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DrEvil 29 June 2006 02:21 PM

Originally Posted by Kieran_Burns the skies will be safe ;)

I might just make the effort to be home in time for at least one round of kamikazi flyin'! :D

MortuumMorgue 29 June 2006 02:25 PM

Originally Posted by Kieran_Burns the skies will be safe ;)

Think again, sport! ;)

Kieran_Burns 29 June 2006 03:34 PM

Originally Posted by MortuumMorgue
Think again, sport! ;)

Good point!:hjtwofing :D

Then again *I'm* going to be taking to the skies given half a chance so for Gods sake watch out! :eek2:

DrEvil 29 June 2006 07:06 PM

Originally Posted by Kieran_Burns
Good point!:hjtwofing :D

Then again *I'm* going to be taking to the skies given half a chance so for Gods sake watch out! :eek2:

I can the loop-da-loop now! :eek:

MadGrip 29 June 2006 11:57 PM

my connection was crap tonight, didnt join till about 11pm but kept getting dropped :(

Kieran_Burns 30 June 2006 08:50 AM

Wierdy issues again last night.. me and scoobysqwn were apparently randomly exploding in the air 'cos we didn't even see or hear the hits that were coming in on us... one second full health, next second dead. (not to mention randomly dying when trying to get into a plane which was just nuts)

A night of frustration for yours truly - simply couldn't get into the game and on more than one occasion witnessing blatant spawn raping by non clan members didn't help. We all get bad nights tho', so it's past now.

Puff The Magic Wagon! 30 June 2006 09:43 AM

I was too tired/pished to come on @ 23:30 :rolleyes:

DrEvil 30 June 2006 11:21 AM

Yeah, not the best night.. hence I dropped off early.

Kieran_Burns 30 June 2006 11:32 AM

Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining (as such) - I vented spleen on the night (which I always do)... I kept turning my mike off so I could swear a few times (didn't always remember to!)

Being an engineer is HARD - especially when you've foolishly forgotten to get an upgrade weapon!

Sometimes, events conspire against you and the last straw was midnight sun with everyone seemingly camped in the uncappable base, I couldn't spawn without dying instantly... I knew I wasn't enjoying it so I called it quits and left :(

DrEvil 01 July 2006 12:17 PM

BF2:MC (360)
I played the demo a few weeks back, after coming back from a night out, so a little pished... Anyhow, been umm'in and r'in about getting it, so thought I'd give the demo another go before commiting...

.. control method is awkward, but could probably get used to it if...

- I could stand the awful graphics
- carp sound
- poor play-ability
- carp vehicle control/response

One thing I do like though is the map designs.. but it looks like a direct port from the PS2/Xbox - not one of EA's finest hours ;)

So - I'll stick with the PC version :)

shawn r 01 July 2006 07:35 PM

have to agree with kieran burns on that. kept seeming to die in heli for no reason, no warnings or anything.

Blunderbus 01 July 2006 08:59 PM

Originally Posted by shawn r
have to agree with kieran burns on that. kept seeming to die in heli for no reason, no warnings or anything.

It was me i shot you from behind the hill whilst playing counter strike :lol1:


DrEvil 01 July 2006 11:25 PM

Originally Posted by Blunderbus
It was me i shot you from behind the hill whilst playing counter strike :lol1:


Yeah.. with out going into too much detail - old BB loves it apparently :eek:

DemonDave 02 July 2006 01:42 AM

shawn and kieran - are you on adsl max, Ntl or someat else

DrEvil 02 July 2006 01:34 PM

BF2 'original' flavour tonight - will set-up the profile when I get home from work and restart the server.

shawn r 02 July 2006 06:33 PM

I'm on NTL. why?

DemonDave 02 July 2006 07:28 PM

just trying to indentify a problem I am having

Kieran_Burns 02 July 2006 09:02 PM

ADSL Max... as if you didn't know ;)

topdog 04 July 2006 07:59 PM

Dont know if you've seen this but it made me laugh

BF2 rules - A pessimists view

1. If you spot an enemy before he sees you, chances are you will die.

2. The probability of killing someone is inversely proportional to how much you want to kill him.

3. For every good thing done, something bad happens.

4. If you see a bunch of easy targets in front of you, you will miss all of them and die.

5.You have a better chance of throwing a handfull of sniper rifle bullets and killing the enemy, than shooting them at him .

