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SCOOP 10 April 2001 10:52 PM

Does anyone know a supplier of Anti Gatso Kit for number plates, sold under the name of "PROTECTOR" and manufactured by "ON TRACK"

See report at

AWD 10 April 2001 11:18 PM

I thought that all of these so called anti-GATSO plates/coatings etc. didn't actually work properly.

SCOOP 10 April 2001 11:23 PM

Yeah know wot u mean, but read the report and draw yr own conclusions, I`m prepared to give it a try, guess anything that gives u a chance is worth a try

Fangoria 10 April 2001 11:25 PM

Dont even think about it - might as well burn money

DavidRB 11 April 2001 12:45 AM

Remember, if you are testing an Anti-Gato plate, you have to stand on a ladder and to the left & right of the car when you photograph it. Kneeling on the floor with a camera & a flashgun isn't a good test as that's not how the real cameras work.

As pointed out, the police will use image-enhancing techniques (similar to the ones that are outlawed in any other sort of criminal investigation because they involve tampering with the evidence) that are very sophisticated and very effective.

If you really want to muck around with your numberplates, there's a much simpler solution. Find another Subaru Impreza of the same model, year and colour as yours. Copy down their registration. Have a set of plates made. Fit them to your car. Hey presto, months of not worrying about Gatsos!

Blue 11 April 2001 12:58 AM

Am I correct in assuming these plates are illegal, so not only do you get your speeding points and fine, you could also get a little extra financial penalty and /or points for the illegal plates ??

Boost II 11 April 2001 01:26 AM

I always assumed these were rubbish but I recently took photographs of my car after waxing it (including number plates.) Whilst the rest of the pictures were well exposed you could barely read the no. plates so perhaps there is some truth behind it.

ozzy 11 April 2001 02:42 AM

Boost II,

The police use imaging techniques which pretty much guarantee that they can read the numbers on your plates. Your camera/editing software won't give the same results, so don't rely on it as a test.

I've done some IT work at Police College's and the traffic blokes are always pi$$ing themselves at these so-called anti-gatso plates. Trust me they haven't found any that work.

I can't understand why people want to avoid them anyway. If your speeding, then you deserve to be caught. I've been caught before and paid the price in loads of points, heavy fines and large insurance premiums. But at the end of the day, it was my fault and I took the punishment on the chin.

Sorry SCOOP, but if you want to cheat the system, then go ahead, but I hope you get your just deserts.


PS. Take a moment to read the traffic officers comments at the bottom of the Hot to Avoid Getting a Ticket page

SCOOP 11 April 2001 08:06 AM

Ozzy M8,
Just wanna minimize the risks thats all, but if yr content to keep paying the fines and taking the points thats yr choice.

wacko 11 April 2001 09:22 AM

A friend that worked with the Police said that none of these reflective plate type things work..... but hey you pays ya money, you takes your chance.

Robertio 11 April 2001 09:28 AM

On a related point, surely if they are having to use imaging software to 'guess' what the plate is then that becomes inadmissable evidence?

If not why not?

letdown 11 April 2001 09:36 AM

Good point Robertio!! and also its unlikely that the Pigs would go round telling everyone that these things work otherwise everyone would just go and buy one!! and 'Hey Presto' no more money!! IMHO of course!!

fast bloke 11 April 2001 09:48 AM

Scoop, sorry to pi55 on your bonfire M8, but the police use the negative of the picture when people use these plates. I've seen a few plates where the print is difficult to read. Robertio is correct in that the police can't use image enhancment software to get the number, but using the original negative shows up the number as clear as day every time.

SCOOP 11 April 2001 09:51 AM


Maxwell Straker 11 April 2001 01:14 PM


I would imagine that if you were caught speeding with your anti-gatso plates on then you would not get a fine for using anti-gatso plates because they obviously would not be anti-gatso...........?????

I am afraid the best way of avoiding Gatso's is to obey the law, besides, in most cases its not as if you can't see them coming or there is no warning

Robertio 11 April 2001 01:18 PM

Maxwell, can I recommend a trip up the A9 from Perth to Inverness, unless you can see through signs the only warning you get is when you see the white lines on the road by which time it could well be too late.

Hence my speed camera detector.

camk 11 April 2001 02:24 PM

Its amazing how many self righteous punters ooze out of the woodwork when speeding is mentioned.
Next time I see a scooby in the outside lane doing 70 on the M-Way I'll know its one of the well your speeding so take what you get brigade.


