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Oldun 11 June 2013 08:56 AM

All drivers should be made to drive on the Périphérique Parisien and then the Arc De Tiomphe traffic circle. :eek:

After that, English driving is a doddle.

tony de wonderful 11 June 2013 09:57 AM

Originally Posted by Beef (Post 11116769)
Yup. You're not a copper, and if you insisting on trying to impose the law on those around you makes you a vigilante.

Others do not recognise your authority to command what they can or cannot do, and trying to force them causes frustration and anger.

Your attempts to act like the unofficial upholder of the law on the road are very likely making the roads less safe than if you did nothing.

If you are unable to see clearly while using the inside lane I would suggest both additional driver training and possibly a vision test.

Driving at the speed limit isn't directly imposing the law on anyone else, it is making it harder for other people to break the law but only as a side effect. I am not trying to arrest anyone or be a vigilante as you seem to be implying.

Would you be angry at me for locking my front door 'cos this is reducing the freedom of burglars to steal the contents of my home? I could be causing them a lot of frustation and anger?

Perhaps I should stay off the motorway all together in case Smoky Nakata wants to do 200 mph in his R35? He'd need an empty motorway.


ReallyReallyGoodMeat 11 June 2013 10:11 AM

So you're comparing people who drive at 75mph on a motorway, to burglars? Have I got that right?

Edited to add: :lol1:

ReallyReallyGoodMeat 11 June 2013 10:14 AM

Deleted: can't be arsed

tony de wonderful 11 June 2013 10:18 AM

Originally Posted by ReallyReallyGoodMeat (Post 11116889)
So you're comparing people who drive at 75mph on a motorway, to burglars? Have I got that right?

Edited to add: :lol1:

Wait, so you are saying it is ok to speed?

ReallyReallyGoodMeat 11 June 2013 10:24 AM

Originally Posted by tony de wonderful (Post 11116897)
Wait, so you are saying it is ok to speed?

Personally I'd leave it to common sense and police judgement, rather than make it difficult for others to live their lives. If they want to take the risk and get caught speeding, they can.

But just to re-iterate, you were comparing burglars to people doing 75mph on the motorway right?

Beef 11 June 2013 10:30 AM

Classic straw man.

If you can move over, you should move over.

Otherwise you are forcing other drivers to drive around you, and limiting the space they have to do so.

tony de wonderful 11 June 2013 11:17 AM

Originally Posted by ReallyReallyGoodMeat (Post 11116904)
Personally I'd leave it to common sense and police judgement, rather than make it difficult for others to live their lives. If they want to take the risk and get caught speeding, they can.

But just to re-iterate, you were comparing burglars to people doing 75mph on the motorway right?

They are both criminal offenses. Speeders cause people to die too. Burglars don't.

urban 11 June 2013 11:32 AM

Originally Posted by tony de wonderful (Post 11116973)
Burglars don't.

You sure about that

SamUK 11 June 2013 11:46 AM

3 points - i think its bit of an over kill!

but fines should be handed out...

ReallyReallyGoodMeat 11 June 2013 12:56 PM

Originally Posted by tony de wonderful (Post 11116973)
They are both criminal offenses. Speeders cause people to die too. Burglars don't.

:lol1: So people doing 75mph are WORSE than burglars! I'm sorry but that makes me lol out loud - only on SN.

ALi-B 11 June 2013 01:30 PM

Originally Posted by hodgy0_2 (Post 11116785)
I have done large amounts of driving on the continent, and have a similar view and experience as yourself re the whole affair.

I once flew to Dusseldorf one morning to pick up an au pair and her car and then drove back to London, arriving early evening, the drive thru northern Europe was totally trouble free, 5 miles into the M20 and fvcking cones/stationary traffic everywhere

But and is a big but traffic density is so much less in Europe. In France you can drive for over 20 miles without any junctions, this is the rule rather than the exception, so the general need for lane changing is so much less And you get a much more stable traffic as a result.

In the UK you would typically get 3 or 4 junctions in a 20 mile stretch of motorway - lots of people coming on and off, lots of lane changing

Its a good point. And certainly driving around places like Valencia, Madrid at rush hour (there's four rush hours in Spain :lol1: ) and Bordeaux is pretty hectic, and the sheer volume of traffic prevents safe lane changing without continental style "assertiveness" ( wildly open to interpretation ;) ). Especialy with French idiots on those three wheeled bike/trike things filtering like they're Naval frigats avoiding torperdoes. But even saying that, with less lanes its seems to flow better than our own motorways at rush hour.

When its not rush hour, I feel is when the lane disipline in the UK falls apart. Especially dual carriageways or the two lane section of the M42 - which I never use any more...Its quicker to use the m6+m69 simply because I'm not held up so much by lane hogs.

Osimabu 11 June 2013 01:44 PM

In Britain, we drive on the left. That applies to motorways too.

There is no reason to remain in the middle or outside (overtaking) lanes unless you are overtaking.

If this legislation raises lots of money from the members of CLOG (Centre Lane Owners' Group), that's fine (pun intended) by me.

Leslie 11 June 2013 01:58 PM

That seems fair enough to me.


^Qwerty^ 11 June 2013 01:59 PM

Originally Posted by ReallyReallyGoodMeat (Post 11117096)
:lol1: So people doing 75mph are WORSE than burglars! I'm sorry but that makes me lol out loud - only on SN.

