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Abdabz 23 March 2007 01:51 PM

Iran captures UK troops
BBC NEWS | UK | UK sailors captured at gunpoint

That, my dear boys and girls, is motion to war... :eek:

Oh eck :eek:


Hanley 23 March 2007 01:52 PM

Bomb them!!!!

:D :D

Bravo2zero_sps 23 March 2007 01:54 PM

Yep just the excuse the US are looking for, dipstick Bush will be on the phone to Billy boy saying let me get 'em back for you. If the Iranians had any guts they would have taken US soldiers and not UK soldiers and called their bluff. That Iranian nutter is just looking for ways of getting the US to sabre rattle at them and then provoke them some more.

Abdabz 23 March 2007 02:02 PM

It's certainly a cheeky move even if they are released within no time...

I think we should send Margaret Beckett over presonally to negotiate their release. I cant think of anything more punishing than looking at her face over a desk for hours on end...

She could eat an apple through a tennis racket...

One things for sure... It's a diplomatic crisis of the highest order...

unclebuck 23 March 2007 02:03 PM

No doubt 'moses' will have page after page of 'informed' opinion on this story that Scoobynet members will be subjected to.


Bravo2zero_sps 23 March 2007 02:16 PM

Originally Posted by Abdabz (Post 6774567)
It's certainly a cheeky move even if they are released within no time...

I think we should send Margaret Beckett over presonally to negotiate their release. I cant think of anything more punishing than looking at her face over a desk for hours on end...

She could eat an apple through a tennis racket...

One things for sure... It's a diplomatic crisis of the highest order...

:lol: If they send Anne Widicombe as well they will probably give up their Nuclear plans. The thought of those two in the same room doesn't bare thinking about :nono:

Abdabz 23 March 2007 02:23 PM

I guess it's a case of "Give us back our troops or we'll bomb you back to the dark ages"...
Oh.... hang on... D'oh...

teamheath2 23 March 2007 02:32 PM

I say we just send in a few blades, we'll have em back in no time!!

I can't believe it though. more neck than a heard of ETs!!!!!:cuckoo:

jonnyh 23 March 2007 02:40 PM

The SAS will be oiling their MP5s:D

KiwiGTI 23 March 2007 03:09 PM

Hardly the first time is it.

The British shouldn't even be there in the first place.

Amazing how so many people seem to have pre-conceived ideas about Iran and how backwards it is. :(

Let's wait for the truth to come out rather than the propaganda machines of the UK government and press.

teamheath2 23 March 2007 03:15 PM

In Iraq's waterways? They were doing their job, and these Kno*@ers decide to come and take them hostage?? It's not on, there were not in their territory, and if they were, it was unintentional!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They are getting too big for their boots!!!!:nono:

teamheath2 23 March 2007 03:16 PM

Agreed though. the truth will come out soon enough!

scoobian 23 March 2007 03:17 PM

more info required

KiwiGTI 23 March 2007 03:19 PM

Originally Posted by teamheath2 (Post 6774767)
In Iraq's waterways? They were doing their job, and these Kno*@ers decide to come and take them hostage?? It's not on, there were not in their territory, and if they were, it was unintentional!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They are getting too big for their boots!!!!:nono:

No, UK and US are too big for their boots.

If it was unintentional then Iran has every right to detain them. And many news reports are saying they were on the boundary of Iran/Iraqi waters - also searching Irani vessels.

The Zohan 23 March 2007 03:22 PM

Originally Posted by scoobian (Post 6774775)
more info required

Quite, far too much speculation here already...

KiwiGTI 23 March 2007 03:25 PM

In any case I'd like to wish any Iranian members of Scoobynet a very happy Norouz and pray Allah bestow upon you all good health, success and peace in the new Iranian year

The Zohan 23 March 2007 03:27 PM

Originally Posted by KiwiGTI (Post 6774806)
In any case I'd like to wish any Iranian members of Scoobynet a very happy Norouz and pray Allah bestow upon you all good health, success and peace in the new Iranian year

You forgot to to add "and let our naval peronnel go before we get our big brother (the US of A) to kick you ass" ;)

teamheath2 23 March 2007 03:32 PM

Originally Posted by KiwiGTI (Post 6774785)
No, UK and US are too big for their boots.

