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Turbohot 09 November 2016 12:07 PM

Originally Posted by Geezer (Post 11893053)
A man who has been declared bankrupt about 7 times and was given millions of dollars by his father to start? Hardly self made or competent.

You are right in the button there, it should have been a slam dunk for the Democrats, but they put Hilary up against him......

Makes you think whether Dems wanted to destroy their controversial Clintons once and for all, and therefore they chose to put their Hilarious Hilary up against Trump the Trumpet. Surely they had better candidates in their party than Clinton.

Martin2005 09 November 2016 12:13 PM

When the dust settles on this there are going to have to be some very serious questions asked about the FBI's involvement in this election

dpb 09 November 2016 12:19 PM

Presumably Nigel will be comparing the evil democrats with the unelected eu pariah .

Or the "Them foreigners are stealing our jobs" angle

neil-h 09 November 2016 12:26 PM

Originally Posted by Paben (Post 11893060)
Always difficult to tell with Mr A's declarations, but I assumed he meant Gexit and Frexit rather than war. Could be wrong though.

Yeah I was referriing to the whole sticking it to the man voting for the guy on the right thing. That's ultimately how Hitler got in to power. Didn't pan out well short term. Though that being said 60-70 years down the line and Germany is doing pretty well for itself, so it could all be about the long game.

SJ_Skyline 09 November 2016 12:26 PM

Originally Posted by Martin2005 (Post 11893067)
When the dust settles on this there are going to have to be some very serious questions asked about the FBI's involvement in this election

Totally agree (for once) :)

Turbohot 09 November 2016 12:44 PM

My two American friends have just WhatsApped me that they're still in shock. Both didn't vote for Trump and reluctantly voted for Clinton. They said that America has gone bonkers! They want to come to the UK as refugees because we have more sensible leadership here.

David Lock 09 November 2016 01:00 PM

Originally Posted by David Lock (Post 11892891)
Trump hasn't got a snowball's. The sooner he f,ucks off the better.


Wishful thinking - how bloody depressing :mad: :mad: :mad:


urban 09 November 2016 01:01 PM

Originally Posted by JDM_Stig (Post 11892953)
my tenner 2 years ago at 5000/1 was a good bet.

when are you going to post a picture of that bet slip

Paben 09 November 2016 01:44 PM

Originally Posted by Turbohot (Post 11893083)
My two American friends have just WhatsApped me that they're still in shock. Both didn't vote for Trump and reluctantly voted for Clinton. They said that America has gone bonkers! They want to come to the UK as refugees because we have more sensible leadership here.

I hope you told them we don't take refugees over the age of 18! Out of the frying pan into the fire if they came here of course. :lol1:

dpb 09 November 2016 01:57 PM

Just rewatched some victorious mid aged women saying

" We can now get on with raising our children with the morals that should have been in place for years .....etc etc "

or some such ****e along those lines

wtf does she mean exactly?

David Lock 09 November 2016 02:12 PM

[QUOTE=dpb;11893119]Just rewatched some victorious mid aged women saying

" We can now get on with raising our children with the morals that should have been in place for years .....etc etc "

or some such ****e along those lines

wtf does she mean exactly?[/QUOTE]

She's stupid.


JTaylor 09 November 2016 02:13 PM

Originally Posted by dpb (Post 11893119)
Just rewatched some victorious mid aged women saying

" We can now get on with raising our children with the morals that should have been in place for years .....etc etc "

or some such ****e along those lines

wtf does she mean exactly?

That pride, lust, greed, deceit, slander and bigotry is rewarded with unimaginable power and riches. God bless America.

Paben 09 November 2016 02:21 PM

US Marines' motto: 'Improvise, adapt & overcome'. Probably a lot of that attitude required from now on, for us and the USA. Sempa Fi.

dpb 09 November 2016 02:24 PM

Maybe she's implying abusing one's position once in high office or something.

Anyway , maybe Alcazar will know

hodgy0_2 09 November 2016 02:34 PM

Originally Posted by JTaylor (Post 11893123)
That pride, lust, greed, deceit, slander and bigotry is rewarded with unimaginable power and riches. God bless America.

