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TopBanana 21 December 2011 01:41 PM

Who's tipping their postie / bin men this year?
Never have in the past, but living somewhere new now, and the postie is really helpful. Wondering what the protocol is? :wonder:

DCI Gene Hunt 21 December 2011 01:45 PM

Why on earth would you feel the need to tip a bin man, who likely already earns £25K+ per annum?

specialx 21 December 2011 01:48 PM

We used to tip the bin men in the good old days you know when they would come around the back of your house take the bin and empty it then bring it back!

Today my bin men wont even push it to the back of the truck if my lid is open by 3mm!

So nope not from our house!

David Lock 21 December 2011 01:48 PM

Fiver stuck on top of bin

Fiver to paper lad

Fiver to postie


Can still remember the old days when I lived in Battersea when we used to get a knock on door with 3 or 4 large bin men would call to say "Happy Christmas" :)


SiPie 21 December 2011 01:48 PM

Nobody tips me for doing my job

Tidgy 21 December 2011 01:56 PM

Originally Posted by SiPie (Post 10388738)
Nobody tips me for doing my job


havn't they all been on strike at some point in past year?

Lydia72 21 December 2011 02:03 PM

I used to tip our postie as he was really helpful but he's recently been replaced and we don't seem to have a regular person now so no tip this year.

The binmen can go swing.

David Lock 21 December 2011 02:20 PM

I see the milk of human kindness is flowing sweetly through SN as usual :)


boxst 21 December 2011 02:26 PM

I tipped the postwoman last year. This year I seem to have random people who leave the post in various states of rippedness.

The dustmen, mmmm, I would have said 'yes' but they didn't come yesterday!


BlkKnight 21 December 2011 02:39 PM

I'll be tipping the bin men & postie.

The bin-men emptied a wheelie bin full of earth (I could barley move it up the drive). It did have a four pack of Stella attached to it mind :)

Davey96wrx 21 December 2011 02:56 PM

My post only ever arrives at 4pm+ and I never even see them so no to the postie.

And to hive you an idea of what our binmen are like, when u first moved in we were bringing small boxes etc from our old house. We live at the top of a steep hill with cars parked on both sides, plenty of room and we were on one of our trips bringing boxes to the new house, we were at the bottom of the hill and their was a rubbish lorry in the way so we waited and saw them get very close to some cars, infact they wiped out the rear quarters on three cars, made an awful mess, didn't stop and when they saw me hussled off as fast as they could. I rang the council obviously, and met my neighbours by giving them bad news...

So tip the binmen? Definitely not, complete pond scum where I live. I live in Lancaster which is nice and middle class but the council workers come from morecambe and lets say the gene pool isnt quite so bright, and if you've ever been there you will know what I mean!!

Davey96wrx 21 December 2011 02:59 PM

Excuse the spelling, posting on my iPhone and really must turn the autocorrect off!

QUOTE=Davey96wrx;10388829]My post only ever arrives at 4pm+ and I never even see them so no to the postie.

And to hive you an idea of what our binmen are like, when u first moved in we were bringing small boxes etc from our old house. We live at the top of a steep hill with cars parked on both sides, plenty of room and we were on one of our trips bringing boxes to the new house, we were at the bottom of the hill and their was a rubbish lorry in the way so we waited and saw them get very close to some cars, infact they wiped out the rear quarters on three cars, made an awful mess, didn't stop and when they saw me hussled off as fast as they could. I rang the council obviously, and met my neighbours by giving them bad news...

So tip the binmen? Definitely not, complete pond scum where I live. I live in Lancaster which is nice and middle class but the council workers come from morecambe and lets say the gene pool isnt quite so bright, and if you've ever been there you will know what I mean!![/QUOTE]

Jamz3k 21 December 2011 03:09 PM

No because neither are very good at what they do.

cuprajake 21 December 2011 03:13 PM

no tip from me, there paid to do a job, if there good the council should give them a bonus.

LSherratt 21 December 2011 05:15 PM

Tip for the binmen, postie, and milkman.

As we live on a farm and have other material which goes out to the bins each week, they have to empty about 4 bins each week from our farm. Milkman is always here around 9am and walks up our path to put newspaper and milk bottle right in our porch. Postman is only a small tip.

ALi-B 21 December 2011 05:25 PM

I'll tip the green waste collectors next time they come......No wait, they finished at the start of last month until April.....and now the wheelie in bin is overflowing with fallen leaves :mad:

I also won't tip the free papers deliver boy. I've only asked six times NOT to deliver this year and still had a paper...half sticking out my letter box acting as a water chute and flooding my hallway if it rains, and a paper half sticking out the front door is the perfect advert for Mr burglar saying 'look, there's nobody in!'. Next time he does it I'll rip his ipod/iphone/smartphone/whatever off, roll it up in a newspaper and half shove it up his arse :mad:

Black bin bag men are top notch though...I think they might be marathon runners as they run on every round collecting the bin bags.

Luan Pra bang 21 December 2011 05:26 PM

My binmen have to cope with all sorts of crap, general rubbish in the recycling bags, dog **** in the garden waste bin, carrier bags used when I run out of bin liners, they WILL be getting a tip from me. Since the introduction of 2 excitable rottweilers this year the postie is a bit nervous, one day when I had the porch and front door open he threw a letter perfectly from half way acroos the drive through the porch and front door and landed it perfectly on the mat in the kitchen, for that skill alone he deserves a tip.

