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OllyK 08 October 2008 01:33 PM

Originally Posted by scoobynutta555 (Post 8183768)
I've had no damage to my car, but tell me, would you be happy with a lit cigarette being flicked onto your bonnet by someone in front of you?

If it doesn't damage it, no, why should I?

Not a problem in the grand scheme of things? Well to put it that way any issue on Earth is not a problem in the grand scheme of things so let's just ignore insignificant anti social behaviour :)
I'd rather we sort out murder, burglary, rape etc before we get all hung up on people smoking in their own car. If the police are prosecuting people for smoking, they aren't prosecuting the more seriosu crimes.

I haven't said where I stand on the issue of smoking in cars but I'm fairly sure that littering intentionally from a vehicle in motion has been an offence for a while. The fact that 99.9% of cars made in the last 30 years have had ashtrays fitted as standard says to me the driver is either lazy or inconsiderate when not using them.
Actually most new cars don't have ashtrays or cigarette lighters as standard, they just have a 12V "utility" socket with no lighter.

OllyK 08 October 2008 01:39 PM

Originally Posted by JONNY_693 (Post 8184344)
Good argument, but I still think smoking is an unnecasary distraction - it does still take a certain amount of concentration. If you had to swerve to miss a kid would you be able to do it aswell with one hand tapping your fag in the ashtray? You could drive better if you werent smoking.

On the "you could drive better basis" you could remove about 99% of the drivers on the road.

c_maguire 08 October 2008 02:03 PM

The original point was regarding smoking in cars. I have never smoked but because I work as a service engineer my daily driver is classed as a workspace and therefore technically requires a sticker in the window to designate it as a no smoking zone (subject to £1000 fine I believe, and that's just for not displaying the sticker). I threw my sticker in the trash because to me this kind of law just defies common sense. Nobody has smoked in my vehicle since I've been driving it and anybody who tries will be told to think again. In taxis etc I can see the sense in this, but if I choose to smoke in my van, or two BT blokes are sat together in their cab and fancy a puff then who gives a damn? As a ban specifically aimed at vehicles with children under 16yo is probably unenforceable, if the ban comes it will probably be a blanket ban which let's face it would be par for the course in our supposedly free society wouldn't it?
The second point that has surfaced is regarding smokers' consideration towards others. On that, I've always found a high proportion of smokers to be selfish, ignorant and inconsiderate. Littering is illegal (as it should be) but smokers seem to think fag butts are somehow not classed as litter and will happily chuck them anywhere. On a number of occassions I've witnessed smokers emptying their ashtrays on the road whilst sat at traffic lights, although I suppose they should be commended for even using the ashtray in the first place as most don't. I see numerous dog ends chucked out of moving vehicles every day, some of which have stuck in the front of my vehicle, sat smoldering under the window wiper, or bounced off my helmet/clothes when I've been riding. Just recently I followed one guy who unwrapped his fags whilst in the outside lane on the M11 and then proceeded to chuck the sellophane out of the sunroof (I took this guy's number and grassed him up to the coppers).
As the anti-smoking crusade builds up an ever increasing head of steam, perhap smokers should consider how their actions often create a dislike of them in the eyes of others, rather than smoking per se.

Brooksy40 08 October 2008 02:14 PM

Ban Smoking In Cars
Sooner this sad govt of leftie muppets are out the better - The nanny states verging on Nazi. As for this crap i'll just tint out my windows .....My cars my place and i'll do what i like

SwissTony 08 October 2008 02:14 PM

Originally Posted by c_maguire (Post 8184862)
As the anti-smoking crusade builds up an ever increasing head of steam, perhap smokers should consider how their actions often create a dislike of them in the eyes of others, rather than smoking per se.

And oh boy, aren't you just one of them :rolleyes:

lozgti 08 October 2008 03:11 PM

To all those who don't smoke.....

Something you enjoy/take pleasure from/do will be affected soon by these 'ban everything' people.Whoever the heck they are!

