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Ming the Merciless 27 February 2003 07:33 PM

I`m working in a house this afternoon, one of the guys from the depot calls and tells me that a wagon has hit my car that`s parked outside the depot. I jumps in the works van, goes back to the depot, to find thankfully, the wagon hadn`t hit my car, but I`d been given a parking ticket!!

On the ticket it has the reason I got it was for being parked half on the pavement. I had passed a polis with a mountain bike 100 yards along the road, so I decides to go ask him what the crack is.

Anyway, goes up to him, he asks if I`m alright, and I say no. I ask if he`s given me the ticket and he says yes. I said that there must be 40 cars parked exactly the same as me, but he`s only ticketed 3 of them. He said my car was obstructing the bend.

If you can imagine this. The road forks 2 ways both at 90 degrees same as a T junction but without the Give Way. Right takes you into the car park, left takes you towards the offices and stores. I`m parked directly at the top of the T so to speak neither left or right. The car on the inside of the left bend got a ticket and also the one on the inside of the right bend. There are no double yellows.

Anyway, as I walk away from him, I say it`s a pity they`ve not got better things to do. So he gets all uppity, and asks me who I think I`m talking to. Then he starts mouthing off saying he wants to see my licence, and insurance. I say is it not going to be the case that people get annoyed when they get a ticket, but he won`t listen. Anyway, I had my licence, but not my insurance on me, so he gives me a producer, and starts saying anything I say may be given in evidence.

I ask him if he`s arresting me for something, as I`ve never heard this with previous producers before. He just starts mouthing off that it`s a producer for my insurance blah blah blah. Then when he gives me the producer, he tries to **** off with my licence still in his hand!! Anyway, got it back and I went about my business.

I know there are polis on this board, but man, this bloke was just a ****ing wanker. I know you can`t tar them all with the same brush, but most I`ve ever had owt to do with are always like bears with sore heads.

My advice is, if the job makes you that miserable, get a shelf stackers job at Tesco for ****s sake.

Rasher 27 February 2003 07:37 PM

totally agree mate every copper I have ever dealt with has had the same arsey attitude. Traffic police would shop their own mother mate so try not to get too hung up on it.:D

[Edited by Rasher - 2/27/2003 7:38:15 PM]

323roy 27 February 2003 07:53 PM

I dissagree with you 2 .Ive watched starsky and hutch on many occasions and they seem fine. Oh and by the way the old bill on trumpton were ok as well even though they were muppets !!!! :) :) :D :D

[Edited by 323roy - 2/27/2003 7:54:04 PM]

bluto22b 27 February 2003 07:56 PM

All traffic cops have to have the mandatory porn star moustach. Its written in their contract. Was yours complying? If not report him. :D......Blutes

Ming the Merciless 27 February 2003 08:02 PM

He wasn`t complying actually, but can he be classed as a traffic cop wheen he`s on a mountain bike???

Might report him anyway, just for being a complete knob.

scooby-new 27 February 2003 08:08 PM

As long as you are squeeky clean report the asshole- I did a few yrs ago and it turned out that the nice Policeman had a string of complaints against him and he was demoted as a result of my complaint. His attitude problem cost him his career prospects- lets hope your guy gets the same

323roy 27 February 2003 08:17 PM

mountain bike :confused: . Are you sure he wasnt an extra out of the bill :D

wakeboardar 27 February 2003 08:17 PM

ive said before most plod are as thick as pig5hit
your car was probably more expensive than his so he picked on it

lost my respect years ago

Sith 27 February 2003 08:36 PM

Police on Mountain Bikes are in London. I welcome them, they are helping patrol London while catching other cyclist's who ignore Red lights. Nearly been clobered by several of them and watched as several cyclists have nearly been clobered by buses etc after jumping RL's.

Boyakasha 27 February 2003 08:40 PM

Well I will say that the last policeman that spoke to me was a straight up guy. There had been about 6 of us out for a nice country drive in our CTRs, no racing or dodgy sh1t when we arrive back into town and park up a police car goes past and stops. A couple of guys had left their cars running and the policeman said that is an offence but he let them all off. He then said that there had been complaints from the public about us racing (usual sh1t with loud exhausts). We had a good chat with him and his partner, very nice guys.