RA Dunk 21 December 2011 05:28 PM

Postie never bothers to close my gate when he leaves, so he's getting fcuk all.

Bin man won't go out of his way to do anything apart from empty bins and leave them in the middle of the pavement, so he's getting fcuk all.

GlesgaKiss 21 December 2011 05:29 PM

I'm trying to turn mine into alcoholics with the amount of beer they're left.

Not a tip exactly, but I'm sure they appreciate it!

what would scooby do 21 December 2011 05:39 PM

Postie only delivers mail once a week in a big lump. I'll consider leaving a tip once every 20 years or so

Ant 21 December 2011 05:40 PM

No they will be getting feck all. Postie comes around 2pm doesnt close the gate.

And bin men come about 6am and they broke my wing mirror on the works vehicle one morning.

Scooby Soon! 21 December 2011 05:42 PM

£20 to the bin man that collects our bin at work

sovietspybob 21 December 2011 05:43 PM

We never seem to have a regular post man so no there

Also the posties will never knock when they have a parcel, they just stand there and fill out the 'collect from the post office' slip when im there watching them...

Our bin men/recycling people are useless idiots who leave boxes out in the road in high winds, leave bins at the wrong houses/refuse to take the bin if it weights more than a packet of crisps/generally make a complete hash of it all year so nothing to them either :D

kingofturds 21 December 2011 05:54 PM

Originally Posted by sovietspybob (Post 10389081)

Our bin men/recycling people are useless idiots who leave boxes out in the road in high winds, leave bins at the wrong houses/refuse to take the bin if it weights more than a packet of crisps/generally make a complete hash of it all year so nothing to them either :D

That's because you don't tip them. I throw them a tenner each Christmas and they pretty much take anything I leave out.

MarkC 21 December 2011 05:55 PM

Tenner tip to postman. when i am not at home to receive parcel he delivers it to my fathers work place when he is passing on way home.

Give nothing to binmen

Cannon Fodder 21 December 2011 06:06 PM

I won't be giving our postmen anything as my next door neighbours on either side get more of my mail than I do, it wouldn't be so bad but one of the houses is empty and I only get the mail when the deceased neighbours daughter checks on the house about every 4-6 weeks. :brickwall

As for the binmen sorry they have even less chance - they just leave the garden recycling and won't collect it despite it being in the right bags, the 'normal' recycling and black bag rubbish they take if they feel in the mood. :cuckoo:

steve ex vauxhall 21 December 2011 06:07 PM

Nowt from me for defo.
I bring the bin to the kerbside, i bring the bin back in, if i dont they don't take it.
Postie complained about my Rottie behind the gate (7 foot high) and said he was too frightened to deliver, so i now collect my mail, so sod him too

GlesgaKiss 21 December 2011 06:09 PM

Originally Posted by kingofturds (Post 10389099)
That's because you don't tip them. I throw them a tenner each Christmas and they pretty much take anything I leave out.

Exactly! Pays to keep them sweet. :lol1:

kingofturds 21 December 2011 06:21 PM

Originally Posted by GlesgaKiss (Post 10389124)
Exactly! Pays to keep them sweet. :lol1:

Yup seriously they have chucked a whole chest of drawers in the back of the truck before. These guys may earn 25k in London but more like 12k a year here in Cornwall ,running behind a truck 4 miles a day with bags of sh1t bursting in their faces .

A tenner a year probably saves me more than that in diesel having to take my junk to the dump.

FurballPhil 21 December 2011 08:49 PM

I don`t know what it`s like for most areas in the UK as far as "Bin Men" Go..
But in my area (I would say The service is 1st Class).
The Recycle Lads put the boxes back behind gates, garden walls or up against the door if it`s a pavement front door. The household takes the bins even if ajar and if you pop over to them with the extra bags, they will take them, also, if asked nicely , they also will take that old 3 piece suit that`s been in the back yard for weeks (For Example)
The loaders are on £6.50per hour, no overtime allowed and only 4 day week. They are out of the truck in all weathers, clocking up 15 miles on foot from 7am till 16:45pm.

The reason I know all this is cos I drive the Lorries and I always make sure the lads do there jobs and help the public as much as they can.
(I also, have never bumped, scraped or damaged anything in the time I`ve worked here)... Considering the tight, almost inaccesable areas we have to get in or get through, is quite an achievment. A 24Ton Truck isn`t the most agile of Sports Vehicles... ;)
My crews don`t expect tips.
I`ve been doing this job for 5 years and at our yard we have a good record for having few complaints.

Bin Men is still one of the hardest with least pay jobs there is. If your bin men are being strict with the bins, ie not taking the extra bags, or bins that are so full the lids don`t close, it`s probably because their round is being ghosted by an Area Waste Officer and if the lads are caught not sticking to new rules, it`s the lads that are in bother.
But as for a sloppy service, like bins left in wrong places and such... Get on the phone, if it`s anything like our area, then it`s quickly sorted.

Sorry to have jumped on this, but it really isn`t a fair judgement to call ALL that work in this job, "Scum, Idiots, Pond Life"

If you don`t want to tip Bin Men, Don`t worry about it, I`m sure they will still sleep at nite..... Get up and do the whole job again anyway... :thumb:

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