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JP4 02 March 2008 01:48 AM

Originally Posted by Anger (Post 7699986)
Grow up

Pot calling kettle black? :brickwall You may as well stop're not helping yourself are you?

You like to dish it out but can't take it back. I'm simply defending myself thats all James - think about it. :wonder: Would it not be better if you just ignore what I say....afterall, you did say this is a useless thread.

Anger 02 March 2008 02:01 AM

As far as im aware you broke one of the biggest no no's by sending my pm's to other people

The reason there called pm's is personnel message to one recipitent

As far as i know ive never done anything wrong apart from ignoring some of your pm's as i had more important things going on in my life

Soz if that offended you but some of us have a life away from scoobs

dantastic 02 March 2008 02:09 AM

JP4. i don't know what has made you feel so bad towards Surreyscoobies as a club, but i feel this whole thing has got out of hand, you have entered into personal slanging matches with other people and that does no one any good, at the end of the day for what ever reason you didnt like Surreyscoobies, but i think you didn't give us a fair chance, you decided to attack the club without giving it a fair go, imho, so i say again, come to the next meet, and i will introduce you to some of the members, they are nice people if only you would give them the time, they do not bite, i drive a 2003 sti ppp and the members of ss don't slag my car off, so your WR1 would be looked upon as the dogs bollocks of the newage cars, so give it a fair go mate.

bootsy 02 March 2008 02:28 AM

i think the surrey scoobies club have had a close call.they could of had this child at their meet stamping his feet that no one will talk to him.make a effort and they will respond in kind.your just trolling now

JP4 02 March 2008 02:38 AM

:brickwall Anger - it was your friends from SS who said for me to prove why i claimed you were banned from SS since they categorically denied this was the case. So I do not look like I am telling lies, I simply forwarded your PM where you stated you were banned. There was nothing personal in that whatsoever - if you were banned as you claimed, surely it would be common knowledge? :brickwall

dantastic - it is not as simple as you have described in your post. Let it be known that i have never boasted about owning a wr1 at any given point in time. The statement made by Wilkoca was not shown correctly as this offcourse led to members thinking I was boasting about having a wr1 :brickwall

As i said i have owned a type r classic which if i could turn the clock back would love to have it back! There was never any intention whatsoever for me to be treated better just because of what I owned - what would that have achieved me? In a nutshell I tried joining in the SS forums, tried speaking to a few members, put up threads when I saw local scoobs, tried to speak to members who could try and introduce me to club members etc....unfortunately I did not feel that was good enough and no matter how hard I tried it was to no avail. All I had hoped was to meet some local scooby owners/club members and enjoy what we all have in common - our passion for Scoobs! I decided to put the thread after a few people had raised similar concerns on their treatment as members - it was not aimed at anyone specific but in general how I felt and help others speak up. You can see from the start of this thread that there were people decent enough to make a good debate of it of their experiences. However, a few SS members then chose to become a little aggresive in their response by throwing uncalled insults without even finding out the truths make claims upon me who they have no idea of.

That said, I do appreciate your write up as well as those who in particular Ratboy who retracted his angry comments once DCI Gene Hunt put up her post. :thumb:

JP4 02 March 2008 02:41 AM

Originally Posted by bootsy (Post 7700000)
i think the surrey scoobies club have had a close call.they could of had this child at their meet stamping his feet that no one will talk to him.make a effort and they will respond in kind.your just trolling now

What a great speach - you should try running for PM in our next election! :brickwall Once again, it's people like you who judge before getting to know the truth!

bootsy 02 March 2008 02:45 AM

but their still lucky that you dont wont to join in with them.i'll judge you on what i see before me on this thread

bootsy 02 March 2008 02:48 AM

your not very quick for a troll

JP4 02 March 2008 02:49 AM

Originally Posted by bootsy (Post 7700007)
but their still lucky that you dont wont to join in with them.i'll judge you on what i see before me on this thread

Wow that's really intelligent isn't it then? Seems it dosen't take that much to wreck your brain! Did you know that Tony Blair is back as PM? :brickwall ...My advice - do not believe everything you read! There is a famous tune by Public Enemy called "Don't believe the hype" - may be you should listen to it sometime. :lol1:

JP4 02 March 2008 02:51 AM

Originally Posted by bootsy (Post 7700009)
your not very quick for a troll

More haste less speed :lol1:

dantastic 02 March 2008 02:53 AM

Originally Posted by bootsy (Post 7700000)
i think the surrey scoobies club have had a close call.they could of had this child at their meet stamping his feet that no one will talk to him.make a effort and they will respond in kind.your just trolling now

You could be right there Bootsy. i have made the offer to introduce him to the members at the next meet, but no reply, so i take this as a no on his part, i will even buy him a drink, so come on guy swallow your pride and come to a meet.


