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moses 08 February 2005 08:12 PM

Originally Posted by Brit_in_Japan
Why oh why do people post without engaging their brain first. Referring to the original post by moses, the Aljezerra story was taking it's story and quotations directly from an NBC affiliate website in the US. Aljezeera were not making anything up, they were quoting accurately from the story source. You can find it here:-

Maybe people should keep an open mind and listen to different sides of the argument and not just give the same old lazy knee-jerk reaction.

It is true that soldiers get a buzz out of battle, usually the "executing the battle plan effectively" type of buzz, not usually doing the killing. I am sure all armies has it's share of psychos, but it does seem to be more prevelant in the US army, especially the marines (?).

War has become abstracted. It's often fought at greater distances. Precision weapons mean you don't need to be as close (or even with range of the enemy) to strike at them. You can use drones to fly overhead and relay live pictures back. You can get weapons systems to work in harmony to provide overwhelming destruction of a small area. It's a cliche, but wars are becoming more and more like video games.

And as with all wars, the enemy is demonised so your own troops can remain dispationate about the job they have to do. But the US military does seem to be more gung-ho about the way they conduct warfare, the language they use, the whoops and hollers and high fives, the higher number of friendly fire incidents....

An interesting question is why we should regard a beheading as so much more abhorrent than sending a precision munition into a building from a range of tens of kilometers. Is death any less painless if you are caught by shrapnel from a megabucks precision guided missile instead of a knife? Is life of an Iraqi worth any less than any other nation?

Every soldier must be prepared to kill, but to tell an audience of 200 people including reporters and TV crews that you enjoy doing it is disturbing. This guy leads Camp Pendleton's 1st Marine Corps Division in Iraq and is responsible for Marine Corps combat development. His men will take their lead from him and he says its fun to kill.

well said bros :) and u too zilch :)

beheading is a merciful way, doesnt take long, its an art of respect

unlike shooting them with rockets and fire all over their body, and rooftops in kids and woman and people

and alot of them get crippled and are useless in their daily lives and die a painful death as well

americans are the cowards here.

beheading the enemy soldier is an act of mercy to them than torturing them like in abu ghraib

zarqawi is an evil man who picks on innocents and soldiers, i have no probs with him beheading an american soldier the enemy the invader but everything against him killing innocents.

zarqawi feeds the enemy and clothes them and does not pee over them or make them eat their sh1t and makes them commit sinful acts like sex on their fellow man , he feeds them and clothes them and then beheads them.

no the americans do that and a handful of w@nker british soldiers but not zarqawi even if he is evil.

thats why i believe our soldiers should have gone to baghdad in the beginning and also basra of course, i guarantee they would have done a very good job compared to the asshole americans

gravelexpress 08 February 2005 09:01 PM

I watched the NBC newsclip the Lt General is obviously reckless in what he wishes to promote. He sounded like he "gone dunn it hemself with paapys shotgun"

The reality is that men are under his command the men that he orders to kill. I wonder how many of them would agree "that its a hoot"?

What is strange is this debate is the reference to

Well as far as I was aware:

The murdered were American, British,Italian, Turkish, Korean and Japanese CIVILIAN`s or Contractors

EXCEPT for the 100`s of Murdered Iraqi National Guard and Police???

moses 08 February 2005 09:54 PM

civilians and contracters was evil

i have nothing against the spanish before they left , 98% of them were against the war anyway so they were forced to do what their prime minister told them too.

nothing against the polish and stuff

just the americans

moses 08 February 2005 10:05 PM

islamic law forbids beheading captives or mutiliating them

so makes me a bad muslim , i believe rightfully so, these soldiers massacred civilians , bombed babies and mocked iraqis and commited atrocites and yes they should be butchered like animals after what their evil hands had commited, beheading them is merciful compared to what they did to the iraqis these american assholes.

here is the islamic law .

