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CHUNKY.MONKEY. 23 November 2007 02:28 PM

i was on my merry way home at 0300 this morning on the M25 just doing my normal 65-75 mph and much to my dislike a traffic cop came right up behind me (too close) then pulled out stright into outside lane no indicator and must of gone over a ton no blues or twos
then bout 15mins later i was approching a entry slip as i was half way past another traffic cop came shooting down and instead of matching his spead he put his boot down and pulled infront of me nearly taking my front bumper off again with no indicators no blues or twos so i switched on me interior light and gave him the wa*ker sighn:hjtwofing (if that was an old person they could have paniced and had an accident):mad: :nono: !!!!!!!!! i mean how can they pull people over and do them when there driving like this????????? these should be setting an example absolutley disqusting
anyone elses encounters

stilover 23 November 2007 02:53 PM

Because they are w*nkers. They were probably trying to bait you, so you did something illegal that they could do you for.:mad:

Something to laugh about while stuffing there faces with Donuts.

Paul3446 23 November 2007 03:07 PM


CHUNKY.MONKEY. 23 November 2007 09:15 PM

yeh i know mate i wouldnt give em the satisfaction, anyway i was on the way home he was still working:lol1: :lol1: :lol1:
and i get paid more then them:lol1: :lol1: :lol1:

The Dogs B******s 23 November 2007 09:29 PM

Originally Posted by CHUNKY.MONKEY. (Post 7433664)
yeh i know mate i wouldnt give em the satisfaction, anyway i was on the way home he was still working:lol1: :lol1: :lol1:
and i get paid more then them:lol1: :lol1: :lol1:

:lol: :lol: :lol: And so you should

CHUNKY.MONKEY. 23 November 2007 09:41 PM

:thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:

Daz1121 23 November 2007 10:12 PM

I had a police incident tonight. 2 hoodies kicked the the wing mirror off a car 2 doors down from me tonight. I reported it even though the owner of the car didn't want to take the matter any further mainly because my partner had her mirrors taken off a few times overnight and we thought is was just due to passing cars. May be so but after seeing tonight's act of vandilism not so sure.

WRX300MAN 24 November 2007 04:11 AM

Lads! . . . I'm really not sure what this thread is about , but I'd like to contribute by saying that all coppers are w@nkers!!

. . . .Cheers!!:thumb:

Paul3446 24 November 2007 04:41 AM

And how many coppers do you actually know? :wonder:

WRX300MAN 24 November 2007 04:54 AM

Oh sorry pal!! I take back my statement, and replace it with " to know them is to love them" . . .

My mistake . . .What was I thinking??:wonder:


Paul3446 24 November 2007 05:23 AM

I hereby award you this week's "Scoobynet Sweeping Generalisation Award" :thumb:

BlkKnight 24 November 2007 07:39 AM

You think they are w@nkers until you need them. Then they will be your best buddies.

Paul3446 24 November 2007 07:49 AM

I think that your opinion of the Police is just a reflection of your own character.

If you think that they are all w*nkers it is probably because, when stopped, you act like one yourself and are therefore treated like one. ;)

girl-in-a-scoob 24 November 2007 07:56 AM

Never had a good incident with them.... from being stopped and detained for an hour in a car park because they thought I had done something (later to apologise and say they had wrong person), to being run off the road by them, to having cctv evidence of threats of violence and them not attending later incidents, In fact the advice given was phone for a fire engine because you are guarranteed a male presence... Shall I go on ?

girl-in-a-scoob 24 November 2007 07:59 AM

I forgot one.... being forced off the road by a chav in a saxo and then being chased or when i pulled over to let him past tried to run into the side of me and giving the police a running commentry on the hands free to be told... they were busy !

turns out later he was known to them... that was in April of this year and Im still waiting for them to return my call as to what action they are taking ....

Paul3446 24 November 2007 08:01 AM

from being stopped and detained for an hour in a car park because they thought I had done something (later to apologise and say they had wrong person),

Not much wrong with that to be honest, at least they were investigating a crime. If someone nicked your car and the Police had a suspect and let them go without investigating, you wouldn't be too happy. Plus they apologised, what more can they do?

girl-in-a-scoob 24 November 2007 08:03 AM

Yeah not bad I guess to say I had a 3 month old baby in the car and it was february and freezing and he wouldnt let me leave the engine running to keep her warm....

Paul3446 24 November 2007 08:05 AM

It seems like most of your problems come down to the Police being too busy, this is the fault of government not individual officers. I bet 95% of them would love to get out and solve more crime rather than spend 7 hours filling out forms for one arrest.

I would suggest checking out some of the Police forums to see the frustration that they feel because they are unable to do their job. It's far too easy to generalise and say all Policemen are bad.

gpssti4 24 November 2007 08:06 AM

Originally Posted by BlkKnight (Post 7434079)
You think they are w@nkers until you need them. Then they will be your best buddies.

