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pnbond007 06 August 2006 10:23 AM

slimming pill's 'do they work'
Does anyone have any experience of using this type of weight loss programme

if yes - which would you recommend......

if no - which to steer clear of....

stevebt 06 August 2006 10:31 AM

i would be carefull of such a thing as it sounds like it will be on the lines of salt tablets which make you loose water therefore weight but give you a risk of high blood pressure

StickyMicky 06 August 2006 10:33 AM

i had some killer "cut and burn" tablets for body building which allegedly raise your metabolism, they made me very edgy and a little bit crazy so i stopped them :lol1:

could never sleep at night either, they mess with your nervous system or something :eek:

Mogsi 06 August 2006 10:34 AM

I never understand these 'miracle' tablets that make you lose weight.. Do they really work !!!!

What ever happened to good old exercise and just eating sensible foods :wonder:

OllyK 06 August 2006 10:37 AM

In short no, they don't work. If you are morbidly obese there are some drugs that the doc can give you to assist by suppressing appetite and such.

pnbond007 06 August 2006 10:38 AM

I have to say, I agree with you Mogsi.....

The question is for the wife, I lost a considerable amount of weight by just eating different stuff. I was gob samacked at what you can eat & still loose weight quite quickly....

I don't mean by eating rabbit food either...

StickyMicky 06 August 2006 10:46 AM

i read somewhere (maybe on this board?) that there is a drug that doctors can prescribe now, which makes you "shat the fat" from the food you eat

tales of massive sessions on the toilet were a pleasant side effect :lol1:

Miss Kinky 06 August 2006 10:53 AM

i've been told that green tea is a good diet aid along with grapefruit pills...

as these are both natural products i wouldn't think the side effects are too bad...

little-ginge 06 August 2006 12:49 PM

Originally Posted by Miss Kinky
i've been told that green tea is a good diet aid along with grapefruit pills...

as these are both natural products i wouldn't think the side effects are too bad...

I wonder who told you that?:lol1:

I've started on Green Tea extract tablets (Holland & Barrett) as GTea is supposed to be a really good antioxident, help with free radicals etc. I can't stand the taste of liquid green tea, so this is the ideal way for me to get this.

I have heard about Grapefruit tablets, purchased some, then lost them:freak3: Went to buy some more and they are out of stock - apparently very, very popular so must do something right

They are supposed to be very good at cleaning the system and helping to supress your appetite..

Also psyllium husk tablets ( recommended by Gillian Mckeith). Look like horse tablets, and sounds bladdy scary when you read the packet (if you don't swallow them with enough water they can become lodged in your throat, and swell causing you to choke:eek:

'Adequate fibre in the diet is considered vital for digestive regularity and good health. A well balanced diet with the correct levels of fibre will stimulate proper elimination. This is necessary for the digestive system to work effectively and ensure that the body can absorb all the nutrients it needs from foods. A ‘clogged’ system can accumulate toxins, which can prevent the digestive system from functioning properly. Fibre helps to improve the transit time of waste products through the system, which in turn can help overall digestive health. '

Bubba po 06 August 2006 12:54 PM

Why take pills? Eat decent food! It tastes nice, too. :D

little-ginge 06 August 2006 12:57 PM

Originally Posted by Bubba po
Why take pills? Eat decent food! It tastes nice, too. :D

I'm a picky eater, and crap at dieting. I admit I don't get the vitamins, fibre and minerals I should be getting. Thought I'd give these a whirl.... I might just be chucking my money down t'drain - or should i say toilet?:lol1: but we'll see;)

corradoboy 06 August 2006 03:39 PM

Cut down/out carbs, simple as that. When you eat the two main energy sources (carbs and fat/protein) together in an ordinary diet, your body will always process the carbs first using insulin to transport it around the body for use as energy. When the carbs have diminished, the body will then begin processing the fats and proteins utilising keitones to the same effect as insulin. Here starts the problem, as your brain will misinterpret the reduction in insulin as starvation and release hunger hormones, making you want to eat again. If you do, and everybody does, then the processing of fats/protein will be suspended as soon as more carbs arrive and will ultimately be stored as bodyfat.

