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moses 14 October 2004 09:34 PM

happy ramadhan mubarak
blessed be this holy month , happy ramadhan mubarak to my muslim and non muslim bros and sisters

Jye 14 October 2004 09:37 PM

evening moses :)

mj 14 October 2004 09:41 PM

whats ramadam then?, never paid much attention in RE, how much weight can I expect to lose if I partake?

moses 14 October 2004 09:49 PM

evening jye hows u bros been ages mate :)

and mj haha nice pic mate where did u find that :D

its for 30 days no eating after sunrise in the morning to sunset at night, after that u can eat it

if u do it properly and not be crazy like when u breal the fast and night , some people guzzle more than normal and specially with junk food coz of low sugar levels, it happens in europe but in places like asia and middle east their aint much junk food, so u can expect to loose half a stone a week

in europe maybe 2 to 4 pounds :)

Markus 14 October 2004 09:50 PM

have it large moses! :)

moses 14 October 2004 09:53 PM

thanks mate and hows my fave shark :D markus the sharkus :D

moses 14 October 2004 09:55 PM

mj 14 October 2004 09:56 PM

so what does it do? ( apart from leave you hungry )

clean the soul and all that jazz??

Diesel 14 October 2004 09:59 PM

I respect the non-indulgent discipline in doing Ramadan (if not the indigestion in the morning after all that lamb when I did it ;)). It also gives me a nice break from my Middle Eastern clients requests - long may the tradition last!!! :)

moses 14 October 2004 10:02 PM

yep cleans the soul and sacrifice for God and spiritual aspect and to make u feel how a poor person feels who doesnt have a meal, not just that, u try to stop the normal sins u will do, fight against it, we call it jihad against ourselves and fight our bad deeds and change it with a good, and this is the month when u send alot of charity to the poor and help the needy etc etc and feed them, prepare yourself for bad times staying hungry etc, alot of things mate not just a single thing

if u read the story of what the arabs the pagans at the time did to the minority muslims. banished them from mecca , persecuted them and they had no food, lil babies and people suffering for 2 yrs in the desert etc and had to eat plants and stuff , sad time

and also prophet jesus used to fast every yr too, we call it ramadhan, u mind in the bible when the devil tempts him for 40 days , etc etc he was fasting that time and fighting against evil and temptations, well we are doing the same as him

SiPie 14 October 2004 10:04 PM

All the best to you Moses :)

Girl that used to work beside me would come in looking shattered cos she was up sharp getting an early feed in before the sun was up...

She used to drink water though ... was she cheating or is that cool to do, I was never sure and we all reckoned she made some of the rules up as she went along ;)

Markus 14 October 2004 10:12 PM

I'm fine moses, sharking like a good un :D

carl 14 October 2004 10:14 PM

Surely it's not until Saturday?

moses 14 October 2004 10:32 PM

well said carl haha it aint till saturday :D

in sweden its tomorrow i think

sipie thanks mate, and yes the lassie was cheating no food or drink to pass our mouth mate :) so she was a cheater :D

and markus nice to hear from u again a face from the past mate u have a cool weekend :)

carl 14 October 2004 10:39 PM

Originally Posted by moses
well said carl haha it aint till saturday :D

That's of course providing the new moon is "observed". That bit seems ludicrous to me. You can easily calculate the time of sunset, and the time/date of the new moon, so observation shouldn't come into it, IMHO.

It's a good job the religion wasn't invented in this country. You'd have Ramadan starting two weeks late because every night was cloudy! :eek:

PS: moses, you're a man who knows about Islam: what happens in countries like Sweden when Ramadan occurs in the middle of summer? I mean, you could go for the whole of Ramadan without the sun setting. Are you supposed to fast for a month? :eek: Obviously, Islam originates from the Middle East where these things aren't an issue.

imi 14 October 2004 10:46 PM

Good point about fasting in countries with extra long days....what about the poles???

In those circumstance I personally would resort to common sense and fast for 12 hrs. but I take your point...

imi 14 October 2004 10:47 PM

Originally Posted by carl
Obviously, Islam originates from the Middle East where these things aren't an issue.

Yeah...All the three major religions did.

TopBanana 14 October 2004 10:49 PM

It starts tomorrow!

pslewis 14 October 2004 10:59 PM

The burning question EVERYONE wants to ask, and its NOT pointed!, just a pure interest question.

Would it be OK to behead someone during Ramadam? I won't go any further on this sensitive matter .... I am genuinely interested to know!