6.For every one enemy you kill with mines, you will kill 2 friendlies and they will both punish the TK .

7.Idiots have a unique pheromone receptor which can sense a friendly arty strike. Once initiated they run to the center of the strike like moths to a flame, thrust their noses in the air and put there finger on the PgDn button ready for the climax!

8.Thou shalt always respawn into an arty strike or a massive unfriendly assault and die before you can do anything.

9.A dune buggy slowly slipping down a gentle slope is the most brutal and deadly thing in the game if you're standing in its path.

10.When fleeing from an enemy, you will be shot to death, inches away from your cover.

11.when a gunner in a helo, chances are u got the worst pilot u can think of

12.When you have no money chances are your joystick will go funny.

13.If someone with an ak101 happens to glance at you, you will instantly die of fear.

14.No matter what weapon you carry, it will take over half a magazine to attempt to kill the guy that take you out with a three round burst or less.

15.Holding right mouse button when throwing a grenade changes throw length from feet to inches.

16.Even with the dexterity to balance the blade of his knife on his finger, a soldier will constantly miss when lunging to stab a stationary enemy.

17.Somehow, a man can take a sniper round to the chest WITHOUT DYING.

18.Your pistol is a much better sniper rifle than your .50cal rifle

19.A crescent wrench can fix anything

20.You can raise a flag in a tank.

21.Seconds before you get your hard-earned Flag-Capture Point, an Enemy will pop up and kill you, giving the Capture Point to your Team-Mate .

22.After shooting an enemy Tank to low Health with your APC, your Gun will overheat and a Team-Mate will grab the kill, leaving you with not even a Kill-Assist.

23.You will never be able to swim away fast enough from an accidently drowned Jeep.

24.Claymores only kill foolish teammates.

25.If you want an enemy to abandon an armoured vehicle, run at it from the rear and let them see you doing it, they'll jump out.

26.No matter what, dephibulators cure all

27.the pinnacle of aviation technology cannot help a bomb hit its target

28.all vehicles have electrical armour plating, as when u touch it, ur dead

29.The more you press the 9 key to deploy a chute, the less likley the chute will deploy

30.You spawn right next to the enemy tank.

31.If you want to be a sniper you should choose Anti-Tank Class.

32.Just as you detonate the C4 on the UAV trailer, two to three teammates will drive up in a jeep right next to the detonation site.

33.No matter how much you shoot a guy parachuting down, he will never take any damage. And, when he gets down you are out of ammo and he kills you.

34.You are killed after a 10 minute run to an enemy flag, right before you reach it.

35.Water is extremly flamable and will cause vehicles to explode.

36.If your ina group and run into a single enemy, you WILL die first.

37.Confucious say: When commander drop supply crate from sky, look up or you will endure headache until next spawn

38.Confucious say: Man with handful of wheat will hit enemy more than with M229 SAW.

39.Spawning is more like a race to the heli.

40.A tank thats motionless while capturing a flag will wait until you run up behind it to plant C4 before the drivers cat steps on the S key and kills you.

41.Just after you found a great Spot to snipe from, while taking careful Aim at a Group of Enemies - you will be knifed from behind.

42.After taking a few well-aimed Shots at an Enemy, he will spin around and kill you with a single round from his MP5.

43.You must be the fattest person in the army as you cannot fit through a 3 foot wide gap between the bamboo

44.After throwing a pack of C4 ontop of a smoking tank, and pulling out detonator, the remaining C4 (in your pocket) will magically explode...every time.

45.If you are capping a flag alone in a tank the one enemy that manages to spawn in time will be a spec op...

46.If you are capping a flag and once it goes neutral you hear arty guns firing in the distance, run like #@$%!!!

