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Steve T 24 July 2010 11:19 AM

Originally Posted by ScoobySteve69 (Post 9510077)
The problem is, if you report him and he or a traffic colleague/mate, manages to `obtain` your details, you could be in for a rough time......i.e. constantly getting pulled. A similar thing happened to someone I know and he was constantly harassed for months. As said above, probably not worth it unfortunately!!

The right thing to do is report him ,but as Scoobysteve says you will have a good chance of being harrased by them.

Trout 24 July 2010 11:24 AM

When I was driving home last night an unmarked Volvo started tanking down a line of cars - he eventually left it so late to pull back in again cars coming the other way had to brake to avoid a head on collision. Absolutely dreadful driving.

Trout 24 July 2010 11:31 AM

Originally Posted by Timwinner (Post 9510121)
so the good ones can work on gaining public trust.

Sadly Tim I fear for many it is far too late.

I would guess that if you had to attribute it I am pretty establishment, hell, one of my best friends is a magistrate. However over the years almost every encounter I have personally had with the police has been a negative one.

Ironically my only positive encounter with the police was being pulled when almost certainly doing over a ton and the copper kindly said lets call it 90mph if you take the 3 points and £60.

To combine personal experience with constant stream of stories such as the police driver killing that girl in Newcastle; or the G20 situation; or the policeman being let off doing 100mph in a 30mph zone (on his way to pick up a takeaway) does nothing to engender trust.

I would love to think that reporting the driver would make a difference, but I suspect the reporter would just suffer the harassment suggested.

chocolate_o_brian 24 July 2010 04:55 PM

Originally Posted by fatherpierre (Post 9511345)
The CPS are the biggest mystery to police there is. They are viewed with more contempt by the police than they are by the general public.

They are a brick wall on many occasions and make it impossible to operate effectively.

Most police officers were needled by their decision, but not surprised, owing to their general poor performance when we use them.

Most of them are very good, but some of them are terrible. The terrible ones are those that taint them - pretty much like the police, builders, plumbers, estate agents, etc.

I would agree with that 100%.

fast bloke 25 July 2010 12:36 AM

[quote=Trout;9511691 However over the years almost every encounter I have personally had with the police has been a negative one[/quote]Strange that - Plod often pull me over to tell me how good my driving is...... NOT. If you are involved in something that requires police intervention, it is probably going to be a negative experience.

dunx 25 July 2010 12:52 AM

Originally Posted by fast bloke (Post 9512839)
Strange that - Plod often pull me over to tell me how good my driving is......

That's just gay ! Nobody gets told anything positive...



Trout 25 July 2010 08:49 AM

Originally Posted by fast bloke (Post 9512839)
Strange that - Plod often pull me over to tell me how good my driving is...... NOT. If you are involved in something that requires police intervention, it is probably going to be a negative experience.

What utter cock!

I will give two examples.

I once was working on my car and being tired and living in an apartment I couldn't be bothered to pack all my tools away and so put them in the boot overnight. Oddly enough the only time my car ever got broken into was that night - I am sure whoever did it could see the car. I reported it to the police and got a serious interrogation and was accused of either a) lying; or b) doing it deliberately to make an insurance claim.

I fail to see why the police were making this judgement - and it wasn't that I was from a rough estate - this was an upmarket post code.

Another time I witnessed a robbery. I reported it and then spent four hours being called by various police officers. The end result was that I felt I was being treated as if I was wasting police time and frankly the police were pretty rude. It certainly left me with zero motivation to call them again.

I have other experiences but there enough here to demonstrate the utter cockness of your remark.

Westwood2006 25 July 2010 09:12 AM

I'll add another to Trout's. One time a drink driver crashed over a small roundabout centre reservation and punctured a tyre outside my home. I called the police to tell them a drunk bloke was outside my house right now changing a tyre.

He was so drunk he actually fell over several times. It took him over an hour to get the wheel changed and then drove off leaving his wheel brace behind.

Plod turned up 2 hours later and were sarcastic at me for not taking the registration number down!

Eventually I heard they caught up with him days later but couldn't pin drink driving on him because it was too late.

mervil 25 July 2010 10:49 AM

Report him!! It separates him from the decent ones then! If you start getting pulled/harassed by him or his mates, keep a log then at least you've got evidence then :thumb:

ScoobyWon't 26 July 2010 11:03 AM

Report it.

