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Petem95 01 January 2011 09:16 PM

Whose had wisdom teeth out?! NHS or private?!
I've got a wisdom tooth which has been coming through now for about 2 years. It doesn't ever cause massive pain, but it aches sometimes and I get a bad taste in my mouth from it too.

Went to see the dentist (private) about having it out last year, and he said I need to speak to the doctor, so I did and he said I need to speak to the dentist :rolleyes:

Sort of gave up at that point, but it's aching and really annoying me so I just want the damn thing out - presumably people on here have had it done? If so was it on the NHS through the docs, or at the dentists privately?!!

Lee247 01 January 2011 09:28 PM

Had to have both my bottom wisdom teeth removed. Impacted. Top ones are fine.
Ghastly experience and done by my Dentist. He actually managed to leave part of the root of one of the teeth still in the gum. It is still fighting it's way out, all these years later.
Doesn't bother me though.
Good luck. Midlife is your man for these type of questions :thumb:

Simon C 01 January 2011 09:30 PM

NHS via dentist, infact I had all 4 out in 1 go. 2 needed to come out anyway after getting a boot in the face from the cnut who tried stealing my car and broke them. the other 2 were dentist recomendation from the dentist.

Referral in wasn't a problem, but then the dentist is my father, this was in 2000. Bummer bit was I got made redundant 3 days before the op so no sick leave!

TBH its the dentists job to refer you in to have the extraction.

pinkypurkhardt 01 January 2011 09:42 PM

read this thread mate and good luck lol

Petem95 01 January 2011 09:43 PM

Thanks guys. I'm going to get booked in to the dentists either get him to refer me to the NHS or just try and get him to remove it (want it out ASAP, and guess NHS will be a long wait!).

Hysteria1983 01 January 2011 09:52 PM

I still have all 3 wisdom teeth at the moment, but I have had several adult teeth removed due to 'cosmetic' purposes.

Think of the sister in south park with the head brace.
I had the teeth removed to allow for room in my mouth. Loooong story.

oldsplice 01 January 2011 09:52 PM

Had to have all mine out under general anaesthetic on the NHS. Dentist referred me to the hospital.

Looked like a hamster afterwards. :)

joz8968 01 January 2011 09:56 PM

Originally Posted by oldsplice (Post 9793572)
Had to have all mine out under general anaesthetic on the NHS. Dentist referred me to the hospital.

Looked like a hamster afterwards. :)

I can't stop giggling like an idiot. :lol: ;'(

oldsplice 01 January 2011 10:00 PM

Originally Posted by joz8968 (Post 9793589)
I can't stop giggling like an idiot. :lol: ;'(


And I've got the photo to prove it! :D

joz8968 01 January 2011 10:04 PM

Oh please... pur-leeeease... do post it!!!

(How to keep said idiot in suspense ;)).

Petem95 01 January 2011 10:05 PM

What was the wait time to get them done on the NHS?

I just want this one out ASAP (it's half poking through the gum after 2years, prob got another 2 years to come out fully based on current progress). Sure one of my mates said he just paid to get one taken out at the dentist which would be my preferred option if he'd do it! :rolleyes:

oldsplice 01 January 2011 10:10 PM

Originally Posted by joz8968 (Post 9793610)
Oh please... pur-leeeease... do post it!!!

(How to keep said idiot in suspense ;)).

I'd have to scan it in, because it was on proper fillum. If I get around to it, I'll PM it to you. :D

Petem95..........I can't remember how long the wait was.....I don't think it was very was years ago, but I didn't have the choice of having them out 'in the chair' because they were impacted, so had to be cut out.

Lee247 01 January 2011 10:11 PM

Originally Posted by oldsplice (Post 9793572)
Had to have all mine out under general anaesthetic on the NHS. Dentist referred me to the hospital.

Looked like a hamster afterwards. :)

You are lucky. I looked like Mrs Elephant wimmins :D

oldsplice 01 January 2011 10:14 PM

Originally Posted by Lee247 (Post 9793624)
You are lucky. I looked like Mrs Elephant wimmins :D

I was trying to make it sound better than it was! :lol1:

Simon C 01 January 2011 10:19 PM

Peter, from referral to op for me was about 6 months, no strings pulled as I was in a different county. House officer hadn't even twigged patient and dentist had the same name!

Clarebabes 01 January 2011 10:28 PM

Had all mine out at the dentist when they could do sedation. Remember waking up halfway through, but it didn't hurt.... until after I woke up, then it was agony for a few days :(

Petem95 01 January 2011 10:28 PM

Originally Posted by Simon C (Post 9793654)
Peter, from referral to op for me was about 6 months, no strings pulled as I was in a different county. House officer hadn't even twigged patient and dentist had the same name!

6 months! :eek: No way I can wait that long!

Just texted a mate and he said he got his taken out at the dentists under a local. Fail to see why my dentist shouldn't be able to do the same.

Lee247 01 January 2011 10:30 PM

Originally Posted by Petem95 (Post 9793671)
6 months! :eek: No way I can wait that long!

Just texted a mate and he said he got his taken out at the dentists under a local. Fail to see why my dentist shouldn't be able to do the same.

Mine were impacted and my Dentist managed to get them out. :thumb:

Clarebabes 01 January 2011 10:30 PM

Originally Posted by Petem95 (Post 9793671)
6 months! :eek: No way I can wait that long!

Just texted a mate and he said he got his taken out at the dentists under a local. Fail to see why my dentist shouldn't be able to do the same.

Depends on whether they need much prising out I should think :eek:

joz8968 01 January 2011 10:34 PM

"Could I borrow... a cup of sugar... please."

