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TurboKitty 18 September 2002 08:01 PM

OK so I'm a bit late into this thread but still...

I'd never let a man pay for everything on a first date, whether it was a blind date or otherwise. That's partly not wanting to take the pi$$ and partly not wanting to give him grounds to expect anything of me. I'd probably not let him pay for everything for the first few dates, unless he really was insistent and I felt comfortable with him.

If it's any consolation, men can be just as confusing. I had a blind date about a month or so ago - just a drink in a local pub. It went well and we arranged a second date. However, I managed to scare him off before we got to the second date and he sent me an SMS saying he couldn't make it, (with the implication he didn't want to reschedule). I replied saying fair enough and left it at that. Then a few days ago I got another SMS from him saying would it be OK if we met up again? Apparently he'd thought about it and realised he didn't give it a chance. [Cynic mode on] That or he just got desperate enough [/Cynic mode off].

paulr 18 September 2002 09:09 PM

Sent her a couple of txt msgs yesterday and no reply. Hmmmm, what's going on I wonder?
Anyway, text msg just arrived and we're currently in discussions about were to go. Appears she ran out of credit - fair does, we've all done it.
Just waiting for reply msg
All these text messages...wouldnt you be better just ringing her up....surely you can get a better "feel" for how its going by talking to her direct:)......or maybe i'm just old-fashioned:rolleyes:

drumsterphil 18 September 2002 09:24 PM

Yeah, there is merit to this point. Probably seems like I'm dithering but the txt msg seems to be the apt way of sorting all this out.

She's just replied and it's 50/50 whether she's gonna be available this weekend. It's her final week at work so socialising with work people is the other option for her.

And before someone says 'Why not go with her?', I'm not going out with her yet and some 'quality' time spent together is really whats need to figure out what's going on. Will know soon whether anything's gonna happen.

Still can't believe this thread is still running (neither can we, say the masses! haha) :)

Rusty Festa 18 September 2002 09:32 PM

Be careful - sounds like you are getting attached to something that will never happen. Especially if she is going back overseas.

Could be worth being just good friends, but then you may end up kicking yourself for not giving it a go before its too late

Sorry, not much help am I :rolleyes:

drumsterphil 18 September 2002 09:42 PM

Yeah, here what your saying - kinda came out wrong!

Just playing it by ear, not hoping for much but always mindful of the possibility of something progressing. There's no guarantee that she won't be allowed back and if she is, and we get on, then who knows. My colleague has known her most of her life and the way she's acting is promising.

With other threads that are happening at moment, there's a fair amount of people looking for someone (obvious, I know!). When you've been single for a long time, the possibility of meeting someone who you get a hint could actually care about you is a very strong one - and rational thought is not always easy to keep in mind. People, who've had bad experiences, often shy away from the thought of happiness - it's worthwhile looking at things from a positive perspective (as long as you don't get carried away).

Jodster 19 September 2002 11:03 AM

Every South African man I've met has always said avoid South African women. I'm no doubt going to upset a few people saying this but apparently they are <quote on> needy, selfish, bank raiders </quote off>.

Good luck and keep us posted.

Makalu 19 September 2002 11:07 AM

Why did she tell you about her 'pertner' thirty minutes before the end of the date? Had you just asked her for a shag?

Re the drinks thing - maybe she was expecting you to 'pay' for everything else too...


matt.bowey 19 September 2002 12:25 PM

really pi$$eS me off when the woman expects to be paid for!

Been out with plenty of them.....! never again!!

DJ Dunk 19 September 2002 12:27 PM

Just remember the rule . . . .

Don't Feed The Pigeons ;)

Mice_Elf 19 September 2002 12:28 PM


The very least she could have done is OFFERED, even if you had declined the offer.

drumsterphil 19 September 2002 07:50 PM

Every South African man I've met has always said avoid South African women. I'm no doubt going to upset a few people saying this but apparently they are <quote on> needy, selfish, bank raiders </quote off>.
Seems every man I've spoken to today thinks thats a suitable phrase for all women (not just south africans)!!

I'm saying nothing.................hehe ;):D

drumsterphil 19 September 2002 07:54 PM

Why did she tell you about her 'pertner' thirty minutes before the end of the date? Had you just asked her for a shag?
Nope I hadn't, but I wouldn't say it wasn't on my mind.;)

Actually, I think she wanted to come clean and probably figured that Beth (my colleague) had told me anyway.

Re the drinks thing - maybe she was expecting you to 'pay' for everything else too...
Ooh, Harsh m8!!;)

[Edited by drumsterphil - 9/19/2002 7:56:33 PM]

Ian Griffiths 22 September 2002 02:00 PM

So she didn't buy the drinks and didn't have credit on her phone either? Get someone in IT :D ;)

Rusty Festa 28 September 2002 09:01 AM

Gone a bit quiet drumsterphil :confused:

drumsterphil 28 September 2002 02:58 PM

Lets just say that I've given up!!:(

Was meant to be going out tonight but alas she can't be arsed to confirm details, so I think I can safely take the hint that it's a no-go.

Oh well, plenty more fish in the sea!:rolleyes:.............

Rusty Festa 28 September 2002 07:52 PM

never mind eh, now you can spend your cash on mods rather than on buying drinks for the ungrateful woman ;)

take it easy, RF :cool:

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