Happy Ramadam, by the way .... I respect your religion


moses 14 October 2004 11:01 PM

imi true all the monothiestic religions come from our motherland the middle east

judaism, christianity and islam suppose to be the same religion

lol @ carl and haha the clouds, true mate it goes by the middle east sighting then the calculation of hours or something

sweden its easy to sort the times out from their and also in the north pole when its always light u can tell by the days , it is slightly darker than the normal afternoon, thats how they work it out :)

and imi when i was a kid , ramadhan was in summer time we had to fast from 01.00 am in the morn to 10.30 or something at night :D i was a kid so i kept half a fast ( training purposes for kids) :D

those were the hard days, hardest is in asia and middle east, days are very long, here in the uk we are very lucky their short

moses 14 October 2004 11:03 PM

ps lewis i cant believe u said that mate, i call it a hijack of a good thread

and yes its a sin to kill anyone in the month of ramadhan, u remember 2 yrs ago usa striked on the afghans during the month of ramadhan and so also in iraq and also clinton bombed the iraqis in ramadhan and if war is brought upon the muslims in ramadhan they have every right to strike back.

but its very bad to find in ramadhan, its the time of holiness, peace and luv and patience

in the month of ramadhan is the time when israelis butcher palestinians by the hundreds, they dont sympathise with the palestinians

ajm 14 October 2004 11:04 PM

Well done Pete.... always willing to go that extra mile! ;)

Without treading on anyone's toes I think I am right in saying that it isn't ok to behead prisoners "of war" AT ALL, going on what the Muslim council of GB were saying on the T.V the other day.

I can never have any concept of what the occasion really means to those who believe, but nonetheless, happy ramadhan mubarak moses! :)

pslewis 14 October 2004 11:08 PM

Moses, I was trying to be delicate - as its a delicate issue - but it was a question no doubt burning in readers minds.

I was wondering if Bigley could have had a month longer to live had he lasted this far - I would suggest he was feasting too ...... but not just in daylight hours (I guess he couldn't have faced food even when the sun went down)

I trust a prayer will be said for the innocents murdered in the recent conflicts (of all sides and creeds)


moses 14 October 2004 11:13 PM

thanks ajm :)

and lewis, bigley God bless him this man abu musab is an evil b@stard who wont spare no one, a muslim brother said to me if bigley said the shahada ( declaration of faith ( islam)) they would have let him go, i said well bullsh1t abu musad dont give a flying f*** about the shahada coz this man has killed his own muslim brothers, sunni and shia and also the turkish muslims , he beheaded them , so ramadhan wouldnt have mattered lewis, this man dont see a difference between muslim and non muslim victims, he has killed more muslims than non muslims in iraq.

i dont think it would have mattered, lets say bigley was held by the other militants like sadr or the ones who held the 2 italian angels, good people they were :) God bless them. they would have released them, when u hear the italian girls telling the press they were treated well and one of the militants touched their feet by mistake and he got chastised , punishished from the other militants, they sound decent people but abu musab is a different story

pslewis 14 October 2004 11:17 PM

Decent? You forget that they STILL kidnapped innocents (for money in this case, granted) but don't call them decent!!


moses 14 October 2004 11:17 PM

have a read here

carl 14 October 2004 11:19 PM

Originally Posted by moses
those were the hard days, hardest is in asia and middle east, days are very long, here in the uk we are very lucky their short

Unfortunately this is so untrue. For sure, in the winter the days here are shorter than they are in the middle east (tropical latitudes). But the converse is true: in the summer, the days here are much longer. Obviously this goes to extremes at the poles, where the days and nights are six months apiece.

Not sure what you mean by the fact that in Sweden it gets darker so "you can tell". My understanding of Ramadan is that you keep a fast from sunrise (when the first grey bits in the sky start to show -- not official astronomical sunrise) until sunset. If the sun doesn't set, you're not allowed to stop fasting.

To say that when the light is at a minimum it must be night-time is as sensible as using astronomically-calculated times for sunrise/sunset and new moon. If we can do the former, why not the latter?

moses 14 October 2004 11:19 PM

yeah true i agree i meant decent compared to abu musab :D

moses 14 October 2004 11:21 PM

it doesnt say night in the quran mate, theirs a verse about it

and also i will try to find some posts and questions on it, been asked to the scholars and their have been answers give me a day or 2 will try to find u all the questions asked :)

carl 14 October 2004 11:23 PM

OK, thanks. It's always bothered me. Like the date of Ramadan being different around the world (according to whether the new moon occurs before sunset or after). These are things that the original scholars of Islam didn't consider -- for them, the world was about 2000x1000 miles so these events occurred at roughly the same time all over.

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