You must have got him on a bad day, we all have them. It is just a shame that people don't post about the good things the police do as well.

Ming the Merciless 27 February 2003 08:49 PM

I actually got bit of a police dog in Newcastle after we got beat in the cup final a few years back, (the Bigg Market went up after the final whistle, in came the riot boys and the dogs). I was on the outskirts, just watching the noodles kicking off, when a handler and his dog came past me. The dog bit me on the back of the thigh. I wrote a complaint in to the Cheif of Northumbria police. 2 weeks later, 2 cops turned up at my door, asked if I`d put in a complaint, I said yes, and they told me that I was getting done under Section 4 of the Public Order Act, Threatening Behavior. Reckoned they had me on CCTV doing something.

I went to a solicitor, she asked for the tape. Got a court date, it got postponed, got another court date, solicitor asked for the tape again, then 1 week before the new court date, all charges were dropped. Strange. Apparently there never was a tape. Mind you, they had me ****ting bricks for 3 months.

You can`t win against the coppers. Fact.

Danbo 27 February 2003 08:53 PM

That last post is absolute rubbish.....

wakeboardar 27 February 2003 08:58 PM

yea your right best to avoid the feckers all together

im surprised about all the ass licking people in this
forum do towards the police members

speak as you find is my motto

most of our school bullies become coppers <true>

BuRR 27 February 2003 09:00 PM

I'd like to meet you <edited to stop people worrying>.

[Edited by BuRR - 2/27/2003 10:22:01 PM]

Ming the Merciless 27 February 2003 09:05 PM

Danbo that post is absolutely true. They put the willies up me because I had a complaint in. I`m not a ****ing liar. Don`t **** me off when you don`t know the facts.

chiark 27 February 2003 09:13 PM

Might report him anyway, just for being a complete knob
So, by ticketing you for illegally parking he's "being a complete knob"?


You can`t win against the coppers. Fact.
Aside from that statement being utter bollocks, you want to win against the police despite doing something wrong?


I sorta see where you're coming from - I got a parking ticket for what was stupidity on my part - but I think it's one of those things that you've just got to shrug and think "bollocks" to it.

[joke]There wasn't the same number of red cars ticketed as number of every other car ticketed was there [/joke] :D ?

[Edited by chiark - 2/27/2003 9:27:37 PM]

wakeboardar 27 February 2003 09:20 PM

[Edited by wakeboardar - 2/28/2003 4:53:07 PM]

BuRR 27 February 2003 09:26 PM

No... I was referring to your comment "speak as you find is my motto"

Where I'm sure if we could sit down and have a chat over a beer or two, then you'd see how your view of "all coppers" is wrong.

I'm sure other members of this forum who have met mee "off-board" will vouch for me as a person. No one (to my knowledge) in here has met me through my work.

But no, your follow up post has spoiled that - and immediately you try and show yourself off as some kind of Charles Bronson / Bruce Lee / Chuck Norris hybrid that we meet quite often at work.

As Chiark correctly commented, and now I'll join him ... *sigh* ... but I won't post what I'm thinking right now.

wakeboardar 27 February 2003 09:31 PM

if i got it wrong im sorry

but finding my christian name and using it in that context does seem like a threat

bluto22b 27 February 2003 09:32 PM

>So, by ticketing you for illegally parking he's "being a complete knob"?
From what I have read and understood about the description of where he was parked I wouldn't consider it to be "illegal" more "obstructive" which probably wouldn't warrant a charge. After all there were no signs or yellow lines??

BuRR 27 February 2003 09:32 PM


I'm not going to get drawn into another bashing thread. I'll let someone else who knows the law to post.

If anyone wants me, they know where to find me.

And I agree..... SN is not as much fun as it used to be.

