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Markus 27 November 2003 03:53 PM

OK, I have not read most of this thread, but I am guessing its like a few other ones on here. Can we please stop this childish bickering! FFS, we are adults not children.

We are talking about bloody cars here FFS!

I am probably speaking out of turn here and no doubt will be told to feck off, but I am fed up with the idiotic bickering that is going on here, it's detrimental to everyone and I'm pretty sure it could be classed as 'anti-community' sprit.

T-uk 27 November 2003 03:57 PM

What would be best is when Scooby Shootout 2 comes along, everyone rolls up, does their bit, walks the walk, then goes home.

sounds like a plan;)

trouble is many events end up in no shows:( ,which cast a further question over things. my only issue is that people have to buy into the promise of performance rather than proven working results at the moment. a few drag or comparison dyno days , to give people the confidence in the products would make all the difference.

will scooby shooyout 2 be before TOTB this year?

I think it should be , so that it is the best cars that are fielded at TOTB rather than the best in theory.

Jolly Green Monster 27 November 2003 03:59 PM

Please can everyone refrain from personal attacks and the "I've got a bigger willy than you" type remarks

Sorry if my post is classed as this..
You posted whilst I was typing and I didn't read it until after.

Markus 27 November 2003 04:02 PM

Puff - exactly how I feel, as said in my post, did not read all the thread, thus missed your post.

David_Wallis 27 November 2003 04:43 PM

T-Uk.. theres a simple way.. we 'could' do rolling road days and then do a santapod.. :D :D

or we could just keep ourselves to ourselves and not share our progress.. I just cant be bothered eitherway.. its too stressfull and far too cold in the garage.

'Say' I have made a number of changes to my car.. none of which will ever be air'ed on scoobynet or 22b just in case I have had the cambelt off... I dont want it to be taken as theres a problem.. it means I wanted to change to optical pickups and fit vernier's.. small gain + small gain + small gain + small gain = worthwhile gain

Lets keep this thread to Harveys fantasic result.

Re-Bitten Hero 27 November 2003 04:59 PM

Markus, Puff... totally right :( I was really enjoying the start of this thread, about a remarkable car with fantastic results, and was about to forward it off to my car-fanatic friends who own all makes.

I won't now, as all it proves after page 1 is how petty some of the guys on here can be. C'mon guys, take the personal vendettas elsewhere!

Despite all the 5-year-old stuff, it's still great to read about such an impressive result.


EvilBevel 27 November 2003 05:08 PM

Yup I agree, but the funny thing is... who started the venom in this thread ? :D

Let's get our facts straight gentlemen :)

X SOOOBY 27 November 2003 05:33 PM

i have not been on scoobynet for ages so on it goes and i read this post and replies

i a afraid i know now why i cant be bothered about scoobynet anymore

anyway i have the best looking missus and none of you can say otherwise

homer lawtey 27 November 2003 05:35 PM

Well done Harvey on a brilliant dyno run.

I only pop on here now and again as I've ordered some indiglows, so I was extremely impressed to see what a welcoming message board this is. How everyone on here can act grown up and have public slanging matches infront of everyone on the net.

How many new Scooby owners have just discovered this site and decided to not bother with a club like this? I could understand if you all drove Corsas and Saxos, but FFS, don't you all drive suped up Jap machines?

Leave the arguements at home, it does any car club no good, trust me.


CustomScoobyIOM 27 November 2003 05:40 PM

Man With Big Cock :

Now lets get back on topic..... ;)

Excellent result mate well done! I dream of 585bhp!! One day!!

alanjack 27 November 2003 08:19 PM

I am a sound, helpful bloke
I can certainly vouch for that:)

[Edited by alanjack - 11/27/2003 8:20:24 PM]

[Edited by alanjack - 11/27/2003 8:21:11 PM]

TAZ6416 27 November 2003 09:44 PM

I can piss up a wall a lot higher than any of you and I don't even own a Scooby.

But then again, I am ****ing great.


jonny gav 27 November 2003 10:25 PM

Steven, i can remember seeing Mark in your car with a laptop on his knee at Well lane 5, not sure what he was doing with it but i definitely saw it!

i have always found Harvey to be a no bull**** type of guy, some people may find this offensive....but we know what they are don't we ;) :D

lets just get back to talking about our cars eh ? ? ?

Harvey, congratulations again on you fantastic and PROVEN result :D

Markus 27 November 2003 10:28 PM

OH FFS! Can we stop all this PROVEN result bollocks. Give it up you bloody bunch of children!

Just enjoy the damn cars and stop this bickering! I dread to think what it would be like if you were arguing about something of a life threatenting nature.

ChristianR 27 November 2003 10:38 PM

If the threat to lock the thread remains can it be copied over onto where I for one will not lock it.

alanjack 27 November 2003 10:40 PM

lets just get back to talking about our cars eh ? ? ?

OH FFS! Can we stop all this PROVEN result bollocks. Give it up you bloody bunch of children!

Just enjoy the damn cars and stop this bickering!

Markus, Did you really need to post here? I thought Jonny had just said what you said.

[Edited by alanjack - 11/27/2003 10:42:19 PM]

harvey 27 November 2003 10:41 PM

Steven : "Can i make this quite clear in the first instance, i do not wish to discuss anything with you on this forum or anywhere else for that matter. However, i will choose to correct you on your statement in which you use me as an example."

I thought you were the guy who was not going to post anymore.
I know exactly what I saw at Well Lane with Mark Aigan in the front passenger seat of your car with a Lap Top on his knee. He was sat next to Barry operating the Rolling Road who may remember this. Now that is what I saw and I know what a Lap Top looks like. I cannot say adjustments were being made and it does not matter if they were and I simply used it as an example in case someone who had not been there concluded that is what I was doing in the same way there was speculation about the fuel I was using.

