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Funkii Munkii 29 January 2010 03:25 AM

About time - Blair faces Iraq Inquiry
Well he's had plenty of time to dream up some fabulous lies, lets see how he goes from 10:00 onwards, mind your sword Tony.......

ahar 29 January 2010 08:14 AM

Not looking forward to it - my office is just by te QEII conference centre and the protestors are going to make a helluva noise!

Snazy 29 January 2010 08:34 AM

I can hear the money rolling down the drain. £250k apparently to get him there and back home safely! Which of course, we the broke nation are paying.

I am however looking forward to seeing him questioned. The panel have not exactly held back over recent weeks. Also interested to see who he will implicate and blame for any obvious errors.

And best bit, im wondering which way he will swing in his opinion today. He has recently told Fern whatever her name is, and Sky news he would have found a reason to go in regardless of WMD's. So what will he tell the panel?

f1_fan 29 January 2010 09:07 AM

Snazy has hit it on the head.

All this is doing is costing the taxpayer yet more money. Huge unjustificable amounts of money it would seem. In fact we could do with an enquiry as to why these enquiries appear to line the pockets of those involved in conducting them every time.

And to cap it all NOTHING will come of this enquiry. NOTHING!

Everyone knows it was an illegal war and we do not need an enquiry to tell us especially when it costs an already broke country yet more money.

Snazy 29 January 2010 09:12 AM

This is a "lessons learned" money spending exercise after all.

I am interested to see who he is going to openly call liars about their evidence.
Like being adviced by Goldsmith and team that it was illegal. Will he deny this and call them ALL liars.

Will he say Jack Straw was never against the war..

Its interesting, but seriously frustrating that he is still costing us money for HIS actions.

SunnySideUp 29 January 2010 09:14 AM

Indeed, nothing will come of it - but, so it is said, the public wanted it.

Personally, I consider the money could be better spent on the front line in Iraq or Afganistan.

Saddam Hussien had to go, he was looking to obtain WMD - and would have succeeded at some point ..... I would rather stop him getting them than send our troops in when he HAS them!

We didn't have to make the decisions, so can sit in our ivory towers and cat call to those who did, I will not be joining in the jeers.

hutton_d 29 January 2010 09:20 AM

Originally Posted by SunnySideUp (Post 9188598)
Indeed, nothing will come of it - but, so it is said, the public wanted it. ...

Nothing will come of it as far as Billy Liar's concerned, that's for sure. He's too much of a smarmy g^t of a lawyer to let the inquiry get to him. As for the public wanting it, *we* want the full facts to come out and Billy to be done for war crimes.

Originally Posted by SunnySideUp (Post 9188598)
Personally, I consider the money could be better spent on the front line in Iraq or Afganistan.

Personally, the money should be used to a) look after those troops already maimed by the illegal war(s) and b) to pull the rest out!

Anyway, I heard he was due at the inquiry at 8am. Turns out he was 45 minutes late ...... :Suspiciou


Snazy 29 January 2010 09:44 AM

Squirming already under the first question.

This isnt PMQ's Tony, your cronies aint there to jeer for you now.
Answer the frickin question! lol

Already "blaming" 9/11

Snazy 29 January 2010 09:54 AM

Well how about that.
Blair wanted to quote from a document that they believed was NOT declassified.
He very smugly said "I believe it was declassified yesterday"

Nice to see he is still able to pull strings eh.

Snazy 29 January 2010 11:50 AM

Oops. Blair has just commented that he felt that IF there was any possibility of Saddam having WMD, he should be stopped. Which is not quite the same as HE HAS!

Im sure thats gonna come up again later lol.

Im loving the live feed from Glen Oglaza from Sky news though, he really dont like the guy and wants to see him hung out to dry. But makes his point so professionally lol. NOT!

Leslie 29 January 2010 12:23 PM

I am sure we will see a lesson in very capable acting and skirting around the truth as ever.

In my opinion he and his conspirator should be pointed in the direction of The Hague for a trial as war criminals.

Les :(

rbaz 29 January 2010 12:32 PM

Originally Posted by SunnySideUp (Post 9188598)
Indeed, nothing will come of it - but, so it is said, the public wanted it.

Personally, I consider the money could be better spent on the front line in Iraq or Afganistan.

Saddam Hussien had to go, he was looking to obtain WMD - and would have succeeded at some point ..... I would rather stop him getting them than send our troops in when he HAS them!