Title of Fatwa Slaying American Civilians in Iraq
Date of Fatwa 4/ July/ 2004
Date of Reply 4/ July/ 2004
Topic Of Fatwa Relations with non-Musims
Question of Fatwa Does Islam allow Muslims to behead civilians and prisoners of war? From day to day, we hear about some Iraqis beheading an American captive. Please answer me urgently. Jazakum Allah khairan for your co-operation.
Name of Mufti Group of Muftis
Content of Reply In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

Dear questioner, thank you very much for having confidence in us, and we earnestly implore Allah to guide us to the best way to serve the Muslim Ummah.

In the first place, away from judging the authenticity of such news, we would like to stress that Islam doesn’t permit any measure that causes harm or humiliation to any human being, let alone killing him in cold blood or slaying him like a sheep for everyone to see!

Islam does not permit aggression against innocent people, whether the aggression is against life, property, or honor, and this ruling applies to everyone, regardless of religion, color or nationality.

Even while retaliating in war times, Muslims must always stick to the limits prescribed by the Shari`ah. The Shari`ah does not allow Muslims to rape or sodomize people in any circumstance—even if it be in retaliation.

Responding to the question, a prominent Azharite scholar, Sheikh `Abdul-Majeed Subh, states:

"First of all, I would like to comment on a widely held view in the West that when a Muslim individual or even a group of Muslims make a mistake, it is said that it is Islam who calls for this. This is an unfair attitude as individual acts committed in a certain community should not be taken as proving generalizations about that community. The Christians have displaced whole villages in Southern Nigeria, however, it is not said that they have done so in the name of Christianity.

Christianity calls for mercy and love, and so does Islam. Islam urges Muslims to be merciful and kind to their fellow human beings. It does not contain any instruction calling for beheading captives or humiliating them in any way. On the contrary, it urges Muslims to observe the human rights of captives. In this context, Allah Almighty says: "And they feed, for the love of Allah, the indigent, the orphan, and the captive." (Al-Insan: 8).

It is important to note that captives in the hands of Muslims were non-Muslims. This shows that Islam is tolerant and merciful to others.

The early Muslims held a great number of the Makkan disbelievers captive during the great Battle of Badr. The Muslims treated the captives well, and, moreover, they used to give them bread to eat. Bread at that time was more superior than dates, which was the usual food the Muslims used to eat.

Furthermore, there was no prison at that time for captives. They would be taken by Muslim families as trusts in their hands [until the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) would decide what to do with them]. In fact, there are many examples in the history of Islam that show how far the Muslims, following the teachings of their religion, treated the non-Muslim captives with mercy and respect.

Guided by what is stated above, I condemn in the name of Islam and its laws that any captive be beheaded or humiliated in any way. I do not justify the reaction of the Iraqi individuals concerning beheading the American civilians. If this can be substantiated beyond all doubt, they would be quite wrong, but I want to say that worse than what they allegedly did is what the Americans have done (and are still doing) in Iraq.

Having said this, I should affirm here that the action of the Iraqis would be a reaction to the oppression the American occupation troops have perpetrated against the Iraqi people for more than a year now. So, considering the motives that led those Iraqi individuals to react in this way, blame is to be placed on the initial actions of the Americans. I am referring to their violation of the Iraqis' rights, especially those of the Iraqi detainees in the notorious Abu Ghraib prison. Those Iraqis may have been guided by the proverb that evil is to be reciprocated with evil and he who starts (inflicting evil) is to receive more blame.

I would like to draw the attention of Muslims to the fact that the Western media will take such a story (whether or not it is true) as a means of further distorting the image of Islam. This is, of course, unfair, but it is their habit to base their judgments on biased criteria. It is part of their adherence in following whims and injustice on which the ongoing war in Iraq is based."

Moreover, the eminent Muslim scholar and renowned Da`i Sheikh `Abdel Khaliq Hasan Ash-Shareef adds:

"We, Muslims, have a religion that governs all our actions and reactions at all times and under all circumstances. All our actions are to be judged according to what Allah the Almighty dictates. In our present context, we must keep in mind the legal maxim, "There should be no retaliation except in reciprocity, and there should no punishment except through what Allah legislates."