" you are dreaming" I think not. I am doing it.

"but no doubt, those that are far enough up your ar5e will agree entirely with what you say!" Never been anybody up my arse Steven. I am my own man. Would you like to expand on this?

"If you choose to use me as an example then on your head be it. Post what the hell you like on your childish website, but i will tell you now, make sure it is factual, otherwise you will receive a taste of your own medicine, understand!" It will take more than a Neanderthal Steven. Now watch the Blood Pressure. Understand? Keep out of my road and I may not need to have any form of contact with you.

It seems unlikely you know the full facts of the issues between Mark Aigan and me. Mark you know exactly what the situation is. You are not so stupid or thick skinned that you do not know. Any posts on my website will be factual and I have had several contributions e-mailed to me today, totally unsolicited by those wishing to air their experiences. I should also point out that if you read the post again you will see that it was not exclusive to Mark Aigan / Lateral Performance but I must say that I am surprised by the furore it is causing.

Mikee : I have no axe to grind with you like I said and if we have differing views so be it but at least you are out there trying hard in an amiable sort of way. That`s how I see it anyway. BTW I have not received any e-mails from you.

JGM : I said "All Comers" not "New Comers" and up to 533 bhp I shared everything with anybody that wanted to know. However, I have noticed there is a lot of secrecy from some people so I think I should be selective as to those with whom I will share my hard earned knowledge. Seems fair.
JGM : It would seem you are unaware of a number of things that have been supressed that should be out in the open. This is not just my opinion but the experience of some of those who have e-mailed me today.
It would have been best for Mark to ignore me completely.
"liable case" obviously you mean libel case but there can be no libel if it is the truth, fortunately.
I believe strongly that the unsuspecting should be aware and cautious when everything in the garden is not rosy.

Puff : I have said what I want to say and like I said 24 hours ago I can happily go back into hibernation where this board is concerned as there are other amusing things to do.

tweenierob 27 November 2003 10:52 PM

T-uk: Top idea!

Harvey: If you were referring to me... Yes you have been helpful, now spill the beans:D:D Like Paul said My old turbo went with the car, You havent bought the car have you:eek::d


harvey 27 November 2003 10:55 PM

Christian : I like your sense of humour. OK.

kazlo 27 November 2003 10:59 PM

blimey ,think i'm gonna keep mine standard;)

tweenierob 27 November 2003 11:08 PM

Just read your reply to JGM, fair enough...


EvilBevel 27 November 2003 11:17 PM

ROFL @ Kazlo :D

Jolly Green Monster 27 November 2003 11:48 PM

Johnny Gav,

Steven, i can remember seeing Mark in your car with a laptop on his knee at Well lane 5, not sure what he was doing with it but i definitely saw it!
Provoking further discussion on the subject

i have always found Harvey to be a no bull**** type of guy, some people may find this offensive....but we know what they are don't we
Insinuating people are knobs or what ever word you want to use

lets just get back to talking about our cars eh ? ? ?
Talk about cars?? but you just made two statements which imho warrentee responses.. it's like you are trying to have a go at someone and tell them not to respond?? nice ploy to get the last word..

I have no issue what you have said as they were not directed at me, but I find it amazing expect to call people names and continue on your side of an agument and tell people not to talk about it?

Surely your post should have just read

"lets just get back to talking about our cars eh ? ? ?"

If that was your true feelings.. which clearly it wasn't.

Then you provoke it further with the PROVEN.. LOL


JGM : I said "All Comers" not "New Comers" and up to 533 bhp I shared everything with anybody that wanted to know. However, I have noticed there is a lot of secrecy from some people so I think I should be selective as to those with whom I will share my hard earned knowledge. Seems fair.
Fair enough and my mistake..

JGM : It would seem you are unaware of a number of things that have been supressed that should be out in the open. This is not just my opinion but the experience of some of those who have e-mailed me today.
I am aware of a number of issues, happening and goings on..
But perhaps I don't know everything, feel free to email me anything if you want to..

It would have been best for Mark to ignore me completely.
"liable case" obviously you mean libel case but there can be no libel if it is the truth, fortunately.
Spelling has never been a strong point of mine..

I believe strongly that the unsuspecting should be aware and cautious when everything in the garden is not rosy.
So surely these non-rosy items should be aired where the people in question can respond not on your website where only you can write??


Edited to remove a / to equal out the quotes etc..

[Edited by Jolly Green Monster - 11/27/2003 11:49:59 PM]

Jolly Green Monster 27 November 2003 11:54 PM

It would have been best for Mark to ignore me completely.
Then surely everyone would have moaned he had not responded etc..

Ignoring would point to quilt which I know you think is the case..
but cannot win by ignoring?


Puff The Magic Wagon! 28 November 2003 12:10 AM

Hmm :(

I've trying to deal with a former employer who is trying to stiff me for what it would cost for 500 BHP :rolleyes:

With respect to all concerned, I think that this will continue to become a slanging match :( Despite my & other people's requests that the ardour of this thread be dampened, it appears that 1 person's post (whoever this is - no finger pointing :rolleyes: ) generates a response from a person who may believe they have something further to say on the matter, which in turn will lead to a further post etc :rolleyes:


As much as I am interested in how to achieve a reliable 500+ ( +++ bhp) I think the discussion here will end up solely in back-biting - a shame :(


Great figures on those rollers & once again - WAGONS RULE :D

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