JP4 02 March 2008 02:57 AM

Originally Posted by dantastic (Post 7700012)
You could be right there Bootsy. i have made the offer to introduce him to the members at the next meet, but no reply, so i take this as a no on his part, i will even buy him a drink, so come on guy swallow your pride and come to a meet.


May be she is right....

1) Do not assume anything just because I have not said yes or no

2) Read my above response to you

3) I do not have any pride - infact I am very humble as a person if you know the real me. Sadly to say i am simply busy trying to get certain members to think a little before they speak with assumed rubbishness :lol1:

4) I think it has been a late one and best to sleep on this for now.


bootsy 02 March 2008 02:59 AM

Originally Posted by JP4 (Post 7700010)
Wow that's really intelligent isn't it then? Seems it dosen't take that much to wreck your brain! Did you know that Tony Blair is back as PM? :brickwall ...My advice - do not believe everything you read! There is a famous tune by Public Enemy called "Don't believe the hype" - may be you should listen to it sometime. :lol1:

wow is that the best you could come'll be picking up on my grammar next.someone give PSL a call this one needs a hand:D

dantastic i dont think you would know if he turn up.he hardly going to go by this user name at a meet:thumb:

JP4 02 March 2008 03:02 AM

Originally Posted by bootsy (Post 7700015)

dantastic i dont think you would know if he turn up.he hardly going to go by this user name at a meet:thumb:

Sadly i would have to change my number plates too then!:D

bootsy 02 March 2008 03:12 AM

before you please promise never to go to a scoob meet.the chav image of scoobs is bad enough with out you adding to it :D

dantastic 02 March 2008 03:43 AM

Right JP4, i have no argument with you in any way shape or form, i am a fellow owner and have no hidden agender, yes i am a member of Surreyscoobies and yes i think its a great club, but i can understand that its not easy as a newbie to get to know people, i for one am quite shy when it comes to talking to strangers, so i understand how difficult it can be, and will help you in any way i can in getting to know people on Surreyscoobies,but you haven't done yourself any favours mate with your comments as for your motor, you have a fantastic car that any subaru owner would be proud of, the hand of friend ship has been extended mate, the ball is firmly in your court. :)

wilkoca 02 March 2008 07:55 AM

Originally Posted by wilkoca (Post 7699543)
Missed the point lover boy






Darling still waiting for a response - you seem to have still conveniently avoided my question that is the crux of your argument.

Funny that eh.

That pm really just summed up what a conceited idiot you are, you sent me a number including asking me how to de-register, remember and all i said was stop posting after that i couldnt be arsed to reply to your pm's - i think you sent more pm's than posts :lol1:

What on earth do you expect when you state an inflamatory comment about a club of course your going to get a heated response and personally i think as per normal the issue is you and looking for attention, i mean how pathetic is that - "has anyone joined a car club and not kissed my arse because ive a WR1 even tho ive made no effort to interact with anyone"

BTW have you told anyone lately you've got a WR1 - maybe they will like you and talk to you and make you feel wanted without actually assesing your personality -

----------------------buy a car join a clique


andypugh2000 02 March 2008 08:20 AM

JP4, I am a little confused by your attitude towards our club saying you were not made to feel welcome, well just to set the record straight I have dug out your welcome thread for all to see...

New Member! - Surrey Scoobies

Kind regards,

Andy (SS Admin)

404BHP 02 March 2008 08:31 AM

Boy I would say that answers all the questions....I would say he is out to cause trouble and also the fact it seems HE is to good:norty: as He has a wr1 :wonder: Oh well I guess my classic is crap then:lol1: :wonder: :wonder:

wilkoca 02 March 2008 08:46 AM

refer - post 3

icklemiss 02 March 2008 09:07 AM

SS, lets leave this for AP to sort, we have all said our piece, there is no point wasting time on this thread, when we could be back on SS helping each other and welcoming new members.

xboxscoob 02 March 2008 09:28 AM

JP4 I hope the thread of you joining SS will help show people just how friendly we are!:)

From this thread you have ignored or slid around the serious questions with relevance, or send people to SS admin for answers wanted from you! Post the answers to the questions you have been asked :thumb:

I and others have asked you to answer why you feel you didn’t fit in or how we could have done more, and nothing! Your a trouble maker and sadly you seem content on giving people the wrong idea about an entire club, didn’t do your self any favours really, shame cos so many have offered to meet you and take you to a surrey meet and even buy you drink!! Even after you slate the club and its members! Now does that seem like a big bunch of nasty members who don’t like any out side’rs in there click or is that clique? :Suspiciou

pauly 02 March 2008 09:32 AM

Originally Posted by JP4 (Post 7699779)
You'll find that I am merely defending my position. Anger made his views and I simply defended myself to those. I have nothing against Anger on a personal basis - but going from your responses you are far to narrow minded to understand.