JT, I am sure I don't have to re-post my previous SN posts on America over the last 6 or 7 years

but they have been pretty damming, this just seems to be the culmination of the adherence to debunked zombie economic and social policies that started in the 80's (in both the US and UK)

the neoliberal "ayn randian libertarian" philosophy encapsulated in the Chicago/Austrian school of economics with all its inherent contradictions failed in the banking crash of 2007/8

but it went unnoticed here and in the US - the political class did nothing, indeed Cameron/Osborne simply blamed Gordon Brown, a classic "bait and switch"

and the population bought it hook line and sinker

I said on a thread at the time - something to the effect that the banking class had won the argument, no lessons were learnt, they were bailed out by working man's tax dollars (and pounds) to the tune of 100 of billions of dollars - I predicted the return of things like the 100% mortgage

meanwhile the offshoring of cooperate/personal tax was tacitly encouraged, economic policies that favoured the economically useless assets class where pursued

the fact that Obama in reality achieved so little, in reality little changed the same old same Zombie economic policies were carried on

this should have been a warning that things where at breaking point

the irony is we have a asset rich billionaire (given millions by his father) is able to play the "man of the people card" on a totally fraudulent campaign, promising things he can never deliver

power is a powerful drug - God bless America as you say

I think they are going to need it

hodgy0_2 09 November 2016 02:37 PM

Originally Posted by Paben (Post 11893125)
US Marines' motto: 'Improvise, adapt & overcome'. Probably a lot of that attitude required from now on, for us and the USA. Sempa Fi.

and the US Marines have had there ar5es kicked ever since the WW2

unless you can name a successful US military campaign since 1945

maybe the Korean war?

JTaylor 09 November 2016 02:57 PM

Originally Posted by hodgy0_2 (Post 11893128)
JT, I am sure I don't have to re-post my previous SN posts on America over the last 6 or 7 years

but they have been pretty damming, this just seems to be the culmination of the adherence to debunked zombie economic and social policies that started in the 80's (in both the US and UK)

the neoliberal "ayn randian libertarian" philosophy encapsulated in the Chicago/Austrian school of economics with all its inherent contradictions failed in the banking crash of 2007/8

but it went unnoticed here and in the US - the political class did nothing, indeed Cameron/Osborne simply blamed Gordon Brown, a classic "bait and switch"

and the population bought it hook line and sinker

I said on a thread at the time - something to the effect that the banking class had won the argument, no lessons were learnt, they were bailed out by working man's tax dollars (and pounds) to the tune of 100 of billions of dollars - I predicted the return of things like the 100% mortgage

meanwhile the offshoring of cooperate/personal tax was tacitly encouraged, economic policies that favoured the economically useless assets class where pursued

the fact that Obama in reality achieved so little, in reality little changed the same old same Zombie economic policies were carried on

this should have been a warning that things where at breaking point

the irony is we have a asset rich billionaire (given millions by his father) is able to play the "man of the people card" on a totally fraudulent campaign, promising things he can never deliver

power is a powerful drug - God bless America as you say

I think they are going to need it

I touch on it here:

and here:

I'm just a little 'ol sales manager and even I could see the end result of what you describe. I backed the States for a while because I'd been hoodwinked into believing in unfettered capitalism, accepted that as hegemonies go they aligned fairly well with my worldview and also because they engaged in liberal intervention in line with my Hitchens inspired outlook. Well, I was wrong. In fact it was with Hitchens' passing that I began to see this. What we have now is judgement of a nation and tonight at Bible study I will pray that God has His way. I'm sure the irony will not be lost on you, Hodgy, that Sayyid Qutb prophesied the decline of the US because it had turned its back on God. It has become the Great Beast.

dpb 09 November 2016 03:12 PM

Ultimately I suppose you can't really odds it with these people

After all they landed up with Bush junior , some how

Paben 09 November 2016 03:14 PM

Originally Posted by hodgy0_2 (Post 11893129)
and the US Marines have had there ar5es kicked ever since the WW2

unless you can name a successful US military campaign since 1945

maybe the Korean war?