If it was unintentional then Iran has every right to detain them. And many news reports are saying they were on the boundary of Iran/Iraqi waters - also searching Irani vessels.

:nono: I think not!

Most news reports claim, they were escorted to Iranian waters! So what would give them the right to detain British troops outside?


'It coincides with fresh claims of Iranian interference in Iraq' Hmmmmm

KiwiGTI 23 March 2007 03:33 PM

Iran is a very young country in terms of population. Many of them are pretty westernized these days. Whenever you hear any of the bad stuff from Iran it is usually in obscure villages where they are still living like peasants - similar to the situation in the UK and people who live in Norfolk.

teamheath2 23 March 2007 03:36 PM

Originally Posted by KiwiGTI (Post 6774832)
Iran is a very young country in terms of population. Many of them are pretty westernized these days. Whenever you hear any of the bad stuff from Iran it is usually in obscure villages where they are still living like peasants - similar to the situation in the UK and people who live in Norfolk.

I had to smile at that one:norty:

The Zohan 23 March 2007 03:46 PM

Originally Posted by teamheath2 (Post 6774827)
:nono: I think not!

Most news reports claim, they were escorted to Iranian waters! So what would give them the right to detain British troops outside?


'It coincides with fresh claims of Iranian interference in Iraq' Hmmmmm

It is all speculation and inuedo at the moment.

As for Iranian interference in Iraq - again speculation and is it govenment backed - really, who knows or is it more US miss'intellignece' and misinformation from people who have a vested interest in things escallating (for thier own ends) to get the UK et al set against Iran, after the bollox we where fed about Iraq by the US and Blair ( the 45 mins) then i would rather it proved without a shadow of a doubt.

Too much bulsh*t and misinformation from both sides.

KiwiGTI 23 March 2007 03:52 PM

Originally Posted by Suresh (Post 6774870)
Really? Can you back that up?

Doesn't look that backwards to me.

TEHERAN - Mega Capital of IRAN - photos of Tehran on Worldisround

davegtt 23 March 2007 04:00 PM

Originally Posted by KiwiGTI (Post 6774872)

Quite impressive, looks pretty nice tbh.

KiwiGTI 23 March 2007 04:15 PM

Originally Posted by Suresh (Post 6774906)
The pics look good :thumb: Not a single old car or poor person to be seen. But under the surface ...

Iran: Release Women's Rights Advocates (Human Rights Watch, 8-3-2007)

The government has considerably increased its harassment and intimidation of women's rights activists in recent weeks. On the morning of March 4, the Judiciary held a trial for four women's rights activists charged with "acting against national security by participating in an illegal gathering." The gathering at issue was a peaceful demonstration on June 12, 2006 to protest discriminatory laws against women.

Nasrin Setoudeh and Mohammad Dadkhah, the two lawyers representing the four women, told Human Rights Watch that the judicial authorities held the trial behind closed doors and did not allow the defendants into the courtroom. The authorities allowed the two lawyers into the courtroom but did allow them to see the defendants' files. The court has not issued a decision in the case.

So? Why is that our business? It's their country and laws, we shouldn't be interfering in them. Plenty of more important things to fix in the world. Most countries have had their struggles for human and womens rights.

The Zohan 23 March 2007 04:17 PM

Originally Posted by KiwiGTI (Post 6774944)
So? Why is that our business? It's their country and laws, we shouldn't be interfering in them. Plenty of more important things to fix in the world. Most countries have had their struggles for human and womens rights.

Kiwi - this conflicts with you other post

You posted "Iran is a very young country in terms of population. Many of them are pretty westernized these days. Whenever you hear any of the bad stuff from Iran it is usually in obscure villages where they are still living like peasants - similar to the situation in the UK and people who live in Norfolk."

Have a look and read of:
Country Profiles Foreign & Commonwealth Office

couple of quotes
"There has been a disappointing lack of progress on human rights issues in Iran. One particular and growing concern that has put particular international spotlight on Iran is the punishment of children. We have received a growing number of reports of juvenile offenders being sentenced to death or lashing and of sentences being carried out, including public hanging of children occasionally executed."

"Restrictions on freedom of expression appear to have tightened. The authorities have blocked many websites and weblogs that provide news or comment critical of the regime, and have shut a number of reformist newspapers.

