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Lisawrx 03 May 2011 08:40 PM

Originally Posted by hutton_d (Post 10019812)
So, what you're saying is that you're a miserable, unsociable old s*d with no money ... :thumb: :D :D


Less of the old, thank you very much. :lol1:

Lisawrx 03 May 2011 08:42 PM

Originally Posted by f1_fan (Post 10020514)
This thread is about text speak, but let's not forget about capital letters and punctuation.

As I learned from a post in here not so long ago punctuation and capitalisation are the differences between helping your Uncle, Jack, off a horse and helping your uncle jack off a horse and there's a big difference there :thumb:

Can we not take the thread off topic please ;)

If you wish to discuss punctuation and capitals, you know what to do. :lol1:

markjmd 03 May 2011 08:45 PM

Originally Posted by bioforger (Post 10020573)
:wall: considerably less results than "shot on site" ! :rolleyes: :cuckoo:

Not if you google the two phrases with quotes, the way you should be doing:
"shoot on sight" - About 308,000 results
"shoot on site" - About 53,600 results

I'll also point out that the phrase is common in a good few other languages, and in every one of those it's the foreign language word for 'sight' which is used, not 'site'
French: tirez à vue
German: Schiessen auf Sicht
Italian: sparare a vista

I could go on, but that would just be showing off :cool:

bioforger 03 May 2011 10:06 PM

heh I know I know :) shot on site is valid as well though.

f1_fan 03 May 2011 11:04 PM

Originally Posted by bioforger (Post 10020594)
The comma after uncle isn't really necessary ;)

As I said pinched from another thread, but to be pedantic it's OK apart from the capital U as it says ... my uncle who is called Jack. :thumb:

bigsinky 03 May 2011 11:22 PM

Originally Posted by markjmd (Post 10020897)
Not if you google the two phrases with quotes, the way you should be doing:
"shoot on sight" - About 308,000 results
"shoot on site" - About 53,600 results

I'll also point out that the phrase is common in a good few other languages, and in every one of those it's the foreign language word for 'sight' which is used, not 'site'
French: tirez à vue
German: Schiessen auf Sicht
Italian: sparare a vista

I could go on, but that would just be showing off :cool:

you mean I am right............again

f1_fan 03 May 2011 11:25 PM

Originally Posted by Lisawrx (Post 10020882)
Can we not take the thread off topic please ;)

If you wish to discuss punctuation and capitals, you know what to do. :lol1:

Start a thread on dump valves in General? ;)

markjmd 03 May 2011 11:36 PM

Originally Posted by bigsinky (Post 10021314)
you mean I am right............again

Yes, but a little thanks for doing your research for you wouldn't go amiss :D:lol1:

Lisawrx 03 May 2011 11:49 PM

Originally Posted by f1_fan (Post 10021318)
Start a thread on dump valves in General? ;)

As it happens, that could probably work too. :lol1:

bioforger 04 May 2011 01:04 AM

Originally Posted by bigsinky (Post 10021314)
you mean I am right............again

Sort of ;) We are both right, I was just winding you up doughboy :)

bigsinky 04 May 2011 01:12 AM

^^^ hey i resemble that remark

lordharding 04 May 2011 07:55 AM

I'm not a fan of this dreadful text speaking neither

It's maybe symbol of the youth of today complete with their hoodies and tracksuits tucked into oversized trainers and of course there silly baseball hat at a different angle to their head

I've even seen them driving with their seats reclined and the peak at the back ,never seen them hats in a shop :D

I was recruiting at work lately and had all sorts of applications came in with dreadful handwritten letters even in text speech ,they went in the bin after we had a good laugh at them

10 years ago when I joined scoobynet text speech was unheard of and laughed at ( like dump valves ) but now it is creeping in a lot more with the younger element now that Scoobies are available at less then a months wages

It's quite worrying for the country if they are taught this rubbish at school and then they say they can't get jobs ,I wonder why ?

mrmadcap 04 May 2011 08:11 AM

Originally Posted by f1_fan (Post 10019472)
Following on from the end of this thread in General:

Is text speak now socially acceptable or is it still considered a lazy form of communication?

A poster in that thread claims it is now used in various education and training establishments as an accepted form of written communication. If that is true (and I so hope it isn't) it is a sad day for the English language in my opinion.

Then again I am probably just old fashioned so what do people think? It is interesting to note that the SN terms and conditions ban the use of text speak. Is that a good thing or not?

Over to you.

Oh and the first person who replies in text speak gets a bloody nose ;) :D :D

Oh look, a thread...........about a thread...........about a post.

I presume you are referring to me. Thank you for the recognition i have attached some links that may be of interest to you.