Bunny boiler - if it makes you happy then fine, hope you will be able to sleep better. You know nothing about me and yet make statements - tut tut :nono: It's funny how the personal nastiness on this thread seems to be coming from so called SS members and friends and allies of Anger - what a good image for SS! :brickwall

me.. narrow minded:lol1: :lol1: :lol1: :lol1: :lol1: :lol1: :lol1:
I'm jealous of your wr1, yes I truly am, there I've said it, now you can get over yourself:freak3:
I am happy and I had a great nights sleep btw.:sleep: :sleep: :sleep:

your the 1 who seems to be taking this personally and of course were all out to get you because the whole world does revolve around you:sleep:

if your that upset about how people are supposedly treating you:idea: tell them:thumb:
or better still get out and meet real people.. in the flesh, try interacting with other humans on a personal level, it's great, then perhaps people will know something about you and stop judging you by the rubbish you write.

if your not happy with ss:idea: don't go on there:thumb: stay on here and nyosc.
surrey is a great little club and EVERYBODY else on there seems to be very happy with it, so the problem seems to be in your corner, unless you have evidence to the contrary.

pauly 02 March 2008 09:37 AM

Originally Posted by JP4 (Post 7699841)
Speak to Pauly and the SS adminstrator whom I have answered the questions you seek.

Anger - I do apologise for talking crap.....what similar to you saying to me that you had been banned from SS? :lol1: Not that clever Mr :nono:

Classics - I had a type r which given a choice I would any day swap my new age with. I have nothing against classics - and have not said that either.

also stop reffering people to ask me.
the man asked YOU the question, have the nuts to answer the man instead of sending him to me.
just because you sent me a very short and possibly edited pm from anger, don't mean I'm gonna start telling people how you see it, do it yourself I AM NOT YOUR MOTHER:thumb:

wilkoca 02 March 2008 09:42 AM

pauly - narrow minded :eek2:

never - he likes badgers :luvlove:

pauly 02 March 2008 09:53 AM

morning chris:lol1:
I love badgers:lol1: :lol1:

I now have had enough of this thread, so it's the last you'll be seeing of me on it,
so get your final word in and bye bye:lol1:

Rob.VXD 02 March 2008 10:42 AM

Originally Posted by JP4 (Post 7699905)
Why don't you liaise with andypugh2000 - he has the answers you seek.

Also are you the adminstrator of SN?

Perhaps as the adminstrator of SS you should educate those members who made made personal nasty remarks on someone they do not know. Surely you should be more interested in the behaviour of your members?? :wonder: Please cut the book talk with me.

As for you claiming I am slating a lot of good people - please refer to my first email on this thread, I used the words "certain....."

Andy may well have the answers, but as you started the debate on a public forum, I feel that it is only fair that YOU clarify on the forum whether it is Surreyscoobies in general that you have issues with, or just a "certain" individual.

If it is the latter, I would ask that you apologise in public to the good people of Surreyscoobies for tarring them all with the same brush.

Me an Admin on Scoobynet? NO! and I don't envy them the task of dealing with certain Trolls! I was merely pointing out the fact that I was an Admin on Surreyscoobies in the hope that you would come back to me with a sensible answer, so that I can speak with the Admin and Mods on Surreyscoobies and if there were lessons to be learnt, we could address them. But it appears from all the other new folk that we have on the site there is nothing to address! They seem to be happy coming back time and again.

Finally, my claim that you are slating a lot of good people? Well, you ARE! By making the comment "certain...", this clearly implies that you have issues with individuals, rather than the club per se. The folks on Surreyscoobies ARE good people and are willing to help others, whether they are new to the forum, or have been there for years. If you had taken the time to come along to one of our monthly meets at the Fairmile and say hello, you wouldn't be a faceless individual that nobody knows (see your comment in paragraph 3 quoted above).


