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RON 01 March 2000 11:35 PM

I picked up my new Turbo today and have just got back from about 3 hrs driving in the dark, the thing is I don't think that the lights are all that bad, of course it could just be the fact that I've been driving around in a sha**ed old Mini for the last 5 months to save some pennies.
Opinions of new car owners would be nice.
Are the lights the same as the 99 cars or have they made them better cos they new I was getting one??????????

PaulL 02 March 2000 07:26 AM


Hope you like your new toy! I expect you to pop down to Poole to show it off very soon

I've tended to find that that the dipped headlights on just about every other car I've owned have some auxilliary light around the main area being illuminated, allowing me to see (to some extent) just that little bit further. My MY99 lights seem to have a more defined "edge" to the lit area. Hence there's a nice bright patch in the road in front of the car, and then beyond that - absolutley nothing!
(Hope that makes sense - at least I know what I'm talking about!!)

As for the standard main beam, it's a joke. It seems to have plenty of distance, but no brightness. Best described as driving along tunnel which is being lit by a continuous row of candles

Thank god for my PIAA's

Paul L

IainT 02 March 2000 06:36 PM

I know what you mean, last night I waited till it was dark, and I do mean dark (no street lights round these parts) then took the car out for a spin expecting a black hole. What a surprise to find that they're no different to my previous car?!
I was left wondering what all the fuss was about too
I agree with Paul tho' about main beam it could do with being brighter, think PIAA's are next on the list.
What mileage are you upto now Ron?

RON 02 March 2000 07:00 PM

I had to go to work today and as I don't work very far away I've only done about another 20 miles or so, roll on the weekend, then I'll really start to clock up the miles.
Still can'r shift the grin though.
Happy Subaru-ing

BladeRnnr 02 March 2000 09:41 PM

Iant ,ron,
Got to agree with you both the lights seem fine. Ian as for the Piaa lamps they are bloody expensive, other people use cibie oscar plus (around £46 each) .thought i'd give you a cheaper....No less expensive choice.


Bloody silly grin (unable to remove)
fuel gauge going down quicker than the titanic (wallets empty)
about 300 miles

DAVE MARSH 03 March 2000 07:22 AM

Where did you get the motor in the end?

BarryK 03 March 2000 12:14 PM

It's in the eye of the beholder. I found on the Sport, that the lights were noticeably different (read poor) and the turbo is the same. I wonder if I adjust the beam setting to "heavy caravan and fat b'stards" if it's just the way they point into the ground rather than being per se a "load of pony".

Stef 03 March 2000 07:35 PM

The lights were improved for the 99 model.
To be honest, at legal speeds, even the lights on my 98 aren't THAT bad.
I just think people expect a bit much when travelling at speed, that's all.
Still, twin headlight conversion with better bulbs next for me before I decide on driving lights.
For looks purposes rather than mad night driving though of course!


RON 03 March 2000 09:16 PM

I got my car from Vales at Wincanton, I had one order for six months and it finally arrived. I was never going to buy a car from Hughes, although if I remember rightly you did? My car is Deep Blue and I quite often go to Poole to see a mate, my number plate is S600BYO if you see me give me a flash (oooh eeer).

RON 03 March 2000 09:17 PM

I forgot to add that I've jusy fitted xenon bulbs from Halfords (£20) to see what it did and they do seem a bit better, not that they were bad to start with.

carl 03 March 2000 10:21 PM

On the PIAA vs Cibies issue, I was tempted to go for PIAAs but the dealer told me you can't get clear covers for them. I want clear covers for two reasons:

1) No arsing about having to take the covers off when it gets dark

2) What's the point in having covers to protect the lights if you take them off before turning the lights on? It's not like the stones coming up from the road are deflected by the photons coming from the lights... (unless they really *are* that bright)

Cibies for me I think...

Mike Owen 03 March 2000 10:35 PM


Old chestnut this one. Very much depends on what car you've come from and what type of roads you are driving on and what your expectations are.

If you've ever driven a car with "proper" xenon lights, you'll know how crap they really are on the Scooby, or most other cars come to that.

I run with 100/80w in standard h/lights and have Scooby sport Cb's (though only with 55w bulbs in.. see numerous posts on this particular issue!!!!!!!). and at this, I consider the main beam great. The dipped is still sh*t though, no real definition to the center area. My previous turbo was like this and so has been every other one I've driven. Mind you... pretty much all of my 500+ miles a week are done on Scottish back roads. Where you do not have the support of other drivers lights, street lights etc. and you really do need to see where you are going, as we get some bloody big pot holes on some of the roads up here during the winter. The frost just cracks up the roads repairs as fast as they fill em in.

Lets hope the new car coming out later this month in Japan, has this one finally put to bed.

IainT 04 March 2000 07:57 AM

So am I right in asuming that if I've got foglight protectors I can use them to protect the Cibies but not the PIAA's?
Or not to both?
I'll look into the Cibies, but may have been put off a little by the threads on the subject.
Ron, are you going to Donnington?

Ian Cook 04 March 2000 09:48 AM

No, the Subaru fog light protectors do not fit any of the aftermarket light sets, but you can get the clear protectors for the Cibies as an option, but it is not an option for the PIAA's.

schuey 04 March 2000 10:15 AM

I work shifts and have to do a lot of driving on unlit A and B roads at night.
( What a shame A and B roads at night and very little traffic. Oh, how I do enjoy my trips to and from work. )
Driving a MY99 the noraml head lights can best be described as satisfactory, but the main beam is crap. Got some Cibies with 130W in them and have not had any problems in the 4 months they've been fitted. ( half the price of the PIAA's, although the PIAA's do look slightly better ).
What do I think of the Cibies, AWESOME!!!

Doc 04 March 2000 10:37 AM

I don't think there is much of an argument about main beam you just fit PIAA's or Cibie's. Its dipped beam performance that is the problem.

RON 04 March 2000 01:38 PM

Unfortunatly I will not be going to Donington, I know its a lame excuse but it's a chuffin long way and I would rather use the fuel to enjoy the roads around here.
I've only had the car for 4 days, and I just took one of the foglight covers off to wash the car and it broke. Super glue is wonderfull stuff.

MorayMackenzie 06 March 2000 01:12 PM


Are you running your car in? If so, maybe you won't be so impressed with the lights when you can really push the car.

I always found the problem with Cibies (apart from them blowing 130w bulbs every 3 weeks or so) was that you found you needed to shave of quite a bit of speed everytime you had to dip the beams.


RON 06 March 2000 07:32 PM

in reply to your question 'arew you running it in', well I don't think that it would make much difference seein as you can do illegal speeds at under 4,000 rpm anyway,
But just for the record No not really, some one (who shall remain nameless) told me that its best to drive it like a normal car from day one. Any comments?????????

PaulL 07 March 2000 07:31 AM

Go on Ron,

Name 'em... I dare you

Paul L

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