We didn't have to make the decisions, so can sit in our ivory towers and cat call to those who did, I will not be joining in the jeers.

I think that's the only thing I have ever seen you put on these forums that I would agree with ;)

dpb 29 January 2010 01:23 PM

Well at least weve witnessed a little nervous squirming , perhaps even some sweating

- i guess its been worth it :Whatever

Snazy 29 January 2010 02:09 PM

lol @ dpb.
Round 2 just started.
From previous sittings the harder more pressing questions come now.
However on this occasion there is very little resistance to his dodging of the questions at the moment.

Seeing him squirm, and hearing him slip up with certain facts has been pleasing. And once again the true colours of him and Brown have been shown by the sudden declassification of documents for HIS use.

It will be interesting to see what other documents are declassified when Brown takes the seat. And then if they are REclassified before they can be used in the recalling of previous witnesses.

f1_fan 29 January 2010 04:19 PM

The really sad thing is despite all this he was still a better prime minister than Margaret Thatcher!

alcazar 29 January 2010 05:25 PM

In what way? Or just in your opinion?

Alg 29 January 2010 06:01 PM

Originally Posted by SunnySideUp (Post 9188598)
Saddam Hussien had to go, he was looking to obtain WMD - and would have succeeded at some point ..... I would rather stop him getting them than send our troops in when he HAS them!

So Iran is next?

hutton_d 29 January 2010 06:01 PM

Originally Posted by f1_fan (Post 9189335)
The really sad thing is despite all this he was still a better prime minister than Margaret Thatcher!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Geez. The guy has absolutely NO principles. He believes in nothing apart from himself. He's an actor, lawyer (not sure how good) and good at public speaking. At least with Maggie you knew exactly what she stood for. Billy Liar was just there to get elected and thus enrich 'team billy liar' ...


ALi-B 29 January 2010 06:17 PM

Bearing in mind what mess Maggie had to deal when she took over damage limitation, be it via unfavourable policies, it was the only way forward. Granted she lost her way towards the end of her years as PM, but thats no different to any other PM thats been in power too long (TB no exception).

Snazy 29 January 2010 06:39 PM

So, coincidence or convinience that 2 documents were declassified last night, just in time for Blair to quote from them? lol No brainer really eh.

Oh well, sadly as expected he dodged the questions like a hollywood ninja dodging bullets.

I think Cameron, should him and the Tories take the next election, will have the same legacy as Thatcher, very unpopular decisions, hitting the public hard, and deemed scum.

The bit that always makes me laugh is the comparisons of long serving leaders.
Could the Tories have handled the last decade any better, we will never know. Could Labour have done a better job than Thatcher, we will never know. Hindsight and second guessing is all well and good, but it changes nothing.

We are where we are now, and one thing that cant really be argued too much is... we need/want a change at the top.

Like your favourite record on repeat, eventually it gets old and boring. You might have never liked the next record to be put on, but its always a pleasent change, for a while at least.

paulr 29 January 2010 07:01 PM

Watched it today. Made me realise what a great Prime Minister we are missing. GB is a pale shadow compared to Mr Blair.

Martin2005 29 January 2010 08:48 PM

The problem with much of this debate is that it's just another excuse to bash someone who you don't like anyway. Let's face if the war in Iraq had never happened you'd still be calling him silly names.

And if the enquiry doesn't support your view.....guess what? you can just call it a whitewash and carry on, this is ever so slight mad. Either get behind the enquiry and accept its outcome, or admit that you just aint ever going change your view.

The problem with this whole issue is that there's been such a MASSIVE revision of history, anyone reading these boards would believe that most people didn't think Iraq had WMD, or that sanctions were working, and therefore Saddam wasn't a threat.

Let's hope the enquiry gets to the bottom of what happens and this is set in the context of when the decisions were made. If TB lied to parliament then let's hope the enquiry say so.

Martin2005 29 January 2010 08:51 PM

Originally Posted by hutton_d (Post 9189617)
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Geez. The guy has absolutely NO principles. He believes in nothing apart from himself. He's an actor, lawyer (not sure how good) and good at public speaking. At least with Maggie you knew exactly what she stood for. Billy Liar was just there to get elected and thus enrich 'team billy liar' ...


And you know all

rbaz 29 January 2010 10:18 PM

Originally Posted by paulr (Post 9189805)
Watched it today. Made me realise what a great Prime Minister we are missing. GB is a pale shadow compared to Mr Blair.

