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AllanB 29 October 2002 10:37 PM

I'm definitely interested but I won't be bringing my Subaru just my Charade GTti. have a few Charade owning mates who would be up for this and some friends in the Celica GTOC also.

I's also echo Davids comments that i'm not interested in joining in with a group of nutters, Having attended a few SIDC track days these nutters seem rare but have seen a few silly things at track days which would make me less inclined to participarte.

How about a track day virgins day for those wnating to find thier feet ?


CraigH 29 October 2002 10:39 PM

Numptie :rolleyes:

The whole issue of Imprezas only came about by a few faceless posters - and changed the SIDC trackday scene for the worse ever since.

Regarding you pinning this whole issue on Arron - don't be such a fool - this has been going on for a long time. If procedures/rules don't evolve they get stale - SIDC has gone stale - no new ideas, trying to keep everything within the family - how many members are paying £30 pa? 2-3000? Benefits? Reduced costs from certain suppliers. Well produced monthly mag. A few track days. Anything else? No - Scoobynet offers more and it's FREE. SO MANY people objected to their proposed new track day rules - and the ones that were for it - well, where are they now?

Arron hasn't screwed this up for a lot of people -it's been done internally.

As to the answer on a postcard? Probably cos very few people go on the site.

I've got nothing but praise for the committee of SIDC btw - as I do for any BBS that's run by people in their spare time - however - if the ideas are regressing the club/suggestions are falling on deaf ears etc then I'll voice my opinion.

Going back on topic - this was supposed to be an effort to see how many people were gneuinely interested in doing trackdays.

So it's less than 10% of those that have read the post :rolleyes:

I could almost side with Lee if I didn't think he was living in the dark ages ;)

ARRON BIRD 29 October 2002 10:42 PM

Numptie does that make you feel better????
What utter bo11ox and you know it.
Read all the posts regarding the track day and read what people really think.
Most of them like myself were up for a good day only for it (for no warnig and no apparent reason) being cancelled. I dont blame any one person as to be quite frank I couldnt give a rats ar5e.
We can do track days with other organisations.
If you need to blame someone blame me if it makes you all feel better.

ARRON BIRD 29 October 2002 10:47 PM

Oh and before you try blaming me for even more crap if it wasnt for me voicing my opinion I doubt this event would have even been given another chance.
If it gets pulled off I expect some thanks!!!!

[Edited by ARRON BIRD - 10/29/2002 10:49:23 PM]

ARRON BIRD 29 October 2002 10:55 PM

I`d also like to say that if I`m not welcome for merely making some valid suggestions send me my money back so I can spend it else where.
Your doing me no favours.
I dont ask for anything from the SIDC.
Just cos I`m getting another Subaru tomorrow dont expect all owners to want to join the SIDC. It doesnt interst me.
I have met some good guys at the previous track days and have enjoyed some great after track banter. For me it makes it all the more enjoyable.
But I can use other organisations as can all the other track day fans. We choose to spend the money with the SIDC to help support them as the track day is also VERY good value at that price.
Dont forget I didnt advertise it!!!!!
I didnt say it was booking up nicely and then I didnt cancel it!!!
GET a grip and chill out.
The posts pretty much echo what I have said!!!

[Edited by ARRON BIRD - 10/29/2002 11:01:09 PM]

Numptie 29 October 2002 11:12 PM

OK, at the risk of being a victim of the old 'out of context' counter ...

But I can use other organisations as can all the other track day fans
Yup, can't disagree ...

... but ...

... there was a television program this evening which I thought was nonsense. I didn't go public with accusations that all involved in its production were incompetents / charlatans ... I changed channel.

See what my problem is ?

ARRON BIRD 29 October 2002 11:18 PM

Funny that Numptie dumptie but I dont think I did either.
You have it all wrong. I sugest you learn to read. I WOULD have taken this day on with a couple of others on this BBS with a little more notice . You better believe it.
Why did the SIDC not post LAST SIDC TRACK DAY!!!!
Might have got a better response.

Numptie 29 October 2002 11:25 PM

... Numptie dumptie ...
OK, whatever - this is going nowhere.


johnfelstead 29 October 2002 11:26 PM

Numptie, you got this one wrong mate.

Chris has his own reasons for resigning, it has nothing to do with Arron. I had a chat with Chris earlier because i was hoping the guy could make things better for everyone and i was hoping to change his mind. He knows what the score is as regards track events and he has a knack of making things happen.

I am sure chris will post his own thoughts in due course on the matter.

Numptie 29 October 2002 11:29 PM

Point taken John.

... bit of a coincidence though ? ... completely unrelated ?

