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Defiant STI 18 August 2003 09:04 AM

As some of you may be aware I graduated from university about 8 weeks ago with a 2.1 BSc(Hons)Software Engineering degree, guttingly only 1% away from a first :(

Since then I've been desparatly searching for a job. I've had one interview, rejected and from the 30 or so companies I've written to I've had only 4 responses. I'm really depressed and I don't know what to do, any ideas?

I was thinking about the police force but even if I apply I need something to do in the mean time. I was thinking about car sales as there are plenty of jobs in the paper but they all fail to mention salary which worries me. What could I expect? On my placement year I got 12.5k so I was hoping and preying that something in the region of 18k would be possible considering the fact that I'm now qualified and semi experienced.

Thanks in advance guys. Please try not to kick me while I'm down :)

JimmyRB5PRO 18 August 2003 09:14 AM


Defiant STI 18 August 2003 09:29 AM

Sorry Jimmy, any chance you could resend it to I had a dead addy in my profile ;) Many thanks.

Foot_Tapper 18 August 2003 09:42 AM

Have you had a look on Jobserve ?? search for junior software engineer, like this

Stueyb 18 August 2003 09:48 AM

After I graduated I was outta work for three months. Was getting kinda peed off with it all. After all I left a damn good job to back to uni, but in the end, a random phone call to a friend in an agency got me a job. It will work out in the end honest, probabily in the most unlikely way.


Defiant STI 18 August 2003 10:03 AM

Thanks for the responses. I use Jobserve on a daily basis and have applied for a couple of positions but have heard nothing back :(

I just hope I find something soon. I gave the agencies ago the week after I finished and they basically told me thanks but no thanks :o Apparently the majority have too many experienced people on their books and can't find them work let alone a fresh grad ;) But i'll keep trying.

Jay m A 18 August 2003 12:18 PM

For the short term, put C4 on and watch the cricket. How are we getting on? :)

Dream Weaver 18 August 2003 12:36 PM

Give it time, took me way more than 8 weeks to get a job after uni (more like 4 months), and then it was only in a call centre for £4 an hour.

Things picked up from there though.

Andy Tang 18 August 2003 12:39 PM

After I graduated I got a job just to tide me over.

I was an accounts administrator with a 2:2 Engineering degree.

The job got money in my pocket, out meeting people, work experience and most importantly at the time exposure to computers in a work environment for the job I really wanted.

I stepped into my second job in a field I wanted to work in, easily with the experience gained!

ADP 18 August 2003 03:45 PM

After my degree I took a job as a bike mechanic for 9 months while I "looked for the right job" paid not a lot btw

it kept me going and allowed me to take my time to look for something that was right, I then found somethign and got the job, a few years later Im paying 40% tax so dont worrry about it

JamieMacdonald 18 August 2003 03:48 PM

Have you tried writing to Scottish and Southern Energy in Havant? I work there and I'm sure there are a few jobs going for code monkeys.

Email me if you want the address etc.


PiNkEyE69 18 August 2003 03:50 PM

I finished my degree in June/july and didn't get a job until december - the job center even put me on a course to improve my CV and interviewing techniques.
I must admit, I did get replys to ever yjob I applied for, unfortunatly all of them were "sorry....." replies.
I only got 3 interviews out of about 20+ applications.
I spent those 5-6 months temping around (warehouse work mainly, hours sucked, 4pm-12pm, but the pay was ok considering).
My only regret was stupidly I had no idea what I was worth so with my first job I just said "err....14K" and they jumped at it (I think i still hold the record to least starting paid developer at the company :( )
My advice, Just keep plugging away. You're bound to strik gold sooner or later (hopefully sooner)

[Edited by PiNkEyE69 - 8/18/2003 3:53:04 PM]

sexy wrx69 18 August 2003 03:51 PM

have you thought about moving to another part of the country where IT jobs are more abundant???

I know that in Cambridgeshire there are almost always Software Engineer jobs going.

Fair enough, there will be lots of applicants, but you cant give up. You could always get another job doing something away from your field temporarily whilst you still apply for Engineering least that way you will be working.

chinnybloke 18 August 2003 03:54 PM

Start up on your own whilst you look for the job you want. You might not even want to work for someone else then.

I know a complete muppet going out setting up networks, installing software, recommending packages, fixing basic problems, etc. He learns as he goes and most of the time he hasn't got a clue when he arrives at the customers premises.

He does not sell/provide any parts now (been there and was burnt) and he charges £50 per hour. He works about 3 days a week if he wants to.

Start from that with small companies, then get into doing web sites etc for them then move onto more tasty software projects.

He started by getting 1000 leaflets printed for 99 quid and then he delivered them to local industrial estates etc. He's never looked back.

AndyC_772 18 August 2003 05:54 PM

There's lots of software jobs in the recruitment section at - at least some are usually graduate jobs too.

Defiant STI 19 August 2003 09:10 AM

Thanks for the replies everyone. Nice to know that I might earn some good money eventually!

JamieMacdonald: Thanks for that, i'll get a letter off this morning! Portsmouth for the premiership! ;)

PiNkEyE69: I'm trying to think realistically about salary expectations but i'll be happy to work for minimum wage at the moment :)

AndyC_772: Another site to add to my favourites!

sexy wrx69: That might be a good idea but I really don't have the funds at the moment which is part of the problem. I owe too much money to too many people! I might have to explore this avenue with a bit more depth.

chinnybloke: That would be my DREAM. I've always wanted to own my own business but the fear factor is there and I would like a little more experience first although network setups would be relatively easy.