Lee247 08 October 2008 03:16 PM

Originally Posted by Brooksy40 (Post 8184876)
Sooner this sad govt of leftie muppets are out the better - The nanny states verging on Nazi. As for this crap i'll just tint out my windows .....My cars my place and i'll do what i like


Why don't these people concentrate on getting this ruined Country back to what it was, instead of trying to tell it's "inmates" (because that's what it is beginning to feel like) what the hell to do all the time. :mad:

EddScott 08 October 2008 03:20 PM

I am classed as a smoker but a pack of 20 usually lasts me well over a week unless I go out and I can go through 20 in a few hours :D

There is the issue that if everyone stopped smoking, the NHS would actually be out of pocket by about £2bn.

wiley 08 October 2008 03:41 PM

i smoke in my car and don't really see anything wrong with it, only thing i don't like is when people flick their butts out and it almosts hits my car


scoobynutta555 08 October 2008 04:00 PM

Originally Posted by OllyK (Post 8184780)
If it doesn't damage it, no, why should I?

If someone gobbed in your face that'd cause no damage so why would it bother you?

At the very least it's littering. Someone has already said on this thread the practice has cost them in damages.

I'd rather we sort out murder, burglary, rape etc before we get all hung up on people smoking in their own car. If the police are prosecuting people for smoking, they aren't prosecuting the more seriosu crimes.
I want all serious crime dealt with properly too. That's not carte blanche for littering and unthoughtfulness towards other road users though. I'd say there already is legislation in place for flicking lit fags from a moving car and no need for more. As I've said already I'm not for or against smoking in cars per se.

Actually most new cars don't have ashtrays or cigarette lighters as standard, they just have a 12V "utility" socket with no lighter.
I've not had a new car since Subaru stopped making cars I've wanted (2001) so I wouldn't know if this is the norm. No excuse for cars with trays in them though as it's been going on since cars were invented.

scoobynutta555 08 October 2008 04:03 PM

Also, not more than 2 weeks ago some thoughtful sole emptied their presumably brimmed ashtray at the end of my drive.

SwissTony 08 October 2008 04:05 PM

Originally Posted by EddScott (Post 8185015)
I am classed as a smoker but a pack of 20 usually lasts me well over a week unless I go out and I can go through 20 in a few hours :D

There is the issue that if everyone stopped smoking, the NHS would actually be out of pocket by about £2bn.

Plus the govt would be out of pocket billions from the loss of duty, which in the current climate would be a diaster, so best they encourage us to smoke more tabs :)

Lee247 08 October 2008 04:14 PM

Originally Posted by SwissTony (Post 8185112)
Plus the govt would be out of pocket billions from the loss of duty, which in the current climate would be a diaster, so best they encourage us to smoke more tabs :)


PeteBrant 08 October 2008 05:04 PM

Originally Posted by EddScott (Post 8185015)
There is the issue that if everyone stopped smoking, the NHS would actually be out of pocket by about £2bn.


At the last count, IIRC smoking raises £7bn in tax, and costs the NHS £1.5Bn

Leslie 09 October 2008 12:12 PM

Originally Posted by Brooksy40 (Post 8184876)
Sooner this sad govt of leftie muppets are out the better - The nanny states verging on Nazi. As for this crap i'll just tint out my windows .....My cars my place and i'll do what i like

Don't forget to check the laws with regard to tinting car windows though!


OllyK 09 October 2008 01:10 PM

Originally Posted by scoobynutta555 (Post 8185101)
If someone gobbed in your face that'd cause no damage so why would it bother you?

There's the risk of communicable disease from that, plus spit leaves a something behind that needs dealing with. Compare apples with apples. A fag but hitting your car is about the equivalent of a couple of falling leaves hitting you car and blowing off.

At the very least it's littering. Someone has already said on this thread the practice has cost them in damages.
Littering wasn't the issue I was dicussing.

I keep hearing about people on motorcycles or in cars getting hit by fag butts and I just don't get it. It's never happened to me, I drive an open top car, never had a butt come in.

