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Gear Head 30 August 2011 03:02 PM

Originally Posted by Chip (Post 10211274)

Oh the irony. :lol1:

Jack, are you real? Or are you an undercover Apple employee? May be you are one of many that are sent to infiltrate every corner of the globe to convince people that they need Apple in their lives.....honest?


Wurzel 30 August 2011 03:12 PM

Originally Posted by Gear Head (Post 10211281)

Jack, are you real? Or are you an undercover Apple employee?


I think he is a wind up merchant who gets a kick out of baiting people, maybe he is one of PSLewis's alter egos.

He shows more alligence and spouts more BS about Apple than any die hard football fan does about their own team. I can't believe anyone could possible cream their pants more than he does about Apple. :D

Cannon Fodder 30 August 2011 03:47 PM

From my own point of view I find that Apple products do what I need without problem, let me explain myself.

Having used and owned computers since 1982 I have owned Commodore (Vic 20, 64 and an Amiga 1200), Amstrad (CPC464 and 6128), virtually every variation of PC (286,386,486,486DX and then various Athlons and then back to a Q6600) with every Windows OS (95,98,98SE,2000,Millenium,XP Home & Pro, Vista and 7).

I have built my own PC systems after the 486DX and have been built to be the best and most powerful at the time but I've found that over time I've gotten cheesed off with Windows and what is it's greatest strength and weakness; it's ability to allow the builder to mix and match the components used in the build plus also allowing for future upgrades as well.

I think that with Apple rigidly controlling the hardware and OS (unlike Windows where MS have no real control over the hardware) it means that everything works or should without fuss or drama. Back in the day I can remember I/O conflicts within Windows when a new shiny piece of hardware was installed and it could be a real pain in the @rse to resolve.

I recently installed Windows 7 Ultimate onto my Samsung NC10 and I then removed all the flashy options that would slow down the NC10, but I also had to spend a further 5 hours updating the install including a massive service pack.

I own an iPhone 4 and an iPad 2 and when funds allow I will be buying an Apple system of some description either laptop or desktop as I just want something I can switch on and it works first time and without fuss.

I've done the whole PC thing to the Nth degree but now I just want a computer that works, and if I have to pay a premium to do it then so be it. :)

jonc 30 August 2011 04:26 PM

Yes but I'm sure you'll get similar issues if you tried to do an OS upgrade on a Mac; you'll still have to get applications that worked on an older version of OSX to work Lion as well, same goes with hardware, again have to check that the hardware is compatible with the new OS, Lion won't work on anything less that a Intel Core2 Duo for example. There are numourus reports of wifi issues for those who have upgraded their macs to OSX Lion for example.

Windows7 will run on older Core duo or a Core solo and AMD processors and Linux will run on the old Pentiums! Buying a Mac is all good and proper, but if it doesn't do what you require and there are no assurances that it will, then you're no better off than if you got a Windows or Linux PC, IMO.

ChefDude 30 August 2011 04:33 PM

I do like Lion, but am under no illusion that it's just an upgrade. they'll still be supporting 10.6.8 (9 soon) for a long while.

Gear Head 30 August 2011 04:34 PM

I have been using computers since around 1993 I believe and they have all worked when I switched them on!
I hear what you are saying about Apple not letting all and saundry to make hardware/software for their systems being a good thing in terms of reliability/compatibility. But you can't really change or upgrade anything on Apple, so we have no idea if they would be any better or worse. It is a bit like modifying your car. If something doesn't work, nobody forced you to modify it!

TelBoy 30 August 2011 04:42 PM

Never owned an i product, have no desire to either. If i wasn't surrounded by computers at work maybe i'd think differently. Life is about more than what's online. I know, i have the postcount from years past to prove it.

Cannon Fodder 30 August 2011 04:49 PM

The biggest problem with Windows certainly up to 7 anyway is that it tries to be all things to all men, how many Windows users have had the dreaded BSOD?

By implication due to all the software patches released by MS due to 'security vulnerabilities' and to fix other bugs inherent in all Windows releases it makes you (certainly me anyway) how rigid is the MS testing process before release?

I'm not saying that Apple OS's are totally secure / bug free but they certainly seem to have a far better quality control process.

I stand by to be shot down...;)

And yes I have a highly modified Spec C. :D

PaulC72 30 August 2011 06:34 PM

Each to their own, thats why we have both apple, windows products (amonst others) on the market, as if everyone only wanted apple products it would be a boring old world.

jonc 30 August 2011 11:20 PM

Originally Posted by Cannon Fodder (Post 10211452)
The biggest problem with Windows certainly up to 7 anyway is that it tries to be all things to all men, how many Windows users have had the dreaded BSOD?

