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Nate 27 September 2003 07:20 PM

[rant mode on]

The other day I was ignored by yet another new age driver (a blue STi8 with a P1 reg. No. at that) , and obviously it wasn't the first time I have been ignored by such drivers !!! Am I to gesticulate in a different manner to new age drivers? OR are us classic drivers that lowly that we should now be excluded ??????


[/rant mode off]

BlackScoobyWRX 27 September 2003 07:27 PM

Nate - as a classic driver myself I have also experienced the occasional ignorant ba5tard driving a new age (one was so far up himself I'm sure he was inside out !!)
Thankfully, in my experience, they're few and far between.
Don't let 'em get to yer m8 ;-)

Phil 27 September 2003 07:36 PM


I'll make sure I ignore you next time didn't realise I shouldn't wave at classics ;)

chrisp 27 September 2003 07:43 PM

LOL I flash at them all and normally get some sort of reaction :D

yasawas 27 September 2003 07:43 PM

nate, rant on dude!!!!!!!

1 new age driver out of the 100's i have waved at waved back, 1!!! not good for the community!

nice cars but the attitude of many drivers sucks!

minister of speed 27 September 2003 08:06 PM

non rant mode...

Comin' from a bug eyed whatsit point of view,

after nearly 2 years of ownership, i got the impression classic owners dont wave back - unless your in a classic ???

Then again I do feel a little bit like - why bother anymore? ...

Why not, lets wave at everyone, especially ... ........ ......

(spaces left for the imaginative peeps)

Nate 27 September 2003 08:18 PM

LOL @ Phil !!!!

It may have been that I was being a bit cheeky ;) ...... Long line of traffic on a dual carriageway with no-one using the outside lane , and I saw a scoob up ahead, and thought to myself 'He'll let me in' ....... Nope, he squeezed up so I couldn't , But the guy in the car in front of him (a Ford Mondeo) did let me in!!

I mean , the guy with the new age , has had a P1 (I think)... As I have seen the reg. no. on a P1 that had been going around and now he's got it on an STi8 ...... So why is he being so non-classic????


===WRX=== 27 September 2003 08:22 PM

They dont wave back incase you bump into them at the pub, and remind them that they bought the nasty'st scoob of them all.



Sith 27 September 2003 08:30 PM

I wave at Scoobs, Ferrari's Lambo's etc.

Sign of appreciation to me.

AndyBrew 27 September 2003 08:33 PM

I always wave, flash let off fire works when I see another Scoob, although I draw the line at Foresters because they seem to think, I think I know them :confused:

anyway from one STi8 driver to all Classic's WAVE WAVE WAVE WAVE ;)

Chris L 27 September 2003 08:53 PM

Well I've owned both and wave to all Scooby drivers :) In defence of some newer drivers, don't forget that the new WRX was deliberatly meant to widen the appeal and ownership of the Scoob. This means that there might be some new owners who are (shock, horror :) ) not aware of sites such as Scoobynet or neccessarily the cult following that the orginal car developed.


wrxbugeye 27 September 2003 09:10 PM

When I had a classic, I used to get (and return) plenty of waves. Since becoming an ugly bugeye owner, my waves to other scoobys have been, in the main, totally ignored. I know the car looks crap but under the skin........

jasey 27 September 2003 09:25 PM

Getting axious because a total stranger doesn't wave at you - I think you need help N8 :eek:;):D:p.

I wouldn't get too worried about it - but it could be some sort of conspirancy from new owners against classic owners - maybe they're all mouse eating martians ?

Come up to Aberdeenshire - we all wave to everyone up here :D

-=Buzz=- 27 September 2003 09:27 PM

silence peasant, only serfs and the like drive about in "classics".. and who called them that in the first place, if not you sad "old car" drivers trying to make yourselves feel better that you can't keep up with progress ;)

I changed from a 96 to an 01 in Feb this year - and classic drivers ignore me now :( (set of ba*tards ;) )

Have to say I ditched the headlights for morettes though...

v5 man 27 September 2003 11:11 PM

Bugeye owner here, with standard bugeyes in place.
I also have to say that classic drivers dont wave as often as new age drivers from my point of view. I dont think the new age has properly been accepted as a scooby by hardcore classic there!

peccy 27 September 2003 11:17 PM

classics still the way to go IMO, just sold my my00 uk turbo and bought a my00 type R, for a few $ more i could have had a my03 but not for me.

