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Maxwell Straker 03 March 2000 01:50 PM

Let this man be the subject of our wrath!!!!!

Markus 03 March 2000 02:01 PM

yet another case of 'speeding = all road deaths'

Wonder if the Cop drives and if so whether he ever speeds, even just a little bit.

HUNTY 03 March 2000 02:03 PM

But does it make him happy

Fat B**tard!

RussP 03 March 2000 02:11 PM

Now there's a man who really needs to get a life.....

Scott J Davies 03 March 2000 02:12 PM

Clearly the man has no penis.

And is using is large laser toy as a substitute.


Geezer 03 March 2000 02:20 PM

Smug tw@t!!!

Hopefully he'll get a good kicking at the Police ball

RussP 03 March 2000 02:22 PM

Hopefully it will be IN the police balls.

hutton_d 03 March 2000 02:30 PM

OK OK the guy deserves little sympathy for the way the articles are slanted. BUT to redress the balance somewhat, I was at a 'Better Drving' course last night run by the Hampshire Traffic Police in Basingstoke -m where this guy operates.

There was firstly a talk by Hampshires Accident Investigation officer. He repeatedly said that it was NOT speeding per se that killed - but INAPPROPRIATE use of speed. All the traffic police I've heard have reapeated this line.

Just to balance the thread a little....


PS: why was I at the course Advertised at my IAM group - and you get to ride in a patrol car one weekend! Nee naaa nee naaa.......

Maxwell Straker 03 March 2000 02:32 PM


Yes I agree, we should redress the balance.

His mother probably loves him!!!!!!

Assuming he has one that is

RussP 03 March 2000 02:36 PM

Think you'll find it's his father that's doubtful!

Dave, do you really think this tw@t actually cares whether it's "inappropriate" speed he's knicking you for?

The word "Jobsworth" springs to mind...

Geezer 03 March 2000 02:40 PM

He does, but she is serving time for being unable to pay for 437 speeding tickets.

Beef 03 March 2000 02:53 PM

I think it's more likely that his quotes have been taken out of context.

johnfelstead 03 March 2000 02:57 PM

what a moron.

If there is any justice a half asleep distracted driver on the school run, doing 20MPH will run this git over

Geezer 03 March 2000 02:59 PM

His quotes might have been taken out of context, but he's caught 21 people a day for speeding, and that's if he worked every day last year! I don't think there is much doubt about his intentions.

hutton_d 03 March 2000 03:35 PM

Lads, lads! He's a lovely boy, best stamp collection in Hampshire and stands on railway platforms when off duty with a notebook and pen! I don't see why you've got it in for him...??


Scott J Davies 03 March 2000 03:36 PM

Two years ago I owned a GTI, it was vandalised 6 times in as many motnhs.

The Police weren't interested in taking statements. The problem is that the driving public are all too easy to make a few quid off.

What was it £350,000.00 this to55er raised.
Catch real crims I say.

Your reply, laugh I nearly bought a round of drinks.

Stupot 03 March 2000 04:10 PM

I bet he can dismantle and reassemble that laser with a blindfold on. He even looks like a right tw*t. Do you think he was bullied at school?

Blow Dog 03 March 2000 04:13 PM


He is indeed a fat *******.
What kind of **** books his fellow work colleagues? The guy obviously has no morals. Supergrass he should be called. No, I like fat ******* better.

Yex 03 March 2000 04:19 PM

"in 1998 600 people were killed or seriously injured"......another example of crap journalism and headline grabbing statements

If there were more than 5% of these cases that ended in a death of a motorist then the "news" would be world-wide - most dangerous road, bypass, motorway in world etc

The guy strikes me as a complete t**t who obviously sticks to traffic duty as he cannot manage other police work. As an interesting point; I wonder how many of his victims were speeding near a school where we all agree that limits should be strictly enforced, and how many were fractionally over the limit on a clear road.

Yex - rant now over having spent last 3 hours in pub!!!! Just can't get a meeting room in my building

Scott J Davies 03 March 2000 04:21 PM


Bullied, I think he was buggered senseless. Now a closet "uphill gardener" fears for his job in coming out, instead he takes his revenge on us and his own colleagues.


HUNTY 03 March 2000 04:26 PM

Look out boys, I belive he's heading Donnington way at about 4pm.
He's heard that some 'easy pickings' are to be had on the roads away from the circuit.

[This message has been edited by HUNTY (edited 03-03-2000).]

Maxwell Straker 03 March 2000 04:38 PM

Steady on guys, give us fat bastds a break. We do not deserve to be tarred with the same brush as this excuse for a human being.

I prefer to question his sexuality, he could probably stand in for George Michaels favourite copper.

Talking of which, what have a pair of wellington boots and George Micheal have in common?

They both get sucked off in bogs.


George Michael 03 March 2000 04:50 PM

I'll see you in court Straker!

He was probably just a young gun, havin' some fun.

After all he was only guilty of a careless whisper to the press last Christmas.

Anyway, I think he's quite tasty.

johnfelstead 03 March 2000 04:53 PM


Blow Dog 03 March 2000 04:54 PM


hutton_d 03 March 2000 05:02 PM

Tell you what - I'm in Basinggrad next week again. I will ask the traffic police what they really think of him and how much of the article was true. This thread is bound to be still going by then....


Geezer 03 March 2000 05:08 PM

Excuse my ignorance, what does ROFL and LOL mean???

Justin 03 March 2000 05:23 PM

Oh great - I live in Basingstoke!

[This message has been edited by Justin (edited 03-03-2000).]

[This message has been edited by Justin (edited 03-03-2000).]

Blow Dog 03 March 2000 05:24 PM

ROTF = Rolling On The Floor <Laughing>
LOL = Laughing Out Loud

Markus 03 March 2000 05:25 PM

LOL = Lots of Laughter
ROFL = Rolling around On the Floor Laughing

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