I was never a real TB fan BUT I really believe he did what he did for the good of the country. Maybe I am a bad judge of character (I am only 30) but its a very hard decision he had to make and has to live with the decision to send our troops in and the deaths of many servicemen :(
Why shouldn't the government and TB have the ability to make hidden documents look in there favor if the decisions are made by what is in front of them at the time.
I believe Saddam had to go and in the same situation I would justify it any way I could.

f1_fan 29 January 2010 11:20 PM

Originally Posted by hutton_d (Post 9189617)
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Geez. The guy has absolutely NO principles. He believes in nothing apart from himself. He's an actor, lawyer (not sure how good) and good at public speaking. At least with Maggie you knew exactly what she stood for. Billy Liar was just there to get elected and thus enrich 'team billy liar' ...


People knew what Hitler stood for.... that makes a person OK in your eyes does it?

Shall I tell you what Thatcher stood for - dog eat dog, greed is good, I'm alright Jack.

She sold off the country's assets to buy votes

She took us into a war she could have avoided to win votes.

She killed off whole communities over a petty argument with an equally devisive union leader

She created the greed is good dog eat dog dociety in which we now live

She created the expenses system under which most MPs ripped off the tax payer for many many years and thereby created career politicians.

She dismantled the unions but sadly by dismantling manufacturing in the UK forcing our economy to rely on the financial services sector to a much greater degree than is sensible.... I am sure I don't need to explain why that is a bad thing right now :Whatever_

She deliberately created an under class and encouraged a black economy creating a two tier society.

She put 4 million on the dole at a time then the world was not in recession!!!

She presided over economic mismanagement that drove house prices sky high and then led to 16% mortgage rates forcing in many families both parents out to work thereby damaging the fabric of family life .... the start of the breakdown of the social fabric of the UK that so many of you short sightedly blame Labour for....

Shall I go on?

Lee247 29 January 2010 11:23 PM

Originally Posted by f1_fan (Post 9190543)
People knew what Hitler stood for.... that makes a person OK in your eyes does it?

Shall I tell you what Thatcher stood for - dog eat dog, greed is good, I'm alright Jack.

She sold off the country's assets to buy votes

She took us into a war she could have avoided to win votes.

She killed off whole communities over a petty argument with an equally devisive union leader

She created the greed is good dog eat dog dociety in which we now live

She created the expenses system under which most MPs ripped off the tax payer for many many years and thereby created career politicians.

She dismantled the unions but sadly by dismantling manufacturing in the UK forcing our economy to rely on the financial services sector to a much greater degree than is sensible.... I am sure I don't need to explain why that is a bad thing right now :Whatever_

She deliberately created an under class and encouraged a black economy creating a two tier society.

She put 4 million on the dole at a time then the world was not in recession!!!

She presided over economic mismanagement that drove house prices sky high and then led to 16% mortgage rates forcing in many families both parents out to work thereby damaging the fabric of family life .... the start of the breakdown of the social fabric of the UK that so many of you short sightedly blame Labour for....

Shall I go on?

Yeah, carry on. Labour have :thumb:

f1_fan 29 January 2010 11:28 PM

Originally Posted by Lee247 (Post 9190552)
Yeah, carry on. Labour have :thumb:

Not saying they haven't, it just makes me laugh that people like you that post on here think Labour are the root of all evil and seem to think everything will be OK when you vote Dave in.

Newsflash .. it won't !! :thumb:

Lee247 30 January 2010 12:05 AM

Originally Posted by f1_fan (Post 9190571)
Not saying they haven't, it just makes me laugh that people like you that post on here think Labour are the root of all evil and seem to think everything will be OK when you vote Dave in.

Newsflash .. it won't !! :thumb:

What do you know about me, to make that statement :confused:
I have no faith in Labour, who have proved themselves to be the all taxing, law making, money making, benefit thieving (I know it's not benefits, but MPs taking tax payers money should be)vand going to war (for what) government we have ever had.
How you can defend them is beyond me. They are useless and Blair was the biggest slimeball of the lot. Brown is an unwanted, unelected waste of space.
So where do we go from here :thumb:

jonc 30 January 2010 12:09 AM

Though he squirmed a little, trying to pin him down for straight answers was like trying to nail jelly to a ever, the consummate politician.......

f1_fan 30 January 2010 12:15 AM

Originally Posted by Lee247 (Post 9190634)
How you can defend them is beyond me.

It's beyond you because you fail to realise that you can attack one party without supporting the other.

Where in my posts am I defending the Labour party????

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