By implication due to all the software patches released by MS due to 'security vulnerabilities' and to fix other bugs inherent in all Windows releases it makes you (certainly me anyway) how rigid is the MS testing process before release?

I'm not saying that Apple OS's are totally secure / bug free but they certainly seem to have a far better quality control process.

I stand by to be shot down...;)

And yes I have a highly modified Spec C. :D

When you consider that Microsoft has between 80-90% global share of the OS market, the shear number of Microsoft installations will mean that it will come across more security vulnerabilities. The quality of releases is not in question since Microsoft has very stringent controls for quality to meet the demands of their corporate customers. Inherently, Mac OS is more secure due to its Unix background, but also due to the smaller number of users. The chances of finding a security vulnerability is smaller, but it doesn't mean they don't potentially exist, it's just that they have yet to be discovered or published. Microsoft themselves and sometimes with the help of other vendors, constantly analyse their own code and patch them before anyone can maliciously take advantage of vulnerabilities. Perhaps because of this you could argue that this makes Microsoft's OS's very secure since it is continually improved. However, the problem is, nothing will ever be 100% secure, there are many out there that analyse the coding in Windows in great depth to actively seek out the vulnerabilities just because it is Microsoft and also choose Microsoft since it has the largest target audience. Mac OS will follow as more and more people buy Macs, it is inevitable. The growing market of antivirus/malware products for Macs is evidence of this. In deed many companies like Mcaffee, Symantec, Sophos etc make a lot of money because of this.

As for the BSOD, well Macs have them, their screens of death are grey or you get the dreaded beachball/pinewheel/question mark. In fact there are plenty of “the deaded” something or another in OSX too. Perhaps it doesn't occur as often as Windows. As you say, Windows tries to be all things to all men, so it will inevitably come a cropper at some point with all the infinite amount of different hardware configurations and peripherals. But IMO, that is no bad thing, it is a “by-product” of being the most popular OS that brought affordable computing to everyone around the world. Even still, I'll stick with my Linux as it still meets my needs. :thumb:

speye91 31 August 2011 12:19 AM

Fooking hell.............Geek thread alert.:D:D

DYK 31 August 2011 07:19 AM


Gear Head 31 August 2011 10:02 AM

Originally Posted by DYK (Post 10212427)


Gear Head 02 September 2011 12:44 PM

birchy2010 02 September 2011 01:03 PM

Originally Posted by Gear Head (Post 10216197)

i HAD to laugh at the suggestion of apple again losing another prototype on purpose. It is probably a well thought through strategic marketing campaign as happened with the iPhone4.

I've got rid of my last iphone for my Galaxy S2 and apple really need to raise there game in terms of camera etc on the phone and weight. the S2 feels so much lighter and slimmer than an iphone4.

Gear Head 02 September 2011 01:15 PM

But it's the 'experience' Birchy. Don't you miss it? :D

birchy2010 02 September 2011 01:48 PM

Originally Posted by Gear Head (Post 10216237)
But it's the 'experience' Birchy. Don't you miss it? :D

ermmmmmmmmmmm let me think about it for a few seconds ............... nope :lol1:

Gear Head 03 September 2011 08:00 AM

Originally Posted by birchy2010 (Post 10216280)
ermmmmmmmmmmm let me think about it for a few seconds ............... nope :lol1:

:wonder: An Apple to Android convert? I thought this was not possible? :lol1:

Cannon Fodder 03 September 2011 08:08 AM

Originally Posted by Gear Head (Post 10217245)
:wonder: An Apple to Android convert? I thought this was not possible? :lol1:

Obviously too cheap to pay for the loving embrace of iPhone ownership and decent Apps. :D

JackClark 03 September 2011 09:27 AM

Windows tries to be Ketchup, one sauce that goes with every dish, we all know that just can't work, Asparagus and Tommy Sauce, Yuck. A few will tell you that's OK but we all know they have no taste.

A Macintosh is created from start to finish as a complete gourmet meal served with iOS as a perfectly paired desert. It even comes with fine Whine from the Ketchup brigade.

birchy2010 03 September 2011 11:09 AM

Originally Posted by Cannon Fodder (Post 10217246)
Obviously too cheap to pay for the loving embrace of iPhone ownership and decent Apps. :D


i like my android, i'm a techy so i like been able to tweak rather than have to jailbreak my iphone and not be able to receive updates because of it.

JackClark 03 September 2011 11:32 AM

Originally Posted by birchy2010 (Post 10217473)

i like my android, i'm a techy so i like been able to tweak rather than have to jailbreak my iphone and not be able to receive updates because of it.

To do anything techie you have to Root your Android phone, you can do so much more with a Jailbroken iPhone.