A butt dropped while moving or stationary will hit the ground in the same amount of time. With acceleration due to gravity being 9m/s/s give or take, a butt is going to hit the floor in under a second from even the highest truck cab. If your maintaining the safe 2 second gap between you and the vehicle in front, how the hell are you getting hit by fag butts?

I want all serious crime dealt with properly too. That's not carte blanche for littering and unthoughtfulness towards other road users though. I'd say there already is legislation in place for flicking lit fags from a moving car and no need for more. As I've said already I'm not for or against smoking in cars per se.
We certainly don't need more legislation, the police can't police what we already have. They have limited resources and in the scheme of things I'd rather they were tackling serious crime rather than worrying about the odd fag butt.

I've not had a new car since Subaru stopped making cars I've wanted (2001) so I wouldn't know if this is the norm. No excuse for cars with trays in them though as it's been going on since cars were invented.
And for the ones that don't?

scoobynutta555 09 October 2008 01:30 PM

Originally Posted by OllyK (Post 8187536)
There's the risk of communicable disease from that, plus spit leaves a something behind that needs dealing with. Compare apples with apples. A fag but hitting your car is about the equivalent of a couple of falling leaves hitting you car and blowing off.

Littering wasn't the issue I was dicussing.

I keep hearing about people on motorcycles or in cars getting hit by fag butts and I just don't get it. It's never happened to me, I drive an open top car, never had a butt come in.

A butt dropped while moving or stationary will hit the ground in the same amount of time. With acceleration due to gravity being 9m/s/s give or take, a butt is going to hit the floor in under a second from even the highest truck cab. If your maintaining the safe 2 second gap between you and the vehicle in front, how the hell are you getting hit by fag butts?

We certainly don't need more legislation, the police can't police what we already have. They have limited resources and in the scheme of things I'd rather they were tackling serious crime rather than worrying about the odd fag butt.

And for the ones that don't?

Butts aren't just dropped they're flicked too, and as earlier, mostly above the roofline of a car. You might not even be behind the car/lorry to get hit. I haven't advocated new legislation. It's a facile point to say you'd rather police worry about 'serious crime'. Some of the best policed areas have zero tolerence policies on all crimes. Car drivers/passengers should dispose of their refuse in the proper way or shouldn't smoke in the first place if there's no tray present.

Yet again, even though it's not a serious crime, I'll say at the very least it's littering and inconsiderate to others.

s1lko 09 October 2008 01:37 PM

Speaking as an ex-smoker, I know how much of a difference a smoke can make when you're heading home from work.

I'm anti-smoking now, but purely for personal reasons and only on a personal level. But I don't think my point of view should take away other people's freedom. If they want to smoke in their cars, let them - as long as I'm not breathing it in. They're taxed enough for the pleasure.

Besides, can you imagine the rise in road rage incidents if people couldn't smoke during rush hour? :mad:

My gripe, though, is with those who struggle to light their cigarette and drive at the same time - too many near misses for my liking. For most smokers, this isn't a problem, but if you find it difficult, please just pull over or use the car's lighter.

One question to throw out there: If smoking had never been legal in the first place, what would the chances be of legalising it? Slim, I reckon. But the government still happily hide behind the rights of smokers to justify a license to print cash.

Just a thought...

OllyK 09 October 2008 01:43 PM

Originally Posted by scoobynutta555 (Post 8187579)
Butts aren't just dropped they're flicked too, and as earlier, mostly above the roofline of a car. You might not even be behind the car/lorry to get hit.

Must be a lot of to**ers in your neck of the woods then as I've never encountered it in over 20 years of driving.

scoobynutta555 09 October 2008 01:47 PM

You've never encountered what? Seeing it done or being hit? I drive all over the country.

OllyK 09 October 2008 02:02 PM

Originally Posted by scoobynutta555 (Post 8187634)
You've never encountered what? Seeing it done or being hit? I drive all over the country.

Being hit.

SwissTony 10 October 2008 02:21 PM

Originally Posted by scoobynutta555 (Post 8184497)
Why drop it out of the window anyway?

because when the ashtray gets full, I have no choice

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