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scoobywrxuk300 03 December 2006 03:23 AM

Having read so many threads just recently, regarding how we drive, how others drive, The Sad threads, the mindless posts in the threads. We all seem to forget the emergency services workers, who have to deal with the horrific sights at these accident scenes.
Being a plumber myself, I witnessed a fatal accident just over two years ago. I had to deal with the drunk driver, his 2 mates, and tend to a young girl who was severely injured, And sadly a young girl who was clearly dead. These emergency service workers being The Police, Paramedics, and firemen deserve massive praise for the jobs they do..!

And the point to this thread is not a Goverment drink drive advert, Its to wish everyone, safe and careful driving over the coming weeks and festive season, And to praise the services for a remarkable job that you do...!:luxhello:

Jamo 03 December 2006 09:02 AM

ile second that :thumb:

SwissTony 03 December 2006 09:57 AM

good post......:thumb:

They do a thankless task

pslewis 03 December 2006 10:02 AM

For which they are very well paid ..... remember!!

Take firemen - spend most of their time playing pool and playstation games ... a fireman I know hasn't been out on a proper Emergency for 18 months!! He also has 2 other jobs he runs while 'ON DUTY'!! :rolleyes:

Ambulance and paramedics get my admiration for doing a job which would make me puke ........ but, I do a job which keeps their families safe from harm.

Doing a thankless task?? BOLLOX!!! Take the care worker wiping the arse of some cripple ............. THATS a thankless task!!

Wake up, smell the coffee ... these people do the job because they enjoy it and, in the case of Firemen, it's easy money!!

ice maiden 03 December 2006 10:06 AM

Originally Posted by pslewis
For which they are very well paid ..... remember!!

Take firemen - spend most of their time playing pool and playstation games ... a fireman I know hasn't been out on a proper Emergency for 18 months!! He also has 2 other jobs he runs while 'ON DUTY'!! :rolleyes:

Ambulance and paramedics get my admiration for doing a job which would make me puke ........ but, I do a job which keeps their families safe from harm.

Doing a thankless task?? BOLLOX!!! Take the care worker wiping the arse of some cripple ............. THATS a thankless task!!

Wake up, smell the coffee ... these people do the job because they enjoy it and, in the case of Firemen, it's easy money!!

You should be ashamed of yourself.....these people are another breed...

I was rushed to hospital in an ambulance at 10am on monday a very bad way, after spending most of the day in resus at 7pm the very same paramedic who treated me that morning walked in to see how i was doing....

As for care workers....I have respect for i couldnt do what they do....but nooooo friggin way should you have the audacity to compare them to the emergency services.....

rant over!

Curse of the Rushing Gimp 03 December 2006 10:17 AM

Take firemen - spend most of their time playing pool and playstation games ... a fireman I know hasn't been out on a proper Emergency for 18 months!! He also has 2 other jobs he runs while 'ON DUTY'!!
Sadly i have to agree with P.Lewis alias the troll. One of my friends is a fireman and he's become an expert at playing pool and mattress testing. 90% of his callouts are chavs burning cars.:(

pslewis 03 December 2006 10:23 AM

I'm aware that my post would cause some sheep on the old bandwagon to jump up and down :rolleyes:

I am old and wise - I have seen things and experienced every Emergencey Service in my life.

The LifeBoat men who put their lives on the line - REALLY ON THE LINE - for no pay deserve our respect and admiration.

Ambulance staff and Paramedics - get my respect for doing a job which I couldn't - BUT THEY LOVE TO DO IT!!! And are paid well for so doing, remember!

Police ..... well, they get HUGE wages for a job they love too - the conditions are fantastic and we need them ... don't get the idea they are doing it for charity!!

And then we come to the Firemen, bloody useless in my experience ..... my wife was trapped under a fallen tree in her car a couple of years ago - Fire Services arrived and blocked the road - then they farted about not knowing what to do - I had arrived at the scene at this point and took control as they were clearly way out of their depth :rolleyes: it was pathetic! I, and another member of the public, told them what to do ...... and they had the cheek to demand £31,000 a year?? YOU'RE AVIN' A LARF!!! :rolleyes:

I have also seen care workers mopping up puke, and taking the elderly to the bathroom ..... they tend to these people at the very basic end of dignity with the very basic animal response - and all for a pay around £15,000!!! THESE PEOPLE GET MY RESPECT AND ADMIRATION!!

