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Steve Williams 23 November 2002 11:48 PM

Classic one the other day....

"Your new car (my00 wagon) looks really good...... ... why do you have to leave my stomach behind when you drive me about in it?"

Anyone else have a quote from their mum/dad/older aunt/uncle....??

[Edited by Steve Williams - 11/23/2002 11:49:45 PM]

stealth20v 23 November 2002 11:52 PM

LOL !!

Wicked !!

My mom wont even sit in my car through fear of me killin her !!

(Not through my driving, but throttling her with all her moaning"

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D


BOB.T 23 November 2002 11:58 PM

Every time my mum gets in the car she asks if my exhaust is blowing:rolleyes: I wouldn't mind so much but I've only got a Fietsa with a K+N and a Magnex!:D:D

RB5-Black 24 November 2002 12:09 AM

" I could hear you a mile away, why does it sound like a truck "

full de-cat :( and she think it sounds like a truck


" If my car made this noise I'd take it to a garage"


JonnyT 24 November 2002 12:12 AM

I get the 2nd one ALL the time!!! Lol.

**Is it MEANT to sound this bad???**


RB5-Black 24 November 2002 12:15 AM

It was at the garage for a day so it CAN make this noise :cool:

JonnyT 24 November 2002 12:16 AM


Chelspeed 24 November 2002 12:23 AM

Why have you got a teatray on the boot?

Dream Weaver 24 November 2002 12:28 AM

Missus today after we saw Craft leaving town and heading off home (with his new mirror ;))

"Bloody hell, why is it so loud and rumbly" to which I then started saying how much I want a Scoob with big exhaust now. :D:D

Sith 24 November 2002 01:05 AM

"It sounds like a motor bike is stuck to your rear bumper" Full SS exhaust.

"Why do you have to keep booting it" On boost.

"Slow down" On boost in second :D

"Goggles - check, scarf - check, anti g suit - check" My dad b4 he goes in the car with me. :D:D

scooby_xt_turbo 24 November 2002 01:12 AM

My mum on my Daihatsu Charade Turbo(Tuned to 135bhp) after she drove it:
'Why my car isn't as fast as this?'
My Girlfriend on my Audi Coupe Quattro after she heard the new BIG bore exhaust:
'When i'll get a car, i want an exhaust like this'

OH MY GOD, what have i done??? I created a monster!!

P1Fanatic 24 November 2002 01:20 AM

Mum: "Are you gonna take me to Safeway in your new car"
Me: "Yeah no probs"
Mum: "My 2.4 litre spacewagon is pretty nippy"
Me: "How about we go the backway?"
Mum (as I boot it in 2nd then 3rd): "Aaaaaaahhhh - stop the car please".
Me: "Dont be soft" as I concentrate on the road in front
Mum: "Im bloody serious stop the car now Im gonna be sick"
Me: "Erm ok" as I glance over to see shes actually crying. I then proceed to coast all the way to Safeway at 40mph.
Mum: "Are you gonna drive slow on the way home or shall I call dad to come and pick me up??"

Never laughed so hard in my life! Lucky I didnt get the P1 I reckon!


scrappydoo 24 November 2002 03:56 AM

LOL at P1Fanatic
Made two ex girlfriends cry in my scooby once. Laughed my arse off for hours. It was brilliant.:)

swan 24 November 2002 05:09 AM

"stop doing that" - referring to the BOV. :)
"I'm having hot fluses, stop going so fast" - I'm doing 70kph and she's clawing the seat bolsters. :)

Chris L 24 November 2002 08:14 AM

Commenting on either of the Scoobs I've owned - both with subtle exhaust systems :) - " I heard the beast coming half way down the road again " :D


swan 24 November 2002 08:37 AM

Scrappydoo - I'm guessing you're single?

Brun 24 November 2002 09:34 AM

Old Man - "It sounds like a bag of Hammers"

Old dear - "What will the Neighbours say"

Full decat mmmmmmmm:D:D:D

skoobidude 24 November 2002 10:27 AM

"Look, it's got gold tyres"

I took my Mum in mine and she started crying. She gets very nervous so I took her home at a steady pace.

Scoobydick 24 November 2002 11:10 AM

"Flash car, Son...but my Toyota Starlet will p1ss on it in the twisties"

Actually no, I made that up, she didn't say that.

STi-Frenchie 24 November 2002 11:11 AM

Wife: "Slow down. I'm scared" as I shift into 3rd.

Dark Blue Mark 24 November 2002 11:20 AM

Mum: "It looks like the bloody bat-mobile"

Mum: "Why do you have to drive like that??"

Dad: Grins quitely


NotoriousREV 24 November 2002 11:23 AM

Dad: "OK, I give in!"

Mum hasn't been in it yet. Funniest quote yet was from my mate, Ste: "cool it's got an air assisted gearbox" Erm. no Ste, that noise is the BOV :rolleyes:

LG John 24 November 2002 11:49 AM

Quotes from my girlfriend:

"There's a supra, catch him up and race it!"

"That sounds awesome"

"Buy a dump valve"

"Look over there at that muppet corsa, ha ha ha!"

:rolleyes: :D

I suppose its better than, "why you spending all this money on your car...nag...nag....nag!"

yoza 24 November 2002 01:10 PM

"why is everybody staring at us ?" :)

TurboKitty 24 November 2002 01:23 PM

My mum drove my Scoob within the first few weeks of me getting it. She liked it before I managed to persuade her not to change up at 3000 revs, but once I got her redlining it, all she could say was, "WOW!".

My dad, on the other hand, doesn't understand at all. For him a car is something to get from A to B in. He can't see why I'd spend so much money buying or running a car.

Jen 24 November 2002 01:51 PM

Mum: " I could hear you through the double glazing!"
Me: :D:D:D

Mum: "Can you stop doing that now?" (me on boost :))

Mum: "Have you got that illegal exhaust yet?" (after full-decat)

Mum: "It took you *how* long to get here?!" (Southampton - Maidstone quick ;):D)

Brother: "So I'll get mine in a couple of months..." :cool::D

...Mum loves the car really ;):)


Paul_M 24 November 2002 01:53 PM

I've heard a similar one to the "air assisted gearbox", except my mate's version was it's got a pneumatic clutch! LOL :D

MJW 24 November 2002 02:25 PM

Mum : 'My 500SL will leave it for dead after 130mph' :eek:

One_Lung 24 November 2002 02:56 PM

Mum Quote:"Feels like im in an airplane taking off!":eek:;):D

Shorla 24 November 2002 03:43 PM

"Why does it have a hole in the bonnet??"

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