THANKS ALL! Keep them coming ;)

LanciaChris 19 August 2003 11:25 AM

You can start a club - I just graduated from aber Software Engineering - only a 2:2 for me cos im lazy when it comes to book learning (got a 1st for my industrial year though!). No bloody jobs around, not even temping. Not long till I go to sainsburys!

Little Miss WRX 19 August 2003 11:30 AM

Hey Defiant, I remember your morale boosting posts for me!!! :D

Good luck in the search, keep looking - finally I have a few opportunities myself which I am really looking forward to! I might even be able to start doing some contract Health and Safety work on the side if all goes well!!!! :D
All through talking to some people whilst at soccer matches!!! :D

Hope all goes well, don't give up! :D

Turboteeth 19 August 2003 12:12 PM

Considered McDonalds?

JimmyRB5PRO 19 August 2003 12:20 PM


midget1500 19 August 2003 12:27 PM

mate, don't worry, i'm sure there is something just around the corner :)

Ray_li 19 August 2003 07:11 PM

I graduated last year as a Design Engineer and it took me 12 months to find a job in the same industry. The pay is low for a graduate but the way the industry is at the moment you have to take what every comes your way.
I know people with a first and they are still looking for work. I think Engineering is the wrong way to go at the mo and its not gonna get any better.
Im still in it cuz I enjoy the work. If you dont enjoy what you do get then get out of the industry or get out the country. The jobs are there but not in the UK.


Defiant STI 19 August 2003 08:24 PM

Again, thanks guys for the responses :)

LanciaChris: Maybe we could go into business together :) Goodluck at Sainsbury's. From what I read in the Guardian thats a pretty good career move!

Little Miss WRX: Hehe, I knew I could rely on you for a boost! I'm glad things are working out for you. Health and Safety huh? I thought you were going to give photography a go ;) I owe you one now!

Turboteeth: I'm not sure how serious you are about McDonalds but it's actually meant to be quite a good career and very well paid on their management scheme although I'm not overly keen.

JimmyRB5PRO: YHM and thank you!

midget1500: Thanks for the support, I owe you one too :D

Ray_li: I'm glad your enjoying what you do, I hope I'm that lucky! I'll keep my fingers crossed that your pay improves :)

Thanks again all!

Turbohot 19 August 2003 08:43 PM

I know your topic sort of concludes with many good responses but can I just say not to give up! You are very well-qualified and will find your feet soon.So far interviews are concerned,you never know what they want.Even when you meet each of the criteria,someone they might find who is even closer!It's so annoying but it's life!May be as some people say it's not about what you know,it's about who you know!So unfair! But don't loose heart.You have just finished your degree,Just wait and something will come along.Be yourself in the interviews and believe in yourself! You will do it,man!!

Ray_li 19 August 2003 11:19 PM

All the best in finding a job mate. you will not stop smiling when you get one :)
Dont waste you're time with applying for jobs on the internet. I applied for loads over the internet and not one reply. Get your CV to engineering agencies they are really helpful. :)
try these:

Use this to search for companies that are engineering based and send ya CV to the personnel department or to the Engineering Manager.


Little Miss WRX 20 August 2003 05:37 PM

Defiant, yeah been qualified in Health and Safety for over three years now. It is taking off over here like nothing, so H&S looks like a good occupation to keep my toes in if you know what I mean. :)

Photography will be an on the side thing, if I manage to get something started there then great, if not, then I will have a house full of some cracking shots regardless (saves on buying piccies ;)).

Keep us updated on how you are going and hopefully you'll be soon joining the wonderful ranks of the tax payers. :D

Chelle. :)

Defiant STI 22 August 2003 09:36 AM

Turbohot: Thanks for the kind words, just what I needed to hear!

Ray_li: Great links, many thanks and i'll let you know if I get anywhere! :)

Little Miss WRX: I'll make sure to provide you with regular updates and I'm hoping to be able to start a thread soon stating "I'm rich beyond my wildest dreams and its all thanks to Scoobynet :)". Well, I can dream can't I ;) Good luck with the H&S.

Thanks guys!


GaryK 22 August 2003 09:50 AM


Dont get depressed about it mate, I know easier said than done and dont worry no-ones gonna kick you while your down. Getting into IT is probably harder than its ever been, that said there are still lots of jobs out of there. Its just a numbers game. Why not be pro-active rather than reactive, get a list of software companies in your area and write to them asking if they have any positions.

The only advice I would give you is dont be a jack of all trades, too many people in IT say I know this and this and this....utter bollox! Wanna be hot then keep your skillset focused! Ive managed to keep work with just 4 languages in 20 years.

Good luck mate and just keep batting!


Little Miss WRX 22 August 2003 11:04 AM

When I walked out of college, I was working at a local pub. I then went and worked for Shell.
Whilst at Shell I stopped a guy who rolled up in a 7 series Beemer and asked him what kind of job I needed to do in order to get that kind of car.
He asked me if I was interested in sales and to give him a ring on Monday. I soon secured an interview and a job as a sales rep. :d

Opportunities come at the strangest times. Go out there and get anything, it is much easier to move onwards and upwards when you are employed. Even if it is a sh1tty least it shows that you aren't just bumming around. :D

Go Defiant. :D

Simcat 22 August 2003 12:44 PM

Hi Defiant,

I'm in exactly the same position as you. Just graduated with a 2:1 degree in Software Engineering and I’m finding it very difficult to get a job.

Like you I’ve applied for loads of jobs only gaining a couple of interviews with no positive response.

I'm looking for a job in a support/hardware role as I worked in network support on my placement and really enjoyed the work. Like LanciaChris I gained a 1st for my industrial year.

Good luck in the job search and it’s cheered me up loads reading this thread knowing that other people are in the same situation as me. :)

Can I join the club with LanciaChris as well? ;)


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