By reducing carb input to a minimal level you will flatten out the peaks and troughs in the bodies insulin production to a level where the brain doesn't see the slight drop in insulin as starvation and thus allows the continued processing of the fats and proteins. The big bonus comes when the fats from the last meal are used, the body will then continue processing whatever it can until another meal ups the carb level, and so your stored bodyfat will begin being used.

Cut out potatoes, pasta, rice, bread, sugar, wheat and root veg, in favour of broccolli, cauliflour, asparagus, peppers, tomatos, mushrooms etc. Avoid anything with "reduced fat" as it will be full of starch and carb. Enjoy meat and fish along with your veg, and make sauces from tomato or full cream bases. Switch to decaf tea and coffee and try to get used to soya milk to reduce lactose. Drink lots of water.

If in doubt, buy and read the Atkins book. Apply the diet when you understand the principles and be amazed at how much and how quickly the weight comes of, and if you stick to it for the rest of your life you will be in control of your weight for good. I lost 5 stone in 5 months and have been in full control of my weight ever since, and for the first time in my life.

There will be many who come along and dismiss it, usually spouting about how it's unhealthy to eat so much meat. I don't eat any more meat than I ever did (except maybe the cooked breakfasts) even whilst on the previous failed low-fat diets, but I do eat significantly more veg (around 80% of my weekly shop). During my main weight-loss phase I did no exercise whatsoever, but since I have embraced walking, mountain-biking and many other sports that would have been difficult when I was 21st.

GaryK 06 August 2006 04:19 PM

Yep there are no tablets that are effective, well apart from ephedrine which isnt strictly legal and funnily enough most tablets claim to be 'ephedrine free' I guess because of the side effects but its the most effective substance at raising your metabolism.

I would agree with CB about the atkins its the only thing I have found effective at shedding weight, I like my meat but I get bored of atkins after a couple of weeks because I *love* bread, pasta and crisps! :)


corradoboy 06 August 2006 04:27 PM

Once you've shed the bulk of the excess weight there's nothing stopping you reintroducing some carbs, just don't go back to how you were as it will defeat the whole point. Don't think of it as a diet, but a lifestyle change. Keep it up and you won't find yourself in the same situation in another years time.

clare792000 06 August 2006 06:40 PM

Have never tried any pills, but last year lost 2 1/2 stone on Slimming World. It was good as you could eat as much of things as you liked, so never went hungry, and theres none/ very very little weighing or measuring. I lived on pasta, potataoes, fruit, quorn foods (as im veggie anyway) and was still alowed a treat each day! It worked really well, so mybe worth a look?

stringvest 06 August 2006 08:03 PM

dodo chesteze pro plus and aspirin springs to mind

eca stack (Epedrine, Caffeine, Aspirin)

do some reasarch but i by no way am advising the use of this or premoting it if you know what i mean

but ive done it myself was wired for a couple weeks tho lol almost like speed, soon got used to it

GC8 06 August 2006 08:15 PM

Originally Posted by pnbond007
Does anyone have any experience of using this type of weight loss programme

if yes - which would you recommend......

if no - which to steer clear of....

Amphetemine tablets work; youre better off cutting down on the pies though!

princessyin 06 August 2006 09:07 PM

i tried some of this stuff. Didn't stick to it religiously so it didn't work for me.

Lee247 06 August 2006 09:23 PM

I usually drink a pint of water before meals. It fills you up so you don't eat as much. Better than any pills methinks :) :)
Oh and what corradoboy said is sound advice :)

fatscoobyfella 06 August 2006 09:30 PM

Go get some Xenical off ya doc and some stack 2's from your local "health" shop..
5 tabs a day... sorted!!

Leslie 07 August 2006 11:54 AM

Only person I ever knew who used those died at a young age of a heart attack!

Best to just stop eating so much, it works very well.


richie001 07 August 2006 12:04 PM

best way to lose weight is to cardio training for 30-60 mins 4 times a week and adjust the level at which you train at every time to stop your body from getting use to the levels and a good diet which you take in around 2000 calories aday for males and 1500 for a pill only work if you are looking to lose 2-4 percentage of body fat.

MPC-GTR 07 August 2006 12:27 PM

There are 3 medications now available for weight loss assistance on the NHS.