[Edited by BuRR - 2/27/2003 9:35:44 PM]

bigsinky 27 February 2003 09:36 PM

sorry have i missed something? are there posts missing from this thread? or have some toys been thrown out of the pram yet again!


big sinky

bluto22b 27 February 2003 09:36 PM

I think he felt a little threatened by your investigative work, but you don't need police training to look at someones profile on here do you. :D

Edited to say my comments are now irrelevant now Burr has edited his valid comment. :rolleyes:

[Edited by bluto22b - 2/27/2003 9:38:56 PM]

Spoon 27 February 2003 09:42 PM

Underhand posting his christian name fullstop.

It may be on his profile, I haven't looked but then it didn't rattle me to want to look, unlike Burr I guess.

Luke 27 February 2003 09:42 PM

. AnMing the Merciless
Scooby Newbie
Posts: 12
From: Durham

posted Thursday, February 27, 2003 20:49

I actually got bit of a police dog in Newcastle after we got beat in the cup final a few years back, (the Bigg Market went up after the final whistle, in came the riot boys and the dogs). I was on the outskirts, just watching the noodles kicking off, when a handler and his dog came past me. The dog bit me on the back of the thigh. I wrote a complaint in to the Cheif of Northumbria police. 2 weeks later, 2 cops turned up at my door, asked if I`d put in a complaint, I said yes, and they told me that I was getting done under Section 4 of the Public Order Act, Threatening Behavior. Reckoned they had me on CCTV doing something.

I went to a solicitor, she asked for the tape. Got a court date, it got postponed, got another court date, solicitor asked for the tape again, then 1 week before the new court date, all charges were dropped. Strange. Apparently there never was a tape. Mind you, they had me ****ting bricks for 3 months.

You can`t win against the coppers. Fact .

If this is true and I'm sure it was. then i would have demanded a senior officer attend the house .Then call a friendly barrister and have all the charges/ alergations read out again.Then make their Life hell. Scum playing the Big boys game.... Happend to a "Mate " a few years ago. Copper got out of his pram about a very simple complaint. made the guys life hell for 3 months. Copper goes on Holiday out of th e UK..................................... And the rest remains a secret !!!!!!!!!

Theres many ways to skin a rabbit.

Edited Wrong name!!!!

[Edited by Luke - 2/27/2003 10:07:10 PM]

[Edited by Luke - 2/27/2003 10:12:23 PM]

Puff The Magic Wagon! 27 February 2003 10:01 PM


Once again getting a post in to stir up trouble :rolleyes:

Get a life :rolleyes:

& from the Rules, Policies and Disclaimers to which you made a contract with SN to adhere to...

You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this BB to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law.

I make that incitement to harrass...

Give it a break, Luke

(& don't construe the use of your first name as aggressive :rolleyes: ;) )

Highway Code

218. DO NOT park partially or wholly on the pavement unless signs permit it. Parking on the pavement can obstruct and seriosuly inconvenience pedestrians, people in wheel chairs, the visually impaired and people with prams or pushchairs.

Dave T-S 27 February 2003 10:06 PM

Ooh, another punchup thread - two in one day - bonus:D

Hmm, lets see.....<mutter>parking on pavement - offence - ticketed - don't want to take responsibility for own actions - seems pretty clear to me<mutter mode off> ;)

Ming the Merciless 27 February 2003 10:07 PM

Re Chiark:

I don`t want to WIN against them. I just don`t like the way you get spoken to by them. I work in a job where I deal with the public day in day out, and if I spoke to them the way the police have spoke to me in the past, I`d be getting a written warning. Our company pushes "Customer Care" as often as it can, maybe the police should think about it.

After all, we pay their wages. Respect comes from respect.

Luke 27 February 2003 10:09 PM


read again ...have just edited.. Might make a difference ( I hope)

Then you can edit yours.....

[Edited by Luke - 2/27/2003 10:13:43 PM]

[Edited by Luke - 2/27/2003 10:19:15 PM]

Ming the Merciless 27 February 2003 10:22 PM

Re: Luke:

My solicitor reckoned I had a case, but like I said, after ****ting bricks for 3 months, I just wanted it over and done with. I claimed off them for new jeans, after the dog bit through them, and that was it.

Sadly, don`t trust them anymore, and probably worse, my dad also lost all faith in them, and he always used to say to me, "You`ll always need a copper".

Now, he wouldn`t piss on them if they were on fire.

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