"It'll rot your teeth you know"

"I know. That's why I had all my teeth kicked out - these are Neil's."


Simon C 01 January 2011 10:48 PM

Originally Posted by Petem95 (Post 9793671)
6 months! :eek: No way I can wait that long!

Just texted a mate and he said he got his taken out at the dentists under a local. Fail to see why my dentist shouldn't be able to do the same.

Wasn't in pain so I was quite happy.

Yes it can be done under local. I wasn't prepared to have that done. My comment was "if your taking 2 out, knock me out and do all 4 at the same time"

Took 5 months to get feeling and taste back in 1 quadrant of my tongue as the nerve thats in your lower jaw was disturbed by 1 of the roots coming out.

Midlife...... 01 January 2011 10:51 PM

What you need is a proper assesment of your wisdom teeth, the shape of the roots, how near the nerve they are and the risk / benefit in their removal, if they can be done under local, or if sedation or GA is needed.

Private or NHS it's usually the same guys who do it.........privately you pay with your wallet and on the NHS you pay with your time.

Personally I'd go for an NHS referral to see what's what and take it from there. Pound to a penny the Consultant who sees you on the NHS will also have a private practice.

Where's your local hospital ?? Pinderfields ??


Petem95 01 January 2011 11:35 PM

Originally Posted by Midlife...... (Post 9793719)
What you need is a proper assesment of your wisdom teeth, the shape of the roots, how near the nerve they are and the risk / benefit in their removal, if they can be done under local, or if sedation or GA is needed.

Private or NHS it's usually the same guys who do it.........privately you pay with your wallet and on the NHS you pay with your time.

Personally I'd go for an NHS referral to see what's what and take it from there. Pound to a penny the Consultant who sees you on the NHS will also have a private practice.

Where's your local hospital ?? Pinderfields ??


Local is Leeds general, which has the dental hospital right next door.

If the dentist won't take it out then I guess I'll go for the referral then. I get the feeling he won't take it out as he didn't seem to want to last time I was in there even though I would obviously be paying for it.

Just wish he'd say ok and agree to take the b@stard thing out and be done with it!

zip106 02 January 2011 12:03 AM

Originally Posted by Hysteria1983 (Post 9793571)
I had the teeth removed to allow for room in my mouth. Loooong story.

Well, judging by your replies on some threads, I can see why.... :norty: :lol1:

Disco Boy 2 02 January 2011 12:03 AM

My wife had an impacted wisdom tooth with a cyst around it removed a few years back. It was a reasonably complex removal with risk of nerve damage.*

She didn't fancy the dentist doing it, so we Googled and found a consultant at the local hospital and went private.

Not cheap however.*

Markus 02 January 2011 01:28 AM

Ah, wisdom teeth. I went for a dental checkup in December last year and the two upper ones were in pretty bad shape, the lower ones, well, one wasn't visible at all, and the other was very difficult for them to see. I was ordered three doors up to get a panoramic x-ray, which showed the missing tooth was impacted and lying horizontally.
The dentist referred me to a specialist who said the top two would come out very easily but the bottom ones, especially the impacted one would be a little more difficult.

The suggestion was that I might as well get all four done at the same time, which I agreed would be a wise course of action, so I was booked in for Feb 10th. I turned up, took partook of some groovy "deep sedation" drugs and 45 mins later I was minus four wisdom teeth. Initial recovery, ie; until I could eat solid foods comfortably was about five days, and full recovery, ie; back to more or less normal, was about 10 days. I went back around that time for a check-up and all was well. I did need to take anti-biotics for about 10 or so days, and had some seriously groovy pain medication, which I misread the label on :D (ok, I know, no joking matter really) and instead of "take 1 every 6 hours if pain persists" I took 1 every six hours regardless for the next two days. Probably explains why I was rather happy about it all, I'm usually a big baby when it comes to pain.

I have to say that it was a very pleasant experience, I did not know what to expect from the sedation bit of things and will admit to being a bit worried, I've never been put under before, so really did not know what would happen, but it was fine.

Our health insurance covered the expense of it, which I think was around $1300 (£835), we did have to pay up front, but it was re-paid in full about four days later.

I would be very curious to know what it would be like in the UK, as this was done in Canada, and I have this feeling that the dental side of things over here is a lot better than the UK was. I've had about five cavities filled in the past year, and I've had them for quite some time, certainly since my last checkup in the UK, which was 2003, and I don't ever recall the dentist suggesting they fix them. This might be as I was one of the few "grandfathered" NHS patients he had on his roster, as he'd gone private, or wether he just did not want to do it for some reason.

Chip 02 January 2011 10:19 AM

Originally Posted by Hysteria1983 (Post 9793571)

I had the teeth removed to allow for room in my mouth. Loooong story.

Allow room for what I wonder ;)


Maz 02 January 2011 10:31 AM

I'll save Bubba a job....'who's' not ' whose':lol1:

Petem95 06 January 2011 06:10 PM

Just been to see the dentist about my wisdom tooth (has been poking out the gum for about 2 years - constantly gets infected). Dentist basically agreed it didn't look great and gave me some anti-biotics for the infection. Regarding getting it removed he said it's about a 3 month wait to get it seen to, then another 3 months to get it removed on the NHS! :eek:

I hoped he would remove it (know people who've had these removed by the dentist), but he wouldn't do it. Other option get him to refer me privately which will be much quicker... but cost about £1500 :(

The tooth is really pissing me off, so looks like £1500 option is the only realistic one as I'm not waiting 6 months!

Disco Boy 2 06 January 2011 06:21 PM

It cost us a grand over that, although there were issues with post-op infections.

Where abouts are you based.

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