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Prasius 17 July 2007 06:37 PM

Compulsory Organ Donation
(ooooh... current affairs!)

I don't really understand why anyone wouldn't want to donate organs from themselves if they died, or a loved one, if it gave someone else a chance of life.

I know that some people have religious objections, which I cannot work out either - seeing as I can't imagine a more selfless or caring act than donation when you, or someone close to you is dealing with yours/someones death.

Anyone like to explain why an opt-out scheme isn't a good idea?

Jerome 17 July 2007 06:45 PM

I specified organ donor status on my driving licence.

If someone wants my liver, it'll save the crematorium a headache for sure.

***Nemesis*** 17 July 2007 06:46 PM

... well I would hate any part of me to help save the life of some low life paedophile or similar.

_RIP_ 17 July 2007 06:48 PM

A bit of a limited viewpoint. As you'll be dead how will you know it wont go to a potential saint?

Spoon 17 July 2007 06:54 PM

Originally Posted by _RIP_ (Post 7116875)
A bit of a limited viewpoint. As you'll be dead how will you know it wont go to a potential saint?

A view nonetheless. One that I hadn't have thought of as I would be happy for everything to be used if it meant saving somebody.

STi wanna Subaru 17 July 2007 07:02 PM

I think it's a great idea. Hopefully it's the case and all the religious nutter will be up in arms. Only think I'd specify is that the recipient couldn't be a Liverpool fan.... that would be a nightmare! ;)

Spoon 17 July 2007 07:20 PM

^^^^ Plus you'd be dead and would be spared the embarrassment of rejected organs. :lol1:

D.K.1 17 July 2007 07:41 PM

I personally feel that if a relative or child of mine needed an organ donor that I would be so grateful to recieve what is needed.

Therefor I feel it's only right to do the same for someone else :)

unclebuck 17 July 2007 08:12 PM

Well, I think it's immoral that the State should even consider such a thing.

In true Big Brother style, the next step will be to punish those who choose to 'opt out' by refusing them access to medical treatment.

Simon 69 17 July 2007 08:16 PM

Im sure that youll be lambasted UB, but you make a valid point. That the state should consider this is shocking, although it may just be a device to bring the dire shortages of donors to our attention.....

Prasius 17 July 2007 08:20 PM

Originally Posted by unclebuck (Post 7117079)
Well, I think it's immoral that the State should even consider such a thing.

In true Big Brother style, the next step will be to punish those who choose to 'opt out' by refusing them access to medical treatment.

Allow someone to die when you have the chance to save them. Thats what I call immoral.

Spoon 17 July 2007 08:21 PM

I'm amazed anybody could see it as immoral, I really am.

mart360 17 July 2007 08:28 PM

Consider this..

You've been in a crash, and arrive at A&E your injury's are severe enough, that you may die if huge amounts of treatment aren't given. (the odds are stacked against you )

they open you wallet to identify you and find a donor card...

Now do they spend valuable resources trying to save you, or do they make you comfortable and wait for the inevitable, knowing your organs will be put to good use?


Spoon 17 July 2007 08:30 PM

^^^^^ Been there and done that and I'm still here. :lol1:

kingofturds 17 July 2007 08:32 PM

They will be bumping people off like they do in China next when they have a shortage of organs;) Running low on kidneys? no worries we will get a few people on trumped up fraud charges and have them executed.

Lee247 17 July 2007 08:33 PM

Originally Posted by mart360 (Post 7117116)
Consider this..

You've been in a crash, and arrive at A&E your injury's are severe enough, that you may die if huge amounts of treatment aren't given. (the odds are stacked against you )

they open you wallet to identify you and find a donor card...

Now do they spend valuable resources trying to save you, or do they make you comfortable and wait for the inevitable, knowing your organs will be put to good use?


You've already done your bit though, mart, by donating all your teeth :D

mart360 17 July 2007 08:34 PM

Originally Posted by Prasius (Post 7117096)
Allow someone to die when you have the chance to save them. Thats what I call immoral.

Wake up and smell the roses... havn't you heard of the postcode lottery when it comes to treating patients.

people are dying daily because health authorities don't like spending money for lifesaving drugs..