NOT the over-praised Services for whom it is frowned upon to ever question - well, I am big enough and man enough to question this tabboo on stating the truth! They are well paid and they love their job, thank you!!

ice maiden 03 December 2006 10:34 AM

But surely you only do any job if you love it?????

I certainly wouldnt work full time at anything I didnt enjoy whatever the wages were.....

SwissTony 03 December 2006 10:36 AM

whooooo there pete.... !!!

I will amend my comment from thankless to " a well paid and rated job , that allows them to whizz around in vehicles with flashing lights making siren noises "...

better? :D

pslewis 03 December 2006 10:38 AM

Originally Posted by ice maiden
But surely you only do any job if you love it?????

I certainly wouldnt work full time at anything I didnt enjoy whatever the wages were.....

OK, so they LOVE their job ... they get well paid for their job ... now, tell me why we should praise them all the fookin time then??? :rolleyes:

I want praise from everyone here for keeping your families safe in their beds over the past decades ........... can I have some recognition please? :D

pslewis 03 December 2006 10:39 AM

Originally Posted by SwissTony
whooooo there pete.... !!!

I will amend my comment from thankless to " a well paid and rated job , that allows them to whizz around in vehicles with flashing lights making siren noises "...

better? :D

MUCH BETTER!!! ;) :thumb:

ice maiden 03 December 2006 10:41 AM

What do u do then????

pslewis 03 December 2006 10:43 AM

Originally Posted by ice maiden
What do u do then????

I stop the big boys from killing your family and friends .... by showing them that I have a bigger gun than they have :D

Flaps 03 December 2006 12:16 PM

Originally Posted by pslewis
Police ..... well, they get HUGE wages for a job they love too - the conditions are fantastic

Sorry, I don't agree. My mate joined the 'force' 18 months ago. Salary is not 'fantastic' and it's these guys that have to tell parents that their child has been killed in a road accident or that have to break into an appartment and assist with a melting body. No-one could love doing that!

Abdabz 03 December 2006 12:18 PM

Originally Posted by pslewis
For which they are very well paid ..... remember!!

Take firemen - spend most of their time playing pool and playstation games ... a fireman I know hasn't been out on a proper Emergency for 18 months!! He also has 2 other jobs he runs while 'ON DUTY'!! :rolleyes:

Ambulance and paramedics get my admiration for doing a job which would make me puke ........ but, I do a job which keeps their families safe from harm.

Doing a thankless task?? BOLLOX!!! Take the care worker wiping the arse of some cripple ............. THATS a thankless task!!

Wake up, smell the coffee ... these people do the job because they enjoy it and, in the case of Firemen, it's easy money!!

Again Pete a truly bang on post... I totally agree with this whether you meant it or not... Spot on...P

ice maiden 03 December 2006 12:26 PM

Originally Posted by pslewis
I stop the big boys from killing your family and friends .... by showing them that I have a bigger gun than they have :D

which means in English?

pj748r 03 December 2006 01:08 PM

As a firefighter with over 19 years experience in one of the busiest Fire Service's in the country,I think you're talking out your arse as usual

Have you rescued 3 and 4 year old brothers and their pregnant mum from a house fire,to later find out that they had been given the last rites later on that day?
Thankfully these two young boys are still alive due to the care they recieved at Alder Hey Burns unit,which is widely recognised as one of the best burns units in Europe,and by the fact that me an my collegues,first rescued them,administered CPR,whilst waiting for the Paramedics to arrive,who took their care to the next level,all the way upto Alder Hey.

I have been to numerous varities of incidents thru 19 years,from the proverbial cat up a tree to help rescue 13 workers in ship fire,cutting dead bodies out of vehicles,etc.

The general sweeping statement that they didn't know what to do when your wife was trapped,by blocking the road etc,well we have to block the road for obvious reasons,think about.Then you don't just go rushing in cutting everything up straightaway,you are supposed to do a Dynamic Risk Assesment of whats best for the trapped person,so that you don't make the situation worse by chopping of the wrong bits etc,need I go on.

So what if Firefighters(politically correct version)have a second job,show me an MP,Doctor,Surgeon who doesn't have a second job.

What do you take home on a flat month compared to all the people you've slagged off on here?

I take home £1300 a month,flat.I don't have a second job,and don't want one.
Still I'd rather get paid to save life than take life:hjtwofing


ice maiden 03 December 2006 01:12 PM

Well if you take home £1300 a month I defo dont call that highly paid...

pj748r 03 December 2006 01:25 PM

Originally Posted by ice maiden
Well if you take home £1300 a month I defo dont call that highly paid...