With all the cuts that are being made, they will probably use it as an excuse to get rid of the cop - to save some cash.

lilesk 26 July 2010 01:19 PM

Report it.

Although the best you can hope for is that they have a quiet word in his ear.
I once reported an artic driver harrasing a car in a 30mph limit, driving at about 1 foot from the cars rear bumper.
The policeman I spoke to on the phone said there were no laws he was breaking to do anything about it. I guess it's not black and white like jumping a red light, although if a policeman had seen it, I'm sure they would have pulled him for dangerous driving or similar.

mattvortex 26 July 2010 06:03 PM

Originally Posted by pimmo2000 (Post 9509775)
On the way home last night I was behind a police car that was in turn behind a learner .. the cop was about 3 inches from the learners bumper :cuckoo: he kept having to brake as to not hit him.

As I went to passed the cop as he was turning right he was unable to keep his car in the lane and I had to slam on.. he then continued right up behind the poor learner ..

I got the details of the cop car and the learner, should I report the cop for being a tool ?

Are you serious???

1. You have no proof whats so ever

2. The police would think you were somekind of weirdo if you rang and spouted that.

3. They woudnt give a sh1t

Aaron1978 26 July 2010 07:15 PM

Originally Posted by mattvortex (Post 9515451)
Are you serious???

1. You have no proof whats so ever

2. The police would think you were somekind of weirdo if you rang and spouted that.

3. They woudnt give a sh1t

1. If the driving instructor is contacted by the police then they might just take it seriously if he confirms the incident, also how do you know he hasn't been reported before? The proof argument might stand up if there was no one else involved.

2. Are YOU serious? Do you think police don't get complaints made about their driving:lol1:

3. You know this how? You could always just contact the police complaints commision.

You sound like the type of person that would let people walk all over you and just accept it.


Glowplug 26 July 2010 07:21 PM

Originally Posted by azz250478 (Post 9515556)
You sound like the type of person that would let people walk all over you and just accept it.


Or he is the copper that was tail-gating:Suspiciou:lol1:

Aaron1978 26 July 2010 07:28 PM

Originally Posted by b13bat (Post 9515565)
Or he is the copper that was tail-gating:Suspiciou:lol1:

More like it:lol1:

People tail-gating annoys me anyway, but a police officer doing it to a learner driver is a p*ss take. Nothing might happen this time but later down the line if someone else reports him then it might make a difference, and if someone does have a word with him it 'might' just stop him doing it to someone else.


scooby seb 26 July 2010 08:00 PM

I'd say report him, my dads a driving instructor and it's does worry me somtimes when his in the passenger seat with a complete novice no real control and with some of the idiots on the road today, a police man/women should know better, we were all learners once and all had que's of traffic behind us, be patient and hang back!

I wished i had reported some little special c*@tstable once,it was a friday night, dark and there a chip shop on a bend in town with double yellows outside but everyone used to park on them to get to the chip shop, i was only 20 and in my rs turbo which had a full stainless exhaust on it so it was a little throaty, as it was on a bend i just flicked the throttle to get past and back on my side of the road, i did not wheel spin, i lifted as soon as i was passed the cars and just plodded up the hill, when some prick dressed all in black decided to jump out in front of me(the c*@tstable) who decided to tell me i was driving like an idiot and he would be the 1st TO LAUGH AT ME WHEN THEY FIND ME DEAD IN A DITCH!!!!!!!!! nice bloke, ok i could of slowly crawled past i know but i just wanted out the situation now i could understand if i was pulled every week and being a pest but in the 3 yrs i had that car i never got tugged once, he did'nt think to go and do all the people parked on double yellows on a bend!!!!!

so do the right thing and drop him in the ****e:thumb:

As for the unmarked cars goading people,an old work college of mine lost his liecense for 2 weeks like that, he was in his 50's and at the time the traffic dept round here had a real old ****ty vauxhal carlton, he was driving home from work down the bypass in his saph cos and they just kept roaring up his ass until he got pi55ed off and pulled away from them then they decided to light thier front grill up:rolleyes:

Leslie 27 July 2010 12:35 PM

The only problem is that if you did report him and he was done for it, as someone said, you would be a marked man!


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