47.If you need tank support, drop a mine on the road and a friendly tank will show up in no time...

48.If you respawn as an anti-tank the tank will have either disapeared or magiclly spawned many enemys' who know exactly where you respawned

49.When in need of medical aide call for a supply drop, the crate will be there in no time to crush you to death, thus ending your need for medical aide

50. Asking a Commander for ammo means he will send Artillery with the assumption you catch them and throw them at the enemy.

MIRP ! 04 July 2006 09:56 PM

LOL Topdog

My experience is

4. If you see a bunch of easy targets in front of you, you will miss all of them and die.
These an enemy with his knife out thinking exactly the same thing right behind you

9.A dune buggy slowly slipping down a gentle slope is the most brutal and deadly thing in the game if you're standing in its path.
If your in sed buggy and get out you will be down hill and get crushed

11.when a gunner in a helo, chances are u got the worst pilot u can think of
and when the Pilot the gunner will not be able to see the end of the barrel let alone the ground

19.A crescent wrench can fix anything
I here in the next patch then engineer will get gaffer tape

26.No matter what, dephibulators cure all
We have a HartStart on the wall at work I’ve been ordered not to touch it

27.the pinnacle of aviation technology cannot help a bomb hit its target
A friging “laser beam” want help a bomb it the target

30.You spawn right next to the enemy tank.
If your lucky other wise you’ll spawn behind the tank when it’s reversing

43.You must be the fattest person in the army as you cannot fit through a 3 foot wide gap between the bamboo
I’m not fat just big boned.

Just a thought

shawn r 05 July 2006 09:31 AM

nice, i like it ;.)

TopBanana 06 July 2006 05:01 PM

Woo, got my install working again - might see some of you on tonight. Downloaded this shiny new Armoured Fury thing now, hope it's better than Euro Forces.

MIRP ! 06 July 2006 07:54 PM

Must learn to read, I thought you where downloading Armoured Furry

Would be an interesting patch :D

shawn r 08 July 2006 10:14 PM

where did this thread go?

Kieran_Burns 09 July 2006 09:50 AM

You could add another line to the above be prepared to get TK'd if you want to fly a plane... I've lost count of the times someone has killed me for a plane... absolutely unbelievable what some people will do. :(

shawn r 09 July 2006 12:17 PM

that sounds about right. happened to me more than once

Kieran_Burns 11 July 2006 12:25 PM

Gordon Bennett, talk about a ribbon being handed to you on a plate!!!

I managed to hitch a lift with a storming pilot the other night, and got my crew service medal for assisted kills (and a few of my own with the Laser guided)

We just flew around the map (Oilfields) blowing the cr*p out of anything we could see.. I figured I was doing okay as he kept waiting for me to get back to the plane when we DID die! Really racked up the kills in that game! :D

One question though: do you need to keep the fire button pressed when you fire the tv / laser guided missile? Or do you fire and let go, and it 'hunts' the target? I couldn't tell whether I was steering or not as the damn' thing flew so fast! (I cottoned onto ensuring the laser guided missile 'locked on' to the target by keeping the cross hairs on the target, but after that I couldn't tell)

I *like* bombers now! :D

Oh, I started flying the attack choppers around as well - and got a great gunner in one game, I just kept the thing steady(ish) and he proceeded to blow the hell out of everything with the TV guided, I kept popping back to reload and off we went again... excellent fun :)

darlodge 11 July 2006 12:38 PM

Kieran, yuo have to keep clicking to guide it.

I've taken out many a player (tanks, helicopters, foot soldiers :D)with the Helicopter TV missile :D


Kieran_Burns 11 July 2006 12:41 PM

Originally Posted by darlodge
Kieran, yuo have to keep clicking to guide it.

I've taken out many a player (tanks, helicopters, foot soldiers :D)with the Helicopter TV missile :D


Is that as in click-click-click, or click-hold-drag?

darlodge 11 July 2006 02:03 PM

I'm not 100% sure to be honest. I click like crazy when the missile is lose and it's never failed me yet.

Give both a try and then see which is best.

Are we playing tonight??


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