The crusaders who were captured by the Muslim army were astonished because of the very kind treatment meted out by the Commander of the Muslim armies, Saladin. He treated the captives well despite the fact that the crusaders used to humiliate any Muslim who was captured by them. Saladin removed their astonishment with his famous saying:


In Islam, manners and morals are part and parcel of the Islamic creed. It is for this reason that Islam TOTALLY PROHIBITS abusing, insulting and reviling any prisoner of war, let alone slaying him like a sheep!.

Here, I would like to state that the ones who behead civilians, have violated the teachings of Islam and are surely sinful. Such an act CAN NEVER BE justified as an Islamic act, but rather it is an act that stems from sheer ignorance of Islam and its teachings.

Islam, being the divinely revealed religion that calls for good manners and kind treatment of all people, prohibits and totally condemns such actions. This is the true Islamic ruling irrespective of those who have acted contrary to it.

Having stated the above, I should further assert that all Iraqis should take care of foreign civilians who they might capture at any Iraqi location. It is prohibited to leave these foreign civilians to meet their fate due to their wounds. It is also prohibited for any Iraqi to rape any American or foreign woman in retaliation.

Throughout the course of Islamic history, Muslims were the best examples of good treatment in all the non-Muslim lands which they entered. This runs counter to what the Americans are actually doing in Iraq. It is not even the character of the true Muslims to base their reactions on ignorant or transitory acts done by others against them. This can never be taken as a pretext or justification for a Muslim to behead civilians."


here is an audio i just noticed

moses 08 February 2005 10:07 PM

have a read its important too

Name Muhammad - Canada
Title Even in Retaliation… Ethics Must Be Honored

Question What is the Islamic ruling regarding violating the rights of the Iraqi detainees and prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison and elsewhere in Iraq? Can Muslims do the same when they detain the Americans and the British? Muslim women are systematically raped. Can the Iraqi fighters rape any American or British female soldier in retaliation? Please explain in detail.

Date 12/May/2004

Sheikh Ahmad Kutty

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

Dear questioner, we are greatly pleased to receive your question which shows the confidence you place in us. May Allah reward you abundantly for your interest in knowing the teachings of Islam!

Islam totally condemns all kinds of abuse done against POWs and detainees. They are human beings who should be treated with due respect and care. This is the Islamic way—to deal with all people as human beings who should be treated humanely irrespective of their religious affiliation. Even in case of retaliation in war time, there are ethics that a Muslim must honor.

Responding to the question, Sheikh Ahmad Kutty, a senior lecturer and Islamic scholar at the Islamic Institute of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, states the following:

"I don’t think Muslims are allowed to indulge in those kinds of heinous acts perpetrated by the Americans and the British against Iraqis. By doing so they will be stooping to their level.

While stating this, however, I do not mean to say that the Iraqis are not allowed to retaliate; they are certainly allowed to do so in a just measure. Occupation is wrong; they have every right to repel the occupiers and force them to leave using all measures that are permissible.

While fighting the occupiers and retaliating, Iraqis, as Muslims, must always do so only within the permissible limits prescribed by the Shari`ah. The Shari`ah does not allow Muslims to rape or sodomize people in any circumstance—even if it be in retaliation.

By keeping to the higher moral ground and holding steadfastly to our values and ethics in war time, Muslims will be blessed by the victory from Allah against their oppressors. We must never despair of Allah’s help if we hold firmly to our principles. Allah has assured us in the Qur’an that He will hear the cry of the oppressed and will grant them victory in His own time. Let us therefore turn to Allah in humility and beseech His help against the oppressors."


some more

gravelexpress 08 February 2005 10:39 PM

The killing of civilians deliberate or otherwise can never be condoned.

I am not a pacifist but I have been reading a lot of weblogs on Iraq recently.

