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scooby555 25 February 2002 08:31 PM

Its gotta be the volvo estate that pulls out in front of u..
9 times outta 10 this is in a 60 zone
Then the barsteward after causing you to use your abs turns off 20 feet further on...

CallumW 25 February 2002 08:41 PM

Are we seated....the we will begin:

1) drivers that don't indicate before manuvre(sic)....give us a clue (other than your cr4p lane wandering/position)
2) drivers that don't wave courtesy "thanks" after cut/I let in (Cheers...I didn't let you in for my health y'know)
3) Taxi's (especially about town)
4) Motorway middle lane cruisers intent on overtaking fresh air. I have no qualms in cruising past in the inside lane even with the outside free ( seems such a shame to waste it)
5) I have moments myself :p
6) The English (sweeping I know, but accurate :) )

The way I usually deal with tailgaters is to flip the rear view mirror (as if bright lights) makes it soooo easy to ignore the numpty behind you and get on with what you should be paying attention to...the road ahead (only when safe to do so and not when they start flashing the blues ;) )

The other way it to drop a gear and throttle off so you slowly decelerate...I never "brake test" as I know it only makes people worse. They allways back off to a safe distance and you can all pick the pace back up again.

God...I sound like an old git :p

Ignore no.5 ...I'm a godlike driver (just don't ask Mutant_Matt or RB170 ...ehem! )

Callum ;)

[Edited by CallumW - 2/25/2002 8:50:25 PM]

TIM_H 25 February 2002 08:43 PM

LOL @ gridlock mikey,

yup - old people-

My Grandad (RIP) was done for going down a motorway slip road the wrong way - kept his licence!

I was in the car with him once when he went round a roundabout in the wrong direction.....arrrgghhhh

When I was 16 we were going to Wales on holiday, and he let me drive, 'because he was tired'!, and we went all the way with his hand on the handbrake 'just in case' !!!!!!

bless him!.

My uncle Bill - his next door neighbour ended up in his living room - sitting in his car - because he got confused with the pedals in his Volvo automatic, (his missus had to operate the handbrake as he had a bad arm).

Odd -, but you have to voluntarily give up your licence - or have a bad accident before you are MADE to stop driving.

My partners Grandfather is 83, still driving, and believe me, I wouldnt like to be the one on the pelican crossing that he doesn't see in time!

Try driving aroung my area during the day - ie not rush hour - , an eye opener believe me!


Scooby_Maxus 25 February 2002 09:12 PM

Surely the king of all Dingbats.....(no offence to Mr & Mrs Dingbat, Batty lane, Batfordshire, BAT 1AM)

WHITE VAN MAN- reckless, inconsiderate and down right dangerous! :(

Chelsie-Bun 25 February 2002 10:18 PM

Well who else the old

staying in first/second gear. where do i start and begin, this could take me all night.

chel xxx

[Edited by Chelsie-Bun - 2/25/2002 10:19:20 PM]

SteveB 25 February 2002 11:16 PM

People that drive along with front fog lights on in clear weather !!

And rear fogs on in the rain !


Mungo 26 February 2002 12:12 PM

Oh yes, people who enter a roundabout (2 lane approach) in the left lane, half a car-length in front of me, then decide that they'd like to take the "racing line" and use the right hand lane cutting me up, and then pulling back over to the left hand lane to take the "straight on" exit... [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

kelvin 26 February 2002 12:14 PM

Mattski2, all I meant was that I think it's unfair to pigeon hole drivers of a certain type of car as was happening in the first couple of posts.... I'm not saying bad drivers dont exist - more that they come in more than one type of car!! eg. not ALL 206/Yaris/BMW etc etc drivers are crap. Get my drift???

Ok... my list....

