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FASTER MIKE!! 24 February 2003 08:27 PM

i train 4 times a week but would like to loose some fat from the stomach area. my problem being beer only drink once a week but generaly too much :rolleyes: . my diet is`nt to bad 2 meals a day and around 2500cals or less not sure about fat.
i dont think i`m over weight,11 and a half stone 5feet 11.

can anyone recomend a supplement which will help me


ps and don`t say give up beer :eek::D

super_si 24 February 2003 08:32 PM

how the hell can you possibly consume 2500 in two meals?

Im taking in 2800 though 6, your body can no way in hell be processing all the food mate!!


Tiggs 24 February 2003 08:36 PM

so you eat to much and drink to much?

dont think they do a supplement for that!

FASTER MIKE!! 24 February 2003 08:41 PM

i eat $hit, if i have say a pizza which is 900cals and a packet of crisps on a bad day its getting close to 2500kals maybe not as bad as that tough. thought that was the daly recomended daily amount.


Luke 24 February 2003 08:41 PM

join the great **************Scooby diet ***************Thread!!

super_si 24 February 2003 09:14 PM

What im saying it, you taking on too much food per meal.

ASk telboy when he replies i think he'll back me up.

Cramming everything into 2 meals will do sweet fk all tbh.

You need to gradually take the food in.

I need to gain at least 200 calories not sure how to get anymore within the 6 meals!


FASTER MIKE!! 24 February 2003 10:08 PM

i`m not over weight just want to burn off the excess fat, when i said its round my stomach area which i think is due to beer, would these supplements get rid of the fat on me. as i said i`m, only 11.5 stone which is`nt very much for a man of 5 feet 11.
i think i`m pretty fit, thai box twice a week and sprint train 2 twice a week.
when i said 2500kals its probably more than i have, prob closer to 2000.


Scuzzlebutt 24 February 2003 10:30 PM

LISTEN!!! Take it from me! Eat as much as you can! Lift the heaviest weights you can! Fill up on as many ROIDS as you can!! You can reach your goals, I'm living proof!!



Scuzzlebutt 24 February 2003 10:31 PM

Oh and Faster Mike - Thai boxing is for softies! :p

FASTER MIKE!! 24 February 2003 10:38 PM

and thats coming from somone who does karate :p:p . can`t beat brute force :D:D:D:D: thai rules.
as for roids cant do them in athletics ;) bit naughty :)


TurboKitty 24 February 2003 10:43 PM

You want to lose fat but you're living on pizza and crisps, both of which are extremely high fat foods?


FASTER MIKE!! 24 February 2003 10:48 PM

thats on a bad day, do eat a alot of pasta, don`t eat a great deal in general though, or snack on.

TurboKitty 24 February 2003 11:05 PM

Mike, IMO fat loss supplements are gimmicks and of very limited use, if any.

CC 24 February 2003 11:07 PM

caffeine supplementation/ephedrine, suppresses your appetite, metabolises fats :D.

scrap 24 February 2003 11:09 PM

sit ups, and lots of them! :D

FASTER MIKE!! 24 February 2003 11:21 PM

CC thats what i mean, ephadrine was mentioned by a friend, though he said it was with other things too.

Scooby-Monster 24 February 2003 11:21 PM

Eat more protein as the body has to work harder to break them down thus burning more calories. Switch to slower burn carbs such as brown and wholemeal stuff as it breaks down slower reducing the amount of insulin produced after a meal which stores more of the calories as fat (this is why suagary foods are so fattening. Finally increase your muscle bulk as you body will automatically burn more calories even at rest.

Remember it won't work overnight but try it for a month and you will see results.

Hope this helps.

Dougster. 24 February 2003 11:23 PM


Fat Boy Slim 24 February 2003 11:37 PM

Fat loss supplement s are not good if they even work! Some increase the heart rate so as to increase the amount of calories you are burning! Not good for the old heart :( As it puts it under unwanted stress!

Try not to eat pasta etc to late in the evening as the body does not have time to burn it off so will be turned to fat!

Just my two pence worth! Been training for 3 years and it works for me plus I drink plenty of beer at the weekends! :D

Tiggs 25 February 2003 12:18 AM

lol- why are ppl giving advice on fat burning supplements to someone who eats to much pizza, crisp and beer?

Ratman 25 February 2003 10:41 AM

Well, beer doesn't contain fat!!!


TopBanana 25 February 2003 10:52 AM

How many times do people need to be told! You don't get fat from eating fat, you get it from eating too many carbs / not enough aerobic exercise

RoShamBo 25 February 2003 10:55 AM

You cannot just take off fat around the waist - you have to lose fat everywhere & train the stomach harder than other areas.
Everyone has abs - Its a muscle group like any other - its just that some people have more fat covering them than others do - once thats removed the abs are visible.
Small meals through the day are key - this speeds up metabolism & burns fat. Big meals slow your metabolism down as it has to digest loads & loads - this contributes to feeling lathargic (spelling ?)
I would avoid supplements to lose weight & take on a fat reduced controlled diet with exercise.

There is a natural plant extract called Ispaghula (need to order from Holland & Barratt) which is 100% natural.
You take it before meals with water & it slows down the absorbtion of fats into your body - while allowing all the nutrients etc to be absorbed normally.
Fats then pass through the body as normal but are not absorbed as much - reducing calorie intake but not reducing nutrient intake.
Doctors actually reccomend it for calorie controlled diets or for people with stomach/digestion problems.

For upper abs do normal stomach crunches & for lower abs (often ignored) do leg raises (lie on floor, bring legs up slowly & lower slowly (either bent or straight)


ozzy 25 February 2003 11:08 AM

If you're fat and lazy try this ;)


TelBoy 25 February 2003 11:14 AM

You don't get fat from eating fat
Crikey, the advice on here just gets better and better.

TelBoy 25 February 2003 11:17 AM

And better...

you get it from eating too many carbs
So, show me the last person to get fat from eating too many oranges, a good source of simple carbohydrates.

Why does everyone like to think they're an expert on this subject?? :confused:

ozzy 25 February 2003 11:22 AM

I'm not fat, does that make me an expert? ;):D

How many times have you seen a fat runner, triathlete, cyclist, :confused:

And I'm not talking about the bloke you saw cycling to work at 1mph or some fat lardy @ss trying to run for a bus :)


PS. That's not directed at you TelBoy, just that those type of sportsmen/woman eat a whole lot of carbs.

[Edited by ozzy - 2/25/2003 11:24:30 AM]

TelBoy 25 February 2003 11:32 AM

Stefan, maybe i'm missing the point, but i think we're agreeing with each other. I was confused as to why John said that eating too many carbs makes you fat.

As you and i know, that's utter twaddle as a generalisation. But there are obviously people wandering round believing it to be true. Amazing! :D

Tiggs 25 February 2003 11:45 AM

isnt it, i thought that to many carbs makes you fat, fat doesnt make you fat, protein is in milkshakes from MUSCLEMAGTASTIC and muscle turns to fat when you hit 30?

have i missed something?


TelBoy 25 February 2003 11:49 AM

Tiggs, got it in one!! LOL :D

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