The widespread practices of arbitrary detention following arrest, of detention in unofficial prisons and of torture while in detention continue as a feature of the Iranian penal system. The head of the Judiciary, Ayatollah Shahroudi, said on 28 April 2004: 'Any torture to extract a confession is banned and the confessions extracted through torture are not legitimate and legal', do not appear to have been implemented. A recent report by the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Freedom of Expression and Opinion highlighted these failings. We welcome the announcement made in late December 2002 by the head of the Supreme Administrative Court that the practice of stoning had been suspended. We hope the suspension remains permanent. A similar ‘moratorium’ on amputations was declared in March 2003. We are concerned by reports that people continue to receive sentences; it is unclear whether any amputations have been carried out. We also remain extremely concerned about Iran's use of the death penalty. We continue to make our strong concern clear to the Iranian authorities."

"Restrictions on freedom of expression appear to have tightened. The authorities have blocked many websites and weblogs that provide news or comment critical of the regime, and have shut a number of reformist newspapers."

KiwiGTI 23 March 2007 04:33 PM

As much of a contradiction as the fact that Britain is 100% responsible for the situation in Iran at this present day.

No country is perfect but we still don't have the right to interfere of tell Iran what the correct behaviour is.

Have you read the FCO report on Indonesia? It would scare anyone from going, but in fact it is a very safe and welcoming country. The same with Iran.

I fully support torture to extract confessions as well as amuptation and the dealth penalty. Really don't see the reason why that extract is there.

The Zohan 23 March 2007 04:45 PM

Originally Posted by KiwiGTI (Post 6774994)
As much of a contradiction as the fact that Britain is 100% responsible for the situation in Iran at this present day.

No country is perfect but we still don't have the right to interfere of tell Iran what the correct behaviour is.

Have you read the FCO report on Indonesia? It would scare anyone from going, but in fact it is a very safe and welcoming country. The same with Iran.

I fully support torture to extract confessions as well as amuptation and the dealth penalty. Really don't see the reason why that extract is there.

So you feel comforatable with the death sentence for children then?

How is the UK 100% responsible for the situation in Iran - please expand on this comment :)

Do you feel that posting a series of nice shiny pictures is justification for your coments and sweeping statements that it is becoming westernized.

Having had business dealing in Iran in '06 i find your coments interesting, i am sure the crew i sent out there for a couple of weeks in Terhan would have a good chuckle and wonder on what you base your coments on :)

If you want to see how westernzed and progessive it is stand in the middle of Terhan and start reading or quoting from the bible or politial comments and se how long you last before being picked up. then try the same in London or Berlin or Paris or even NY and se how the treatment varies.

Daryl 23 March 2007 05:28 PM

Originally Posted by KiwiGTI
...usually in obscure villages where they are still living like peasants - similar to the situation in the UK and people who live in Norfolk.

Not to mention New Zealanders ;)

Originally Posted by KiwiGTI
Why is that our business? It's their country and laws, we shouldn't be interfering in them.

No country is perfect but we still don't have the right to interfere of tell Iran what the correct behaviour is.

That viewpoint doesn't seem to stop you slagging off the UK at every opportunity - perhaps you should practice what you preach? :rolleyes:

KiwiGTI 23 March 2007 05:30 PM

Originally Posted by Daryl (Post 6775226)
That viewpoint doesn't seem to stop you slagging off the UK at every opportunity - perhaps you should practice what you preach? :rolleyes:

What does that mean? One could insinuate that you have just made a racist remark towards me.

KiwiGTI 23 March 2007 05:37 PM

Originally Posted by Suresh (Post 6775148)
Agree. But your statement about it being westernised is exposed as a bit of a lie, isn't it?

You seem to have radicalised over recent months. W'happen? :wonder:

It's certainly a lot more westernised and normal than the western media would have us believe, where the Iranians are portrayed as the devil and the only media shown are of AK47s, crowds of men whipping themselves and people being stoned.

I've worked with quite a few Iranians over the last couple of years and they have been some of the nicest and most honorable people you could meet. One US/Iranian banker is even married to a New York Jew who regularly goes to Iran to visit family with her.

They are aware of the problems there and they are certainly blown out of proportion. As I said many of the problems lie in the older generation or the smaller villages where they have been indoctrinated with medieval beliefs. A huge majority of the population un Iran is under 30 and they are generally not that happy with a restricted lifestyle, if it could be called that.

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