I had a similar discussion on a newspaper forum. I got a **** load of flack, because I said, "in general, speeding is a victimless crime, whilst burglary is not" The important bit there was of course, "in general", but boy did I open the flood gates.
Sadly, the responses I got became emotional with one lady asking me how to explain how somebody speeding at 75mph in a 30, who mounted the pavement and killed her son was victimless. You’ll never reason with people like this for obvious reasons, but sadly some people seem to think that stopping anybody doing any kind of speeding on the public road is the silver bullet to road safety. If I did 34 in a 30 on the same stretch of road, would I mount the pavement and kill somebody because I lost control of a vehicle, I think not. If I’m driving on the way to work and happen to hit the dizzy heights of 65mph in a NSL, do I become public enemy number one, for some people I do, but they have been brain washed by the likes of BRAKE and don't have a clue about the complex issues involved in road safety.

tony de wonderful 11 June 2013 02:55 PM

Originally Posted by ^Qwerty^ (Post 11117215)
I had a similar discussion on a newspaper forum. I got a **** load of flack, because I said, "in general, speeding is a victimless crime, whilst burglary is not" The important bit there was of course, "in general", but boy did I open the flood gates.
Sadly, the responses I got became emotional with one lady asking me how to explain how somebody speeding at 75mph in a 30, who mounted the pavement and killed her son was victimless. You’ll never reason with people like this for obvious reasons, but sadly some people seem to think that stopping anybody doing any kind of speeding on the public road is the silver bullet to road safety. If I did 34 in a 30 on the same stretch of road, would I mount the pavement and kill somebody because I lost control of a vehicle, I think not. If I’m driving on the way to work and happen to hit the dizzy heights of 65mph in a NSL, do I become public enemy number one, for some people I do, but they have been brain washed by the likes of BRAKE and don't have a clue about the complex issues involved in road safety.

Yeah but you are putting fellow road users lives at MORE risk (is the point) if you speed.

^Qwerty^ 11 June 2013 03:39 PM

Originally Posted by tony de wonderful (Post 11117274)
Yeah but you are putting fellow road users lives at MORE risk (is the point) if you speed.

Not always.

ReallyReallyGoodMeat 11 June 2013 03:49 PM

Originally Posted by tony de wonderful (Post 11117274)
Yeah but you are putting fellow road users lives at MORE risk (is the point) if you speed.

Bad lane discipline is worse than going 5mph over the limit.

tony de wonderful 11 June 2013 04:10 PM

Originally Posted by ^Qwerty^ (Post 11117323)
Not always.

Tell that to the Magistrate. :lol1:

If you want to start a campaign about the freedom to speed go ahead, but until speeding becomes legal I see no reason why I should vacate the middle lane JUST to allow people to break the law.

^Qwerty^ 11 June 2013 04:34 PM

Originally Posted by tony de wonderful (Post 11117352)
Tell that to the Magistrate. :lol1:

If you want to start a campaign about the freedom to speed go ahead, but until speeding becomes legal I see no reason why I should vacate the middle lane JUST to allow people to break the law.

So it's okay to break a law you don't agree with by being some sort of middle lane vigilante?

MrNoisy 11 June 2013 04:47 PM

It's always the know-it-all's who tell everyone they should never need to go over 70mph yet they'll be the first to spit feathers if anyone impedes their progress in the middle lane or flashes them to move over.

Hogging the middle lane is selfish and stupid, end of, and there's no reason for it, and to the people who say "speeding is wrong" - that's a completely separate argument and there are already speed cameras in place to deal with that, so rather than try and find excuses for your selfishness, how about just moving over?
By failing to move over you're more likely to cause an accident - probably when you eventually change lanes, don't use your mirrors or indicators and then hit the person who's finally got so fed up with you hogging the middle lane for the last 10 minutes that they've tried to undertake you. :Whatever_

Motorists (like the gentleman above who is probably a Beemer, Range Rover or people carrier driver who typically annoy everyone else with their "rolling blockades") in this country need to be educated, and also need to be instructed to drive on the motorway as part of learning - I think it's terrible that still doesn't form part of the lessons and test (as far as I'm aware anyway!)

joshnosh 11 June 2013 05:37 PM

some off you may disagree but the reality is that people will spread out into all the lanes and there will be a slow, middle and fast lane!
its human nature and its pointless arguing with it

my personal view off how it works is you should be doing an appropriate speed for your lane
i dont mean 60/70/80 (first/second/third) or anything like that i mean you should be doing a similar speed to other people.

if your want to do 70 and the person in front is doing 60 move right one
if you want to do 65 and everyone is coming up behind you doing 75 move left one
if your in the fast lane doing 80 and there people behind you move over

this is a system that dose work and it works fine (and its technicaly the right way when its busy anyway because your continually overtaking and people are continual overtaking you)
this is the system we have and the people that ruin this system are what i would class as the middle lane hogger but it seem everyone else has a different idea

driving down the M25 a couple days back. lorrys in the left lane and other cars in the other 3 lanes doing slightly more speed in the outer lanes
then theirs this old guy in a rover doing 65 in lane 3
the traffic goes round him like a rock in a river; undertaking and overtaking in lanes 2 and 4. this is dangerous! and this is the sort off driver i hope is targeted with the fines.

the problem here is not that hes overtaking or not overtaking ect
its to busy really to work out what is and isnt classed as overtaking and road rules ect.
the reality is hes doing an inappropriate speed for his lane. he wants to do the same speed as the lorrys there for he should be in there lane

you pick how fast you want to go and you pick the right lane for it
this might sound like im suggesting not moving lanes but im not. the appropriate speed for the lanes changes all the time and you should change lanes to keep up with it

befor you slate this think how you actually drive. chances are you already do this!

AndyBaker 11 June 2013 06:24 PM

Originally Posted by tony de wonderful (Post 11116973)
They are both criminal offenses. Speeders cause people to die too. Burglars don't.

Tony speed doesn't kill - bad driving kills at any speed ;)

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