The controls and restrictions placed by Google are quite disturbing, make Apple look open source.

Cannon Fodder 03 September 2011 11:35 AM

Originally Posted by birchy2010 (Post 10217473)

i like my android, i'm a techy so i like been able to tweak rather than have to jailbreak my iphone and not be able to receive updates because of it.

Keep this quiet, but if the iPhone 5 is too expensive an upgrade on o2 when it arrives then I might see what else is available. ;)

I paid a tidy sum in order to get the iPhone 4 (as I suspect a lot of existing iPhone owners did) on the day of release but I won't be paying through the nose again in order to buy out the remainder of my contract / pay for the upgrade. :wonder:

I am very happy with the iPhone 4 and it is a great piece of tech all joking aside, and I am looking forward to the iPhone 5 which I hope will be the next big thing in mobiles. But if the costs are prohibitive then I would have to look at jumping ship (possibly). :brickwall

Both the Android and IOS systems are very good, the only real experience I have of Android was on a Samsung Galaxy (the one that looks like a 3GS :lol1:) and it wasn't too bad; I don't know if the GUI had been tweaked to look like IOS but it did bare more than a passing resemblance. :D

I suppose the one thing about IOS and the iPhone that I like is the 'slick' appearance and how easy it is to operate, perhaps that means I might be considered superficial but who cares? :poke:

JackClark 03 September 2011 11:42 AM

Stick with your iPhone 4, I still run a two year old 3GS and it's perfect, skipping a version makes sence and unlike some other manufacturers Apple won't drop support for years.

J4CKO 03 September 2011 12:05 PM

I kind of like Apple stuff, I agree that other manufacturers got caught massively on the hop, Nokia especially, all too busy congratulating themselves over the N95 etc and they got mullered by Apple who came from nowhere, they perception must have been that they made computers for media types and poky little new age Walkmans, not phones and then the Iphone appeared, can you imagine the blood draining from the Nokia execs faces when they got hold of one.

So, the stuff is great, other manufacturers are catching up a bit but I think they will remain ahead of the curve for a while.

What I cant stand though is some of the marketing, its like Benetton and Gap, all multi cultural, happy funky bollocks, the implication you are joining some young, hip global club, it makes me sick a little bit every time I see an Apple ad, I cant stand the flourish some people employ when producing an Iphone from about their person, some adopt a body language that seems to centre around their bloody phone and start talking differently, saying "Can I get" rather than "May I Have" or "My Bad" instead of "My Mistake", some people manage to just use it as a very nice phone and not try to stretch it into a lifestyle.

The Ipad is lovely, we have one at work on test but I don't use it, I cant really see the point of it, I had an Android one and its much better than that but it doesn't stand up on the arm of the setee which is a deal breaker, the Ipad fits in a bag nicely where a laptop is bulkier but my phone does all the stuff the Ipad can and my laptop I have to take anyway.

I think I am a bit teched out and want to simplify down onto less stuff that does everything and I have to have a windows laptop for work and a work phone.

PaulC72 03 September 2011 12:06 PM

Originally Posted by JackClark (Post 10217504)
To do anything techie you have to Root your Android phone, you can do so much more with a Jailbroken iPhone.

The controls and restrictions placed by Google are quite disturbing, make Apple look open source.

Is rooting not the equivalent of jailbreaking? both you have to do things that take you away from the supplier setup, allowing you to do new things with the phone.

birchy2010 03 September 2011 12:12 PM

i did really like my 3gs and my 4 but in term of value for money my S2 is light years ahead.
Someone i work with has an iphone4 as a personal phone, and a galaxy S and loves them both. He prefers the S now as keeps trying to use the back key on his iphone ;)

JackClark 03 September 2011 12:21 PM

Value for money, sure, I'll give the Galaxy that. It's great that people who can't afford an iPhone now 'get it'

I just watched a funny thing on TV - not England - an iPad advert followed by a Zoom ad, the Zoom ad and tablet were a complete rip off of Apple. FAIL.

The Zohan 03 September 2011 12:40 PM

Originally Posted by JackClark (Post 10217303)
Windows tries to be Ketchup, one sauce that goes with every dish, we all know that just can't work, Asparagus and Tommy Sauce, Yuck. A few will tell you that's OK but we all know they have no taste.

A Macintosh is created from start to finish as a complete gourmet meal served with iOS as a perfectly paired desert. It even comes with fine Whine from the Ketchup brigade.

Have you been at the sauce???

JackClark 03 September 2011 12:53 PM

Oh come on, my analogy was original and well humoured, your retort was weak and childish. Give a bloke some credit, at least try to be original, you're the Android hardware of the Internet comeback.

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