Nathan L 27 September 2003 11:25 PM

Are new age drivers THAT much above classic drivers ???????
Yep ;)



Boro 27 September 2003 11:45 PM

Well when i get an Sti8 im not gonna wave at anyone, so there :p

Turbohot 27 September 2003 11:51 PM

I have a classic shape import and am very proud of it!276 bhp offers more than a standard new age STI.And looks?Even the likes of Demontweeks and other motorsport companies admire the sleek look of sleek classic than a new age on steroids!
And,BTW, I wave at any scoob-new age or"OLD" age,but get not enough responses of any of them!
I will keep on waving!

STi-Frenchie 27 September 2003 11:52 PM

Round my way, most scoob drivers acknowledge each other. However, some don't. Why ? Let's take a couple of examples -

Crossed a black WRX STi7 twice today - driver is older than me by 10+ years I reckon and I see he's chucked the standard small MY02 spoiler for something more "manly" obviously into his motor. Waves and smiles all around.

Crossed a blue classic, all tinted and looking great, a GT Impreza circa 99/00 - flashed at him - nothing in return. Nada. Zip. WTF? I ask myself.

Crossed a DBM classic wagon which was stopped at the lights waiting to turn right into CERN (that's the Centre for European Nuclear Research if you aren't aware). I flash and me and ma boy wave at him - nada. He had *loads* of time to acknowledge but didn't...WTF?

Crossed a silver wagon just up the road, nice tinted windows in the back and a small but discreet spoiler on the back end. Result - gal flashed at me first, and I duly responded with a wave and a smile.

Lesson is...some ppl do, some ppl don't - doesn't matter whether it's a classic or a bugeye - it depends if the driver sees his car as a means to get from A to B or whether they appreciate what it is and is capable of.

Me? I will give the thumbs-up at Evo's (and get the same in return) and will gladly wave/flash back at anyone who gives me the thumbs up (like the geezer in the Fiesta earlier this week).

Taff107 28 September 2003 01:28 AM

Jesus,..... what is the hassle here? Are people really getting excited about who will wave at you? Turbohot seems to have the right idea. Who the feck cares whether "new age" or "Classic"

JasonHook 28 September 2003 01:34 AM

As a owner of an older scoob (MY99 V) and one who apparently frequently fails to wave back at other drivers (so my wife tells me after the fact). I'm not intending to be rude I either didn't notice or noticed too late to react. Apologies retrospectively and in advance to those I have and will apparently ignore.

I try and be a little philisophical if I wave and get a wave back that's nice but if I don't then I'm not offended either.

Kane 28 September 2003 07:25 AM

A lot of scooby drivers i have found dont even know about scoobynet lads so dont be to harsh on them. I get the bugeye non waves due to a lot of them being new owners IMO that dont go online much and thus dont know about the community either that or tey are company car drivers that dont really care to much about the car they have in respect to ownership etc..

Not to worry - i will keep acknowledging other Scoobies as it is the polite and quite rightly the correct thing to keep going.

Huxley 28 September 2003 09:59 AM

Yea the new age boys and girls are only jealous of some of our older quicker scoobs :p:p:p that's why they don't wave and would you want to own up to driving a new age with those headlights :p
It's happened to me loads of times :rolleyes:

Edited to add I even wave when i'm in me van :eek: some people must think look at that idiot in that van waving :rolleyes: :D

Huxley :p

[Edited by Huxley - 9/28/2003 10:01:24 AM]

jasey 28 September 2003 10:12 AM

I think we should refer this to Saxo Boy - to see if this is a (or an) SIAL :D

yasawas 28 September 2003 07:54 PM

you dont have to be on scoobynet to wave to a fellow scooby driver, i had mine for about 2 years before i found you lot but i still waved to each and every scoob i saw!

and RANT, a blue bug eye totaly blanked me in yaxley today, from a hundred yards i flashed him then me and my boy waved in a 'respect to all things scoob' way, he saw us, he ignored us, i think some people are just rude.

Supercue 28 September 2003 08:26 PM

From a new WRX MY03 point of view:p

I wave at every scoob but I have to be honest I had 2 classic scoobs and 1 bug eye not return the compliment yesterday alone:rolleyes:

I couldn't care less I'll still wave like a demented chicken coz I've lost the plot anyway!

thecirsch 30 September 2003 06:16 PM

Sorry Nate, did you say something?????? :D

chiark 30 September 2003 07:20 PM

Yes we are ;)

FFS, if this winds you up you need to get a grip mate ;) - some people in classics won't wave because they is too cool to do so, some people in new ages won't wave because they're not enthusiasts and have bought a car that they like rather than married the brand :D

(MY03 wrx who will acknowledge any other scoob)

jimmy wrx 30 September 2003 07:36 PM

OK, can I have my 10 pence worth....

I have owned both !

When I bought the 03 no one waved ,because the 03 looks different from any other scoob.(ie front on )

Now the 03 is better known I get more and more waves

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