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turbo bob 26 April 2003 07:34 PM

mines here o the 15th of may, better all hope that the sars virus doesnt interfear....

p.s scottishcooby,id be up for an edinburgh meet

[Edited by turbo bob - 4/26/2003 7:38:56 PM]

scotishscooby 26 April 2003 08:13 PM

Same as me mate!! Worked it out that it will dock round about 14th june!!!!!
Ages away!! Not the guys at JVS fault tho. Cant fault them in any way. Fuken japs!!!!!!

andyr 27 April 2003 09:28 AM

Yeah, not good but can't be helped. Hopefully I'll get me car before summer's over !

scotishscooby 27 April 2003 03:02 PM

We can go to the pub and cry together then!!!!!!

coulty 28 April 2003 12:41 AM

hey you two
me also waiting for my car from JVS, stuck with your two still in poor white sti :(
I'll cry with you two

scotishscooby 28 April 2003 09:06 PM

Theres a lot of us waiting then!!
Thats meena there will be mad rush of Scoobys hiting the town in June when the arrive!!!

JVSImpreza 29 April 2003 12:18 PM

I'm so sorry guys! I cant belive that all your cars were the ones hit with a delay (Except you turbo bob you jammy git ;) ) As for a meet, its a great idea. We are gonna do a BBQ type affair soon as the weather gets better so we can maybe tie it in with a meet!!

PS We are going to supply Miller oils Octane Plus very shortly(There might even be a few bottles in your cars when the eventually get here ;) )

All the best

SiPie 29 April 2003 12:31 PM

We are going to supply Miller oils Octane Plus very shortly
Don't do it Andy, get some NF instead :D and you are nice and close to home for me so could guarantee you repeat business......

Go on.....You know it makes sense ;)


JVSImpreza 29 April 2003 12:34 PM

Its a done deal m8. Millers is good stuff. Just dont let turbo bob drink it :D

SiPie 29 April 2003 01:20 PM

Just dont let turbo bob drink it
= LOL :D

Don't think it would do him much harm... Greig was saying he's been trying to poison him for 4 years now and still he shows no sign of deteriorating ;):D

JVSImpreza 29 April 2003 01:29 PM

Nitro Bob


Dougster 29 April 2003 05:19 PM

How about a EBH meet down towards North Berwick and have a bbq on the beach some sunny night??

Don't know the area that well but would be prepared to come through if something was organised.

Could use some of the Millers to start the fire. :)

LG John 29 April 2003 05:44 PM

We could go to Yellowcraigs beach which is at Dirleton just next to NB. To get there most of us would get to drive the imfamous 'fuel surge road' which is easily one of the most awesome stretches of road in the country :D

Dougster 29 April 2003 05:52 PM

Been down that road with AndyF and it wasn't fuel that was surging!!! :D

LG John 29 April 2003 06:06 PM

Been down that road with AndyF and it wasn't fuel that was surging
Me too :) It was my bowels that were surging that time :D I recall how we overtook a line of 3 sunday drivers like they weren't even there. Zip, waaaaaaa, tsh, back in :D

scotishscooby 29 April 2003 08:15 PM

Yelow Craigs sounds good like. That road is a great drive as long as u dont out break your self on the blind right then left!!!

AndyJVS, sounds good bout the OB!! If its good **** ill be back for more!!

sg72 29 April 2003 10:31 PM

Never on a Sunday!

sg72 29 April 2003 11:29 PM

Sounds good though.(kinda local) Count me in for that defo.

andyr 30 April 2003 12:26 AM

Can't the boost on the engine in the boat be turned up ? I thought all boat engines were turbo motors these days LOL !
Surely just a little bit more won't do any harm and it might knock a day or 2 off the sailing time.
If not then it's pedal power to work and back for me for the next month and 1/2.

turbo bob 02 May 2003 09:17 PM

il drink it if its free!

RichS 05 May 2003 10:58 AM

Thank you very much for mentioning Pentland kart_man :D
How are you anyway? :)

I'm in Edinburgh - often to be seen toddling about in a dirty silver MY00...

kart_man 06 May 2003 01:44 PM

Hi Rich,

I'm doing good. Busy at work, but that's never likely to change, so I'll just get on with it !

Haven't seen you on here for a while - been busy too ??

There's a meet coming together on Saturday (4pm) if you fancy coming along. Stable bar, Mortonhall ?? The more the merrier ! Bring some bargains with you and you might even get some business ;) (and allocate all the drinks to the marketing budget ??)


RichS 06 May 2003 04:46 PM

Hey Dave

Like you, I've been busy with work...

Unfortunately I'll be away this weekend. (Got a wedding to go to in Worcester.)

I *really* should make the effort to get to more meets though - just seem to keep missing them with various other things on. :(

Will look out for the next one... :)

andyr 06 May 2003 05:56 PM

Bu66er I'll be away - in sunny Italy :) It's a hard life ! Hopefully once I return and then my WRX appears from the land of the rising sun I'll get to a meet in the not too distant future.

scotishscooby 13 May 2003 09:07 PM

Great news guys.
Got an email from Andy at JVS 2day telling me that my Scooby DID make the first boat!!
Arrives THIS Sunday!!
How chuffed am i!!!!!
Will be on the road at the start of June.

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