or receiving)

Of course there is always the "stopping Plod doing his job" argument - which is perfectly valid. However, surely it is up to said Plod to prove that it was indeed you, and not some other vehicle, that was performing the jamming. You may well have had your device turned off at the time!

Difficult call, but rest assured that HMG wil close EVERY loophole very soon (see other posts on banning radar detectors, changes to the points system etc.)


boomer 12 January 2001 09:08 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:<HR>Originally posted by Stuart H:
<B>They will be made illegal under the amendments to the Construction & Use Regulations.[/quote]


with all due respect, these devices *MAY* be made illegal, depending on whether the proposed Statutory Instrument is applied.

I am not an expert in these matters, but the wording and rationale within the "Regulatory Impact Assessment" for this SI is at the very least pathetic, and with no valid arguements or justification. If may even be fundementally flawed, as the traffic master system which is being developed across the UK relies VERY MUCH on the detection of the presence of speed measuring apparatus - otherwise how would you know where the jams were!!


sunilp 12 January 2001 09:13 PM

Boomer, you do know who Stuart H is?

boomer 12 January 2001 10:19 PM

Boomer, who's Boomer?

Mr_Angry 12 January 2001 10:35 PM

Stuart H a laser Jammer will have no effect on aircraft whatsoever!!!

A radar jammer the size of which you could get in your a car would have absolutely no effect on Air traffic Radars either, or police radars come to that!!

For you to get close enough to an Air traffic radar for anything other than a military aircraft type jammer to effect them you would fry yourself!!!! (well your balls would get a strong dose anyhow) The problems we have in air traffic and probably what you are confusing is people using illegal radios on our frequencies sometimes for music, but in a few cases to try and give aircraft instructions!!!!(THERE ARE SOME ****ERS OUT THERE!)

[This message has been edited by Mr_Angry (edited 12 January 2001).]

Neil Smalley 13 January 2001 04:56 PM

Just found out the guy who proposed all this stuff at the DETR, Mr Ian Edwards does'nt even drive a car.... Allegedly

boomer 13 January 2001 05:46 PM


if Mr Ian Edwards does not drive a car, then how can we feel comfortable that he will actually read and consider any letters or comments that members of the public submit? It is quite clear that he does not read car magazines, because he (or his department) think that radar detectors have only been on sale _since_ the Scottish ruling.

Maybe we need to find out who _his_ manager is?


Stuart H 14 January 2001 10:22 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:<HR>Originally posted by Mr_Angry:
<B>Stuart H a laser Jammer will have no effect on aircraft whatsoever!!![/quote]

I don't see where I said they would

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:<HR>Originally posted by Stuart H:
<B>Radar jammers are illegal, if you are caught in possession of one you are likely to be arrested for endangering aircraft or some similar charge.[/quote]

Doesn't look to me like I said laser jammers had an effect on aircraft.

[This message has been edited by Stuart H (edited 14 January 2001).]

steve McCulloch 14 January 2001 01:58 PM


Do u really think I dont know about all the above information - do u really think I am that ignorant! - shame on you?

The Laser jammer was reviewed for legality prior to a erm... distant.... friends purchase (recently deceased!)

At the moment as Stuart mentioned they are not illegal to own - that is a fact - they are also not technically illegal to use - u can be done for interfering with the Policemans duty - but then most of them are too stupid (gross generalisation of course - but I hate them all) to realise whats goign on - by the time they have tried again they will get a reading as most of the Jammers can be immediately swithced off - indeed they can be turned off mosty of the time if you want (not that I would knwo of course?)

They may become illegal - but then how many people had radar detectors in their car when they were illegal?

Now other countries such as France - I would not use said devices as the fines (on the spot are very high) - but then they all drive like idiots over there

On the point of the Trainee getting sacked for the train offence from the ACA or whatever then tough luck - should not have been stupid enough to get caught - and I thought u only got a £10 fine - most people in this neck of the woods dont bother paying - but then noone seems to use them anymore?

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