ARRON BIRD 29 October 2002 11:32 PM

Thanks John. I also thought Chris was a sorted guy and was looking forward to a thrash in his Cossie if it didnt fall to pieces ;)Numptie have you ever heard of humour. Dont take things so seriousley.
Go on abuse me as much as you like I can take it.
Wht take this board so matter of fact. People are just trying to voice their opinions. If their opinions arnt reqd then close down the BBS.
At least I dont post replies about who is interested in track days with ahh yes I am but I dont even drive a car cos I`m not old enough. Look at some of the replies to this post.

Numptie 29 October 2002 11:34 PM


johnfelstead 29 October 2002 11:46 PM

completly unrelated to the threads on this BBS Numptie. It's unfair of me to say any more on the matter.

Hoppy 29 October 2002 11:50 PM

I hope Chris will reconsider his position, and wish him well.

We should learn from the past and move on...

I enjoy SIDC track days the most, and I will be at Bedford.

I don't think cars of differing performance are a problem.

**** drivers are a problem, but they cannot be judged by the make/model of car they drive. Good briefings and use of the black flag will sort them out.

Cheers guys, and let's keep this debate above the personal. You know who you are - just stop it NOW. No more 'final words' 'cos it doesn't help. Just shut it. Please.

See you at Bedford :)


[Edited by Hoppy - 10/29/2002 11:56:08 PM]

Numptie 30 October 2002 12:05 AM

John - message received and understood.

Richard - was it me being personal and posting 'final words' ?

Phil 30 October 2002 12:09 AM

Can we all have a big group hug when we get to Bedford ;)

:) Scooby drivers first of course :)

sidclisa 30 October 2002 12:15 AM

A group hug.

I will do anything to keep warm ;)

David_Wallis 30 October 2002 02:21 AM

Chris... dont... please... it needs someone like yourself... then again you obviously have reasons... so ill shut up...

Youll see my rear bumper on track soon :p


gossythevaleter 30 October 2002 08:30 AM

I have to agree with most people on this 1, I would be happy to do track days with the sidc i am a member for what its worth.
IMHO the only way track days are going to book in this day and age is to make them open to all marques.

I suggest you keep a close eye on people and if they act like idiots on track BAN em or impose a fine or something maybe this way they wont be idiots

CHRIS dont resign. I know you took some stick including from me allthough it wasnt meant directly at you i needed to put a point across along with a lot of other people so i will stand up like a man and apologise to you on this very puplic forum to say iam sorry. Now on Bended Knees groveling


For what its worth i had noticed more track days being advertised its just they all seemed to hup north could we not have a few further down south please ;)

dba 30 October 2002 09:00 AM

"dba, StanS....with your help this event can still go ahead it is not cancelled, just get booked up!

Stop talking the talk and walk the walk! "

eh!? If i do this one after 3 track days in October i will be minus nuts,wife and child and living in a shed.I walk the walk when the wife lets me! Next year for me,but I understand your enthusiasm.

davyboy 30 October 2002 09:01 AM

No drama, I just want this event to go offence ;)

dba 30 October 2002 09:35 AM

me,drama?! :D

CraigH 30 October 2002 10:17 AM


Out of this thread.

It's fair to deduce that 50% of people posted and slagged eachother off
30% have no interest but decide to post even though they don't have any interest
5% are interest.
15% posted 8ollox.

Quite a variety ;)

Carlos The Jackel 30 October 2002 10:35 AM


who is GENUINELY interested? All marque repliesplease
how many people actually JUST answered the question? Why cant people just answer the question?LOL:D instead its a debate! I am NOT interested as i don't have a car anymore and id go through to many pairs of trainers!:D

gregh 30 October 2002 10:37 AM

Chelsie-Bun 30 October 2002 12:30 PM

As long as there's no MAX kids there with there Max cars.
I work with a guy whos in to that and what he told me i would not repeat, but this guy lost a friend,

most MAX racers like the car park racing (multi storie).

We on here hopfully are a lot safer and we want the track days to stay safe ;) know what i meen Just keep the idiots OUT....

Chel xxx

Josh L 30 October 2002 03:07 PM

Sadly, the only people who'll lose out in the end is the SIDC, and Mellow's departure just makes things worse.

From a personal point of view, I'm not sure why he chose to resign since none of the current problems are of his making, and if anyone has the same enthusiasm for trackdays as Stef, it's Chris. I only really met him properly for the first time time on Saturday, but he was full of aspirations and enthusiasm for Bedford (as well as Millers). Bummer :(


speedstermick 30 October 2002 03:41 PM

yes count me in. thanks mick. 96 prodrive waggon.

CraigH 30 October 2002 09:14 PM


Don't make such sweeping statements.

If I chose to bring along a £500 R5 turbo would I be a dangerous idiot?

Scoobynet Elitism oh yes :rolleyes:

Danny Fisher 30 October 2002 09:35 PM

Craig, do you really want some of us to answer that question. It doesnt matter 'WHAT' you drive... :D


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