Nope, when I needed them and they told me that I couldn't report a crime on a 999 line. Then they closed the 'investigation' into my stollen car in less than 24 hours. So I still think they are w@nkers.

girl-in-a-scoob 24 November 2007 08:08 AM

or they need more common sense ..we all get frustrated in our jobs... we're roofers can somebody control the rain for us please.... Its more a case of common sense and the way they come over... the one in the car park was a young lad who at the end of the 'conversation' said.... well blue scoobs are two a penny arnt they you see them all the time.... really ??? Is that the way to get the public to like and help you? That two a penny blue scoob was paid for CASH and probably cost when I bought it brand new more than you earn sonny

Paul3446 24 November 2007 08:09 AM

What emergency were you calling 999 for? :wonder:

Paul3446 24 November 2007 08:12 AM

I'm sure some Police do have an attitude, but put it another way, when you watch Road Wars, or Police, Camera, Action, who do you think are the w*nkers, the Police, or the scum they have to deal with.

Perhaps because the previous 5 people that young Policeman dealt with were chav scum, he treated you with that in mind? I'm not saying that's right, but I'm just making the point that you don't know what else he'd put up with that day.

girl-in-a-scoob 24 November 2007 08:28 AM

Originally Posted by Paul3446 (Post 7434106)
I'm not saying that's right, but I'm just making the point that you don't know what else he'd put up with that day.

Maybe he's in the wrong job then ....

Paul3446 24 November 2007 08:37 AM

Or maybe, as I said earlier, your opinion of them is a reflection of your true self! ;)

I reckon there's 3 options:

1. All Policemen are w*nkers.
2. You've been incredibly unlucky and every time you speak to one they treat you like sh*t
3. Your attitude towards them is making them less than sympathetic to you.

mart360 24 November 2007 08:46 AM


when i had my motorbike stolen & trouble with my ex inlaws they were fantastic :thumb:

when i witnessed an accident following the theft of a car, and identified the driver leaving the accident scene, they were useless, still waiting for them to come and interview me/ take a statement as discussed. that was 5 years ago!!

Or the RTA where someone admitted driving with undue care and attention, was on the wrong side of the road, overtaking on a bend. There initial professional diagnosis, no offence committed:cuckoo::cuckoo: It wasn't until my insurance company started legal proceedings did they re interview and give an official caution to the other driver involved.

Or the other RTA where somebdy ran into the back of me in the wet. that apparantly too dosen't warrent an offence of UCA (possible defence for the future ??)

So as you see they can have good days and bad days like the rest of us.


Dr.No 24 November 2007 09:57 AM

I smell bacon....

Snazy 24 November 2007 10:31 AM

lol got to love the haters.
As above, you hate them til you need them.

With some of the threads on here, about assault, violent crime, car thefts etc..... now imagine how much worse it would be with no one at least trying to make a difference.

Had a couple of irritating moments with police, but as a whole, I think they do a fantastic job, and deserve a pat on the back for having the balls to deal with some of the crap they do.

Without knowing where they were going and why, its hard to judge their actions. However it is hard to justify the lack of indication.

Did they pass you and enter the slip road? If so, maybe it was a last ditch effort to get infront without hard braking.

J4CKO 24 November 2007 11:10 AM

I worked for them for ten years and met some very decent and interesting people, some get jaded from dealing with arseholes day in day out, some are w4nkers on a power trip but not many.

Ask yourself if you could cope with that job day in day out, drug dealers, domestics, whinging tossers, people get off cos of the CPS, kiddie fiddlers, shoplifters, sudden deaths, fatal RTA's, getting spat at etc etc

CHUNKY MONKEY, whatever the copper did it would be best to make a formal complaint, taking the registration and other details, giving the w4nker sign is just inviting some negative attention by goading them to react, the ONLY way to deal with coppers is to be nice as pie and if you have a problem use the complaints procedure, and afaik driving with the interior light on is an offence as is your gesturing, do yourself a favour and dont bait coppers, especially ones that fancy taking out their frustrations on a cocky Impreza driving lad.

Surprised you didnt get a night in the cells or a producer for your troubles.

Leslie 24 November 2007 11:20 AM

Police are just like anyone else-some are very good blokes and every now and again you meet one who is "jumped up" and thinks he is the cat's whiskers and terribly superior because of his positon.

A lot of today's problems stem from them having to spend most of their working day filling in useless paperwork in order to attempt to fill government targets thus helping their senior officers up the career ladder!

Les :(

Snazy 24 November 2007 12:25 PM

Originally Posted by J4CKO (Post 7434299)
I worked for them for ten years and met some very decent and interesting people, some get jaded from dealing with arseholes day in day out, some are w4nkers on a power trip but not many.

Ask yourself if you could cope with that job day in day out, drug dealers, domestics, whinging tossers, people get off cos of the CPS, kiddie fiddlers, shoplifters, sudden deaths, fatal RTA's, getting spat at etc etc

CHUNKY MONKEY, whatever the copper did it would be best to make a formal complaint, taking the registration and other details, giving the w4nker sign is just inviting some negative attention by goading them to react, the ONLY way to deal with coppers is to be nice as pie and if you have a problem use the complaints procedure, and afaik driving with the interior light on is an offence as is your gesturing, do yourself a favour and dont bait coppers, especially ones that fancy taking out their frustrations on a cocky Impreza driving lad.

Surprised you didnt get a night in the cells or a producer for your troubles.

Nicely put mate!

Les again fair play mate, they dont make the laws or choose the incentives.... moan at the people at the top and Labour for that.

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