That reads well from someone who I suspect is a confirmed fat civvy! As a matter of interest how many arses have you kicked in your time?

hodgy0_2 09 November 2016 03:26 PM

Originally Posted by Paben (Post 11893142)
That reads well from someone who I suspect is a confirmed fat civvy! As a matter of interest how many arses have you kicked in your time?

lol, all you seem to have is "keep calm and carry on" , "have faith" and "if we all believe"

good for you, leaves me tad unsatisfied if I am honest - I try and base my thoughts etc, in what my mother used to call

"the hear and know" - i.e. reality

and do you really believe in all that claptrap

hodgy0_2 09 November 2016 03:34 PM

Originally Posted by JTaylor (Post 11893135)
I touch on it here:

and here:

I'm just a little 'ol sales manager and even I could see the end result of what you describe. I backed the States for a while because I'd been hoodwinked into believing in unfettered capitalism, accepted that as hegemonies go they aligned fairly well with my worldview and also because they engaged in liberal intervention in line with my Hitchens inspired outlook. Well, I was wrong. In fact it was with Hitchens' passing that I began to see this. What we have now is judgement of a nation and tonight at Bible study I will pray that God has His way. I'm sure the irony will not be lost on you, Hodgy, that Sayyid Qutb prophesied the decline of the US because it had turned its back on God. It has become the Great Beast.

yes a prescient post

my only contribution to that particular thread was this beauty

"surely we need to introduce additional capital into the whole global economy

could this be done by starting to trade with our intergalactic neighbours? "

it was a comment on the contradiction inherent is consumption based capitalism - that eventually it becomes a exercise in parse the parcel

I read a article a while back that said something like 50% of the economic activity in the US is simply based on finance - just electronically pushing 1 and 0's around

Paben 09 November 2016 03:36 PM

Originally Posted by hodgy0_2 (Post 11893144)
lol, all you seem to have is "keep calm and carry on" "have faith"

do you really believe in all that claptrap

It beats bursting into tears, wringing your hands and whimpering forlornly in a corner. You can continually whinge about the dreadful state of things or try to do something to improve them. Your style is the former, I prefer the latter.

trails 09 November 2016 03:39 PM

Originally Posted by Martin2005 (Post 11893039)

If Trump had stuck the money his dad gave him in US savings bonds, he'd have more money today, than his business interests have generated for him.

This is hilarious...

Turbohot 09 November 2016 04:20 PM

Originally Posted by Paben (Post 11893114)
I hope you told them we don't take refugees over the age of 18! Out of the frying pan into the fire if they came here of course. :lol1:

Yes, especially when Brexit is to turn into 'Innit' with the Indians and 'Chinnit' with the Chinese allowed to swarm in and take over. Honestly, we simply can't take any more foreigners in, or the British earth would experience a mighty shatter; due to the weight of the population here.

Anyway, I've skived out from work for a little; to eat a couple of eggs and salad, and to have a sneak view of the defeated Hilary's speech on TV. She's taking ample time to appear, so I've put the soup on the boil, for tonight's meal. My home smells superb with all the fantastic vegetables boiling on the simmer! :cool:

Turbohot 09 November 2016 04:24 PM

Sky put TM's comment with her commitment to continue working shoulder-to-shoulder with Mr. Trump, in inverted commas. Come on, Sky. Do you expect her to tell the President-elect Trump to eff off? Rrrrrreally??? Honestly. Media can be so stupid.

dpb 09 November 2016 04:40 PM

Boiled vegetables ! eek

Turbohot 09 November 2016 04:45 PM

Originally Posted by dpb (Post 11893161)
Boiled vegetables ! eek

You have to; in order to turn them into a delicious, healthy, chunky soup, you turnip! Try making it one day. Vegetables are only cheap in Aldi! You can stick in some chicken or fish meat in it, if you fancy.

Turbohot 09 November 2016 04:49 PM

She's certainly looking p7ssed off under her composure mask. Cleared her throat more than usual, to kick off her speech. Too many fags under stress yesterday, I guess.

Turbohot 09 November 2016 04:56 PM

I remember Obama once saying something like the real American politics being nowhere as eventful as the American 'House of Cards', instead quite boring in compare. Come on, Obama. Eat your words, now.

Uncle Creepy 09 November 2016 05:02 PM

Originally Posted by hodgy0_2 (Post 11885368)
IMO Obama is a class act head and shoulders above anyone from the last 20 years in US politics

Originally Posted by JTaylor (Post 11885373)

Originally Posted by David Lock (Post 11892891)
Trump hasn't got a snowball's.

Your foolishness knows no bounds. (coincidentally, all Remoaners) :lol1:

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