1)Outside lane hogs...
2) People that don't indicate...
3) Boy "my car is better than yours" Racers... ;)
4) Idiots that don't pay attention to road conditions... :)

Kelvin :D

mikefyfe 26 February 2002 04:10 PM

Definately the 'person' who just smacked into my parked scoob.:(

See thread :


robin ledger 26 February 2002 06:41 PM

Yep, those toss pots who kind of 'creep around' in a timid shrew like manner, than as soon as you attempt to pass them get all aggresive, weave around, flash lights, shake fists etc, as if you've done them some sort of dreadful wrong!? :(

what's that all about then?

Oh - and the idiots that *deliberately* try to obstruct you when all you want to do is get past and get home - these people are a true menace to other more 'efficent' drivers :)

Then there's the knob heads who drive Jags. They're simply too important to get out of the outside lane... (apparently)

I could go on... and on....

rogue trooper 26 February 2002 07:12 PM

old people, their car, what ever make is always stuck in 2nd gear
volvo drivers, nuff said there!
spotty 17 yr olds, even in their ford fiasco they try to take you on!
even met a real life mr bean once, reading paper, shaving, and on the phone all at the same time, he got given LOTS of space!!

Dracoro 26 February 2002 07:16 PM

In the village where I used to live, there was one old lady who drove around in the middle of the road all day. If I ever saw her coming the other way, I would pull over the grass verge and pray that she didn't hit me.
There's also another old git that couldn't see over the steering wheel, just looked through the tiny gap above the dash and under steering wheel. Seeing him coming the other way was scary! I once saw him and stopped, did a fast 3 point turn and pulled into someone's driveway a mile down the road as he was swerving all over the place.
They're both dead now, but no doubt there are more taking their places.

CallumW 26 February 2002 08:57 PM

Sounds just like the old dear in "Ferris Bueller's day off"


Gridlock Mikey 26 February 2002 10:09 PM

Like I said.........

Mikey :cool:

Andrewza 27 February 2002 12:14 AM

I think most of my pet hate types have been covered except this one ;)

Drivers who can't sit in a queue of traffic like everyone else and have to get past it one car at a time squeezing between you and the car in front as oncoming traffic appears, causing much slamming of brakes.

e.g. Other day, going down relatively straight wide a-road in a long queue of traffic following my parents freelander in my scoob. Stuck in long queue of traffic doing 45-50 in a 60, but following my parents and no way to get past it all and theres a round-about 1 mile away where it'll all break up anyhow. Up behind me appears an idiot in a new mini cooper, decides he can't sit in traffic like everyone else, proceeds to try and go past me. Sticks his foot down and pulls out, level with me, then more oncoming traffic appears so of course he decides to try and squeeze in front of me, mass braking on my part to avoid impact, followed the PIAA treatment for the idiot.

Mildo 27 February 2002 10:09 AM

I hate people who try and close the gap you want to pull into after an overtaking manouevre! If they don't want to overtake the cars in front themselves, why do thay try and make life difficult for those of us who do?

fast bloke 27 February 2002 11:15 AM

Agree with Gridlock about the people who are too decrepid to control a car. I watched an elderly lady spend about 15 minutes getting out of her car one day, 5 minutes extract two walking sticks and walk the 20 feet to the post box and another 15 minutes to get back to the car and get in. What happens when she needs to do an emergency stop? :rolleyes:

I think annual retesting over the age of 65 should be compulsory. Who is really going to admit they are too old and decrepid to drive?

PeeK 27 February 2002 12:51 PM

Rant on.

People that can't wait thirty seconds in a line of traffic to turn right at a roundabout, so use middle(straight on) lane and then cut in at last minute!!!

I get this nearly every morning!

This morning had a women cut me up at this certain roundabout. Almost ran me off the road. Sounded horn as she was forcing me into oncoming traffic, but she just would not look over to see what was going on (you know the type - head forward, tunnel vision mode on). Then she made two finger sign to indicate two lanes? I gave her the one finger sign back!

rant off.


Scooby Roo 27 February 2002 02:58 PM

Blind people make the worst drivers :D

(Apologies in advance just in case anyones offended)

Scooby Roo 27 February 2002 02:59 PM

Blind people make the worst drivers :D

(Apologies in advance just in case anyones offended)

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