Here is one that has much of the current affairs yes it is grim and sad and most people dont want to know.
I can remember doing my time in Bosnia a long time ago - but it was nothing compared to the tragedy of Iraq/Palestine/Afganistan/Darfur etc etc

and heres a link for Moses
Its the backdrop to a small events that may make you think more of your brother man than "just some american soldiers that deserved to die"

moses 08 February 2005 10:46 PM

thanks for the links gravel

truly touching mate and i do agree, i feel for their families bud, to loose your children even if their soldiers.

parents forget, their children went to war coz of bushs policy for oil and to pls the neocons and zionists and to take control of the middle east

and their children went their to butcher people ,thats what war is, they know this when their children join the army and are sent.

i pray for their families , i really do bud, but also pray for the victoms of the dead soldiers, who else is gonna cry for them, their the forgotten people, the cannon fodder.

im a muslim as u know bros, i also know what can make a kind and loving man into a terrorist, i believe u know that too mate, when u go mad, u become something else and want revenge, any means necessary.

some people loose their children to a murderer and they became vigilantes and butcher social parasites, that same person was a loving father a husband and a family man, the loss of his child makes him mental and he wants revenge and justice and will do evil things to these people who are scumbags and thieves etc and murderers, same with these people who become freedomfighers and some extreme terrorists.

one palestinian guy said

i quote
" israelis have f-16's and apache helicopters, my body is my apache helicopter.

we have no army, i am an army( my body) "

FASTER MIKE!! 08 February 2005 10:56 PM

Originally Posted by moses
beheading is a merciful way, doesnt take long, its an art of respect

i'm sorry but after seeing one is anything BUT. its all propergander zarqawi enjoys doing it, your right in saying its a scrifice, but he still videos them and then parades the head. PURE EVIL and hes not even from iraq like most of his henchmen the whole thing is fuked up


gravelexpress 08 February 2005 11:26 PM

those executions were designed to terrify the west and shock us.

On that account they succeed.

However, and this where I think you are really flawed Moses -

Besides 1500 Combat fatalities
the US/British/ Western coalition etc have not really been touched

How many Iraqi civilians have perished in the car bombings and terror tactics.
OH And these are the people that I cry for the most - A 2 year old girl lying in a hospital bed with her arms blown off caused by "collateral damage" or "insurgent" car bombs - is something we dont have to contend with in our country - WE ARE SO BLOODY LUCKY.

This includes the abduction of the mentally ill to be used as suicide bombs. I am suprised that anyone can put the same "Freedom Fighter" status on these murdering animals. I cant imagine many Iraqis agreeing that these groups are helping there cause.

It seems to bear little in relationship to that in the Palestine and seems more akin to what Pol Pot wished to accomplish in Laos/Cambodia. BACK TO YEAR ZERO.

moses 09 February 2005 07:50 PM

i def agree with u gravel, this guy is a sick man, he dont give a damn who he kills, he has killed more fellow muslims than anyone else, he even beheaded turks, pakistanis and egyptians etc and iraqis

and alot of foreign civilians

i dont know whats gonna happen in iraq, lets say when the usa do get their ass kicked and leave and so does the rest, that place is still gonna be a mess the way its going, i doubt it will be able to be controlled, i see no way at all, its totally crazy mate

faster mike, do doubt zarqawi is an evil *******, in his vids he has given the choice to the invading army, to leave or he is gonna behead, where is the enjoyment, he has gone mad and till he wins and defeats the enemy, he is gonna kill soldiers and innocents till he achieves it or dies himself

the guy has lost it, or maybe he wanted to be more famous than osama, he makes osama look like a pet dog

FASTER MIKE!! 10 February 2005 12:05 AM

Originally Posted by moses
the guy has lost it, or maybe he wanted to be more famous than osama, he makes osama look like a pet dog

you could be right on both accounts there mate, no same man can carry on like him. osama gets other people to do his crimes like hitler pol pot stalin etc


gsm1 10 February 2005 01:16 AM

It seems to bear little in relationship to that in the Palestine and seems more akin to what Pol Pot wished to accomplish in Laos/Cambodia. BACK TO YEAR ZERO.
gravel, I agree with much of what you say but none of this was happening before the invasion for oil. If anything can be compared to Pol Pot's vision, the guy who was supported by the USA and the UK, it's Blair and Bush's ideology - as far as they are concerned 100k dead Iraqis (and 500,000 dead Iraqi children) are worth it.