1) Orlistat (xenical) - this is a pancreatic lipase inhibitor and will reduced the maount of fat absorbed from a meal, however unabsorbed fat manifests itself as greasy stools and diarrhoea, so you need to be on a low fat diet anyway. Can be prescribed for up to 2 years. Must have BMI over 30 or BMI over 27.5 and concurrent medical problem e.g. diabetes, Ischaemic heart disease etc

2) Sibutramine (reductil) - centrally acting on serotonin neurotransmitter pathway. Originally developed as an antidepressant, appears to supress the appetite in some. Side effects of raised blood pressure, rapid resting pulse, and nightmares limit use. Weight loss over one year of use only likely to be in range of 8kg!!

3) Rimonabant (acomplia) - this has just recently come onto the market in the UK in the past month. This works as an antagonist on cannabinoid receptors in the brain and this is said to also suppress the appetite. This probably has the most modest effect of all on weight loss and is also the most expensive (over £600 for a year). Only really recommended if other measures have failed in a patient with significant comorbidity. Can only be prescibed for a period of up to 12 months.

So do they work? possibly, but effects are far more modest than patients would hope and generally I would encourage lifestyle change rather than think these 3 medications are every likely to change your life.

Drunken Bungle Whore 07 August 2006 12:44 PM

Don't go down the pills route - stick to a healthy eating plan and up the exrecise. It doesn't have to be hours in the gym - just try and build 30 mins walking each day into your schedule.

Eating healthily really isn't that tough and it's a helluva lot better for you than diet pills and potions.

The only thing I've ever taken is Sea Kelp as it does seem to raise the metabolism a little - but tbh - it didn't really make that much difference.

Personally I find the low GI diet works fine. It may just be healthy eating repackaged, but what's so bad about that?

Peanuts 07 August 2006 03:25 PM

eat less cake and walk more.

fatscoobyfella 07 August 2006 06:30 PM

I Had Xenical for 9 months and used it in conjuction with Stax..Also ate 2 toast in the morning,2 salad sandwiches at lunch and a baked spud with tuna,every day for 9 months..

Results....Went from 21st ish to 14 ish in 9 months...The amount of weight that fell off was astounding..And the amount of sex i got was too!!!

Dropping that amount in such a short time did have its side effects..Mostly to do with the Xenical..Ie...plenty of jaffa coloured lumps in ya pan,and when ya gotta go,ya gotta go..But at the time it was worth it.

Hard thing is keeping it off..Stella and Hollands pies often give me the curly finger,how can i not succumb to there charms!!

IWANASCOOBY1 07 August 2006 09:45 PM

A low carb or no carb and high protein diet is the way to go mate. A nutritionally balanced diet, light cardio vascular workout and plenty of water everyday and you should see your wieght come off! Relying on amazing fat burning tablets isn;t the way to go, however they will certainly help if you have your diet in control.

It's about hardwork and dedication, resisting eating crap when other people around you are. That's not to say that every now and again you cannot have a cheat meal but I would say make sure it's a meal only and not a cheat day. Eat a clean diet monday to Sunday but if you want to have a full sunday dinner do but make sure your diet begins again on the Monday.

hutton_d 07 August 2006 10:26 PM

As Jasper Carrot said when I saw him live a few years back: " ... the reason people are fat is because this hole <points to mouth> is larger than this hole <points to arse> ... ". I find it quite incredible that people won't take responsilbility for their own bodies. If you're fat then eat less and move about more. Quite simple! But no, everyone wants the quick fix whilst still tucking into their double, super whopper burger and chips ... get real folks. Stop screwing with your health and get off your lazy arses and do something about it.

<rant over>


bioforger 07 August 2006 10:39 PM

It's alot to do with a persons metabolism to. I'm unlucky. I need to lose 2 stone, I bought myself a decent treadmill, which I've been doing 4.5k's on every night for 2 weeks so far. Ok not long but I would expect to lose more then 1 sodding pound to date :mad: And my diet is spot on, I don't drink, snack or eat crap either.

wayne9t9 08 August 2006 02:20 AM

Jasper Carrot is a comedian not a dietition and looks as though he never had a weight problem in his life. If you believe the statistics obesity is becoming a real problem so it obviously isn`t that simple to lose weight. The attraction of a quick fix is a powerful one and in my personal experience slimming pills only work while you take them. I lapsed back into old habits once my appetite returned and regained the weight plus some more. So i`m back on the bike and salads again :(

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