PS yes you can get your flat cap and leave.

SCOOP 11 April 2001 02:46 PM

I was begining to think that I was the only person around who had bought an Impreza because I like driving fast !!!

Adan 11 April 2001 02:49 PM

Making number plates that can not be photographed by any gantry based or raised camera would be child's play. The technology currently exists and is used by cash dispenser monitors to stop bystanders from seeing your details on the screen.

All you have to do is create a screen that only lets light pass through it perpendicular to the film. Some LCD monitors "suffer" from this "problem" as they can not be read at a wide angle.

I read somewhere on the net that this technology was already being employed for anti gatso plates. Be in no doubt that they would work!

However all this is academic. If you were using such plates, anyone stood over your car looking down on the plate would also not be able to read the number. Maybe even the occupants of a van or lorry if it was close enough behind you.

It is also my understanding that attempting to pervert the course of justice will get you more than just some points a six month ban and a fine.

At the end of the day its your call.....

camk 11 April 2001 03:07 PM

Fitting a dodgy number plate is not perverting the course of justice, how can it be, its something to do with a Non Standard Numberplate, a warning or small fine. See Motorcyclist with small plates for details.
I don't see how these things could work anyway for the reason someone said earlier, a camera works similar to the eye its just accepts in light then alters film to an image of that light. To make them work you'd have to make them so they couldn't see them with the naked eye either, may as well just take off your plates, and how long would you last with no plates.


fast bloke 11 April 2001 04:30 PM

Surround your number plate in electric eels from the Sargossa sea. They live right at the bottom of the ocean and never see any light. When they are frightened they emit a hugh pulse of electrical energy which make them "light up." My theory is that the flash from the Gatso will scare them, the will light up and the film will be over exposed, saving you another speeding ticket. Sorted

p.s. Scoop. If I where being totally honest I have probably had the scoob one or two miles over the limit on the odd occasion or six

SCOOP 11 April 2001 06:23 PM

Nice one FAST BLOKE lol gotta be the best reply so far,

pslewis 11 April 2001 06:33 PM

Save your money - go into the garden - grab some wet mud - easy at the moment - and splat it on ONE of the digits - SORTED

The summons MUST state the correct plate number and no enhancement of the photo is admissible - home and dry

Fine for a dirty numberplate?? dont know but I Do know it will be less than a speeding and I dont think it carries points?? and if you are pulled over, smile, grovel, wipe it off and you will be ok


Gastro 11 April 2001 06:48 PM

Very amusing banter RE the Gatso-resistant plates etc......
Debate as much as you like - just like the 6 week NIP rule -> but you are all splitting hairs over what is/should be etc... The final decision is with the Judge & if he so suits he can override everything - forget what is printed 'as gospel' etc.....
They *dont* work, and if they required enhancement 'cos they were - then your just opening yourself up for another charge & *another* heavy fine........
Let it lie for christ's sake - just be careful with the speed limits !!!......


PS - 'flashback' is a light sensitive set of flashguns that fix by the sides of your number plate - originally designed for the famous to stop the paparazzo to avoid their exclusive number plates being photographed ---> but they are definitely illegal - forget that option too.....

Gastro 11 April 2001 06:54 PM

Oh....... and Camk - get real - some people hear are trying to save other people money !!!
Everyone speeds (to different degrees etc, but putting a set of plates that are intended to avoid getting caught is just asking for *big* trouble....more so in the UK than ever...Its Ok for you with the long autobahns


sheepie_shagger 11 April 2001 07:03 PM

this is guarenteed to work
remove number plates
costs next to nothing except for screwdriver/2 mins work

Gastro 11 April 2001 07:09 PM

LOL @ Sheepie........
The most sensible post on this topic so far ........ Great !


lcha 11 April 2001 07:24 PM

Remember James Bond his aston had a plate that flipped up so he could use the machine guns fitted to the car. Shall I develop flip number plates and charge a fortune for them.


pslewis 11 April 2001 07:27 PM

Hey sheepy Shagger are you who I think you are??????????


GM 11 April 2001 08:05 PM

Reg 11(2) of The Road Vehicles Display of Registration Marks) Regulations 2001 says:

"A registration plate must not be treated in any other way which renders the characters of the registration mark less easily distinguishable to the eye or which would prevent or impair the making of a true photographic image of the plate through the medium of camera and film or any other device."

Penalty for contravention is a level 3 fine (up to £1K) but no points as far as I can see. Not sure I would call a grand a small fine!

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