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Hobo_Jojo 17 September 2003 01:14 PM

i dont beleive in ghosts at all, i have more of a belief in time crossovers when it comes to things like this, 2 points in time sharing the same moment for some unexplained reason

Jerry* 17 September 2003 01:44 PM

Class thread this...

Not a great deal happened to me but there have been a few weird things happen over the years that I couldn't explain..

About 10 years ago me and my brother lived at home with my parents and due to having a large family we had to share a room.

One evening in winter we were sat down talking in the bedroom. It was around 4pm and the light was rapidly fading. All of a sudden whilst we were talking a large lump of what appeared to be plaster dropped from the ceiling and landed on a newspaper that was on the floor next to us with a loud thump.

This made us both jump and when we both looked on the floor where the "thing" had just landed there was nothing there. We turned the bedroom light on and there was no trace of anything on the floor or any holes or marks on the ceiling. To this day we haven't a clue what it was. Weird !?

When I was younger me and my brother and sometimes Mum and Dad used to hear someone coming up the stairs in the night and they never got to the top. Weird !?!

When Mum and Dad first moved in to our house in Leeds in the early 70s, they hung a small picture in the small front bedroom. One afternoon they heard a loud crash and found the picture broken at the other side of the room. Naturally my Dad blamed by brother who was only 4 at the time. But he couldn't reach it then and was at the bottom of the garden when it happened... weird ?!

There's a large attic at the house and my eldest 2 brothers used to share that room. At one time they had a snooker table in the middle of the room and on a couple of occasions my eldest brother said that he had seen someone stood in the middle of the room, right through the middle of the snooker table. He'd come downstairs absolutely bricking it afterwards !

Most of these things happened a while ago and nothing's happened since except one thing... On many occasions over the last 10 or so years, be it night or day, winter or summer, many of us find that sometimes when they walk/run up or down the stairs there's a really weird feeling of someone being behind you or watching you. Can't quite put my finger on it but there's just a weird feeling of someone being there very close to you. Really weird !!?

The house was built in the 1930s and I know that the previous owner was an old kid who died old age.. the house wasn't lived in for a few years before my Mum and Dad moved in.. we often joke that its him..

keep 'em coming folks..

TIFF-C20WTH 15 October 2004 05:46 PM

Thought i would pull this thread out the archives

Buzzer 15 October 2004 06:37 PM

LOL i remember this first time round, is this the snooker ball in the air one ;)

Giler 15 October 2004 07:33 PM

first post.........
Just registered tonight to find some tech stuf and spend my first hour reading ghost stories!!

Some good stuff though and some crackin comic cynics.

Didn't manage to read the lot but can relate to the crow in the workshop as a harbinger of death as one landed on my cousins shoulder the day my grandad died.....

Taff107 15 October 2004 07:35 PM

Originally Posted by Project ST
Madjay - Military cuisine at it's best maybe? ;)

I've seen plenty go mad from Pirbright's "bacon" ;)


hoskib 15 October 2004 08:33 PM

fairly new to the board so i'd never seen this thread before, very spooky.

might aswell add my own story, not seen anything myself but when i was helping my aunty move out of her house my sister and niece were with me, we were moving stuff about when we spotted my niece standing at the bottom of the stairs looking up them and talking away and waving.
'my names jess, what's yours?' was about all we heard and when we asked her what she was doing she said she was talking to a nice man called henry.

this was my grandads name (my mums/auntys side) and no-one had ever told my niece that this was his name. coincidence? maybe. spooky all the same.

my grandad didn't pass away in that house, but did live there for most of his life.

Gutmann pug 15 October 2004 08:43 PM

I shagged one once ......................

oh sorry i thought you said GOAT

D.K.1 15 October 2004 08:48 PM

I have had a couple of strange experiences, some like premenisions, like I know I'm going to bump into someone when I go out, before I have left the house, or you get the feeling something bad's going to happen.....then it does..anyway........

When I was little, my parents slit up and my mum and I moved in with my grandparents in conwy, they owned an old toll house.
It was a pretty cold house anyway because it was made of stone, but the little bedroom was always freezing and there were a couple of steps leading to a really small door that went to the cellar.

One night when I was in bed, I woke up and felt scared and really cold, not draughty, like you would expect, but icy cold...I pulled my covers up and opened my eyes and there was, what looked like an old woman, which vanished almost immediately and a little girl, dressed in a long tatty dress and a shawl (kinda like the costumes worn in the cathrine cookson drama's) and she was crying, she put her hand out to me, I was so scared, I was only about 6, so I just got as far under the covers as I could and ket my eyes tight shut, after a while, the cols feeling went and I managed to go off to sleep.

Another spooky thing grandma's sister was really ill with cancer, but had gone back home a couple of weeks earlier and I was staying with my dad for the school Monday night when I went to bed, was lying reading a book and I got a tingly feeling and felt a bit shivery, which passed moments later....I thought to myself that she had died. I spoke to my mum the next day, but she never said anything. Then a few days later when I went back home, my mum sat me down and told me that she had died, so I asked if it was Monday......she looked at me a bit confused, then said yes, monday afternoon :eek:

Another strange thing about my grandparent's house, in the living room, even in the heat of summer, where the sofa was, one side was pushed into the corner, it always felt cold to sit there ans I just used to put it down to it being close ish to the window, but it felt strange. They had a dog and he used to stare and growl at the corner and would never sit on that side of the sofa...

After that dog died, they got another, that did exactly the same, he used to go and sleep under the sofa now and then ( it had about half a foot gap under it) but if he was towards that side of the sofa, he usetd to wake up and get from under the sofa as quick as he could, then stare yap and growl :confused: Goodness knows what it was !

Another ghoslty thing was in the house we recently moved from.

When I was pregnant with my son, we moved our eldest into the other bedroomon her own vefore he was born, so she didn't feel pushed out when he came along a few weeks later.....anyway.... when my son was a few months old, I woke in the night and for some reason, whenever i wake, I always check on the baby, I opened my eyes and looked over to the cot and I saw a small figure next to the cot, but my eyes were a bit blurred from sleep. I rubbed my eyes and looked again and thought it was my eldest..I sat on the edge of the bedto take her back to her room, but when I lifted my head up, the figure was gone, it can't have been my little girl because the bedroom door was shut, but I went to check on her anyway and when I went in her room, she was fast asleep.......

The house we used to live in is on an estate and the site that the houses were built on used to be a school, I don't know the history, but it was odd that it was a child I saw (judging the size)

ANother weierd thing about that estate is the amount of children born on it...we were there just under 4 years and I got pregnant twice without trying and unplanned, most people on the estate had 3 or more kids, my neighbour had 4, the woman at the bottom had 7 :eek: The midwife is sick of going to the estate, she said she signs one person off, then a few weeks later have to visit someone else that has had a baby..LOL :D

Probably doesn't mean anything, but it is a bit strange :D

D.K.1 15 October 2004 08:49 PM

Fook, that has to be the longest post I have ever typed LOL :eek:

Chip 15 October 2004 09:08 PM

Yes I have but dont talk about.

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