Neither do I,considering if i'd have stayed in my previous job I'd be on a couple of hundred quid a month more,but it would have bored the life out of me after 19 years, and the missus,who's a desk jockey has just got promoted and earns more than me now:norty: .More for me to spend!!:lol1:

pslewis 03 December 2006 01:41 PM

Originally Posted by ice maiden
Well if you take home £1300 a month I defo dont call that highly paid...

He's talking BOLLOX as most Firemen do!! :rolleyes:

Ask him how many hours he works .... then ask how many hours he ACTUALLY DOES ANYTHING!

You will probably discover that he's on £1000 a bloody hour!!

I say call them when we need them and pay them £10 an hour :thumb: Get value for money for our taxes!!

scoobywrxuk300 03 December 2006 01:43 PM

I dont think the services are overpaid for what they do...

I think what they earn isnt enough an incentive for them not to become un professional, not that im saying they do..!
Imagine kicking a ball around all day for your yearly salary, but for a weeks fun...! Sitting in a chamber full of old geezers arguing the toss over who wants to tax us the most..!

How many people reading this thread can have an off day at work and have a skive? can the servicewomen/men?

pslewis 03 December 2006 01:45 PM

Remember there are 100 applicants for every Fireman vacancy ........

If it was **** work for **** money then there would be NO takers!!

Nah, they are full of wind and I EXPECT them to cut me out my car when I need them to ...... I pay them enough!!! :mad: And its the first bit of real work they will do that month!!

pslewis 03 December 2006 01:47 PM

Originally Posted by scoobywrxuk300
I dont think the services are overpaid for what they do...

I think what they earn isnt enough an incentive for them not to become un professional, not that im saying they do..!
Imagine kicking a ball around all day for your yearly salary, but for a weeks fun...! Sitting in a chamber full of old geezers arguing the toss over who wants to tax us the most..!

How many people reading this thread can have an off day at work and have a skive? can the servicewomen/men?

In the case of Firemen ...... MOST days are a breeze!!

Tell you what - pop into your local Fire Station and see what they are doing!! I'll tell you what they are up to ..... SLEEPING, Playing POOL, DARTS, PLAYSTATION GAMES ................ now and again they may just polish their helmets ;) Or their BeeeBaaa van!! :rolleyes:

SUBZ 03 December 2006 01:49 PM

Originally Posted by pj748r

I take home £1300 a month,flat.I don't have a second job,and don't want one


ur effin havin a larf aint ya mate:lol1: :lol1:

mart360 03 December 2006 03:48 PM

Originally Posted by pslewis
I stop the big boys from killing your family and friends .... by showing them that I have a bigger gun than they have :D

thats like saying having a speed camera saves lives !!!

lets just say your pinning an awful lot of promise on a on a one shot device,

just hope to god that if needed it it works,!!! if not youve got a lot of explaining to do.!!!


MattW 03 December 2006 05:07 PM

Well I certainly don't think 31k is a lot of money even if it is mostly spent doing nothing.

Most IT people will be on more than that (most = experienced) and all we do is surf the internet. I know which job I'd rather have.

pslewis 03 December 2006 05:32 PM

Originally Posted by mart360
lets just say your pinning an awful lot of promise on a on a one shot device,

just hope to god that if needed it it works,!!! if not youve got a lot of explaining to do.!!!


If it doesn't work, the last thing you will be looking for is an explaination from me ........ you will be looking for your family and friends my future few years, and the future security of the UK, will be announced by Tony Blair tomorrow in the Commons.

I am thinking he will announce that I can have £26Billion to ensure that the UK can play with the BIG BOYS! :D

LUCKO 03 December 2006 05:42 PM

pslewis your such a gonad, i hope your smoke alarm fails :freak3:

Lord Shrek 03 December 2006 05:46 PM

i have to agree with lewis unfortunately........mind you he was wrong with the gordon brown thread and that man deserving our sympathy

they dont deserve massive praise at all...they are just doing their job which incidentally they must enjoy to do it...its only because those jobs are well publicised in the media that people think they deserve a pat on the back

the careworkers who have a less glamorous job wiping crap from old peoples backsides or puke stains from their mouths are far more deserving of praise...i couldnt and wouldnt do it...who would?

i could be a fireman or policeman and deal with the odd harrowing scene

Lord Shrek.....the binmen get fuk all respect...would you do their job? :thumb:

matchmaker 03 December 2006 05:51 PM

And there's the 4th emergency service - HM Coastguard, who always get forgotten about. Not very well paid when I was involved with them.

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