Drug ban will cost patients' lives | Society |

BBC NEWS | Health | Drug halves breast cancer returns

Lottery for breast cancer drug | the Daily Mail

goes against the Hippocratic oath somewhat


mart360 17 July 2007 08:34 PM

Originally Posted by 84of300 (Post 7117136)
You've already done your bit though, mart, by donating all your teeth :D



Spoon 17 July 2007 08:37 PM

Originally Posted by 84of300 (Post 7117136)
You've already done your bit though, mart, by donating all your teeth :D

Yes and he only went in for a filling but opted for a general. :lol1:

unclebuck 17 July 2007 08:45 PM

Originally Posted by Spoon (Post 7117098)
I'm amazed anybody could see it as immoral, I really am.

Think about it. There's nothing wrong with an idividual choosing to donate their organs if they wish - but to have the agents of the State hovering at your bedside scalpel in hand almost willing you to pop your clogs so they can carve you up is nothing short of terrifying IMO.

What is even worse is the idea that if you choose to opt out the State (and the PC Nazis - if theres's a distinction) will then stigmatise and seek to punish you for your choice. I've already heard it suggested that anyone who opts out will forfit their right to medical treatment. What kind of 'morality' is that? :(

kingofturds 17 July 2007 08:48 PM

Surely you would go from an organ shortage to surplus. No doubt the dictatorship will be selling them for profit.

Spoon 17 July 2007 08:50 PM

UB, believe me I've thought about it and nothing would change my mind. Predictably your opinion was only going to be aimed one way if government was involved.

To be honest you remind me of a 1970's factory union rep who consistently challenged management.

Lee247 17 July 2007 08:50 PM

Originally Posted by unclebuck (Post 7117161)
Think about it. There's nothing wrong with an idividual choosing to donate their organs if they wish - but to have the agents of the State hovering at your bedside scalpel in hand almost willing you to pop your clogs so they can carve you up is nothing short of terrifying IMO.

What is even worse is the idea that if you choose to opt out the State (and the PC Nazis - if theres's a distinction) will then stigmatise and seek to punish you for your choice. I've already heard it suggested that anyone who opts out will forfit their right to medical treatment. What kind of 'morality' is that? :(

Hearsay, You make it sound like a bad horror film. I am on the organ donor register. What good is any of my bits to me when I have karked it. On the other hand, someone may live or see or whatever after my death, so I say, good idea, they can take whatever they can use :thumb:

unclebuck 17 July 2007 09:00 PM

Originally Posted by Spoon (Post 7117179)
Predictably your opinion was only going to be aimed one way if government was involved.

That's because I've had an education. ;) Only a fool would trust the motives of the State - more than ever these days.

'But, it will save lives if we have these new powers' they claim. That's what they tell us about widespread use of 'safety' cameras too... ;) Trouble is, people believe them. All these wonderful proposals add up to is more control and less rights for the idividual.

Not sure about the rest of your comment, as the socialists run the country now, and what a wonderful utopia they are creating for us all. :rolleyes:

unclebuck 17 July 2007 09:01 PM

Originally Posted by 84of300 (Post 7117180)
Hearsay, You make it sound like a bad horror film.

It would be a bad horror film. :(

Anyway, I'm off to watch James May now.... :)

Spoon 17 July 2007 09:07 PM

That's just it, UB, it's not being paranoid enough to mistrust anybody but simply being an individual in your thoughts and going with them. Constantly at odds with authority just makes you a miserable sod.

dpb 17 July 2007 09:08 PM

Still living the orwellian dream ub ...:rolleyes:

unclebuck 17 July 2007 09:14 PM

Originally Posted by Spoon (Post 7117220)
That's just it, UB, it's not being paranoid enough to mistrust anybody but simply being an individual in your thoughts and going with them. Constantly at odds with authority just makes you a miserable sod.

So, the key to happiness is to agree with everything the government requires of you without question then.

How Orwellian.. :D Big Brother Loves You. Obey Big Brother and you will be happy (....or else....) ;)

Spoon 17 July 2007 09:28 PM

Originally Posted by unclebuck (Post 7117247)
So, the key to happiness is to agree with everything the government requires of you without question then.

How Orwellian.. :D Big Brother Loves You. Obey Big Brother and you will be happy (....or else....) ;)

That about sums it up. :rolleyes:

VoteConservative! 17 July 2007 09:31 PM

They can have any body part of mine that is needed but m face. That I would not want donated.

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