Taff107 10 February 2005 08:54 AM

Originally Posted by moses

beheading is a merciful way, doesnt take long, its an art of respect

unlike shooting them with rockets and fire all over their body, and rooftops in kids and woman and people

and alot of them get crippled and are useless in their daily lives and die a painful death as well

americans are the cowards here.

beheading the enemy soldier is an act of mercy to them than torturing them like in abu ghraib

zarqawi is an evil man who picks on innocents and soldiers, i have no probs with him beheading an american soldier the enemy the invader but everything against him killing innocents.

zarqawi feeds the enemy and clothes them and does not pee over them or make them eat their sh1t and makes them commit sinful acts like sex on their fellow man , he feeds them and clothes them and then beheads them.

In the number of years that I've been on Scoobynet, this has got to be the biggest load of gibberish (both in content and grammatically) that has ever been posted. Moses and his side-kick gsm, believe only what their twisted little minds allow them to believe.

Tiggs 10 February 2005 09:18 AM

Originally Posted by Taff107
In the number of years that I've been on Scoobynet, this has got to be the biggest load of gibberish (both in content and grammatically) that has ever been posted. Moses and his side-kick gsm, believe only what their twisted little minds allow them to believe.

hard to tell if he's stupid/evil/misguided or all the above

popeye 10 February 2005 10:15 AM

Originally Posted by moses
beheading is a merciful way, doesnt take long, its an art of respect

Do you want to explain this a little more? How is keeping someone captive for weeks, whilst they can't sleep at night through ****ting themselves with fear at what is about to happen to them "merciful"? Why is videoing them begging for their lives, and then their gruesome death "respectful", knowing full well that the entire world will be able to watch their last, sobbing, desperate moments on the internet? How is that "respectful" to their families? Sorry - I'm genuinely lost here - how exactly is sawing someones head off and filming it anything other than an act of disgusting savagery?

Taff107 10 February 2005 11:15 AM

Originally Posted by Tiggs
hard to tell if he's stupid/evil/misguided or all the above

...I'd go for the 'all' option, Tiggs.
.....................It won't be long until gsm will chip in with his nonsense too......

gsm1 10 February 2005 12:20 PM

Moses and his side-kick gsm, believe only what their twisted little minds allow them to believe.
Sorry, do you want to elaborate? Why are you referring to me?

I've never called for the death of anyone, mate. But I remember your previous postings about wanting to slaughter Iraqis and the rest. You also said Iraqis that had been abused by British troops should keep their mouths shut or get more of the same. And you call me twisted? Go w*nk over your gun collection.

gsm1 10 February 2005 12:21 PM

Originally Posted by Taff107
...I'd go for the 'all' option, Tiggs.
.....................It won't be long until gsm will chip in with his nonsense too......

If it's nonsense why don't you use your ape brain to counter it?

Sorry if I burst your little bubble of a world.

moses 10 February 2005 03:16 PM

Originally Posted by FASTER MIKE!!
you could be right on both accounts there mate, no same man can carry on like him. osama gets other people to do his crimes like hitler pol pot stalin etc


yep it has to be, someone who goes on and kills anyone , doesnt matter who it is, kids, elderly and fellow muslims and any civilian, surely he is gone nuts, like i said, he makes osama look like a puppy and makes osama look merciful, this man is totally lost it.

i swear in my short life i aint seen anyone as determined as this guy or a ruthless killer killing his own and other civilians specially when it should be against the military but not any civilian.

taff whatever u say, if it matters that is :rolleyes:

your the one with the narrow mind and a feeble brain

your life is easily worked out, eat, ****e and drink and maybe have a wee shag on the side, thats your life, its sick and sad aint it, u dont see it any other way

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