This information is freely available, and as you will notice has an international theme so it has not just been sourced from the UK.

I too am not a fan or even a user of this form of communication, but there is no getting away from the fact that this is now regarded as the norm whether we like it or not.

Here are the links and please try and not get too excited.

Maz 04 May 2011 08:32 AM

Originally Posted by lordharding (Post 10021489)
I'm not a fan of this dreadful text speaking neither

It's maybe symbol of the youth of today complete with their hoodies and tracksuits tucked into oversized trainers and of course there silly baseball hat at a different angle to their head

I've even seen them driving with their seats reclined and the peak at the back ,never seen them hats in a shop :D

I was recruiting at work lately and had all sorts of applications came in with dreadful handwritten letters even in text speech ,they went in the bin after we had a good laugh at them

10 years ago when I joined scoobynet text speech was unheard of and laughed at ( like dump valves ) but now it is creeping in a lot more with the younger element now that Scoobies are available at less then a months wages

It's quite worrying for the country if they are taught this rubbish at school and then they say they can't get jobs ,I wonder why ?

My learned cohort textspeak is not taught at school. I am with you in lamenting the proliferation of this insidious affliction but it's inception was a symptom of necessity. Texting could be a costly business both in terms of money and time. To abbreviate words and phrases was a natural evolution of the English language to fit in with the social interaction of our youth. It has it's place in society but must consigned to use in texting only. It must not be allowed to pollute the English language at large.:nono:

Turbohot 04 May 2011 11:34 AM

Originally Posted by Einstein RA (Post 10021540)
My learned cohort textspeak is not taught at school. I am with you in lamenting the proliferation of this insidious affliction but it's inception was a symptom of necessity. Texting could be a costly business both in terms of money and time. To abbreviate words and phrases was a natural evolution of the English language to fit in with the social interaction of our youth. It has it's place in society but must consigned to use in texting only. It must not be allowed to pollute the English language at large.:nono:

Good post. :thumb:

f1_fan 04 May 2011 11:43 AM

Originally Posted by mrmadcap (Post 10021507)
Oh look, a thread...........about a thread...........about a post.

I presume you are referring to me. Thank you for the recognition i have attached some links that may be of interest to you.

This information is freely available, and as you will notice has an international theme so it has not just been sourced from the UK.

I too am not a fan or even a user of this form of communication, but there is no getting away from the fact that this is now regarded as the norm whether we like it or not.

Here are the links and please try and not get too excited.

Not reading all that as I am busy, but quote me the bit where it says text speak is being taught in schools, training centres etc.. or used as an academic language.

Of course it is used in schools etc. the same as it is used anywhere, but find me where it is being accepted as proper academic language syntax and I will be very surprised.

Even if it is it doens't detract from the fact that it is a lazy and shoddy way to communicate and like it or not when I see people using it who can just as easily use proper English then I label them as not worth bothering with (and I am being kind there).

As for the condescending comment about not getting too excited I suggest you knock it off as I assure you I can do arrogant and condescending twice as well as you as several posters will no doubt testify to on here :D

f1_fan 04 May 2011 11:44 AM

Originally Posted by Einstein RA (Post 10021540)
My learned cohort textspeak is not taught at school. I am with you in lamenting the proliferation of this insidious affliction but it's inception was a symptom of necessity. Texting could be a costly business both in terms of money and time. To abbreviate words and phrases was a natural evolution of the English language to fit in with the social interaction of our youth. It has it's place in society but must consigned to use in texting only. It must not be allowed to pollute the English language at large.:nono:

Extremely well put and I am very glad to hear despite that textspeak is not taught in schools :thumb:

lordharding 04 May 2011 12:06 PM

I think this text speech garbage is linked to the general decline in this country from the younger generations
They have no hope of getting professional jobs ,turning up at interview s wearing ill fitting jackets and loose ties and unpolished shows

I was interviewing last year and the lads mobile went off in the interview when he said "sorry mate I'm busy - ring you back or FB ? You "
I wasn't amused and he didn't get the job

Is it a trend This text speech or is it to do it ?
Imagine these guys trying to write a proper written report for management
DUH orite in it ok think lol

Heaven help us in the future

Scoobynet will be taken over by the chavs and unwashed but the dump valves will sound smart ugh

mrmadcap 04 May 2011 12:10 PM

Originally Posted by f1_fan (Post 10021793)
Extremely well put and I am very glad to hear despite that textspeak is not taught in schools :thumb:

Nobody has ever claimed that textspeak is taught in schools, but is used in education and training circles, even the Guardian has reported it and studies have been undertaken worldwide with the evidence out there for all to see.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to prove you wrong:thumb:

f1_fan 04 May 2011 12:19 PM

Originally Posted by mrmadcap (Post 10021832)
Nobody has ever claimed that textspeak is taught in schools, but is used in education and training circles, even the Guardian has reported it and studies have been undertaken worldwide with the evidence out there for all to see.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to prove you wrong:thumb:

You're welcome and it's a pity you couldn't

Maz 04 May 2011 12:24 PM

Originally Posted by lordharding (Post 10021824)
I think this text speech garbage is linked to the general decline in this country from the younger generations
They have no hope of getting professional jobs ,turning up at interview s wearing ill fitting jackets and loose ties and unpolished shows

I was interviewing last year and the lads mobile went off in the interview when he said "sorry mate I'm busy - ring you back or FB ? You "
I wasn't amused and he didn't get the job

Is it a trend This text speech or is it to do it ?
Imagine these guys trying to write a proper written report for management
DUH orite in it ok think lol

Heaven help us in the future

Scoobynet will be taken over by the chavs and unwashed but the dump valves will sound smart ugh

Not if we stand as bastions for the preservation of the English language in both spoken and written form. In order for any great work be it a play, a film or a song to be conceived it must start life as the written word. Verbal and written communication is how we interact with one another. To lose this wonderful and vital tool from our intellect would be a travesty. Shakespeare would be turning in his grave!

Maz 04 May 2011 12:30 PM

Originally Posted by mrmadcap (Post 10021832)
Nobody has ever claimed that textspeak is taught in schools, but is used in education and training circles, even the Guardian has reported it and studies have been undertaken worldwide with the evidence out there for all to see.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to prove you wrong:thumb:

Using abbreviations and shorthand is a necessary evil sometimes. During lectures I found it extremely valuable to use the aforementioned to make notes rapidly. They have their place in education admittedly, but only as tool for personal use. My finished work insofar as I could ensure was always in the Queen's proper 'pukka' English.

MattyB1983 04 May 2011 12:34 PM

I do not use 'text speak' and I can assure you I do not agree or even like it.
But like it or lump it, it's here and no matter what any of us think it will be used more and more by more and more people.
All the moaning and groaning will not change the fact that youngsters use this awful way of communication. It will never be taught in our schools or training centers but that won't stop it being widely used throughout the playgrounds and social sites throughout the world.
It's quite simple,
If you don't like it do not use it or communicate with people who use it.

f1_fan 04 May 2011 12:38 PM

Originally Posted by MattyB1983 (Post 10021872)
If you don't like it do not use it or communicate with people who use it.

I try not to and it is one of the reasons I like this forum.... because it is banned by the terms and conditions which is why I take people to task over it when they blatantly ignore the fact that this site does not allow it.

what would scooby do 04 May 2011 12:52 PM

Originally Posted by f1_fan (Post 10021876)
I try not to and it is one of the reasons I like this forum.... because it is banned by the terms and conditions which is why I take people to task over it when they blatantly ignore the fact that this site does not allow it.

LOL, Ur txtspk makes me h8 u 2. roflcopter.

mrmadcap 04 May 2011 01:02 PM

Originally Posted by f1_fan (Post 10021844)
You're welcome and it's a pity you couldn't

I realise it must be a great hardship for you to be proved wrong in view of your peers on NSR.

Time is a great healer and meanwhile you could join in with the great unwashed in SN General to learn some basic text speak.

You could even console yourself by going out and purchasing one of the cut price Impreza Cosworths (with a hatchback) to perk yourself up and overcome the shame.:D

f1_fan 04 May 2011 01:13 PM

Originally Posted by mrmadcap (Post 10021910)
I realise it must be a great hardship for you to be proved wrong in view of your peers on NSR.

Time is a great healer and meanwhile you could join in with the great unwashed in SN General to learn some basic text speak.

You could even console yourself by going out and purchasing one of the cut price Impreza Cosworths (with a hatchback) to perk yourself up and overcome the shame.:D

Why woud I need to go to General to speak to the great unwashed and intellectually challenged when you've been good enough to come into NSR? :confused:

bigsinky 04 May 2011 01:25 PM

^^^^ the only come back for that is if he scrapes it off his g/f teeth ;)

RA Dunk 04 May 2011 01:26 PM

Originally Posted by f1_fan (Post 10021921)
Why woud I need to go to General to speak to the great unwashed and intellectually challenged when you've been good enough to come into NSR? :confused:

lolly :lol:

ilogikal1 04 May 2011 02:08 PM

Originally Posted by mrmadcap (Post 10021507)
there is no getting away from the fact that this is now regarded as the norm whether we like it or not.

It's apathy like that which has led to the decline of the English language.

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