JP4 02 March 2008 12:13 PM

It is so obvious that those who have written up in the past 4 odd hours have clearly not read what I wrote below. For the record:

1) Wilkoca - You really need to learn how to read. Please stop going on about me boasting on owning a wr1 - that has never been the case. Change the record for crying out loud. If i wanted to boast about something it would not be about my car but a lot more than that. Seems you have obviously latched on this knowing that the others (mostly SS members) would get annoyed on this :brickwall

2) andypugh2000 - A welcome thread merely saying "welcome to our" club is helpful but in my opinion should not stop there. Think about it. I am a member of NYOSC and they too welcomed me through a thread - but they also reciprocated my efforts of joining in the club and that is why you can ask any one of them and they will indeed tell you I am a valued member of their club. Again think about it.

3) Trolls - Funny that most of those who have criticised me are not even full members of SN - funny that hey! :brickwall

4) Pauly - get over the wr1 jealous bit, the record is wearing out now :brickwall And by the way your last thread shows how mature you are.

5) Rob VXD - perhaps you should set a better example than simply jumping to conclusions like others :brickwall

As DCI Gene said yesterday - I quote

"Just a thought.....

May I respectfully suggest that instead of you all launching an all out slagging match directed at JP4's post.... that you actually find out WHY he feels that way, in a calm and mature manner.... as if not you're actually coming across in the way he described, and I'm sure that's not in the true spirit of your club "

Apart from a couple of SS members the remaining SS members decided to exactly show what they really are like! That answers everything!

As for commenting on how I have rejected the offer of friendship despite this thread - what a load of rubbish. Bar from one post of this morning the remaining are all negative - is this what you called a hand of friendship or proving you are the genuine club you say you are?

Surely those who have written the last few posts this morning have only assisted in justifying my initial thoughts of how certain individuals behave on SS.

Originally Posted by JP4 (Post 7700003)
:brickwall Anger - it was your friends from SS who said for me to prove why i claimed you were banned from SS since they categorically denied this was the case. So I do not look like I am telling lies, I simply forwarded your PM where you stated you were banned. There was nothing personal in that whatsoever - if you were banned as you claimed, surely it would be common knowledge? :brickwall

dantastic - it is not as simple as you have described in your post. Let it be known that i have never boasted about owning a wr1 at any given point in time. The statement made by Wilkoca was not shown correctly as this offcourse led to members thinking I was boasting about having a wr1 :brickwall

As i said i have owned a type r classic which if i could turn the clock back would love to have it back! There was never any intention whatsoever for me to be treated better just because of what I owned - what would that have achieved me? In a nutshell I tried joining in the SS forums, tried speaking to a few members, put up threads when I saw local scoobs, tried to speak to members who could try and introduce me to club members etc....unfortunately I did not feel that was good enough and no matter how hard I tried it was to no avail. All I had hoped was to meet some local scooby owners/club members and enjoy what we all have in common - our passion for Scoobs! I decided to put the thread after a few people had raised similar concerns on their treatment as members - it was not aimed at anyone specific but in general how I felt and help others speak up. You can see from the start of this thread that there were people decent enough to make a good debate of it of their experiences. However, a few SS members then chose to become a little aggresive in their response by throwing uncalled insults without even finding out the truths make claims upon me who they have no idea of.

That said, I do appreciate your write up as well as those who in particular Ratboy who retracted his angry comments once DCI Gene Hunt put up her post. :thumb:

chriswsti05 02 March 2008 12:50 PM

When all is said and done judge any club on your own experience not what someone else says.

My experience of Surrey Scoobies is of a friendly, family oriented club where there is always someone willing to help out and offer advice.

But don't take my word for it, if you get a chance come along to a meet and see for yourself.

I know Anger and he's a right knobber :lol1: :lol1: :lol1:

andypugh2000 02 March 2008 01:30 PM

Originally Posted by JP4 (Post 7700457)

2) andypugh2000 - A welcome thread merely saying "welcome to our" club is helpful but in my opinion should not stop there. Think about it. I am a member of NYOSC and they too welcomed me through a thread - but they also reciprocated my efforts of joining in the club and that is why you can ask any one of them and they will indeed tell you I am a valued member of their club. Again think about it.

I still fail to see your point of view? You say another club reciprocated your efforts to join in? Did you want me to put a "SPECIAL NEEDS" tag on your name so everyone treated you with kid gloves?

Looking at your total post count you had joined in on most things, although most of your threads were "was it you", you never came to a meet so I still fail to see what your problem with integration was?

To me you sound like an attention seeker whom started this load of rubbish to get noticed, sorry if I sound negative but I really have had enough of you now, I think you need to get a grip and stop the journey of self pity and rejection.

I hate this place..

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